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Prince Bitmarck wants to make the solliuij; oL brandy agoverumeut monopoly. The Hlood UAKB9 tuk BNTIRE CIRCUIT of tuk BODT kvkkï sevex MINUTES, and whenever this clrculatlon U lmpeded, oranyof lts ehanuels aro cloggcd by Impurlties, dlsease follows - (ever, or a disorder oí livor, oí kidncys, or serofula, ordypcpsia. To get at th eonrce of the dlfflculty, use tbc blood puriiier, Uu. Walkbr's Vinegar Bitters. The special eollcction of 1,800 copper, wood and steel engraviugs of Sbakespeariana belonglng to the late Richard (irant. White bas been tO'Jgbt by Wellesley college, Mass., for its Shakespeare library. We thluk we can cure a bad case of Back acúe quicker witb oneoíCarter'a imart Weed and Belladonna Backache Pastere, tha i bv auv other a)plication, and after tbc Backache i-i cured, you can stil] wear the piaster without disiomfort for two er Ihrec weeks longer. Tbis comliination of Smart Wee 1 and Belladonua is a great bJt, and lt is bar J to lind any palnor ache tliat will notyield to it. l'rice 25 cl'U'.. Sold by drugt;ists everywhero. White wooleu tulle is a novelty in ball dresses; it is draped over white or colorad ilk. Three bottlos of Athloph Imv eutircly relicved my brotlüT-in-law, Louis Zimmerinj; of rheumatism, whlch formerly troubkd bim and hc eau work nithoat the lea%t Inconven enee. Viliiam iiounners, foreman tor H. V. McMillan & Bro., McMlllan, Wisconsln. A eouple were married by Judi.' Cheney in Los Andeles, Cal., (.hristinas, and in gratltude the lirlde prc=cnteJ the ludpe witha mainmoth strawberry 3 incbes lontt, '-; iu circunif ere nee. _ Don't neglect a cough aud let it rcmaln to irrítate your lunp;s when a safe and Bpeedy reme lv 'can be liad íor 5) cents in Dr, Bigelow's ï'osltive Cure. Cut steel Is uscd In crening dressea with a good effect, partlcularly on iigbt blue tulle ít is verv pretty. California blankets aro nov made into wiapp rs. "I am a merchant and planter," writes Mr. T. N. Humphrey, Of Teno., "and -t L'ive; me great plcasurc to sav t ar. for severa confchs and coid.s Allen's Laui Balsam is the best remi-ly uow offered sale. 1 havo itiduced manv to tiy t, with t'je best ol results." At Drugglsts, 35c., BO., and $1.0 I o b ittlo Piobibition and total Hbfttinencc are two verv different thlngs. in one 'lay reeently there were 800 jugs s'ii)Md rom Paducah, Ky., tf preciucls wit'n u s;i!o ma In adjacent oonnties. Tbc materia me Mea of (bina requlrea :i8 buge Tolnmes, uamed i'. n-Tio, to desoribe it. l: i'T's ii t - li,S90 formulas, ao i inclndea over l900 eubstftQcc i o ujv vi medicinal alue. Thevlcaroi Ma-lian. England, thus concludel a sermón to hh tloek: And now, friends. which 's it to b; - Sal'sbury, Churcbill au! i eaven. or (íadgtoue, Chamoerlaln and helli' f o:in'ct:cut's returns show 7.000 men llab.c 1.0 military dutv iu that state, and the commutatlon tax of tbe state will consid.erbly xceed the entiri: nijltary expeudlture. It Ie by copjing after nature thatmangeta best Tl'suU-. Dr. -Jones' Hed (Jlovor Tonic is nature's ówn rerpedy, is purely vegetab'.e, cao bc taften by the u osl delicate. Cures all stomach, kidney and liver troubles. 50 cents. l.'oods on strcet wraps are popular In Pari3 just now. New Orleans is setting impaticut for the ompletiou of its promised theater, to hold 2,00J jk ople. A natura! coli r, tliat defics detection, is produced by Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. Lading physiclans tcsttfy to the value of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, as aspeciiic for colds. Rougb í djfea obtain in slationery. Soight fou the last hundred years. - A renicdy ior Catarro, HayFever and Cold in the llead, found at last 'm Ely'aCreain lialra. Safe and pleasant to use, and easily appllcd with the noeer. Itgives relict at once and a thoiough treatmeut positlvely cures. 30 cents by druggists. üü cents by mail. Ely Bros. Owcgo, N_Y. Ohios public schools cost ?10,093,93S last jear. Elt'8 (.ki-am Halm has eutirely cured me of a long standing case of catarrh. I have liever vet seen itscqual as a cure for cold in the head and beadache resultiog from siten culcls. Jt isa rcmedy ol Sterling nur.t. - Hii. L. C'rosly,Nas!iville, 'leur.. " A road b d is for the convenience of whcel V whi'ii tliey are tired. - l'icayuue. Twenti yi:ai:s of sufferlng from eatarrli and Catarrhal hcadache I nover found anytliini; tu afford 1 sün relief until I tried Elv's Cream Halm. I bave - ed two bottles, and now conslder roy Catarrh curcd. I have recommend it to social of ruy friends with like good D. T. UigKinson, 145 Lake btreet, ( hlcago, IJj. Onlv 20 of tlie L'nlted States senators keep house'in Washington. .V (' i'im in Pieo"a Cure for ('onsumptiou. Cures where other remedies fall. ií.rK'. Ifweiiiii.ui contlnuaUy deny ourselvea we do ii' i learn i f Umi, but of oflier niastcrs. G-T byon's Patrut Heel BUffeaera appllcd la the h i ver iim i The last tlilug in oard caes is one of white plush. and it Is interlinea itb Tlolcl or hellouo;i'M lc ■ 'RCUGH ON PAIN."-LKUid. "Itough on Pln' Llqutd3Uc. Qalek care. Xeura-1 Kin, rhewnatlsm, :nin-.. pnias, Bpralua, íicndürUe, cniini'-. colic. 'K mal' ■' I'alu Plater. 15e, Scrtfiarj' Lanur Uves in a flat. ■ ROUGH ON CATARRH" correct offenslve odorini once. Complete cure oí worst chroDta cfues; Bluo uneQuallcd :;s enrule for diplilluTiu, sur.' tlirmil, foul hirath. .Vjt:. The p3ople of Horneo eat monkeys. ROÜÜH 0Ñ COUGHS." k tor "Rougli on Coughs," foi cougha, rolds, aore throst. hoarsi üm. Trocne [Sc. Llquld. 'Sc. Th" rul, stttandcopper ealloonsare viry eftective mi bh, e i or lirown piush sKirU. If affllcted with eyer, use I)r. Isaac Thompson'a Eje Water. Drugglsta scll it. 25c The steady thrlnkageof glaclers In the Swlsa Alps bas caneeü severe losses to many of the peasantry by the drvlng up of a-tures fonncrly n o ned by glacla i üls. UoHn.HC-ii(_UiP"jilr forfvntlr aie. Oalf ioll nailUrUOlul.B in i)(u;ioi. lle uil olioansst. n - rrnii r i _ñTTMJ ■MMé__-_WTB ' MST OV MSEASKS ALWAYS