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Slik ilrcases nevcr go out of fashlon. The Ütnltations of tlioir use for certain occasions ire only uion; deflned RoU;b-goods fabrica io look Sill mrist be incd an:l fnced with slik to natch or harmnize with the coiors of the wool stuff. Waists are close and high at the throat, and the darts are as tilh as possltjle without rrowdlng the bust too far up lor graceful outUnes. Bonnet strlngs should oe oniy nve-cigntsór ihree-quarters of a yard lone, and tleJ in a bow ander the chin or only u Ilttle on one slde. Velyet wraps are not lald aside for sea ikins by any means. Amonii the new Srments are velvct ulsters, basques, and uble-breasted trocks. Lltüe girja wear a great deal ol brown and 'ed th.'s season, but no matter what the color ; it tbeir froeta, their ■tockincs, to bc correct, nust be lilaclc. Einbroldered woolon lace -. are worn m as , freat exci-s as in tlie suiuiner. Thevarenow ulorned r.n 1 ;n:nsformed with tmbroldery :olor aud Ü sel. Black stoo'í ii.' s ure worn with all sorts of strtet, c ariiüfr -, in-, oor, reception, and even, ing drasses, en the hosierv is not neeesjarily of the color of the frock or lts aecessorles. Why Jews Live So Long. The Kevi England Medical MontUy comments rery favorably on the proverbial long and healthful live of Je?. Dr. l'icard holds that this superiority is duu to their stringent Lealth laws. Th? Afo a;c, like the other Ejiyptlan code, is verv stringent rejearding the eatinje of flesh and ther artielcs of food. Of the animáis exarained, a larire proportlon are altrars condemncd as unfit for food. People who eat mcat indlscriminately are very prone to disorders of the blood aiid of the kidneys, for meat ItcompoMdot ultrónea, whlch the kUlneys have to remove from the blood, and of course they caunot do tbis successfuUy exeept by the ald of VVarujr's safe cure, the best kidney strengthener, unl ss It 1$ temperately partak,en of and only the very best meat is used. Jewa also use alcoholic liquors very sparlngly and thus keep up good digestión, and then again they are a holday-loTing and Sabbath observing cías?. - Housekeeper. You cannot put a great hope Into a smal, Soul.- J. L. Jones. Storm 8i-Tials. As the coming of a great storm Is heralded by the display óf cautionary siguaU, so is the approach of thát dread and fatal disease, Consumption of the Lungs, usually announced in advauce by punplea, blotutae, eruptlons, ulceri, swelllng, and kindred outward mauiÍL-stations of the internal blood poison, which, if not promptlv cxpelled from the system, attacks the dclickts tissues of the lungs, causing them to ulcérate and break down. Dr. Pi.erce's "üolOen Medical Discovery" is the great remedy for this. as for all dlseases having their origin in had blood. It ini.rove3 the appetite and digestión, increases nutrltion and bullds upthc wastedsystem. Kcally good men are unconscious of their goodness. - tieorg Sand. If billoua, or suffeïing from impuritv of blood, or weak lungs, ana fear of eousumpllon (scrofulous disease of the lungs), take Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discoyery," and it will cure you. Hy druggists. tiustave Pancake, the new postmaster at Umego, Ohio, Is stuck ou 'la$ses. Young or middle-aged men, sufferlng from ueiTous cjchility or kludicd affections, shoulii addrees with 10 ceats in stamps for large treatlee, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. The revenue o: the widowed Queen of Spain is now reduced to ÍÍO.OU0 a year. Qulnsy troubled me for twentv years. SInce IJstartéü using Dr. Thomas' Erlèctric OU, have not, had an attack. The OH cures soie throat at once. Mrs. Letta Conrad, Stanüish, Mlch Oct. iU, 'a3. Queen Vk-toria's personal estáte is estimated at 0,000,000. Neveb Neolect a coostlpated condltlon of the bowels, or serious rcsults surely follow. such as piles, impute blood and many chfonlc complaiuts. Burdock blood Bitters i? the remedy The Pope has a dread that he wlU not pass hls seveuty-ll;th year. ForColds, Cbodp, Asthma, Broxchitis and Sore Throat use Dr. Thomas' Edectric Oil, AND OET TUE ÜENVINE. M. Pasteur, when a Loy in-a -B pOii f poor littlc dog's tail. My physician said I could not live, my liver out of order, lréqucntly vomittd greenish mucous, skin yellow. siuail dry bumors on face, stooiach ouid nol relaiïi food. Burdock'9 BloodBitterscured me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 3?i Exehange St.. Buffalo, N. Y. mvvnvn CTCiuug Hiaa iv iuug cuuuu to cover the entire ngure, and some of them are marvels ot beauty. Physieians indorse Hall's ilalr Renewer. ïts use is alwa_s attended with good resulta. Necklaces composed of many stranda oí large pearls aro much worn wltlï low Códices at evening entertainments. , Relief from Sick Headache, Drowsiness, Nau:i-a. Dlzziness, Pain in ftide, cc, guaranteed to those using Cait.-r's Little Uver Pilis. These complalnts are neailv always cause .1 by torpid ltver and constipatc'd bowels. Resture these organs to their functions and the trouble e a e ;. Carter's Litde Liver Pilis will do this every time. One pill is a dose. Forty In a vial. Price 25 cents. Bridal-tollets are made very slmply as well as very eleean}ly. "BOÜOH ON PAIN."-LKuid "K.oukü on Palu" Llqulil 'Uc. (julck cure. Neuru-; gla, rheumatlüm, i-bea. palns. npralus, ttcadache, crampa, collc. "fkUKti oa Palu Haater. )5c. Set.retary Lamar lives In a Hat. 'BOUOH ON CATAKKH" correctB oüTnslve odorg at üoecc. Complete cure of worst ctironlc cases; itlsu unuualled as garftle for dlpbthcrlft, lliruat. foul breatïi. 50c. The people of Borni'o eat moukeys. tROUQH ON COUOHS." Aik for ''Kuuiih ou Coughs," for couxhs, colds, soro throaï. hoarseuess. Trocucs 15c. Llquld, SSc. Hhoe anü hardware dealers ell í.yuri's Heet tltï eners; they keep ljoots aud bhues ttiniijht. Glass cloth 3 being made ia Germany. At Oaudenfrel the artist aud glass spinner, A. Preugal, of Vieaua, hns established his glass business, oflering caipets, cuffs, collars, veils, etc, wade of glass. He not only spins, but also weaves glass before theeyes of the people. The otherwise brittle giase he changes into plinble threada, and usw them for making good, warm clothing