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, íebiiuakt 16 - Kanker añil bUiincss men oí Savanuab, Ga. presentad a petltlon jraving íor the u-peal of íhe sllver coinage aet The House blil providir k tliat the treasurcr of the United States, may, with the consent of the ! fccretary of the tru uit. antborlze the I ant treasurcr to aet in the place and discharge the duties of the treasurer, aud tliat in the absüuee of either the treasurer or assl-tunt treasurer the treasurer may desígnate a clerfc of the treasmv dipartment to be acting a-sist- ant treasurer. Mr. Maxi y oífered [a reeoluUon, WDich was agreed to, diiectiug the judicial coinmittee to report what leffialation In order to siil)jeet property moved Into the India Territorv to uttnehment or u U vv and íorced sale. Soveral other resolutions of minor miportancc were intruducofl and rcierred, when the educational biil was taken up and Mr. Jackson of ïennessee gpoke la favor of the bill. Mr. Maxey of Texas would oever consent to to transfer to the general irovernment the dutyof a state espiciallv is Uure was 110 ivarrant in the constitutfon for tliis departurc in government policv. Mr. Pugh of Alabama was in favor of the; bilí. The debate was cont.nucd for some time. when t ie Senate odjourncd. The principal business before the House was the discussion of the Kitz John l'orter bi 1. .Mr. Wbccler of Ala1 ama made a slroúg speed) in support of the bill, and Mr. Cutcheon argucd ut great 1 ncth agamet the meature. At the eveniuti sesslon discussion of the measure wa coutinueü. A bill coinuel]n; all vesbcls of the l'nite.rl States to carry the mails to and froni all foreisn ports when olTcrcd to them by tte odiccri of the United States was reporten hack and placed on the House caletidi r. Th' bill was grantin.a; pensiona 'o nnployes ui h ■ jiostal MTvk-e to nave wt ; m t-üservic e for 20 reare was adversly rcuorted. A bill authorizlng: the president to i aise two reelmeats of vólunteer cavalry in Nev Mexico ■ad Arlzonia to supjiress Indian hosti.ities was rejiorte 1 tvud re'crred to the committee of thewhole.


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Ann Arbor Democrat