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den. Ibihur., Major (rtii'Nll coillllianillníí thc dcpurtuu'ut of the Atlantic, dled ut his qnarters od üovernor's lslancl at 2:15 p. m., feo. 9. Ilis deatb ivas caused l.v i carbunclo on the back oí his neek. Borne daya before hi deatb the Ueneral ivas II Washington od business connected trith bis otHce, wlicu ;i boíl developcd ltself on thc backol oeck, It tras lanced, but In a few (1:l s developed luto a in.xliTiant carbuncle. which became bo deprlve bim oí ■11 rest and sleep. Pbysiclans wero summoned, a consultatton washeld,and the medical men concliult'd tlic au w:is aftsnmlDg 'a Berlons aspect, but dld not tbe end w;;s k) near. The duv befor bis deatb, the general rallied, but ciirly on the mornlne of thc 9th, he began to sink, uiid physlclans wcre l a-iily numrcond Jl,iiderinjc Injcctlons m brandy and ether, and carbonate oJ atn nía and brandy werc administered. PLesp, bowcver, only alleviated the EuSerlng if the soldier, who gradually sauk away, nntll dcfttb was touched. (in reccipt of now! of Gen. Hancock'a death President Clevelaud Bent his condolcnces to Mrs. Hancock. Flaga wero ordered at halím all Un.' government buildlii) ;ton. S'in;.i'!(l Bcott Hancock was iioru nenr Monteouierv & aarn "omery couin,, ra., ou tljc'íiiu oí Febiuary, lb. Jns uarciii- wcre Benjamin V. and Ellzabeth H. Bancóck. When 4.vears oíd Wlnfleld's parents removed t" N rrlstown, litro hereceíved ' bisearly edneation In the vlllage academy. Vhen only 15 year& oíd be i?ascbosenby ilic peoplc of norrl8town to read the declarfttlon of Indcpcndcnce at the íourtb of July celebraUon. On July i, l8J0i b ■ became a stiKlent :t tbo national military academy. Ulvssestí. (iant was one of class-mates. uradu&tinjc in l ii, young lla:ic ick as assigncd to dnty in the slzth rcglmeut ol Iníantr; with a second Ueutenant's rank. Ho served In the soutbwest, o n uncí near the Bed rivnv untllthe Mexican war brokeout, when hls regiment was ordered to Joln the army ol (en. Wiuneld Scott Hancock engaged In no actual DghUnguntil near the end ol tbe conflict, wnen liu took pnrt in four different engace ments, recclvlng honorable mentioo m.i a brevet for his bravery. At the conclusión of pcace Hancock was one of the last officera to (eave Mexico, and was Btatloued for a timo near Prarle du Chten. In 1849 he was married to Almila, daughter oí' Samuel Hussel!, mercbant cif Bt. Louis. On the outbrcak of the war of seeessiou Hancock ímniedlately rsported for duty at Washington. The blonder was at flrst made of turnlüg hlm lntu a eominissary, but (jen. McUlcliap recomtneoaed mm twr btl aud aíter a few days' delay ht: was appoinícu to a brigadier general h. When McClellan moved on KJcUraond via ïork península in April. lfDJ, Gen. Hancock won rapid rtcognlUon liy the brul, anee of iis seivicea on tüe Held. Ai VilliamsiJui4 he lfid hls soldlers In a dasblng and successful bayonet charse which won the day lor the unión torces. At the battle oí Anuetam creek Gen. Hancock was promnttd to the comniaml of the Brat dlvis'oj of the ii army corps, ün Nov. 2'j of the cameyear Hancocu was gazetted a majir genera) ot volunteers. Shoruy alter the battle of KrederkksburgOcn. Hancock was proinoted to the commaud of seconcl army corps, and was sent by (ien. Mead to recouño ter the position at Gettysburg. Ou this famous field he won the inost lastiDK laurcls. During thosc thrce sanguinarv days iiancock proved hiinself the savlor of the uuion armic.s. The final dispersión of's veterans took place iu frout of Haocock's line of buttie. Tlie ceueral hiinselt receivod a paiuful wouiul in tiie leg at the moment the southeni Unes were breukIng. He recelved the Ihanks of Gen. Meade on the lield, aud the special thunk. f confii-is, eonveved in :i flattering resolntlon. 1 1 wound compelled Gen. Jlaucock to retire from active service for a time, and during the following winter he was ordercd uorth ou special recrultlng duty. hile on this trip Ik; me: with public n;ceptions at l'hiladeijihia, New York. and t)ther citics. Before the Bgiing jL 18Ü4 he resumed bis rumtnand of the secoud corps, Gen. Graut DOW being his ehief. At the Wilderness. bvafna. anti uü.m' decisivo iwiiic. (.on. Hancock won distinüuished honor. On the rtstoratlon of peace (jen. Hancock rcmaincd h the army witli the rank of majorgcncrnl. )Ic was lirst given command over the central military departmedL thcn over i that of l.ouisiana and 'l'cxas, and from 1870 to 1873 over the dppartment of Dakota. Jn the ycar last named he aucceeded Gen. Mcade, at the latter's death. in the command of the department of the east, with headquartera In New York. In uolitics Gen. Hancock was a llle-long democrat. In the democratie national convention of 18ÖS he ivas uryed for the presldentia] aomlnation and recelred l-(l;2 votes on the eiííüteenth ballot; but on the twonty-fiecond ballot Horatio Seymour received the noniination. In 1-SSO (ïen. Ilancock's name was auin brought before the democratie convention, this time succcssfully, and he w&B plttd againsL Hen. üarfleld in the presidential race. Win. E. English was hl co-nommee on the ticket. Aftcr Garfleld'8 election Gen. Hancock took little more activ( pari ,n politics, although bis counsel and Inflneoce has alwava been ircelj' and efflclentlj elven to the democratie cuusc. lic contlnued in fjuiet command at Governor'a islaud, New York harbor.


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