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Michigan's Only Candidate

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Mr. Blaine, in hls enterprislng "Twenty Years of Congress," thus siicaks of Gen. Cass, tbe Democratie rresldentla] candidutc, who led Iris party to disastrous defcat In the cleetion of 18wi '■The Democratie eaiulldate waa a man of high character. He liad served creditably in tlio carly part of the war of 1812, had been Governor of Michigan Territory from 1813 to 1831, had been five jcars Secretary of war ander General Jaekson and had gone to France as Minister in 1830. He remalned at the Court of Louis l'hilippe, whcre he recelycd minute consideratfon for six ycars. AVhen he rcturned to this country In 1843, at Blxty years of age, he undoubtedlylntendcd to re-enter politlcal llfe." Popular ovations were arranged for him as he journeye 1 westward, and bj the time he reached his homo in Detroit General Cass was publicly recoguized as a eandidate for the rresldency, "By remainins in the field as a candldtfte?' savs Mr. Blalne, "he deeply woundcd Mr. V:i:i luren,disrcgarded a personal and politica] trlendshtp of thirty years' duration and sundc.ed ties whieh lifc" was too short to reuuite." In the end Mr. VanBuren's cnmity defeatcd (en. Ca.s wben bc obtained the nomination in 1S4. The doad Ptatcgrnan 11 always have a warm place in the horts of tbc people of Michigan, because of hls iiiuny services m her behalf and because of the lustre whieh he shed upon her. 8tlo has bad no rrcsldentiul eandidate slnce, nu. i r outlook Coi lier having one in the uear future Is uot promlsing. (':issi)Kjlis lias Heen nnmed aftcr bim, and sci long as that thrlfty town prospers and grows hls many virtues ivill be extólied. It is in C'assopolls that Smith Woodeo lives, ybose name is inentittiied here because be is the uuthor of the iollowing Isttrettlng letter: "Notbinir bas ever rclicvcd iny wifc of rheumatlsm and neuralgia so much as Atblophoros. I ahvnyx keep it in the house and cheerfullv recommend it 1 1 others." An cqually good opinión of the medicine is expreesed by Oliatlus, of Bradley, as follows : ':1 would say in fftVor of Athlophoros that one bottle entlrely cured me of rfieumatism whieh bad been trented bv some of our best physid'.ins without avail. 1 eau highly reeommend it to all sutTerlng witli the same dlseaéé." (. Wleílnger & Bod, ibuggists, of Adrián, report this gratlfying cas.-: "Last. fall, along about November lst, we sold a man a bottle of Athlophoros for his fathcr, who bad not walked more tban two or three bloeks at a time in about two years. After taking one bottle of tbe medicine bc walkcd down to our store, whleb Is TCryrieariy two miles trom bis house, and pttrcnaaed tha second bottle lrimself. Tbia was four days from the time he tirst commenccd taking Athlophoros. Helias taken flve bottle of tbe medicine and says he tbinks he is entlrely free from rheumatism. The gentleman is in the neighborhood of sixty years of age and looka healtby and robust." If you cannot ot Atni.oiMnnjos, of your druKKtat, wo win Bend. It expreu pafd, onrccelpt of rexularprica -(■no dollar per liiitllr. we Blvfcr Hint yml tmy IE fi-om your druKKist, hut tf ha hlfin't It. (!► nut le pcrsuaded to try snmitliliiK lic, luit order nt ikm' froni us as dlreetcd. ATBLOPSOBOS lCO,h 112 Wall Street, New Vork.


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