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OR Bead the oheap advertisementfl. But if you doubt for oue instant tliat we have not the LARCEST, CHOICEST, CHEAPEST Assortment of DRY COODS In the city, Examine our stock and we will prove it. Prices in Ladies' and Miases Gar ments cut down in many lots to oue-half. The startling low prices on our Black and Colored Silks are movmg them very rapidly. Pnces reduced in every rte[larttnent. Goods must go - we don't let them accumulate or get old. MACK & SCHMID. A tire at the gas works this niorning early, destroyed a portion of the roof of the building, i he building was Hooded from a hydrant. Alonzo C'. Bhss and Wm. Barnett, waived examination, Friday, to the circuit court, on the charge of reoeiving stolen goods. They gave bail tor their appearance for trial. People who enjoy a hearty, wholeome laugh should not fail to see that uproarously funny play, "8i Perkins' at tbe Grand opera house next Tuesday night. It is a rural drama, replete with ruatic sceness and ludicrous situations. The followiug complimentary notioe appeared receatly in the JDanbury News: "Si Perkins," or the Girl I Left Behiud Me, E. A. Locke's latest effort, was produced at the opera house last erening before an audience that completely filled the house. The play reminds one of 'The Jerseyman,' and the story is sufflciently interesting to hold the atteution of the auditors to the flnisTi. FTBTTIC Juwu a88umed the title role, and did it well, creating roars of laughter whenever he appeared. He was ably seeondcd by Ahce Mootague, who made Zana, the gypsy waif, a pretty picture. The musical act of these two artistes was loudly applauded. Wm. Blaisdell, as an English fop, proved himself a clever comedian, and greatly pleased. The res tuf the oompany sustained their parte in an able manner." City Locáis. To Whom it Mat Concern: On and after Feb. 1 the firm of A. F. Martin & Co. will be succeeded by the Ann Arbor Lumber Co., which will" continue business at the old stand. Mr. A. F. Martin will reimin, as heretofore, the superintendent. In order to settle tain interests all pers ns indebted to A. V. Muitiu ir Co :irn reauasted to make an early settlement with the Atiu Arbor Luoiber Oo. to whom all bilis must be paid, aud wlio will pay all outstandobligations. A. F. Martin & Co., Ann Akbor Lujibek Co. Ann Arbor, Mich., Jau 2T, 18ÖÜ. Wauted, by a Law íátndeut, u room in T-i"t iirlmpi. lw--. -_ .,.. studente preferred. J. D. M.. Box 2941. Grauger Bros., the State srreet Grocers, advertise a quarter-oflf sale. Noiv is a good time to replenish the larder. We etui keep on selling Parior Furniture at reduced prices, ranging from '2 up to $50. The latter amount wijl buy a liue plush set. Koch & Hallor. F. J. Schleede, bookbinder and stationer, corner Anu and Fiith streets.will bind books from 40 ceuts up. Only the best material used. jiote books to stuents at manufacturera' prioes; also statmuery. Patent Boekere, Easy Chaire, Lounges and Sofas, at considerable les thau the real valué at Koch & Haüer's. One-quarter off on Groceries at GranKer Bros., State streef. Hanqsterfeb's Hall Has recently undergoue mmy improvemenis.and will be rented todaueiiiK porties from the city or country. Rofnsliments can be had at the restaurant. Ca on or address, A. F. Hangsterfer. The Two Sams have secured the agen oy for the Yeoman Hats. We have, for Ann Arbor, the exclusive sale of the goods made by the Mich'gau Furniture Company of this city. Koch & H aller. Wanted. A dwelling house in good neighborhood, withiu tive minutes' walk of the postofflce. Will pay cash. W.F.Sumson. The White Sewing Machine üflice of the GriQQell Bros , has been removed from its former location in the Opera House Blook, to Miss Müey's Fancy Store, on West Huron Street. M. J. Bouike, Agent. Grangers, Staie street, always keep fresh Gandies. Excellent iinish, good styles and low prices, are the three features of the goods made by the Michigan Furniture Co. We have Mie exclusive sale of these goods. Koch & Haller. Ice-cream, large or small quantities, made to order. Granger, State street. Loanino.- Mone.v to loan on flrst-cl iss Real Estáte MortgageatOiirrent rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangeinents made with capitalisis desiring such investments. Every rouveyance and transaction in bstracts of titles carcf ully examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. King, Ann Arbor If you want Cbromos or Etchings to decórate your homes, attend the special sale at Lewis & Gil sou'a gnllevy. Now is the time to get our Pictures Framed. We have Alouldings of every conceivable design and are conlident of our ability to suit the most fastidious. J. J. Gibson. Millinery Store. The partnership of Miss J. Canon and Mrs Nellie Bailey Laving been dissolved the business w;ll horeafter be oondnoted by -MÍH8 Canon, who will keep in stock everythiug to be found in a flret-olaas Millinery EstablisLmont. A general in Titation to the ladiea to examine goods. Miss J. Canon, Opera House Block, Ann Arbor. Please cali nnd examine the large display of Novelties and Decorative Desigus, at (üb-ou's special sale. For Fresh Candies, mantacfcured ;dy, go to A. F. Haugsteifer's Candy Factory, 28 Main street. The prices at which you can secure Decorations for your parlora ït Qibson'a great sale of Pioturcs, etc, wlil astouish the most skeptical. For the very choioest Oysters go to A.F. HaiigHterterer'8, Oyster Depot, 28 Main street. Claikvoint Phystcian. Dr. L. D. Wliite is still iu the Duffy block, opposite the postoflice, where he lias an extensive business He eau be fouud in his oth'ce at all liours. Cisterns built and repaired. .Mason work of all kinds done cm short notice. Leave orders corner Fifth and Huron ! Btreeta. G. D. Collins. Michigan CMXMÏ ( Tke Miagara Falh 'P.outo. Time 'i ablk, Nov. 29, 1885. All tratas run by Nlnetieth Merii'ian, or Central Standard Time. öo:ng EAti. 4 si ál ft IS j__ _?L_ ü il _ A. . .M. P.M P.M P.M go Lv. 6.50 9 00 4.00 9.j6 9 55 Niles 10.! 12.15 7.45 12.88 1.Ü0 t:ir 8.30 2 1 ■ !_ 8.45 a. n. ü! mazoo.Pit 1.42 9.15 6.46 2 (.0 3.0 6&l(.-bnrK 7.03 8 2 BHtllo Cruek... i.23 7.81 2 50 3.60 Kantball 8.07 7.97 8.18 4.1 Albton .: 88 8.20 3.43 4.4 . ji Jackwn Ar.; 8.10 laclwon Lv.l 3.14 4.15 9.15 4.S5 6,25 - Lake I 3 3 9.36 ai Soa 3.55 9.57 6 os Ui-ster 4.12 io 12 MS rlior 422 5.S0 10.2 5.4f 6 41 ïpsllant) 4.50 ri.45; 10.45 6 00 6 55 ie June... 5 15 (.051 li.Od! .20 7 1 Spring'vells.... 5 50 6.3'. 1135 8 5UI 7.' U Ar. 6.00 tf.45 11.45! 7.00; 8.1 St.ThomasAr 11.10 ' 'i045 84 A. U. 1 Weiland 1.68 ' 1 1 61 ' 6 28 K:ills View I 2 29' Niágara Falls 2.221 I 2 33 1; 5 Susp. Bridge.. 2.30 I 2 50 7 IC Buft.tlo Ar 3.351 j 8 55 8.1 OINO WEPT. stations. ,? Sg „. I gïjS sa a S 5S Sï 9_ 9ii ?w_ ?i sLi l A.M. P. M 'p. n. . M! a.m. A.M. Buffalo L. 6 00 11.30j 9 00 11.85 _ .. IA. M. P.M Susp. Krulge.., 12.81 12,35 Niágara Kalls 12.4BÍ 12 53 falyew 1 p.h. 1.0 Ht. Thomas... 4 10 4.1OI 115 4.45 latroli Lv. 7.00' 9.10 4.0 8.00 9.15 pringu-ells.... 7.10i 9.20 4.10 8.10 9 25 June... 7.4CÍ 0.63 4.451 8.40 9 55 usilimli 8.01 10 18 5.12 9.0i 10.21 Arm A hor 8J6 ;0.- 5.30 3.23 10 88 8.86 5.52 9..VS' !helo 8.48 07 10.00 Q as Ijikc 9 10 6.39 10.20 P.M. aibson Ar. 10 55 Lv. 9.35 11.48 7.07 12 03 Albiou 12.J2 .'O 11.33 12.i6 hall 1.05 8.48 11.55 1.10 A M sattle ''reik.... 1 81 .22 12.20 1.87 3'ikBbnrR 9.57 12.48 K-ilainzo.. 1.58 10.2Ü 4.45 12.05 2 32 PM. 5.18 1.10 "'■' 5.35 2.10 L'' 147 3.4Í 6.40 3.0Í 4.18 Chicago Ar 5.45 7.10 10.35 ? Off 8 05 The New York Express, a faat train leaves Chi' 3ap ut 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the fol" owing stops, Mloh'gan City, 5,17; Niles, K.13; Kal" unazoo r.S8: Battle Croek, 8.01: Jackson 9 15 Aun Arbor, 1O 0; Vpsilanti, iOjl; Sprin;wells 11.06; arri nog in Detroit at I115V ,M The Chicago Expresa, a fast train' leaves Detroit at 1 30 p 111. niukiiiR the folowjng stops: Junction, a.ii Vpsilanti. .S0: Aan Ar bor, 2 ;)i, Jackson, 8.83, Albion, 4.0i; Marshall ittle creek, 4,40; Kalamazoo, 5 15: Niles, b.3J; M'ühlgan City, 7,80; Uhlcao, 9.20. 