by introiluciug certniu ingredients, whicu are bis secret, aud thereby chaniug the entire natnre of the glass. He mates white curly glass mufla , also ladies' bats of glass, with glass feathers, which are Jightcr than rea feathers. Wool made of glass, it is said, caunot be distingnished from thegenuine article. (ilusa is a nou-conductor, and the tiin niay not be distant when it wül cause a Hvolution in dress malcríala. There never was such a coin os a " in the United States. 1 1 Spanish coins formerly circulated freely in the South, and one of theiu, of the rulue of 12} cents, wás generally known as a "bit." This cusjom spread throtighout the West, and forty years ago this coin, if the pillars on the face of it wei-e fresh and umvorn, was called a "long bit,,'1 but if worn smooth it was called a "Jiort bit " and was wortli bat 10 cents. The American dimes alsi came to be called "short bita." Elegant noveHie in the way of pliosphorescent flowers, which will glow with a lambcnt light in the dark, may be cnsily made by coatiug Ihe petnls wilh transpnrenteizeand tbcti ditsting witli a phosphorescent substaucc, smh as suljiliide ol' calcium. a cneerful countenance is nearly as goori for an invaUd as healthy weather. To maki a sick man tliiuk Ije is dying, all that necessary is o look half dcad yonreclf. Th re e Litfle Maids Brlpht, fresh and charming, soy tïiey owe their good hcaKti and c e ir compoxlons to Hfiod'8 Sarpapjtrilla Everyonc inay liave good liealth by taking Hood's SarsapariHa, whlch cures scrofuln, salt rheum, dyepcpsSa. billousncss, rheumatlsm, catarrh, klüney and liver complaints, and all tlincases caused or pro mot cd by Impuru blood or low state of the Bystem If you feel tlreü and all worn out, Hood'u Sarsapaiilla wfjl-rencwyo ir strengtli, and vitalizo aud enrlch your blood. The ltttle daughtemf M s Charlea Brewster, lïufíalo. N. Y., snfTered grca'jy wltli sites on her eyea. Hood'i Karsaparllla comp;etely cured hv. Miss Carrlc Wart-. Milford. N. H., had a sore come In her car, whlch spread over her neck and both sldes of her face. Intwo days after ehc began taklnp Hooi:-' Sirsaparilla the pore commenced to Iieal, an; in a wiek ;t #M all líenle 1 u, JcbsIo F. D 1 K'-ue. P s'o.ip, R. I., had no appctlt-' or trengtl', nd feit tired all the timf. llaod's SarcaparllU nstored her appctltc and strength. Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyall drugglsta. ï; aLx ior 5. Prepared by C. I. HOODA: CO.. AiKiihPc.iilcp. I.owell. Mase, 100 Vosen one Dollar "Speeklng ot coufrhlng," tayi Mrs. Partlng)n, ''rorne wil) cougb till tbefr facesLgets lac't and blu tmd nevcr tbink of buyingla ottle of Dr. Ettll's Congh Sprup." A snow p)ow Is like a bad hablt - A'good aing to cut ailrift. Folks wlio are always for-givlng- Charltable ersons. Whcn a passenger bourd3 a steamboat,what I the blll of fare!- X. V. Ledeer. A pei'Uliarlty of stage banquet Is the great ariety of supes. "111 mako a i;oo 1 polnt of this," as the odiar said when he sLarpened bis pencll. Talk about women belng flighty ! Look at ank easblers.- Burlington Frëe Press. Vlfiys a leading partin liie- The blind man's og. - Be8toa Cóurler. CorduroyB fpr hat trimmlngs. PlR Iron Kelley, In the American cougress, I matched by C. R. M. Talbut in parliaincnt. íalbot has sat for Glamorgan since 1S30, havig beea rpularly returned at every election or 53 years. For stliluessund sorencssof tbe musr-les and pints of the body, rheumatism, neuralgia - In liet any acbe or pain oí the body - nothing quais Salyation Uil. Vrlce :.5 cents. The Hartford atheneum will open itsgallcry ü the art aoelety. This is regarded as the leilunlng of a free exhibition of Ihe works of ft and ukimately ruakiug books also fies K he public. The disagreeahlcoperation of forcing liquida Dto the head, and the use of exelttnsj snuffs, re telng sóperseded by Ëlv's Creain balm. a ure for Catarrb, CcJds In the Head and Hay rever. It Is s safe and pleajant remedv belug aally applied with the fineer. It ls'curing a?es whah have defled the doctors. Prlcc 50 ents. At drueelsts. 60 cents by mail. Ely Jros.. Owego, N. Y. Boniiet strings are correctly worn two and me-lialf lncbes wlde. The result of 25 years Catarrh :- the bridge ir división of my nose was about half gone. I ibtained a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm; have ised fourbottles, applyin;; itto the affected arts with a swab, whkü has about eured up the iostrlls. I had prevlously tried all other ïemidies on tbe marKet.- J. A. Wood, 98 N. High treet, Columbus, Ohio. Bretelles and V-shapedtrimmingson bodlces (re a" feature in wlnierstyles. ; I find Ely'a Cream Balm good for Catarrh f long standing.- M. N. l.asley, 1934 West Jhestnut Street, Loulsvllle, Ky. Collars are llned with canvas, aud are as "ose and high as cowlorl will pennlt. For tbroat and lung troubles, thü most religie remedy is Ayies Cberry Pectoral. Because the baby is a little ycllef U's no :gn he is a Cltinaman. 1SAKBED tVlUK. If you have barbed wire fences, keep Veterlnarjr tarboHtaUe in ;onr etablos. It cnrua wltbout a sent and recew9 tbe hair lts original color. 50 cents and $1.00, ítDniggisUor by maiL Cole & Co., Black Rlver Falls, Wi. SO TeweTthan l&t members of this cöiigfc3s rere colleglans. SW.'H. Worthington, fdlior of the ''Patrons f Husbandi".-," published at Columbas, Musa., irites uuder da;e of Fcb. 25 1883; "Ycur rreat remedy, Allen's Lung Balsam I have used in my famlly for flfteeu years for oughs and cuide, and know it to be the best." 15c., 50c, and $1.00 a bótlle. ' Grat2 Brown left elght children, only one of rhom is of age. The fruit trees in Santa Barbara are belne jlug up and Knglisb walnuts planted in thefr Head. Don't ueglect ii cough and let it rcmaln to rritate your lungs when a safe and speedv icmedy Cftn bo had for 50 canta in Dr. Blm:bir'9 Posltive Cure. Italian aepositors in New York citj savings oanis have fully $i.',tO),ÜÜO to tbeir credit. E. L. Nöyea , lievere, Mass., was eured of scald-head by usin.' HnlI's Huir Kenen-er. A Lake View. iregou, robbier has fallen ielr to a .SlUO.dDü estáte. Bronchitis is eured by frequent small doses f Plso's Cure for Consuiuption. To an aligátor - "Thy sweet emiles haunts