CURADLE BY USINO MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. of nrHAv FLEsn. op akihus. Uhrumntisni. Scratcbc, Bami and Scalds, Sores and Galls Stinnsnnd niirü, Spavin, C'rnck, Catnand Brulscs, Bcrew Worm, (iriiii, Spralne Stitchc, Foot Rot, Hoof All, G'ontracted Mnecles, Lamcnru, StifT Joints, Swlnny, Foundcre, Duckachc, Spralnn, Siraina, Kruptions, Soro ï'"ect, Frost Bitcs, Stiflness, and all externl dlscaaes, and every hiirt or accident. For general uso lu f amlly , stable and atook yard, It Is THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS i TVe i; su:,(t;m : , ir Dr. Buli's Cough ïyrup tu uil otfii ' -:" :li reme [fea is attested 5y the Immenss popu ar dejnand for that olil i-Lii.ü ."ju rcs ly. Prlce :iö cents a botos. The re !s a gre&t deal of Halkan amopg tho mr hore_ol the Eaat. _____ The foundation of inany of tli' bonnet" is of [aillo eml roldered in gold and in varlous beads III'! cn'iir . ïhi-y ure trylng to narrow d iwd tlie spliere )f black sllka t chureb drease, but tlicy wlll a -vi r b ■ bank li d. 'clvrt x n both plata au 1 Bcared, is much jsed this Kinsou ior house iliv.-srs ' wcill aa tor streel costumes, Vdl'.w -lindes over gas jeta uive a soft, mellow, pretty linlit. Sbadcsof red yhiss rr uow ;ohs d roei vulgar. The full skirt of last season i aiain the tavorlte of young iirl. Just now straight feathers lend the ostrlch plumes in popularlty. A white feit hat trimmed wlth black astrakbanlsin Pails the hightof style. It i :i Kussiau mode Salvatfon Oil js the greateet cnre on earth tor pain. Tbis lnvaluable linlment nmts and banlsbea all bodOy bain instantly, and costs only twenty-five cents a bottle. ' Al b recent weddinff the dresses of both th bride and bridesniaids.were trimmed with fur. FARMERS AND STOOKMEN. The only remedy that cures pulls, cuta and wounds on horses and cattle, ana always íruwí the hair In itfl original colór, ia Veterinary Carbollsalve. 50 cents and $1.00, nt DrngglBtf or by mail. Col A Co.. Black ftlynr irll On The fruit titcs in Santa Barbara are being dug up and Eugl'gh walnuta planted in tbetr stead. TiYSPEPSlT Is a dajifferons a well as diatressing complftint. If noRlected, it tndB. by impairine nutrition, and deproselnir tne tone of the Byisfcem, to propare tne wy for ïUptd Decline. _ m besttönIc Quicklyand compUtoljr ('aren Uybpeptsin in all itfi forms, llriirtijurn, Jïtrhliiim, Tiisi inji the Food, etc. It enriches nnd purifies ttie blood.tniniulates the appetit, And aids tne assimilation of food. Mr Will LawÍbence, 405 S. Jackson St.. Jacksnn, Mich., ftayg: " I have usod Brown's Iran Bitters for Dyspepsia, and consider it n unpqualed remedy." Me. A. A. (Ihiffin, Saftinaw City. BUcIl,mv: " I lidvo been troúblod with Xíyspojsift foryoars, and have tried many remedies with httle or n bem'tit. X uned Brown's Iron Bitters with muuh benoüt and cheerfully recommend it," Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red linea on rapper. TakO nö other. Made only bj ItKOU'N 11E1I1CLCO., JIALTiMOnK, M. J VB, JAME9 EAGLEY, lectloa foremin C. & 31. It. K. Winklc, Oblo, had notslept for over a year, h( ínfTerlng from NcuraliiaÍ!v so Krcat. Thrto doses t.f ATHLOPHOROSTnlhim. Rmnlgla cao Blwaya he qui.-kW cured by use or Athlophoroi, Aslt jour drugist tor Atlitopboros. If jou cannot get it oí him öo QOt trv omclhini; f-lsc. butordcr'at oaivfmmm. WewiU ieD-i it tinfej pai.J on receiptof price, $1 00 pwboiöe. ATHL0PH0R0S C0. 1X2 Wall St„ New York. Every Obild in everyLand is subject to A frican (Kegro). Conghs, Croup nnd Whooping Cougli. TVhlch if nol ntrnulfíl to in ttme wülresultln CON SXJ MPT I O1N . 'I nke Taytor1 Cherokee Ueniedy. OF SWEEÏ GUM AND MULLEN. The sweel gtim of a troo of tlio samo Dftine bvow Ing In ttio South. :oniMncl with n tea made froin the Mullein plant of the oltf flelds. For sale by all drug glets at 'i." cents and $.lOJpor bottic. W.ilrhK.i. TAYLOR, AtlniHo, Gtt, kly'8 f ATA DDLJ CREAM BALMUmggn Cleause3 the Hje a d ffyCLJB Relieves IPain at Once ■O{fij' JLCO Alla-3 InflammationBcWHEAoJ Hcals 6ore3. Re3toresFftVERJ?# Tastie andSmell . B .y tfSB P0SITIVE CURE. I BÍ&Tl Apartide Is ai)])llf(l IntoH -XÓ uSA.l at drugglsta ror by iikiII.II j V- tt UtD Si-nü (ur circular. flAl rLïLI ELT BKOTHKH81 Drnggl$t9,Owcgo, N. i RADWAY'S SARSAPAEILLIAN RESOLVLNT The.Great Blood PurifierFor ibeloureof iit ohronlc dlseases. thronlo Ethen ir.Atlsm, cbronlc atarrh i-i v. e iiem. Scrotuin1 ; ypiilltlr compls'nïs, etc, Glauuolor twellInjE Dry hucklog coiich, canceróos Alïi ihc Lu iig, Djgpopfio. Wator Bift-th. White Swelllngs, Tumorf. Plnmiia Blotchea, ínuitíuns of the Face, Ulcere. Hi[ Dlseae, Dropsy, Ulcketa, Balt Ilheura, Bronchtt s, consuniption, Diabetes, Kidoey, .Bladder, Llver oomplalot, ete, SCROFULA, wiietlicr . 'trans ntttod froui Dparcntsor acoalrodj i Avnt.lütl.e motive riuigj of Uk :irsapnlMon He i iiii'-'i at.' heen mnde {w er : )m soi e have Fbeen niïlit'd wutaacroitila froin ih-ii yo nti ap n Bii.l 4Ó yer of Rwc, hy DB. KALWAY'b íAH-AI'AIÏILU AN RKICLYENT, h remeo compwidof itt(creuiejta of extrnordinary mefií.'al propon I M-n-ti to puiffy, h-'ai repair and ImUir.ts the hu k-'ii down ana was teil body. QufcR. rteasant, saté atui permanent In Ita treatment and are. For Mie by all drqgtats. One dollar n bottlo, RADWJlY'S IStïï Foo the relief and curcof al! Prtlnê,congc6tlon8and Inflatnmntlons i DR. RADWAY'S PILLS l-'ur D( h-km'm a -.ui 1 tho cure ii uil thodisordi - ■i.f Ilio Btomach, i Ivcr, BowcK constlpotl in, Blllousiu'-s. 1 les. He j he, etc ' cents. DR. RADWAT, & CO., 33 Wirren St., N. Y. %D8BIUTÏiFEMALEJW DECAY. A Life Bxperience. Kemarkable and quict cures. Trial Packagos. Send stamp for sealed particular. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Ulo. FfTöu WantTöInow 1,001 ImportantthlnMyotineTerltTiöworfchonibt of ftliout the human liody nnd its curious ormna. Howlifcis perpetjutteti , health tavgd.dittose tnaud tt Jfowto avoid pitfalls of ignora neen nH. inditerctivn, Maw to apptif Honw-Oww to all formt ofdUea, Howto cure Cmup, )hi Eye, Ruplure, I'h (moti$,fte.t Jfow Jmvvuin nwrTiáge& h are prizt '■ Uurray HUI Pub, to., 12 E. '2Hh BIn ew lurk. U ■- - eavei the lltUf rhfltl In ptich a rondii ii ■ foods. S'icïi :i une -Ti ruld 'i once c ntunonre the uae '■ Kidgo' Food ns n f'.aily dlet, ir w I re the digestiva nruAits t ". tht'ir D tl ld wlll Blve n)l iircái'tl strength. AU iln .t, anl rrocert, I'ut nr in f om1 9 '■ ■ w aids. STR8CTLY PURE. 25 Èy25 cents raim tor LJ$L0 ' C ifCRjSJ 0 roup. ngbalsaw IN THREE SÏZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 GENTS, 50 CENTS, AND $1 PER BOTTLE O" Ch'.yr KTTI.ES nrepitl up for the accom7 mo'Utti'm of (til icho desirc a Oood and Low Cough, Cokl and Croun Remedy THO8E DE8IRING A RKMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION OR ANÏ1 LUNC DISEASE, Should Secan lit .arpe !. fiottlti. ii ■ atona accotiWWty Eaeh Jintüe. SOLD IBY .11.!. MKIililSE DEA I.ERS. HIBBARD'S RHEUMATIC SYRUP. AHRFATRinnOPURIFIER. RHEKMAT18M la caoaed by :i "Uftentlon of UOKB O IJUMORS In thi' sys rn!. and there .is g eal DANGER that it m:tv ;ii ww ii(iifoiil( att:irk tlie HKAHT&ná cause de&th Instautly THe celebratod Dr Cux, of Eng land, iLeelai ei i luu nine-tntna at all dcaths by HEART DISEASE "aflse irtjn rli -u mat lam. lis SHghittt approwfo Mmid. u ftlcli II llie al "f the dlieasc. Ii is ;v porely iblc TOlilpoond. V (Uwolve all oclds. drivei nul all rhenm, and i-jpi-l all daneeroua humora. Kcni: ril ïl w and liirr C ji ■ : - Scnralga San lilicum. Snitu:. Kryalpcla, [etter. lüiiiiw.iviu. :r;J -i-e luumrrtIWe kfndred iroublea It fslnvilual'i' 1' 'cc ■■" per Inltlf. Sold byall iragKlst" Á UIBBASrfSRUHUXAjK PLAXTEil m cuunectlon witii ibs jrap. ii-ide oniy bj tbc liheumutic Syrup Co. i JACKSOy, uu IIIMPERIAL Egg FOUD And licase rmmot thrive togcthcrla tn sanje run ïïiil IVlake Your Hens Lay, SuUl by DmKglaU, Feod mv Seedsmen and uroccrs' Fackagcs malled for wclmus nndi. ölx It'. Boxea M; 10 lp. Boxea, 3; SS ÜJ. KfK. .'A'S. I' i'xpreanor Frnightco. Whdlksalk Aorxïs: K.W. üolilnsomt Sun. v.;.l. c. Long, .IrY N.T.j Benaon, Maule & Co., Phtla.; Parker 4 Wood, Boston; i . v. Crlttcnden, N. V.: Ki' 1 1:1: lsm Drilg CO., St. LOQlS. MO.I .1. M. MC cuiion ii., o.; co. A. Kelly A Co Pltt burgh.l'a.; Pluil sioil Co., st. Louis, Bo.ïJobii n tv (J ., Don ver. colorado; Geo. . " icwon Jtf in Francisco, Cal.: T.WWood, liiclmniml. Va. r.tS.STTRTJSVAWT.Proprlctor, Hartford.Ccmit Manufactnrer of au Poultr; Sapplles. DRUNKENÑISS or the Llquor Kablt p'ositlve)y ctued t admlatstering J)r. iljiini-s' Ctolaen specWIc. Itcau 'JCgiven in a cup ufcotTeoor ten without the knowlcugHof the person takinjï it. Is absolutely harmtess, kik! wlll effect a permuncnianrl Rpeedy cure, whether the pationt is a moderato drinker oran alcoholic wreek It Ijlis hoon glven in thousands of cases, and iri every Instance a perfect cure has followed. Xt novcr 1'niN. The sy.stcin once improRiiatcd witb the Hpectfl ■. a bocomea an ImposalblTlty for the llquor appetlte to erlst. Pot Circulara ant testimonUlsadresg GOLDEN HPECIFIC CO.. 1ÍS7 Race St., Cincinnnti. Oliio. Leadng_ Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works : Camden, N. J. 26 John St,, New York, 1,000,000! Acres of land for sale, Trom $2.50 to $10.00 pir acre. Nebraska is the plat to get rich. Scnd for catalogue, wlth doscription oí every couny in the sutr. CE. MAYNE, Real Estáte Broker, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Yo.i are allowtsd a f ree trial of thirfydaysot the naeof Dr. DyM'vwin-ated VoltalcBfltwlth Electric Suspe&sory Appitaitces, f dHhéspccdy rel tof andpermanent cure of Nervttis Debtliti,ca$of riitiliij.and Manhood, and all fcimirod trQUbles. Also for mauy uthiT(Jlseafits. Coinf']f-terestóratlóntoIIealtli,Vigor andMuuhoiKlcuarantèOd. Ncu'Ltls Imrurretl. Ilhtstrati-il prvmjihli't 1 sealed eni'etove malled f ree, by :;ildress!ng Voltaio Belt Co9 Marahall, JUlch. ICüRtTlfS! Whcn I sntTüro 1 do n'it moan uierely to atop tbcm lor n time and tlitm liavo thora return anln, I. mn rJI; cal coro. I hnvo majo tlie dlacmo cl FITÍs EPILEP8Y or FAI.UNOSIUKNESSn Ulo longitud?. Iwarríntmj remedy to euro tho worst casos. Becaujo otters bvo fallcd is no roason for niM now racelTlng a cura, sen''' FARMS FOB SALE In Michigan. Vrw i'iitv Lfsl osl Issncd for FrSE ilistribution. Over'2fOof the Önosi faims in tho Btafe fully desertbi-ii, aimi :i map ni' Michigan Bhowlng raüoaoa, tawus, fltil'H. l'lC. GEO. W, sNOVEi;. RKAL ISiATK tV" L 'VN AUKJÍT 108 Qrlswold'st., Dctroir, Mlch. tït U P T U R E N'S IMPERIAL TKU89 'l'Uïs new trusa ïms a splral 8prlQ(f3a4 OBADUATSD í'kksit.ií; vlclils tO every mo tur.-,, rctalniDg the iiprnïa alway. Itcure. Wora DAt n3 MtiiiT with Endiosé Btampfor Circular. Usen tu l.mtli Hospital, AdEJOardrWglst. liGAÍTS IMPERIAL TRÜSS CO, Box2áS3 Anr Árbor.MUH. Sl CURES WH?R ALL USE FAItS. 9 Best Cough Tastesgood. Üse E BI ii, i, ,. -.■:■! ' ■IrntuM-' JU A FREE SAMPLE. u To Introduce creat househohl reim-ily. (ODOÏTS KING OF PAIN lntoeverfmlly. i wlll i-nd eiii.,1 v mo eeiullnir aadress. Mt-ntloa iMrls, E. tí. KIUHAIiUS. TuleJft ft VBKVOIBDE 1I.M" promntore ïécty, kWnS A :, Ulfl nl prlvmedlM ■ r';''-v y ' ■' lonertlcsel t.i our fpecll!l pliyjluiairi ! nmlkdrrce by tba Aartel Medlfal Bureau, . UnUC STUDV. Book-kecplng, Bualneaa formi BKÏAÜ PS COLLEGE, Buflalo, N. . W free; Standard SUver-waro Co. Boston. Mass. KIPPERS PASTILLES.:;;;sS agdggggajajj28HB.'liuilc3lgwii, iluis. M9IIIIU MorphlnK I Ia II f ('nrrdln 10 jfPlf j$ ,..;.-,r,l ,vs. N.. a :ll-..r.rt. TÜT T?f Tf A T5WV !'■ A B H liire ni rjijJtiivTxvi.jrxi. i . ,,lun cnod nlT. Ri6 ratloosfarnlahed, Vulentlno Bros., JaaesvIlTe, Ï7 '3 mirllcil for 10c 'UKS Ivoryln. comí. KllOhromo Gold S'taï, 1"o Frlng?, te, i nd Ouost p.iid I' r e. C n. S'c mi Oirl WOrka, Ilnr.fovir Conn. innKEWKCKM-l XewCJiromo I l'nnil :..i-l ü rn-C'id - l'ostpalil forlOri. L' CENT R :: CO., Cenicri I W. N. U. D. - 3- 7 ■imniKORAl I uní eïiensea pald. Wil KM" 'ni vanlrnlan freo. 1'


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Ann Arbor Democrat