'baud iy ucopted. t jaturüsy isaunday ezeeutca HJully. O. vv. Ruoolss, H.W.H A YES. J. ! - a.. üKlcaoo. AoL Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigau Uniluay. THUDUOH TIMK TADLE. Taklne effect September 27, 1885. Trains run by Standard Time. OoiriK N'orth. Uoing Bouth. "4 i al Si'ATlUiNs. i I i 5 Ex. Mail ( Stamlard Time. Kx. Mail. p. ui. a. 111 I Ij;'avü Arrive a. m. p m. 840 ":03 Toledo i):to f-0C 845 7:1 1 Mi mittHii Junction 9:2 46 vl'"cis Junction 9:18 4:47 129 t i:i Ji.mriTS Junction.... 8:42 4:14 431 M3ii. iimde 83i) i-M 4 45 tl 1 .iüa 8 J0 354 5'i 901 Han 8051 345 5 08 9 2J Urania 7 52 1 3 30 ñ 9 IS WttafleM 74( I 822 5)i 960 Vn 11 Arbor 7 i7 I 3 10 6 i) 110 46 South Lyon.' 860 1 8 8S Connectiims at Toledo with rallroads divergIng. Ai H&nhattan Junction with wiu-olingS !■' :■:■ i it a.t Alexis Jnnctton with M C. R li. U S. R'y, and F. & 1'. M. R. R. At Monroi ■' with L. S. & M. S. K'y. At DuinliHwitb L. S. & ML S., and M. & O. K'y. At Hilan with W., St. D. & P. B. At Pittsfleld wit Jk S. & M. S. R'y.. and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and G. T. K'y. Two trains, numbered 5 and fi, run between [ Toledo and Detroit, daily except Sunday, via Milau Junction; No. 6 arrivés at Milan Junetion at 11:00 a. m. and reaches Detroit at 12:01) noon; No. 5 leaves Detroit at 2:35" and reaches Milau Juaction at 8:45 and Toledo at 5:0 p m H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BESN'ETT, Gen. SnperlniHndpnt. (Jen. Passencer Afrt. GRAND: TRUNK RAILWAY ISCLUDIXO THE GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niagarn Falta Süort Line. Pullman and Wagaer sleeping Cars and Elegant New Dining Oars on all Expreie Trams east and west. All trains arriveat and depart from Brush-st. dep, t on Central Standard time, which is 28 minutes slower than Detroit city time. Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOOT OP BKUSH STREET. Leave at Arrive at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 am $9 -.'5 am Buffalo 800am 5 05 pm Port Huron Express 4 20 pm 5 05 pm Toron o, Montreal and East. SU Oil pm +9 35 pm Buffalo Fast Express $12 00 pm 0 3L pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. Leave at Arrive at Arlantic ExpresB 6 Mam }K35am Express $12 05 uoon $3 0 pm London Express 5 30 pm $8 50 pm lor tickets and intormatlon apply to General Ticket Office. 169 Jefïerson avenue corner VVoodward, or at Depot Ticket Office, foot of Brush street, SD"y. 'Exeept Sunday. J HICKSON, General Manager. W.M. ROBINSON, Mlch. & S. W. Pass! Ajtt., Detroit. Gilbert Bliss Pass & Ticket Aut.. Ann Arbor. A WONDERFUL COIMBINATION - OF - IPEPTONJZËD BEEF, IIQl'Sl AND MALT, [ Beln? the OIT KNOWTI PULPARATIOX' Tor lmparting I'VKE HALBUMENiTo Cbe Body. It 1b an Absolute Cure for Nervonsneas, Debility, and Insomnia, and wards ofl thoss Terrible Evili which are the Tirl Stages of INSANITY. For Itebilitated men, For Kmcbled Wonien, For Delicate Clilldren, For all vln need Strcnsdi "HOPTONIC ISA BLESSING." For Sale by all Drutjcists. Preparad onl by tho HOPTONIC CO., Grand lï wiu3, Mrrn. flTPUl"""' " cent postáffe. and we wil a 1-1 H I mail you, free, ■ royal, v.iluable Uil 1 s:"[lB box of goods chat win put yoti in w.ivuf maklng morem ney ; once, tlinu anytblnc else Ia Aino-i;i. lioth exesof allas? live at homea'id woric ia are time, or all the time. Capital not raquiroi. e 11 start you. Immense pay sure f jr trtoae ho start at once, Stixsd-i & tío. Portland, lis CHEAP'7 BmiES&s&ssitez oVMryr"'Ai!Evrs ntee TAKE TflE DEIOGRAT


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