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COOK HOUSE, 1Í H. HUDSON, Proprletor, u...

COOK HOUSE, 1Í H. HUDSON, Proprletor, u... image
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COOK HOUSE, 1Í H. HUDSON, Proprletor, u Newly Kurnlshed. 'Jlio leadlng house In Ano Arbor. UNION HOTEL. TJMRST-CLASS in all respect Everythlng Xj uew; fine rooms, wcll furnNuod. TermSi tl perdayand npwards. Bpeciat rates to weekly boatder. Mea 11 as cents. John Schneider Jr„ Pruprietor. Corner of Washington and Seo ond ttreets, Ann Arbor, Mich. NICHOLS BROS., WW. & A. C NI0HOLS, D. D. S.,Dcnta Office Masooic Temp e Block, over S ivinff Bnnk, An i .Vbor, Mich. ■- - - " WILLIAM! CASPARY, OAKERY AND C0K7ECTI0NERY, Cor. Fourth nnd Aun Street. EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and repuircr of burgical Inrtr ments, Loous, Umbrtílas and !""" Fine Machine and Bicyclo Work a Special. W 85 North Main-st, Ann Albor. Alicii. 1ÍUBEN KEMPF rpEACnFI! of Hno,"OrKan and Theory ol X Muuic. Ko. 0, last Whington-t., orerBI ! sev & Seabolt's. Lavo orders for liano tuning j JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchantTailor. sliopover Wm. AUaby's boot and shoesiore. All work guaranteed or nj cnarge. JOHNF. LAWRENCE, ATTOKNEY AT LA.W. OfBce, Nos. 8 IliU's Opera Houao, Aun Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Does a general law, V coüdclioii and convevaice biwineaa, A. xioCei'&te patronaga is respect ively uoliulted. DAlce in thec-urt itouse, Aiui Arbor. O C. JENKINS, SURGEON DÏNTI6T. Hoorns Xo. 1 South Main Street ujiposiic tlie First National Bank fulu Arbor, Muh. ANTONEISELE, DEALER IS MONUMtNTS and Grarestone manulactuiHcl trom 'i.-nnessee and ItoJinn ïarble and ScoLcli und Auirrioan (Jranite Shop 3or. Detroit ard Catharin sts., Ann Arbor., eu. AVILLIAM HERZ, HOUSK, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Plnter. Gildmx, Calctmtlüng, Olazingand Papw ianinf All work done in the best stylo ana i rairanted to niT6UBfaction. Shop, Ne. 4 West Washington street. Ann Arbor, Uiobiean. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. ORGANS. SHEET 51USIC, Inntruetion liooks, Vioïina, Uuitnrfc. Flutes, &c, tbeap at Wiluey'a MuwC Roomv, 'ít ide Inblio iquare, Aon Ai'bor, Miclii.'.tn. Tlie largest and )st btock of Musical doods erer broutlil into ffaslitenaw Countv. VIoHd and Unitar btrlngs a ipecialty. K. 15.- It be to your interest to :all before purohasing anythiuK in the Musio Inft, Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte[HAVE acomplete compilation Of the Official Records of Washtonaw Connty to date. ' lillg all TaxTiïlo-, Execution, any neimiUrunco in Keal h'-statc, tbat li of Kecord i':i the Register itïicc. ís sliowu by niy books. O(li e, in the f'fflca dt tüe stcietary of the Washtenaw tnnturtl insnr tnce coin]any, in tlie basemeul of the :ouri louse. C. H. ÜANLV. Aun Arbur .Mich. C. W. VOGEL, PitoPKn.roK, Late of C'helsca. at THOMAS MA1TI1KW.S' ÜLD STAND On Ann SUc-et. fEESH AND SALT MEATS KEPT ON HAND I The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orgunized 1S, under tho QencrjJ BMtking f Üiis state has no, Ineluuiog capital Htjct, itc, etc., OVEIt $.100,000 ASSETS. BusInPBsmpn.Ouanlians, Trustees. Ladlei and ither persons will flnd tbiü lïank a SAFE AND CONVENICNT ?lace at whlch to mako Deposita and do businesr. nterestisAllowed on All Savings Deposit Df tl.OOanduiiward, acoordlng to the rut ol ihe bank. and imeresi irompoundcd soral-onuu illy. Money to Loan in Sums of $23 to $3,00O, iecurod b7 Unincumbered Koal Keuto and ottot lood aecuritiCK. DIBE0TOK3- riirlftlan Mack, W. W. WlnM W. 1. llarriüiun, Willum Deuble, Djvid Kinsey, Danlol HUoock nü v. b. SuiHh OFFICKHS - Chrimimn Mftot. Preldent W. W Wines. Vic-o l'reahlnt: C. Htacock, Cashter D. KIERSTEAD'S WINDOW SUAÜE KACTOUY. 85 Xorlli Ki'tS pireel. Tl;e iu-vriieof eery Kouaekwiiit. The attention of the public la mokl ratprcifully called to niy maöuLaeture of Kr. erlor Woorten Símiles, knowii as tte (nttiu Wimlow Shado. Tor Durabllily, 0ieapne3, Uoarenleni and heauty, they cin not lie ezoellcd. Ky aitn is !o bui plj: h lm" nr goeds o( eeiiaiiie meiit, pui p ín elegant Btïle. and Rt fair rales. I am nor manuf&ctutíng a Superior Shaite, 'lic btt of the Iflad ver o.Tered In ;h:s marktt. Weathor i-tiips of every yariety, for doors and wiudowa, ai niy efttabli&bmcnt. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. WILLEN, INSURANCE AGRNT, No. 4 Soulh Main stre-et, Anti Albor. The oldeet ■jfcencyin the city. Etabliihed a quartcr of a ceiitury ago. KTpresenting the fuilnwinf; fintclas compaules, :iii $30,000,000 a'sits. Home Idr. Co., of N. Y.; Continntal Ina. Co., cf N'. Y.; Niágara ína. Go., o N. Y.; Girard íns. Co., of l'lidu.; Üriuut Ina. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Union of Londc i; Liverpool and Loudoii imd ülobe. t39 FUte low. IjOasas librliy adjusti-d n romptly paid. '. 'l VUtv The organ grlnder who passca ironndhlshal for p he hos otind out a tnne is DOtDcgglng. 80 decides a Washington About throo dozen cattle to the Bquarc miU manage to exlsl -dospite depletlou of theli rimks bj luitclicrs- in tlie noble state "f lowa. The old Brumletli house property on Broadn-ay, New York, sold reccntly at $11,000 peï toot frout. It was nol waütft ■■: a postoffiM ilte. Cremation la very "catcllins" ia Italy. rilt ereinatorlcs alrcady established have all th business thcy cfln utteud ty and furuacu. ir huiliüiii.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat