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City Locáis. Si'niNO Styt,es. The Two Süins received yesterday, the first iiistallment of Yeoman's Hats for, which they are agenta for Ana Arbor. Tins Hat is considered the finest quality of Deby Hat made or known to the trade. For correct styles D. B. Yeoman of the Albemarle, is considered the leader of styles fr young men's hats throughout the East and West. They have also received the agency for H. M. Silverman & Co.'s Derby Hats in two hights. It is also worth while mentioning that The Two Sams are leaders iu the hat trade of Ann Arbor. Another feature worth mentioning is the fact that at the end of every season all old styles are discarded from their counters and only the correct styles sbown or sold. The Two Sams. Store to Rent. - The store formerly occuiiied by Mr. Dunstiin, in the Hansterfor block, i ÍW rent on Maren 10. Cali on A. F. Hangsterfer. Shüwl Lost.- On Saturday, Feb. 6, a Shall belonging to Mrs. O 'oinor, between the opera house and Mrs. E. Hoban's place on Second street. Return tp E. Dnffy's store. Photography. Among the leading photographers of Michigan is Mr. J. J. Gibson of the Lewis & Gibson Gallery. He enjoys a large and permanent patronage.controlling the trade through the surrounding county for from 12 to 25 miles, gained from other places throngh the exchange of his work. The premises occupied are spacious and admirably arranged, the reception room is neatly and handsomely furnished and the operating department is equipped with the most improved modern apparatus and appliances. Mr. Gibson employs assistants for each department of his larjie studio and posses-es every facility tor turmug out fust clasB work in the most Bfitisfnctory marnier, while his prices are very moderate. Photography in all ils branches is attended to, and all work than can be turned out by a first class gallery may be had there. Mr. Gibson is genial and obliging to his patrons and, a8 an artist, ranks second to none in íiír' line of business and well deeerves the succes which he has achieved. ANTBD. Two tírst-class pant makers by W. G. Jíuichfield, No. 10 East Huron-st., Ann Arbor, Mit-li. We opeued up, Feb. 11, and will continue our sales every day and evening. Parties wishing fine goods will do well to attend our opening sales. We invite the trade also. Sale in Hangsterfer block. W. J. Duustan. 1 1 a i, i , to Bent. Suitable for a society or any other pur pose. Oall on or address Al . Martin. Now is the time to get married. W. J.Dunstau has ïeturned with two car loads of goods, which will be sold positivo, without reserve, in Hangsterfer block. F. J. Sclilecde, bookbinder and statiouer, corner Ann and Pifth streets.will bind books from 40 cents np. Only the best material used. Note books to stuent at mauufacturcrs' prices; also statiouery. Patent Koekers, Easy Chaire, Lounges and Sofa, at considerable leas than the real valué at Koch & Haller's. Loaning. - Money to loan on first-cluss Real Estáte Mortgage at Ourrent rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with oapitalists desiring such investments. Every conveyance and transaction in abstraets of litïes carefally examimed as to legal effect. Z. P. King, Ann Arbor Claikvoint Physician. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy block, opposite the postoflice, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found ni his olfice at all hours. Cisterus built and repaired. Mason work of all kinds done on short notice. Leave orders corner Fifth and Huron streets. G. D. ('ollins. A WONDERFUL COMBINATION - OF - IPKITOXIZEI) BEKF, HOPS AND MALT,' Belng iiic oxiv KowN nï!:iMUATIO tor Imparting l'IBIi -IALBUMENITo (Ue Body. It íb un Absolute Cure for Nervonsnes, Debility, and Insomnia, and wards of those Terrible Evila wh-ioh are the Fixsl Stages of INSANITY. For Delilliiated Men, For Kuloebled Women, For Delicate CtaUdren, Por all avIio need Slrrnsth "HOPTONIC IS A BLESSIMO." For Salo by all DroggistS. l'rcpared onlj by th HOPTONIO CO., Grand Kapiijs. Mica. MighiganíTentrai The JViagara F alk (Route. Time Table, Nov. 29, 1885. All trains run by Ninetieth Meriiáan, or Central Standard Time. goma bao. , STATIONS, d ,? _! M g S o. 5 H c o. a ?___?L pí _d _sa a_ A.M. A.M. P. M p. M. P. M Jbicago Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.00 9.06 9 55 Niles.... 10.20 12.15 7.45 12.28 1 20 l)ecatnr_ 8.30 210 tawtou. 8.48 a. m. 2 27 Kalsmazoo.PM 1.42 9.15 6.46 2.C0 3.03 Baleebnrg 7.03 ... . 8 21 Battle Creek... a.23 7.31 2.50 3.Í0 Marehall 8.07 7.67 8.18 4.17 Mbion 8.32 8.Ï0 3.43 4.40 A, M. Jackaon.....Ar. 8.10 Jackson Lv. 3.14 4.15 9.15 4 35 5 25 3rassLake 3.33 9.36 547 helsea 3.55 9.57 60a Dexter 4.12 10.12 . 6B2 Ann Arbor 4.22 5.30 10.2a 5.45 6 40 Fpetlanti 4.50 5.45 10.45 6 00 "55 wayne June... 5 15 6.05 11.(15 20 7 17 Springwells.... 5.50 6.35 11.35 6 50 7'&0 Detroit Ar. 6.00 6.45 11.45 7.00 8Í00 St. Thomas Ar 11.10 " ' 10 45PJJ40 A. M. Weiland 1.53 1 51 6 28 Falla View 2 29 Niágara Falta 2.22 I 2 33 6.56 Susp. Bridge.. 2.30 I 2 50 710 Burfalo Ar 8.851 8 55 8.10 aoING WE8T. L . % o STAT.OH.. d &i,-fi L L_?_ &_&K „ _ ■ P. M. P. M. A.M. A.M. Buffalo L. 6 00 11.30 9 00 11.3B A. M. r M Susp. Bridge.. 12.31 12 35 Niágara Falls 12.46 12.53 Falls View p h 1 Q2 St. Thomas... 4 10 4.10 '115 4.45 'ctroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8 00 9.15 8pringwells.... 7.10 9.20 4.10 8.10 9 25 an June... 7.40 9.58 4.45 8.40 9 55 Vpsilanii_ 8.01 10.13 5.12 9.06 10.21 Aun Arbor 8.16 10.2;! 5.30 3.23 10 38 Dejtter 8.851 5.52 9 55 ■Aelso 8.48 6.07 10.00 Gniaslake 9.10 6.39 10.20 P. M. Jaoknmi Ar. 1055 Jacksou Lv. 9.35 11.48 7.07 12 03 Alblon 12.42 8.10 11.83 12.46 ■■■rahall 1.05 8.48 11.55 1.10 Battle reek.... 1.81 9.22 12.20 1.37 lalisburg 9.57 12.42 íalamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 12.05 2.32 Uiwton... p. m. 5.18 Decator 5.35 2.10 ■Ji'.eB 1.47 3.45 6.40 8.06 4.13 Chicago Ar 5.45 7.10 ...... 10.35 7.00 8.05 The New York Expreas, a fast train leaves Chi3ago at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the fol.owing stops, Michigan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kalimazoo7.23; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jackson 9 15 Ann Arbor, 10 00; Ypsilanti, lO.ll; Springwellg 11.05; arrivinginDetroitat 111.5 P. M. The Chicago Express, a fast train leaves Deroitat p m. making the folowing stops: Wayne Junction, i.OÍ ; Ypsilanti, 2.20; Ann Ar bor. 88. .Jackson. 3.32, Albion. 4.03; Marshall, 1.22, Battle Creek, 4,40; Kalamazoo, 5 15; Niles, i.i; Michigan City, 7.80; Chicago, 8.80. buiiday excopted. }3aturday & Sunday excepteo Daily. O. W. Ruoolbs, H.W. HAYES, O. P í. A.. VUcaao. Aat Ann Arhor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan Railway. THROUOH TIMK TABLE. 'liiklncr effect September 27, 1885. Trains run by Standard Time. Going North. Qoing South. "4 2i STATIONS. I i 3 Ex. I Mail I Standard Time. Ex. Mail. p. m. a. m. I Lea ve Arrive a. m. pTlñ. 340 7:05 Toledo .. 9:30 5:0C 3 45 7:14 1 Manhatten Junction 9:26 4 65 40!) 7:23 Alexis Junction 9:16 4:47 4 25 8:15 Monroe Junction 8:42 414 4.11 830 Dundee 8 30 4:04 445 846 Azalia 8 20 3 54 5Ct HOS Milán 8 06 8 45 508 922 Urania 7 52 1 330 523 932 Pittsfleld 7 4C I 3 22 535 950 Ann Arbor 7 271 3 10 620lQ45 South Lyon 6 50 2 25 Connections at Toledo with railroads diverging. At Manhattan Junction with WheelingS LakeKriB R. R. At Alexis Jnnction with M C. R. R. L. S. RV, and F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee, with I. 3. & M. S.. and M. & O. R'y. At Milán with W.. St. D. & P. R',. At Pittofleld with L. S. & M. S. R'y., andat South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and U. T. R'y. Two trains, numbered 5 and 6, run between Toledo and Detroit, daily except Sunday, via Milán Junction; No. 6 arrivés at Milán Junction at 11:00 a. ni. and reaches Detroit at 12:00 noon; No. 5 leaves Detroit at 2:35 and reaches Milán Junction at 3:45 and Toledo at 5:0tip m. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Uen. Superintendent. Hen. Passenger At. GRAND; TRUNK RAILWAY INCLUDINQ THE GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falls Sbort Line. Pullman and Wagner sleepiug Care and Elegamt New Dining Cars on all Expreee TrainB east and west. AU trains arrive at and depart from Brush-st. dept t on Central Standard time, which is 28 minutes slower than Detroit city time. Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOOT OF BKUSH STREET. Leave at Arrive at Toninto, Montreal and East 8 00 ain 4 Í5 am HnlTalo 800am 505pm l'"rt Huron Express 4 20 pm 5 05 pm Torono, Montreal and East. SI 1 00 pin +9 35 pm BufTalo Fast Express {12 00 pm 0 3C pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street, Leave at Arrive at Atlantic Express S6 36am {8 3Datn Express SIS 05 noon 3 20 pm London Kxpiess 5 30 pm $8 50 pm Kor tickets and intormatlon apply to General Ticket Omce. 169 JefTerson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office, foot of Brush street, SDaily. Except Sunday. J. HICKSON, General Manager. WM. ROBINSON, Mich. & S. W. Pass. Agt., Detroit. Gilbert Bi,iss Pass & Ticket Aet.. Ann Arbor. AnTTTnSe"(1 10 eents postage, and we wil ItI H I raail a royal, valuable Uil 1 smple hox. of goods that will put you in way of making more mon ey at once, than anythlng else in America. Hoth sexes of all ages ean live at home and work in si ure time, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those wIk 1 siart atoncu. STiNgni & Qo. Portland i THE TUTeICRÏÏ.


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