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Around A Great State

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brohe out In tho Grand Rapids & Indiana c;;r shops, lo ated at the extreme limits of Grand Raptds, earlj ou the morning of the Otb inst. The entlre tire departinent responded and itluii ubout two hours' time raoceede l in checking the flamea. The tire wa startcd ly b detective stovc In the paint shop and spread rapidly throii!;!i the eutire build injr. The tuin spread to the eoaeh room and iu a short thne this room was in ashes. Ihe upholsterlng room as the next visitet by tlie iicrv element Aaide ftom the stock de stroyed In tlie various ilcpartnients, a larc quantitv of dry lunitiT was lïo borned. TEe loss will foot üp nearly $75,C0U, wblch is cov cred by $70,0UÜ msurance. The main cai shops, where most ot the work of building aml re])airinK is cari-led on adjoining thosc now in ruma, tro saveá b the herole eilorts of the flrcmen. The lire is the larges'. on_ Grand Hapid has witnesscd for severa! vears and lit up the eutiie eit.v. It " was (eared :it nne time that desDite all etTorts the entice car worka woukl bc consumed. No In uw iud wiis blowing, which made the work more easy. Il Is impossible to state ivhat tlie railroad c-onii any will do, but thev will nndoubtedlv reoüüd t once, 'i he railroad oftieiuls wéA nearly all on the grjounds, assistini in llghting the" Barnes. About 100 men are thrown out of einployment. MINOR STATE HAPPENINGS. ; Ashcr Hutchiuson, a man working n Sei rteht'a lamber camp u Montererías ínstantly killed by a falling limb a few days slnce. He ! '.vas a married inan, about 5'J jcars oíd, and lived ou a farm ncar the camp. Lapcer s already niakiug preparations for thc uurinal rchool to be held there next surumer. John Karnes of tíoblevllle dropped dead wliile about bis work a few days ago. It is expected that 5C0 delegates and visltors wül be Id attendance at the state duirymen's couwntfou to be held at Kalamazoo, coinmenclng Keb. iü. Mr. Jotm iiill of Tekonsha, onc of the largost broeders of line sheep In Caluouu county, has recently added to bis Bock tbtrty-three Snan!Sh merino ewes, purchased at Shoveham, Vt. Tlie Toledo & Ann Arbor rallway company has serred an injuuctlon on C. J. Rarnsey of Muir restralnine hhn rom placing logs in the river. It is clalmed tliat f the injune tion is iiot made perpetual the logs will ilood j laree quantitiea of laud as weH as destroy the railroad track. Iron is a eouuty, legally organlzed, aud the governor was all right in appointing the provisional county offlean: so saya the supreme oourt The test cases were b ought a tue lnbUgation of John il. Longycar,. sicretaxy ol the .uip canal compauy, the taxatton oí irntcb was considerable mcreásed by the combining of put of Marqüctte and Menominee lato a nuw coonty. The cases were argued by I al & Banscomb of Marquette, for Mr. Longyear, Cahall & Ustraiuler of Lansing, for tin; coimtv clerk aud board of supervisors. Botb cae"s were declded ji favor ol ti.e vaiidity ot the ae. organlzlng tiie eouuty, every In.pjrtaiit yolut made by Slessrs. Cabía & Oftranaer bcing approved by the c'ourt l'risoners at Jackson Fob. 1, 783. The tí.&N. K. 1!. K. will be extended as soon as spring opens. The next animal eneampment of the G. A. R. takes place at Jackson April 20-21. Soldiers and sallors of Clare and Isabella county have organizcd a G. A. 1{ The Central Michigan agrienHural society bas Consolidated lts lndebtedneis itto a $10,000 mortgage, glven to li. II. Parkhurst, to becomedaeln tie years. Tiie society will pay Rix per (ent. interest. Norman llackett, a boy agcd 14; of Bailey, UuskefcoB county, whfle out huntinii Sundai accfdently discharectd nto timt run wbi:ê standing ou a log, blowlnx a hole ttirougli the muele of his arm so that emputation at the slunilder was neeessary. Uis recovery is doubtful. Kector Wright and Cordella (iordon pkaded giiilty in the circuit court in Monroe on the cth. to a charge of adultcry, and Wright was tenteneed by Judge Josllu tóthree years in the state prison and the wotnau to thiee years in the Detroit house of correctiou. The warehouse and finishing f oom of . t;is : Aulsbrook'a furnlture ïaetory, in Sturfis, turned on the 5th involving a loss of $10,00U. About SI, 003 worth of finished work aud sto k were saved and there was $3,000 iusflrauce, $1,000 cach in the Ainazon, Westchester and Hartford, in Cooper's ageuey. The Scnatc commlttee on public buildings have inreed torecommend an approprlation of ?1,3CO.OIO for Detroit's new bui.d ng. Senator Palmer will endeavor to have ibem recom ïr.end the ful an:ount ask&l u his bl.l. A serious csse of poisoning OCcUrred in Alcona eouuty a few days ago. The family of ThemasDean, a farmer, became serlously ill a ter partaking of their breakfast InVestlgation showod that some "Kough on Rats" had becomc mixed with thetatttr. Thoug'.i very ill fcjr a time, it Is fcelieved all the mew bers of tbc family will recover. The semi-centennial celebration of the admission o .Michigan into the L nion will be observed at l.ansing June 15-10. The chief, one engineer and a driver are all who remai-i on giiard in the Coldwater flre department All other members tave reelgned. i ui' HoKy ereamery will be In full o;eration about Marcu lst. Knht Jordan's Lardwood loj erop this winter will reaeh 20,000,000 or more feet. 'Twin Lake, Muskegou counly, proudk polnts to a record of 4'J below zero" on the :il inst. 1 The statu board of health has devoted coníiderable time to studyiDg the cauEês of tyEhoid fever, thu resuit oí whieli is the j.ubcatlou oí; a painphlet filled wlth valuable inlormatlon concernlng the mode of spread o: e ui unicati n, its connection with tne water BUpply, the period of incubation, dutlcs ol I...... i. al:li uiriccrs, preciutions aml dlslnfectlon. Copies will be sent at once to all phvslclans and health officers in the stnte. The that fully 1,0 X) deaths oecur from ibis disease in tüe suite every ve;:r, and that the numb. r of persons ill durine tbc year is probably (,IICO to ÏO.OJO. The state boird if correctlon and eharlties Etrongly condi mus tliu city juil at Lanslng. (The Uíchjgan agricultura] college ie cxperlmcnting on seventecn different kimïs of viheat The temi-e(jnt( nnial eelebratiou of the admisslon oí Michigan in tbe 'Jnlon will take place at Lansing, June U and Ui. The conim!ssloner8 Who have tbc matter in band are Gov. Alger, llenry Uhamberlaln, llcnry liinc hmaii. .lames Shearer andS. 'I'. Read. Thescgcntleiiienmet at Gov. Alger's olllcc in Detroit recently and cxehanged Ideas. Formal actlon was deferred until a second mee ting, to He held at the same place Fel), ii. It is stated, however, that üie program will incUide a full histoiy of the state for tbc past 60 ears and btojtraph] al sketches of prominent men. Miss Flora Temple of LouisylUe, Ky., was found lyinsr on the r.ii;road track near I'cre Cheney a li w days aio, having succumbed to fatigue an i tl. e eold weather. She was earried to the Centra) hotel, and aftcr reviviug, the young lady Btated that shc was in search of tbe resting place of her brotber's b.idv, havlng bcard that In. dlèd near Grayling two weeks ogo. Miss Temple says her parents an 1 four Irotherj are burleJ at. I.ouisville, andshc wtiuts to c;ir,v tbe last I rother to rest beslde the others. Koks' school of practical education at Lensing has bien closed for la -k ol" fuuds. Steyans, the De troit mnrdercr tecently sent (o Jackson for lile, lias be.nielcascd trom solltary conflneraent and set to work on a boot ai il sho? contract. Kd. liickey, charged witli burglary in Kast Baginaw in December, 188$, was aermitted in Ih Midland Circuit a few days ago, the case liavin ;i there on a cnange of venue. Thls is the fourth trial. liel .i :. Mcii-.tyiT. a farmer livins near Kalanuizoo, liad añ attack of pain while doing his ' horea the other n'ght, went to the house and at down, mi eiplrcd Immcdiately. Ili-a : 'linease was the cause. His age was 47. Hilledale county. aske for jury fees for the hole panel in the Henry Holcomb perjury trial, ?'JO0. Jackson coanty will probably coiisidcr the f CCS of thosc aetuilly fügaged in the trial -$4L0 enougb, K. M. Kvaiis of Jackson, bas been awardcd the (ou'.raet for suimly'nK ""-''t to the prison tor the uext year. The contract rice is flve cents per pound. Mineral output íoi January: Calumet iV HeeJa mine, 2,4:4 tons; Atlantic, 200; FrankUn,2O4 Hurón. 127; Quincy, 175 Copper Falls, 7.) 'ons. A itennanent injuuctiou has been issucd agalnst the Chicago t West Michigan railroad ( ipanj restralnlng th : lompany irom interfering with the canal of the manuf acturin? compftu i ■ Kewajgo. February 10 has beer fixcd as the date lor hearing the motion to dlssplye. Spyera] of the railroad hands hac I been arrested for obeylqg tbe orders of the ottiuors of the road. The lallroad compaoy I neglected to hail thelr employés, aml bftd ii not been ior the kiudnen o! Air. Clay, wlicso property liad been trespasscd on, the nien would liave remained in juil. The Michigan board of pharmacy will hokl a meeting at drand Rapids on March2foreïamining candidatos ior mtlstratton under setinn 5 of an act to regúlate the practico o! I phanii.'uv. ' . lii'v. M. V. Knik. principal of the" practical training school nt I.ansinï has made arranco raents with responsible partles fortbe nnancial mauaïcnient ol the school, and it was reopeoed on' tbc th inst., with Mr. Kork in chatije of the educational t-; :u tnn-nt. Investlgatlon shows that the loss at thé Grand Kapids tt Iiidiana car shop in Grand Rapids was over ettimated. The general ofh'ces say it w.ll rnach onlv $35,(HX, with an inrarasce o íiiok) on that portion of tl.c building. The workmen lost all thelr too!s, lncluditig liftten i-hes s full. The property was built in ls;ti and was valued at L.'OJ,XX). As eoon as tho. debris is oleared away the work of rcbuildiuit will be commenced. Ko furtber danger oí an outbreak is fearcd. A bout forty men are tem] orarily out of work. The Lapeer eounty Prohibition convention at Lapeer, Keiiruary 24 will be conductcd by M. J. Fauning. The state board of health has publlshed a pagipblet lillcil with Information vouverning the mode of spread of lyphoid fcver, its connection with the water supply, the period of incubation. duties of local health officers, precautions and disinfection. Copies are to be sent to a!i pbysicians and health olttcc-rs iu the state. The board believes tliat fullv 1,000 deaths occur trom this disease iu the state everv vcar, ana mat tue numuer ol persons ill diirfng the year is probably $,000 to 10.000. A eompany has been forraeJ In Vassar and commeneed the erection of a building )oi' dairy purposes, 3J by 50 feet, to be supplied wlth all improved appliances. The factory i to be of 8J0 cow power. Messrs. Tappan and Shatïer are proprietors. Mrs. Jfssie Cliapman, sentenced to 21 months at Jacksou, from St. Joscpli county, for adultery. bas been taUe.i iack and resentenccd to the Detroit house of correctiou. Leslle has a pensioner of the revolutionary war. Lewis 15. Fonda, one of the oldest citizens of Brighton, died on the 7th inst. Charles fonberg, one of the oldest citizens of Port Hurón, ladead. Abraham Percival, an old resident of Poutiac, Ol.d h few days since, aged 78 years. A tougb. naincd Fitzgibbons was shot and killed by the sheriff at Ciladnln on the Tth inst., while resisting arrest. Burglars entcred the resldeace of J. P. HUI. Kast Suglnaw. the other night, and carried ofit Jcwelry and 'monoy amouutine in value to f300. A farmer uamcd Geo Odell, living at Kentlii'l. Bfteen miles west of Kalarnuzoo, was abs.'ut from hls house an unusually long time do ng ciiores, and on searcli being made he uas found dead Ijeslde a straw staek. Cause. heiirt dUeace. The Unted Stars flsh hatehery at Northville I as lust Fhipped l,0UO,Ü00 whltelisb ég for SIrJulius Vogel, poatmaster-general of New Zealand, fe r propagation in the waters of that folony. The eggs go via Sau Francisco, whorê thoy will lc repacked and forwarded by steamer to Auckland. A f tareb iactory is to be cetablished at Reed City, John (i. Goodrich of Bangor, Maine, is the proprietor. Col. Worden of Grand Rapid.-, is specla' examiner of land claims for Michigan. Mrs. Frank Grubaugh ot WasUtagton, (iratiot county, isuiider arre-t eharged wlth eonsplracy to remove her husband. A fanner's institute, under the ausplceí of state board of agriculture, will be held nt the Yiliage Hall, (jüiucy, February 17 and IS. The Thoni on !c Houston electrle light plant ut Kalamazt o is a!:out ready for operatlons, ind the peoplo are very greatly pleaed with the preliinluary t(-"Levi Marris of Kalamazoo, inventor of a ifew lire ladder, is experimenting at Battle Creek. He expecta to oreanlze a $1,OCO,OJO stock coinpany Jor its manufacture Maren 1.


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