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COOK HOUSE, EH. HUDSON. Proprietor, Hewly Furnished. '1 lic leadlug h In Ani Artoor. UNTON HOTEL. T7IRST-CLASS In all respecte Everythlng X new; line rooms, well furnisiied. Term, pi per dayand upwards. Special ratesto wuekly Doarders. Menln i; cent--. John Sehndlder Jr., Propi-ietor. Corner of Washington aud Seoond ctreeta, Ann Arbor, Mich. NICHOL BROS., XT W. & A. C. NHIHOUS. D. D. S. , Dtnta " OEfice Masonic Tcmp.e Block, over bAvin Eank, Aan Arbor, Mich, WILLIAKt CASPARY, O AKERY AND COKÏXCTIONERY, Cor. Fourtn and Aaji8tret. '' ËDVVARD PATE, MACHINIST, and rcptiirer of Surgfcol Huirte menta, I.ocks, Umbrsllaa aud Tirasob) Fin Macliine and Bicycle Work a SpecirüiT. Ni BS North llainst., Ann Albor. Micb. RUBÉN KEMPF Tï.ACTIFB of Piano, Organ and Theory ol Muslo. No. 6, East Waibington-st., over Rl ley A Scaboit's. l.eave orders for l'iano tuninff JOSEPH CLINTON, MerehantTallor. shots over Wm. AUVy' bool andahoestor. All worW cuaraated ome enarfe. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, 3 ATTORNEY AT IUAW. Otice, Nos. 8 Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. ÑORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Does, a general law, ÍX. coi:ction and conréyaace business, A ' noíerate patronage is respectively oliclteL Dfttce in the court hoiue, Ana Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SURQEON PENTIST. Hoorns No. 19 South : Main Streel opposite U First National Bank i Inn Arbsr, Xich. ANTON EISELE DEALER JN MONCMÍTS and Gravestone ' manufactured from 'l uncssee and XtttJ'an f arble aud Scotch and American Oranite Shop ' 3or. Detroit ard Catheriue sts., Aun Arbor íleh. ! W1JLJUAM HERZ, HOUSE, S1GN, Ornamental rnid Fresco Paintr. Qildiug, Calciinining, Glazing and Paper dancing Al) work done in the best styln and farranted to sriTesuüsfacUon. Shop, NY-. 4 Wes aashingtoo street. Anu Arbor. Alicbigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS, ORQANS, SHEET MUSK,', InsiruoUon Boaks, Violins, Guitars. Flutes, &c. , thtap at wilsey's Music Kooniu. enst side l'ublio (quare, Ann Albor, Michigan. The largsst and )t Stock of Musical Ooods erer brouzht into ffaahteaaw Countv. Violin and Guitar Strlngs a ipecialty. N. B.- It wUl be to your interest to all befoi-e pufchasiag auything in the Muslo Lm. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte[HAVE a complate compilation of the Official Kecorda of Washtenaw County to date. , ling all Tax Tule-, Extjcutlons, auy incumbnuica ' in Seal Estt, thal a of Record m the Uegltten ifflce, 19 shown by ray books. Office, in the ifnoe f the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual i mee company, in the basemeut of the ourt i lou. C. H. MANLY. Ann Arbor. Mich C. V, VOGEL, Proprietok, Late of CbeUea, at THOMAS 11ATTHEWS' ÜLD STAND i On Ana Street. ntaSH AD SAM MEAT8 KEPT ON HAND ■ ____ , The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1809. under the General B&nking La ir ! f tuis state has now, lacluuine caiital Stoelt : itc., etc., : OTER $500,000 A8SCTS. Botinera men, Guardlans, Trastees, Ladlea and ther persona wíli find this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENICNT ?Uoe at whioh K make Depositó and do bseines. ;nterestisAllowed on All Savings Deposit Df $1.08 and upward, according lo tbe ruliü ol ihe bank. aud interest compoundcd eemi-anuu iUy. Money to Loan In Sums of S2S to Í5.OOO. iecared b7 Unlncambered Real Eautj and otcT jood aecurltle. DIHBUTOB3- Chrlítlan Mack, Vf. w. Vlntt W. D. HarrlmD. VVlIUam Deuble, David Uinscv Daniel HiicocJtand W. h. Snjuh OFFICKHS- Chrisuan Mok. rresldent; W. W Wlne. VIce-Preldnt: C. E. Hlscock. Catü D. KIERSTEAD'S TTIND0W8HADE FACTORY. SS North F.ifta ; ítreet. Ihe Favoriteof every Hoiisfki.,f. roe ftttsntiou of the public is most respcct'ully CKlled to my raanufacturp of Sui erior Wcurieo fehades, knowii as the Rustió Window Shadft For Durabilily, Cnsapnesa, Co.ivenleni-e and Beauty, they -an not be excell-d. My aim is :o ; sur.plya lin- goodsof genuiüc merit. put uo i in elegant slT.ond at iair ratcs. I arii d5 manuUcturing a Superior Shaile, the bn3t ol the kind ever odered in Uiis marktt. Weall'or ' Strips of every vaiiety, for doors and windowe at my establishment. Get Your Prcperty InsuredBy C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE A.GKNT, Ho. 4 South Main ttreet, Ann Arbor. The oldee aKencyin th city. Establislied aquartcrof a enturjr ago. presenting ihe fGliowin.. firstclas compaoies, with ovav $30,000.000 ast3. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; ContinantHl Ins.Cocr N. y.; Niágara Tus. Co., ol . I.; Girard Ins. Co., of Plnbi.; Oneut In. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Union of Londcf; Liverpool and Londou aud : Globe. l?t" Lossea lbrilly adjustci 4 rwiptlrpald. (- ii miw,e-(


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Ann Arbor Democrat