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Fi:r.i:i ,u:v SeNATE- TES Seïate passed the bilí to próvido lor the sale of the oíd sito oí Fort. Brady, Michigan, umi lor tito porcbaso ' of a now site' and for the constructen of a suit able buildlog thereon. A resolutlon was ■ agreed 10 ealling on the secretar; of state for ' infonnatioii as to tht: supply o!' eereals anti j cotton contributcd by loe United States to I forelen eountrlea. Bills provldinji; for the erection ol public buildings were passed asfollowsi Fora building at Fort Smith, Ark., $150,0C0; Monroe, 'La., (100.000 ; SIoux City, Ia., Y100,000; Peublo, Col., g1"iO,ÜOO; Oshkosh, Wis., 1 100,000; Vicksburg, Miss., $100,000; Portland, On:, $:nu,UO0; at ilouston, Texas, $75,000; tor completlng tbc public building at Port Bcott tCs., an additioiial Bum 01 150,000: for completing the public building at Vvlchlta, Ks., nu additional sum ot Í50.ÓO0 ; foi a building at Newport, Ky., not to ezceed ÏIOO.IXW; at Oupclousaa, La.. $60,000 ;,at Daytou, o.. $180,000; at Zanesvllle, ilü;' at San AnMinn, $75,000; tt Atchi SIOO.UÜO; for tbc purchase of a site tor a public building at San Francisco, $350,000. liills wore also passed enabllng the of Colorado to take landa in Hen (.f the lúlh and 'SGih sectlons set apart for Iinli.-iua tuaciia tions, to pruilt the rigbt of ay through public landi for irrlgatlon purpoces, "and to extend the laws of tiic United States overthe uaorganlzed terrltory ;o;ith of the state of Kansas, and known as the "public laud strip.'1 HOUBS.- The House took u;i the "bali gallon tax bill," aud Mr. FlndQay of Maryland took the opportunity to deliver a earcfully prepared speech u])on tbo Hnanclal question. Which h bis opiuii.n rojoWwd itoolf a question as to whelher or not the Bland act sbould be rejiealcd. After adoptlng a resolution on callins; on the seeretary ot the treasury for inioriuatioii as to the suins oí ïnonev clalmed In sutts agaiust the collectors 01 customs for duties lllcgally ezacted on Importcd mercbandlse now pending i the soutbt-i u district of New ïork, the House adJourned. FBi:tUAKï )0. - Senatk.- A bill was fayorably reported autborizinE; the scerctaryot the navj toflt oot an eipedltion to observe the total elclpse of the son, wbich occun-3 on the a9tb of August, 1S86 A resolutlon was agreed to dlrcctlnS the committce 011 public buildius Ut icport to the Señale aggreate amount of inoney recornmeuded by the eommlttee on public build iúi; to te expended by the government. . . A resolutlon directiug the committée on li brary to report as to" tbc exedieucy of the erection at the seat of government oí a statur or monument to tb niemory of the late (ion. Hancock, was ugreed t. The rest of tb session (before cxccutlve sesslon) wasdevoted to a diseussion of the silver questiou. HOUSE- No business was transactcd, and after adoptlng resolutions in memory of Gen. Hancock, tbè House adjourned as mark of respect to the dead soldier. t EB. 11- Senate- Among bllls introduced in tbc. Senate was providlug for the repeal of all treatlos pemltting the coming of Chinese tolhe L'niled ytates, and probibitlng ttieir coming, except In cases of dipltjniatic and official personages. Proceedlng to ihe calendar, tho Èenate took up bilis in thelf order. Some bilis for private relief bavlm Leen disposed of the bill t 1 recúlate the promotion of West Puiut graduates was reacned. Ou tiils some dlcussiou arose. Mr. siewell, in rcoly to an Inquiry of Mr. I'iuinb said this was tho lust yoar for a long time when Ihere would be more lioutenants gradúate trom the West Point academv then there would be varancles lnthearmy. "After considerable debate the bill was passed as reported from tno coinmritcc. Tbo lilatr oducati)n bill was l:iiil beforfl the. Senate, and Mr. Morgan of Aiabaina addressed tho 8enate uponit, until the time for cxccutlve session after which tbc Senate adjourued uutil Mondav. House.- The House passed the bill to ena!;lc the natitmnl btmkins; teeoCtatíom M Ulerease tnclr capital stock and to cbange tbeir names or locations. Tho Indtan approIriatiou bill was reported and reforrod to the (ommitteeof tb whole. The eommittee of jtnliciary reportod a bill oonforriug civil jurlsdiction in certain cases arisitur in the Indian territory on United Stateë courts which exorcise criminal jurisdictiou over the Territory, and also 11 bill to extend the laws of the United States over eertain unorgauized territory south of the stato oí Sauu. Both bilis were placed on the House calendar. Aiiei Ohyoits ,,f some other routine business the Jlouse went mto eommittee of tbc whole on the Fltz John Porter bill and the pros aud cons of that matter occupied the rest of the se.-sion. Fehiu aiiï la.- - This was private bill day, and the House spent the entire session in eommittee of the whole, cousiderinit uniinportant matters. At the eyculng session pension bllls were discusscd and 71 üassed. Fi:n. 18- Housb.- The bill providlng for the location oï a brancli soldiers' home west of the Kocky Mountains, was raported from the military commlttee aud referred Iq the committco f tlie wliole. . . .Adverse reporte were submtttcd on Wils to enablo the p.-ople to Dame Iheir posttmastors ; toreen. ate the DamIngol postofflees; to facilítate the delivery of maj matter: umi to recúlate the sub-lettitiL.' of laborera and servants ia thelr wagea w&s ren por'edand placed ou the calendar.... Considerable dlscufsioD vnsucd on a motion to reconslder the vote by wbich the House passed the bill autborizing national banks 10 Increase their capital stock'aud to change their locatioa and names. The inolion wastabled. . A tuli was Dasted authortetng te treasurer of the Lniteü States, witn the con, ent of tbe secietary of the treasnry to appoiut onc of tbe clerks to discharge the dutles of treasurer 01 asnstant treasurer In even! of the absence or Illneis of citherof those o!]lccrs...In committee oL the Whole the Fitz Jobu l'orter bil) was diseussed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat