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Western Whispers

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A special from St. Louis to the New Yorl Tribune says that Senators Vest and Cockrel. recently recommended ex-Gov. Crittenden oí .Missouri, for a foreign mission, and that thc president replied that he could never consider Mr. Crittenuen's name in connectioD wlth an appointment, becanse of the general i sion that he eonspired with the Ford boys te ' assassinate Jesse James. Citizens of northern Idaho Jare protcstlnj; against annexation to Washington territorj because the laws of that territory an antugonistic to mining. They want annex tion to -Montuna. The governor oí Arkansas has pardoned 3C colorea p.-rsons convieted of riot two yearí I ajjoA frame teuement house in Boonville, Mu.. óctuple. 1 ehieüv bv colored people, was des troyed by flre tbe other rüorntng. Ánna Ree colored, and her two ehildren were unable t i escape from the burning building and t!e were all burned to deatn. It Ís eurrently reported that troops are to ieinain pnrmanentlv in Salt Lake City to ! teot the country agafnst any outbreak. A large portlou oí the men employed Ín tht í L moa Paeiflc shops in Umaha, numberln probably 300, have been discharged to cut i duwn expenses. A rk tecurred on the St. Jo and Dei Aloines brauch of the C'. B. íQ road neai Albany, Mu„ a few Uay siuce. An oíd mar named MUler of Palmyra, lowa, was instautl-, killed and a nuinber of others were seriouslv lnjured. Fifty-three hotiéa trote burned in the . bles at Fort Custt-r, Montana, Jan. 32. A mimber of Chinese have begun suit iu thc L'nited States circuit court against the city o. ' Eureka, Cal., for $132,0 J0 damage. allegeil t j liave been sustained from the loss of propsrty at the time of their expulsión from that city in February last. An explosión of a locomotive boller In a round house in Madisou, Wis., Jan. 24th resulted in the death of one man and serious '. injury to several others. A horrible tale is reported írom Aspen, Col. A snow sllde oceurreo near there a few dayj ' ago, and a cabin contaiuluir eiírht men ni biiried In the snow. When the rescuiug partv reached the cabin tbey found three of the men dead, and the others raving maniacs from suffocatlon. To queneh their thirst te men had been drinking their own blood. The linigrat!on to Arkansas la unpreeedented in the history of that state. 1


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