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The Holcorab ptrjury case taken to Hills Lale county on a charge or venue ir.uu Jrtson county, lesultcd ia a verdict ol not gullt; The verdict tras n Krent surprise as it vas thought the Jury wool 1 dlsagrée or The Crouch detectives trlll continue to nulo: inyestigations with u view to di-covcrih morderers. Ex-Gov. Blalr sny.s Jud will be trieJ for morder. A brother OÍ Dr. WLite, the Battle CreeV tiend, bas been found living six milcj frora Flint. The brother, John Whiie. Is vciv ill nnd faas not been apprised of bis brotm-r'! i riuie. The doctor was not on friendlv icnn? with.liis brother, and all cÖtnmunfcaUou jjtween the two ceased years ajo. t B. Mortou, :m old resident of Adrián died siuMeuly'on the 12th oí pnean.o. la. li iras an old soldier and a prominent inéuitk.r ol the (. A. R. V. E. Stevens, cashier of the First Nati ma: i ank ol Pbw Paw, is a defaolterto tbc amou ol T,00O. He bas turnc.1 in liis bank tto.U oi elghteen Bharea at $100 por thare an 1 yive;i : chatt 1 cuortgaifo on all bis personal nroci-; , whlch leaves a balance of $.',500. H :; b lieve i that Thomas L. Stevens of Nilcs. liis nncle, ill make all good. llis boiulsmi wcre Sqnire l'u.slcy anJ E. O. ürijiirs, ntc signed hi i)inils leven years ago,antl ho an both iliMil now. Tbc sapreme eourt rotuseil the appUcatloi oí T. B. Barry, on trial In K:ist Baglnaw foi bis connectlonVlth tbc recent strike int;c Saiinaw Valley. The conrt did propci to Interferí at tliis time anü stop a lri:il, after be had been iirforüied ag.ünst auJ the case ready. The chicf jutkv atsq .ntimated that the court waa o the oplnlo.i tliat t ie polnt in the applieation wai not nel. laken and thut the 1 nv was :11 rlght, and aUl that il Barry was con viete I hls ias conld be taken up on ei ror and seti h'iiA.H. ShennaD, vlce pre g'dent of the Plumt & Lewls manufatturing coi)any oi Gtaa ïapids, is onder arrestcbarged vrttta cmbez.le nu ut. The treasury department bas ordere i l'ost master Copland of Detroit lo r.-c ( n ■- 1 owneri of property on the new public building s!t: to repare lo vaeate, a buÜdlng o[or.tü ins will begin earlv in the spring. Allen Kish of fort Baron, for the pust hrct years comía irclal ageut at St. tiyacluthe, yuebec, dlea ;it buualothe ot'jer niirht 'o; hrighi's dis tase. 11 bad iIts 1 in Port uuroii fnrtv years, and as one of the best ki:owu mei in that section oí the slat'j. llis a;c wat IVI. Grand Secretary V. P. Inoesof tbc Micii: gan Grand Chaptfrof Royal Aich Utsons ims lesued :i circular apnpunciDs ihat th cbaptei' head ouarters durinj tbe aunual meel ii ;. whlch fiegins In Uetroll un the ïyth inst. will bt' at the Michigan Exchange. Tbs December output of Ih; Calumet aaá ai Be was :..-ii i Kms; Frauklin, 3il; Atlanl ■■ .' 'i : (Juincy, 161; Allonez, Hii; Hurón, 181; Copper Fatls, 66; Hancock, for live Vi r vcar tlie total OUtput ni th.-c mines ras l(i,'.C!S' i, 11-. T. WlnsoriS (.'., "I l'urt Austin, have rent ni A (ill. 's I arm, oear Grlndstoné City, od u iii h h vüiii ihle srindstone quarry i lo' a ed, and will eoranjence opening it up. The i', u. .V S. Wi ráüroad will runa track Uure i. r tbc sbippiug of the stone. The Missouri Crematlon Society kas 40) ineini e: 8, twentv-íivi of wboui are wVni n.


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