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Popular trial shows the worib of evcrv urticle; and 84 years constant US6"hS8 proven thegreat eflicacV of Dr. Bull'8 Cough Syrup; it has no superior. The President in H:s Carriaje. Washington Cor. Baltlmorc Americau. Anyone who happens tobo on the avenue during the iii:ulcr 01 au hour botweön 11 oViloolf on a 8unday raornlnz will InvarlabW see a handsome carr.'ógc, druwn by a dashing Da r of Beal-brown borses, move at :i papid rateeastvrard. Thecarrlage is the pre-ident's eriuip paite, and be is on bis way to ehurch. For tbc last six Sumí ys it lias rafaed, and, therefore, the can'i:iLri' and its appendages bave ooi shown tn the bet advantaj;e; lint last Sundaj '.be weather was perfect - crisp and fair - and tin: carrlage came out in all is executivc glory. Tiic hanksouic seal brown borrel wore new barness and half hlankcts of a wbitish brown color, embroldered with brown. Albcrt sat on the box in now dclivcry. wltl] an immense black bear robe over hls knee and a black sable far cape aiomui bis ueck. The carriafte sbown in the sun, and insii President Cleaveland nat all alone un tbc back seat, witb :i heavv lur robe uver bis kneefl and drawn wt:ll ovor bis hrcast. lic k'iined bftCK aainst tlu' cushions witb a contented expressfonon bis fai-c.and bis neat aluvcil bands wen1 olaaped togetber in froDt-of liiiu and holding the fur mff in position. Th ■ cai'r.'aiic as it roTJéalonguiestrcet, alwavs attraets atientlon, for it is seldom tliat the president goes out in daytlme. English Oall. Boston Journal. "Will you pay uc thls bilí, siri" salda tailor in UciciK strci't, l.oinlon, to a ffenÜfimashcr wbo owed lii;n a prettv long bilí. "Do you owe anybodv anytulnsj, siri" asked the youtb. ' No', sir," raid t lic tailor. "ïhen you can afTonl to wait!''and off hi) walleed. A day or two alterwa,rd tbc tailor called aealp The masber a- nnt at liis it's end v t ; sn. turning to bis credltor, bc says: "Are you in debt tö a lybodyl" 'Ves, str," sald the tailor. ■Wcll. wliy ijoii't y. u pay! "i'vc nut thé money." ""Tlial's jast my case, sir. I am ttlal to s e yon can approivate my coudition; give us your band!" Hens witb Mílaria.- "Among my flock of hens." savs an Dranu'e eoiuitv. N. V.. farmer, 'are at. least :vi that have chilla andfever everv other day and as many more b ivc dled. After tbc shlvérlng is p ist they irrow bnrning hotandsit beside'a fencr or wall, everv Si w minutes rusliim; to the water trough and drinkine gréêdir. When the fever lias left tlicin they ;o wcakly t tbc lienb use and roost for the res oí the day. Tbc roosters have the malaria worae ftaku the hens, and all that have I een seizeii by it gtee up crowing until they are entlrely cured. I have treateu i oüi maiis and Ramalea snccesstnUr wlth i)uinïne. At Hrst they d pol l.kc the medicine, bnt after they have tiken a ft w doses thej seem to rejlsh it. But tbc Resh of thone I have so treated an 1 afterward killed for tbc table alwáys had o liiter Karor. It hi them su draf. too, that thev cannot bear the sj.oon rattled aiainst the la-in :ii feeding tune. Tbc liens w.ll not la wtaen saflerlog from malari:'." Laconlc i atlenl t physlclan : aoeht cold. Pnyslotan: Talco Re,l otar Cougo Cure; no murpbia. do polf oqs. Onlv tweuty-flve cents. in oil cores p in M. Duiainl'Ii ' ■ mlsslon in thls country, apart from attendlng bis ifo darlng het lecturlnu' tour. is t catalogue fur l'ov.tiinieiit íiíist Of thev,irk-of Kreiich paiuter i:i American if;il ries. The Crown l'rince of (eatu.iny akl tbree Ko taai do i'rownsü liead hadlmpn biinsomnch with a Bnseoí ius ni-ilityas King Alfonso. Ho was rirst creatly sinuk'with him uhen the Kin was a student In Vienna. A oonple, each ovoi i" ycars old, who sepfl rated about two yenrs ag i,'wcrc rctuarried last weck in Kutiand, t. ♦ Try Xt. If you are siek and can íínd do relief bny t bottle of Dr. J. U. Henion's Surc Cure for malaria of your drugglst and take lt. Dom Pedro, emperor of Brazil, says court etiqu ette make? lilm tireil. Bny a Bottle. No matter wbat your dlsease may be, if yon live lu a Malarial cïi.