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Washington Waffles

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The secretary of the treasury receutly reoelved i2,50ü ia mutilated L'uite'd States notes f rom New York to be applied to the conscience fund. A bilí iutroduced ia the House the other day to próvido a benefit fuud for railway mail postal clerks, authonzes the postmaster general to deduct 00 cents a ruonth from the salaries of these employés. Frotn this fund employés dlsabled through disease or lnjurv inay bc paid a tuin not to excced $25 a week". The House coinrulttee on iuvalld pensions las agreed to report favorablv a bilí to extend ie liinitatiou clause of the afrears of pension et to Jan. 1, 188. The board of Indian commlssloners decfared n favor of standing by the treaty rights of the ndians. A resolution against the bill of ' Jongressmaa TowDsbend of Illinois, to or:uDize the Indian territory into a territory of ie United States was unanimously adopted. Dormán B. Eatou, civil service commlssoner, endered his rejuruation Jau. 35. Representative Rankin of Wiseousln, dled ! 1q Washington Jan. 2ith, of Brit;bt's disease. i Of the bonds callea for payment Feb. 1, Í5,OO9,85O are held by natioua! banks as a basis for circulatiou. Tbe Hon. Jay Hubbell of Michigan wili spend the greatcr share of the winter In Washington working for an appropriation to nlarge the Sault canal. The issue oí standard silver dollars frora the .miots during tbe week ending Jsn 23 was $205.451. Tbe for tbe cbrrcspondiug period ot last yeai was $130,496. Toe shipmeDts of fraeïional silver coin from Julv 1 amountto$171.wa iTie tota. co:.t-cti'.ns of internal revenue during tbc fi.-it six loüDtbs of the tlscal vcai ndiug June 8' , lsbfi, vier,' $.,519,611, añ In i ' crease cf $2,0-SI,4tH over"! the oolteetions I (luring the same period o: ibe last tUcul year. ! The president hsrs norainuted W. H . Parker of the district of (Jolumo a to be minister resident and oonaul general of the United States to Corea. The eourt of claims auu.juiicis its decisión in the Choctaw case, reiulering a Judgment In favor of the Iudlans tü the amount of about f40,000.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat