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Eastern Echos

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C.T. Knyner and wife, an aged eouple of .Kimosto'.vii, N.Y., (rere burned to death lu the ftre whieh destroyed tbeir home on the lOth insi. The Hëmpstead club stable In Hnnter's Poiflt, N". Y., was burned on the lüih inst., and ü valuable horses perished in the llames. John C. Thompson, a prominent Ohlo DemOcrat, ilieU on the llth inst. Samuel J. Tilden celebrated his 72nd birthi'.av on the lütb lust. lie i hale and hearty, hut not a presidential cuudidatc. Col. F. O. Kimball. a well known New York journalist, dicd on the llth lust. Gen. Hancock died ] oor. A íund íor his widow has already been started. Ex-Gov. Seymour of New York, Ís seriously Marti C. VanFleet, treasurer of Huroneo., i Oblo, went ti ('añada a short time, takini; w ith hm aboTit ?fiO,CÜO of the county's money. He was arrested tn Brantford, Ont., on the I2th nst. The l'ii; Byndicate wbich isto reorganizo the Readlng said to have a "capital oí 5O,(XK),ü00, and will try to sustain thc price of coal, The production of Bcsscmer steel insrots n the United Btatea in 1885 was 1,801,759 net 'ons, or 1,519,426 c'oss tons, an lncrcasc of 161,162 net tons over the production of 1884. This is the laigest production the countrv ever made in om; year. Easteru rivers are on their annual rempags' ind citie and towns alonf; their coure are ün'"'■ water f " '" '" '" " "■ ' . ■ - fuui ftciHllder water, as was also Fort I)eposit Mei. New Brunswick, N. J. was also nibmerged. The pólice forcé of New York are piizr.lcd over nu extraordJnary case of kidnaplng. The wife if (has. 3. ttoïan, nhen abmit to givebirthto a chlld, opened a window and a8ked a hoy to cal) In a nelgbborlng physiclan. A trange man apDearuii and aaministrated ether to her and ihen ttolc the ehild, and has not been seen ' since. Miss Annie B. Irish, protessor of thc Germán j lanuai;e and literature at Wooster ,Jhio, ! versity, died on the 14th inst. Miss Irish was ! at one time librarían of the interior department. Ei-congresiman and state Senator Dennis MeCarthv, died in Syracuse, N. Y., on i the 14th.' The loss nt Harrleburg, Pa., by the flood is about S:iü,O()D. The total daniage in Massachussetta is esümated at ?ltO,(K)ü. Two threc-story biieli dwelllnga in Pbiladelphla collapned on the 14th inst. Ninc persous were burled in the ruins, all of whom wen: reacned allve. The will of Commander Hayward, who died in Alexandria, Egypt, a few weekfl siuee, tvas opened in Bulfalo on thc lütb. The wnl directs tüat hls body he cremated and the ashes placed iu his wile's grave at Krie, Pa. The entire business portion of FiagstalT, ArL, was destroyed on the 14th. About ei;;htciu buildings and contenta burned. The luss is heavy. Two men W re lnttantly killed and three aeriousiy iujured ncar Mlddletown, N. V"., recently. A train on the Ontario ifc Western roadrnn intu a washout with the above result. Thefandbeing ralsed ior Oen. Hancock's widow anniiintVii) $HO,000. It is intendcd to raisc $100,000, and irom the réadiness wlth which subseiijitioiis are coming In the tásk Will hol lie a dUHcuit oue. Dr. AV. Johnson, a prominent pnyslclan, and Paria correspondent of the New York 'I 'mies, is dead. A steel casket, similar to that receutly made to the remains of President Garfleld, has been ordered by iriends of the late Gen. Hancock. David Muleahey, of Cleveland, noted slnce 18tiü ior beinir abfe to sleep from three to live ilavs at a time, died on the löth. He had been aefeep tor live days. The occasional tits of droysiucss vi re brought on through injuries received b a fall in loSO.


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