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Hereaf ter, the rink will be opened on Saturdays only. Mrs. Guinau wou the medal for the most graoefnl lady skiiter present, Saturdav evening. Before the opening of the rink Saturday eveuing, a raoe was ïnd ilged in by some amateur fast ekaters. Manager Hollands entered the race and showed a gait that astonished all those present, i According to J. E. Sullivan's time pieoe Will ficished a íaile iu a little less than eight minutes. The Tpail'tnti polo team cornplain of not reueiving a square deal in the lant game played in tuis city, consequeutly they üave chullenged the Ann Arbor team to play a series of three games to decide the contest. The first one of these games was played at Ypsilanti last evening. The second will take place at the Palace to-morrow evening and promises to be a cloaely contestad game. A largo part of the enormous wealth of individúala and corporations is made by lyiug, stealing, and oppresBion. The running up and down of stocks, what is kuown as "builing and bearing," is praotioally lying, and nothins to do with the real values. Stock watering is nothing but stealing. Credit Mobilier aehemes, by which directora rob stockholders to enrich themaelvea, are onmiuon meihods of oppressing tlie poor, who have been fooled into putting their little all into stock. - Jackaon Advertiser. The Democrat who "giyes aid and comfort, to the enetny, by going to Wash ington to oppose the confirmation of an appointment, ought to be shot as worse than a desertor. It is entirely proper to oppose an appointment for good cause, but with an appointment the contest, arnong demócrata, should end. Espeacially when the confirmation must come from a republican senate. Let the democruts who go to Washington to figure with republicana lor the defeat of a democratie appointment, be marked for future punishment. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. The investigators of ballot boxea and lookers after democratie election fraudt are not having the remarkable luck they predicted when they started out laat fall. In Chicago, Judge Smith, who ran against Carter Harrison for mayor, has notified the citizens' committee, composed largely of republicana, that he ha withdrawn from the contest. The oounting of the ballot slightlv increasing Mr. Harrison's majority. In the contested precincts of Cincinnati one ballot box was found stuffed so full of republican ballots that even the attorneys for the republicana inaisted upon "shutting that box" and putting it out of aight. Verily, the kickers have bien severely kicked. - Monroe Democrat. The French government has at last come to deal with intemperance. The Frenob tempcrauoc rcLormor. however, :ake a different view of the matter hom ;he refortners of this country. An eminent French physician, a apecialiat on lic subject, th,inks that intemperance is caused by the apirta in liquor, and that drunkenneas is because of impuriies in the decoction. The French government will probibly pasa a law for the ree sale of the lighter beverages and the ïeavy taxation and strict regulation of dealera in Bpirits. Heavy pumahments vill be imposed upon any dealer who sells adulterated wines or beer. The experiment will bewatched with interest. - Adrián Record. It ia a little amuaing to see a cockroach epublican editor devote twothirds of lis apuce to the glaring internal diaaensona txiating in and to finally observe the owl-like wisdom with which he declares ihat "this is a democratie funeral." To read the tearful, excruciating lamentation because certain demócrata were purBoing a Rettled policy, one would think the cockroash was being buried, or deserved to condm-t, tlm eutire funeral proceedings. If gentlemen, tina is not your funeral, then dou't nieddle - don't crowd into the tnourner'a carriage, nor try to preach the funeral sermón. Let the flñlicted and bereaved, conduct the exercises in their own way. The democriitio funeral tliat you should take part in will ocour when you get resurrected from the politiciil graveyard the democratie party eonaigued you to last fall, and even the cockroach can't crowd til! th it time, even if he squeaks Boae Diekencon on an orgau six times a day and six days a week.- Adrián Press. Itis about time the democrats of Michigan began to give a little attention to the preparationa for the coming campaign iü in thia atate. The republicans are hard at work orgonizing for the coiitest, and there ie no doubt that they are much encouraged by the fighto among their opponents over the offices. At auy rate they will do their level beat next fall to put .Michifian back in ita old place as one of the solid republicana statea of the Union. There is no good reason why with an acceptable ticket the fusionista should not carry Michigan by a decisivo majority. Thev can do it if they are united nd go in determined to win. We beheve that on nearly all live public questions there ia at present more real affluity of opinión between democrats and greenbackers than ever before. In regard to silver and the tariff the masses of both parties are as one. They can be prevented from acting together only by the quarrela and rivalries of their leaders, and must not be permitted even at risk of aomeone getting sat down on in a pretty summary manner. Now is the time to do some effective missionary work. It will be too late to expect a dispassionate consideration of political subjects in the heat of a campaign. Give the voters the righta kind of documeuts to read these long winter evenings and the battle will be half won months before the election takes place. Spread th light nowl - Evening Journal.


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Ann Arbor Democrat