-trict. bny a liottle oIDr. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria, and you wlll receive great benefit. American oratera are haring an immense run In Europe this winter. Speedily Curecl. AU diseases tbat are cause d by Malaria wlll bc epeedily currcl liv taking a. bottle of Dr. J. B. Hentbn'i Sure Cuie tor Halarla; it is also a positive cure for all kinds of pain. All druggists keep lt. Senator Ridaleberger, Petroleum V. Nasby, wants to "pulVerize Ihc mm i owder." 'MlltK ÏI1AX Al.l. OTHKIC 1,1 Mi Kk.MKDIES," is what E. W. Fainnan, a druggist at Darton, Ind., writes aluiui Ule ale oí Allen's LnnÉ Balsam. He bas Bold lt ror eigbt yoars, and it gives satisfaction. ï-'old by all "druegists at 25c., 60c, and tl.QQ a bottle. A Cblnaman in California stands about as mueh sbow as a OQC-leggcd man at. a dancing match. - Louisvillu Timvs. Pi.aiü QcESTIQXg fOB In'vai.iiis. - Have the routine medicines of tbc profesalon done jou no goed; Are you dlseouraged aud miserable? lí so, tost the proprletles of the great Vegetable Spectflc, Dn. Walkeu's Cai.ifonia Viksoar Bittku, the (nest invigorant, corrective au 1 alternativo that bas ever Been the light, and you wül lind relief. Plg Iron Kcllcy in the American congress, is mstcoed by C'. K. M. Talbot in parllaincnt. Talbot has sat fo.' Glamorgan since ls;io, havIng been regularly returnéu it every election for 55 years. Don-t neglect a coueh and let it rcmaln to irrítate you'v lungs wnen ■ safe and speedy remedv eau ! had for 50 centa in Dr. Bigclow's Positive Cure. The Hartford atbentcum will open ltsgallery to tlie art society. ïhla ia regarfled as the bezinning of 1 Tree exh.bitlpn of tlie worka of art and mtimately making hooks alao ficj tu the public. If a i imirli disturba your sleep, take l'iso's Cure for Üonsumptlou and rest well. "EOUGH ON PAIN."-Li"nid "liougli on Pain" I-tutd ik. Qnlck cnv. NYurii-l (da, rhniniüiisiii, ftclics, palna, Bprafos, u'iiüachc, cnunpSi COltC. "tviiUgll on i'" l'tttst ir. i.""'. Secret ary Lam ar livi's in it iint. ■■ROUGH ON CATARBH" correcta ofTenHivn odors al Duiicu. umpletc cure of vrorst cbronlc cascB; ftlao unetjaalled u Kargle for dlphtherla, sor ■ tlmmt. foul hn-ntU. .itk The pcople of Borneo cat monkcys. TROUGH ON COUGHS.1' Ask for "Kouiïli "H Conaha" tor coufttia, rouis, sore throat, lioTaene4Si Troonea löc. Liquki, 5c. JAY EYE SEE'Ï Driver, Edwin D. Bltttcr, uses Colé Yetcrlnary Carholiaalvo, and a thorough trial énaolca hiin to endoréé H aa tho best remcdy tbat ho ever w for general etablo use. öold by Druggista at 5üc and $1.00. Tuk hablt oí runninjí ovcrb'ooW ör sh.ies correctcd wltti Ly.m's i'oH-m ilvv. in-rs. Uolfni#CaiicoKP''oííi for famíly hm. Oalyiottl ■ ■■■■ lJ--:i:1-L;'--"'-_aa cfie.AtieiUMM Pains and Acties In varlous parts of the body, more partlcularly In tho back, slioulders and Joints, are the unwelcoine Indicatlonsthat rhcmnatism has galncd a foot-hold. and you are "In fur ft" for :i longCÍ or l li Uter periodRheumatism is causcd by laclli; acid in the blood, anti Is cured by Ilood's Savsaparllln, which cradlcatcs evcry impurlty from the blood, and fllls ft wlth rlchnesB and heal'.b, "I had been troublcd for some time wlth poor appetltc, partlcularly In the moiiilDg, and also had frequent attacks of rhemnatisin, I commenced takIng Hood's Sarsapnrilla, aml mw my appittltc la the beet and the rheumatlsm has entlrely kft me." C. Arens, -TTOi Emoraltl Avenue, Calcado. 111. "My wife has been troublcd with rlieumatism for a long time, and her blood has been very puur. Last spring sïu1 lüd scnifula sores. T got hersome of Ilood's Banarwipftrtllat andón tuklng Itshebcan to iinprove rlffhi awi y. Sïio i not in the leas1". troubled by rhoumatiüin now, and the sores are all healed," IIünkyUaxsok. Mt. Vernon0 Hood's Savsaparilla Soltl bv all druEif Ists. l ; slx for S3. Prcparcd only by c. i. hood & Co., Loweil, Maas. 100 Doses One Dollar. W BEST TÏNHC. l Thlí medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and completely C'urea Drsieps!n Indlsostion. Wenknesa. Impuro Hlootl, . titilarlo, ihtllN umi IVvc-r, and Neuralcla Iti an unfailinR remedy for Diseases of the Kldnrys iiikI l.ivi-r. It is invaluablo for Diseases peculiar to VFomen, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoes not injtire the teeth, cause hcadaehe.or produce consti pation - othcr Iron medicines do, Itenrichesand purifles thehlood.stiraulate the apnetite, aids the assimilation of food, ro lleves Heartburn and Belcliiug, and strengtll ds the muscles and nerves. „._'-. For Interiulttcnt Kevers, Lassitude, Lackof Energy. &c, it has no equal. r The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrappcr. Takc no other. ■ WoiiljbT BKOWMCHEHK 41. CU., BÍI.TIHOIIK, DEvery Child in every Lan;l is subject to Chucusíiíii. CoDghs, f ronp and Whoopiog Cougli. Whlch If nol nttendoil tn In time wlll icsaltln CONSIMPTION'. 'I Tuvlor ( Kemedy. OFSWEET GUM AND Ml'LLEN. The Bweet bui1i of :i trn1 of tin samo name grow Inp in tin South. nunWneil wlth íi tea made from tin MulMn Mant of the old fleldi. Kor nalu by :ill drugglataat 25 ■■ nt iihI ■?. ii por rottie. WALTlf A.. TA LUI1, AUautu. O, OThc oldesf modlclrïc in tlie wrlrl Is'prolmlily VA Dr. Isaac Thomoson's U ii.iitsc i e;i i:vi: watiiII This artlcie i a cèrefolly propared Physlntsn'í pre Ri'riptlnn, mid has been In constant use mun K' aceatcr ry. and notwlthstandlng the many other preparatlooa Inat have lii-t'ti [nirniluccriintu tlif marfcet. the salo of tb! artlde Isconstantl; Increaalnf li tinttonsaicf llowfdll wül iiVvcr fail. 'f pnriloularly invite thi' UK-nlion of ithyfcians tu iísnu-ritn. JOHN L, THOMPSON'. aXS& CO.. TliOY. N. Y. mGold & Jewelled MEDAL Vm nwitritod by tbc National HIrlicaI AíSHoeintiou TO THE AUXHOH OF THp SOIENOë OF LIFE (wlio ( Ui1 cliii'f ('onsüliinir riivsicinu of the l'onljoily Sindical lustllute), It hi'lnt;tto best Mrditiil Tjeaili "ii Hanhooo, Fx haustcU Vltallty, Nirv.uis and Phyaical Dclullty, l'romaturo Deoune lu Han, the Error 01 ïoutti.and the uutolil mtoorlea ri'.suitijiK from indlscretlonsor excesi ín cariy iir, whï'h autbor hoe iiroved inny be allevlat1!! and positlvely oured, lt 18 a nl.'iii'lnril Hrdlvul Woik on alxivo, and Is ;i lro8ure o over youn aud nilildlr-iiKi'il war. ranted s repregenled or the money refunded In even InBtenceiSU) pages emboseed tnuelln, ruil trilt - 125 Dreorlptiona ror all illaea. VrWe only 81, b muil. Eealed. iost pald. IlliMtratire sam!]?s, M'rrnln. Bena now. Tl. Is wnrk la nnlverSall recommendcd by Hu' pres, clergy, parenu and teachers, atad every one or Ita (han a militan reader. Everj man. roung or old, Khould read this lionk. and every sutr.r.r sl.oui.i coiisult tho nutlior "Theru Is a halm In Olleail ; tlierc ia a &Lwïïl.PA 'it K r.n ',"i ■"nu.nnch ..lioston, Ma.3. LA'l H CONSnCPATION, wSmmJÊ CK HEADACHE, BS4fQra BILIOUSNESS, laggl& DYSPEPS'A. gSjnnS'SB I.ITTI.F. V.M.I.S, X.y. ■ ■llHltWaT 1 waB trouMed wlth Mjj&UM3Mm ];eflachr. ( oniipatlon, Loss. s and Wenk Btomach: oul ilnce cominencing th.' usf of vour BOSBOOK BLOOD Uittkrs I fcel hoitrrthan I lirivn ror yt-ars. I have rccommended Itto manyfiicn'ls wlth:tlie most rxrcllcnt regulo. ■ Mrs. Jas, a. Ehwin.


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