ne stiU." , The Graxi Secret of female beauty is ïealth - the secret of henlth is the power toeat, ligest ar.d asslmilate a proper auantitv at ïbolctome fix"! V 4 BOAS BTTTXB8. It ,vill clean sc the stomacl). tonethe vitai organs. ;ive a perfect digestión, purify the blood, clear ap the complexión, and produce a state of jenuine female lovcliuess, with which no cosaietic can compare. Bismark has in hand a bl scheme of coloalzation in Brazil. A Book for Everybody. The Peabody Medical ínstltute has just published a new book, treatins exelusively of n'ekvoi'3 and MkStai. DiasABUs; 200 pp., .loth. Priej si. or tbis book aud tbe Science ii Life, priceil, sent on receipt of $2.20, postige paid. These are beyond aU comparison the most estraordinarv works on physiology ■ver published. There' Is nothing whatever Ibe MARRIED OK SrNCLE OF EITHEB SKX C8n require or wish to khow bat what Is fully explained, and many matters of the most important and interesting eharaeter are introduced, :u which no allusioll ever ran be found in any ather works in our language. All tlie kew piscovEitiEs ö'f the author, whose experience 3 iuch as probably never before feil to the lot f any rnan, are glven In full, especlally those relating to BpSRMATORRHíea Impoïency, ■5TERU.ITT or BabrennbsS. No person auould be without these valuable books. The pteês hrotigbout the country, the clergy, and the medical faculty generaliy.highly extol these estraordiaary and usèful orfcs. The most fastidious may reiid them. JJK'ther book sent by mail, post pald, on 'eeeipt ol priee. Dr. V. H. Parker, member of tbe Koyai. College oí Suroéoxs, Loxdon ; late JtÉDijjlL Inspector-General Ü. S. A. ;Hoxorart Uember oï the amebicax Medical Kaculrv, and AflilSTANT Physician of TUE Issrirt'TK, rnay bc eonsultcd on all diseases requirng skill aud experience, to wbom all correspóndence shoukl be addressed. or to tbe Peabody Medical Institute, No. i Bultlsb Street. Boston, Kemaui.i: SbcheOY and Cer1A1X KELIEf. Secretar; Starts has only one unmurrled laugbter ieft.' rlalfnrrlSaiiPfl':iPr""Ir forfunllr u. oalyjoll Clabottlm. Hait n-i cliept. RedJStar USÍWRE Free from Opiates, llmetlcs and Poison. SAFE. r%mfni. SURE. PCtS. PROMPT. JU TUE CUittLia A.YWiKLER CO., BALTIMOBE, HP. f T JACOBS Qï i'rlkh _ THE GREAT f%l# f"_ ft ■ Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, CAI Uflin llsrlachr. Ilndarbr, Toolhacbc, f 11 PIHi'K, FIFTV CENTS. ■ ■ ■ Hlll AT DBL'OCISTS AND DK.ILEUS. THECI11RLKS 1. TOUELEU CO., BALTIXCIKE, HD. áCTJ Gold & Jewelled WEE MEDAL flLtfa Waa aivnrded by tbo C2J kV National Medical (ÊMÊi WEM? TO THE AUTHOR OF THE SGIENGE OF UFE wbo the clilef Consiilthisr Physician of IbC t'enbody Meilicii! lnxtlIUK!), t belng the beet Medical Tre t'se on Manhood. Rx;autrl Viuliu Kcrrou til P. y: ■ ■■! Di'Wil:y, romaiurc nee Ine In Mm, ttic Eriow of ï h. u iicuaiuM in'scr e resul WK ir i" rudcretlon or 'U-rsdn crly llfe, wliicuth i ■ u'tor l:i proveo pn ir a' c.-hitcd ii 1 niBtiey i u vú. It - ;i utimaan! lie He il B'i rk in iüp bofe, ui . la tream c to every f unir nnd uiKIUiu-uEcl inao. Watrantoi a- ierre : en'ea ur the mnney refunden n eveiy n t ■■■ e; xu ■ iones: .inliusfí] müsllri. ful! B lt !"p:e-i'pti"ii8 for : ,ÏÏ di.-cnses. Prlce only 11 ui by mll. i ejied, .■ ild lütislrat'-d siunplos, tre '■" ' l', S DL UOW. h-i w jrlt la unlv8rll7 rocoinm n'ed bytoepi lcrK. rarents nn'l teacbere, au. iveryone 61 ttf inrt'tiai m iiiülon leaderp. Eveiyman, ' u g or iM, ibould rcad i!'.!" liook. and oveiy smtcrer aluiuld ' o:iulr tho author. "ïhcre 13 a lnlin ín (ülcad; tLero sa plty.iflnn there." Ad'Jrcf-s R. W.H.lAIHt)EK,4rJiimncli ft. .Boston, Mim- CURES WHERt ÁtL ttSETAasTTiF 3 Beat CouKh Byrup. Tastcs goad. Use B E1 ir, i ■■ .- :.l ' - ■'- . ■■ ' fS 8TRICTLY PURE. IT COR TAIIf 9 IVO OPIUM IN ASIY FOItltt 25 25 CENTS Io WCEHTS uikg balsp IN THBEE SIZE BOTÏXES. PRICÈ 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, AND $1 PER BOTTLf f)!' CEXT B0TTI.E3 are put upWor iteartO7ftS moAaüon of all who rdesireía t.íood and Loto Prieta Coush, Cold and Crouo Remedy THOSK DESIRINQ A'.REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION ■ OR ANY) LU MG "DÏSlTASÈ, Should Sleurt the Largt HOO Boules. DírtctwHí aci-oiKpany Eaü Isottle. SOLD er ALL JIEDW1SK DEALEtp. 3JnÊÊnKBNLÉ$iSiïBUv&iihl&iP, ■■'■■■. HIBBARD'S RHÉUMATIC SYRUP. á gB"Ét BlDUü'PÜHIFlRt, SHEUMATiSM !s cauicd liy n "üetcntlon of ■pt.MOHlilU IKJMORS In the systi'in," and tliera is Eitat DANGER Lbatltmfty fttftny moment, nttack the HEAitTirl catiie dfaih Instantly. The celébrate ) lr. Cjï of Enxland, declaren thni nfne -tenths oí all deatiia 1 HEART DISEASE "arlae from rliemnatlam. Jttt sUghtett ojwtoacfi shoultl nii k terror .' imHAHI.1 UUBC3TATIC STliVP ;:oe to tlio blood. wlilcli litlic sent u üw dlsense. )t isapuiclr vegetable 'comimunil lt d:ssolvcti iill m i'ts. ünvei om all rheunis. nud cxpimh all dnnp'"' i u mor?ForBIffiinna'Uiii. i'1' LIverftnnMmiBt, Ntui iw';i ( Hhv-tini, Sciofala, Kryblpcla9. leitur, r.iiiwunn. mul l lic luutiK'rable klmlicd irouMe lt Is Invaiuabli'. l'rice, 51.00 per hottic. Soidtjyfcll drnrelsls. Aiwjys use BlBBATtl'H TtUHUMA 1'IC pl.Asnci: lu cunseetlon wlth the srup. Mudo ouly by Uie Uheumatic Syrup Co., ja cKSoy, mea. ' B. H. DOUCLASS & SONS' Cap : ie ii in í oiiíili Jlrops for Ooughs, Colds and Sora Throat, aa Alleviator of Consumptioii, nd offcreat benefit in most cases of Dypcpsia. (SEWARE OF IMITA TIONS.) Thoy ar the reault of over forty yeart' cxnrieaoa in eompoundi-n COTffGH SEMÜDli;!!. Hetall prlce 15 oents per Quarter poiil. TOJt 8ALE BV Al.f; 1KAI.KHS. ' SSË NEVlRdAILS BIUOUSNESS, ' ]T!ffpTSÍSToñk S ■jmai'li; 'but slncc comj inenclnK the uao of your Bui:uocK Bi ood Bittkr I leel becti-r ihan I have for year. I Uuvt reiuinmended lt to many filenda WHIi the most i-xccllenf results. Mk. Jas. a. Eewin. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW 1,001 Imiiortanttbinga younsTirkaeworthonjrlit ol about the humau üudy uutt ití cnriouè orc-ns, Jfcw Ufe isperpet-uated, healthtavM.diteaseind'jf-fd Jïqw to awiü pitall of ifftwranet anti iruliscrcbvn, How to apply iomtf-fur o all forms of iït"ae. Hewtu cure Crottp.oïd Júyt$,Rupture, Phit-ws+t. etc t happy in marriaffthavt prizehakui OLK i'IlLiU BLUii 1 Ilifll JH.D10 MTrajnmrub,co„m)E, 2Mhai,.H6w urn. ESTERBROÖKs;ffS LeadineNos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationors. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: CamdeD, H. J. 26 John St., Ssw Ytrk. i,oööiöooï Acres of land for salí-, f rom ítí.M t) I?.Ü0 per atre. Ncbraska is tbc place to 'cl r'c'i. Send for catalogue, wlth Ucscriptlon ol f yety coimty iu the state. , . C.E. MAYNE, Real Esfate Broker, __P MAHA. NEBRASKA. I GURE FITS? tlmo and tlien biiTo tiim return Rf. I meou a r4lcal euro. 1 have ni.-ulo ih disoaso oí' i I IS, KPïI.ïrfY or FALLlNQSICKNESSi llii-loog vizáf. Iwir'tJ remody to euro tho vent cUcï ::t.fd othr lijTt ittllod ís do reason for nt now njceivloj cara. Seuu oac for ft troBtlao and a Freo BtfUt et my lnf mtdy. OWo Sxpre-: and i&si OftoA, Xt cí J#a DOtblur ftr a trial, and I wlll uurtf yiO. Ifldroas Dr. H. Ü. KOOT. 1 yerl 8l, Wow Taifc. % NiliVO(lsV%aAI.Ïor% RHEU.USSAW A Life Experlenco. Remarfcablo and QUiok curea. Trial Packagos. 3euA Btamp for sealed particular. Addrsfl Dr. WARD & CO. Louislana, Me. Vou aro alloweJ a frtctria.1 of thírfy days of til ussof Dr. Dye's rclebratccl Voltalolicltwiih Electilo Suspensory Applimices, for the spftcdy relief andper mant'Ut cureor Xerwtts DcbiUty loss of Vitality,ttnu Manhood, &nd all klinlrHï troublei. Alo for m&uy otheriïiHc-tst's. CompleterestoratlontoHtïalthpVlffor andMftuhoodffuarauleeil. No rlykisiiicurroü. niuatratod pamphlf-t In scated envclovc mnilotl freo, Ly 'mldrojains Vultaic Belt Co. Marshall, )üclu "mtt IT I T IT RE ghgfia KGAK'S IMPEUI AT. TKCSS Tb T))1s ncw trusa has a sjMral iprinc Ui ■ ■iniMii-i'rfni'nKwriif viflU tr cVCrj I tiun. rctaloinK the hfii'nïa atwan, Itcr, SBBMfcAVurn i w anil mout wlth KncluMI starnuforCIrenUr. Ud In hoth HotplUlfc ▲ik your niKffist. E&AN'S IMrKliiALTRUSSCOw Box yJSH Aun Arbor.Ucli. asa BlTCn An nctivc Man or ffomea In citrj 1IIH K I t"cottnty tü sr;;tjurKO&d 8lr; JJ. ■Af U BV ' per onlhánil íiipfíiscí Kipftnw 1D d■W f" vflTitc. Canvastinji outfit 1'KKE! Farticutt Ww freo. Standard Si] ver-ware Co. Boston. Sf as. gmHEBIWnV-''':". Mom. AnillU IMorphln nablt Curvdlo 10 81MII BH ■soUy. N"i-a.vtl ICured. UriUnl TIK .1. .STElfBN. 1...1.:iOU. Oblttit TJfiP A ■PTT'V K A D N' hero and ipi'ftí)Tiiífurn(fticl. VtIcnjiiH' , jMiesvllIét ww iw'tNo' sorai rktur'H and dú Fancy '.ucis fi:ew), 'JÍuiiIlcaíorlOc. E8SEX CARD W0KK8 Ivoryro.i, corn. ïilQb'romo Gold loon Fripffe, Ote, Caída ent íiípotpu!d for 6c. Comí, bicain worlu, Ilr H tic Conn. i nnXEWSCRAPPTCUJ(!HR:iml 43 w Chrotro I JIInTKl Gnlil Sci-an Cilds -IH l'ntpnlil for IOta. 1Ü.CESTEBBBOOK CARD CO., Ccutertrook, C mn, A FREE SAMPLET To Introduce the creat houscholil rf-mi-dj. OOBnoN'SKlN'üOK PAÏNIntooveiyia'nlIy. I wlll taal assmple fret-, to any ono Berniinc al'1res. HutlüQ thJ paper and a-Wross E. Ci. iïIC AUDi. ïoleJo, 6. W. W. P. D.--4--5 Hlf n 1 FOIÍ AI.L. 130 a woalt aaJ expe3 :. WIInK ' ' t -.vurth W illKl purtlculnr froji ï' nUlln ' t :. i. iiv. .mjiihii, Mnlii?, Ja,,


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