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Attcrney General TagKart, bavinr been queftioncd by the prosecuting attorney f Montcalm eounty ui to wbethcr leiil action can be taken by the board of rapervbors at a special meetinj; to divide the repreoentatlve districts, the same baving been negïected at the regular annual mectinsr, renders his decisión that the board not only holds the power, but it is t'u-lr duty to meet on cali and divide the county In pursuance of law. Several coun' miiiy Vt mis wl ■nu''viv - - ■ : - ship canal f;une, addrciEed the members of tho Detroit board of tradc n few days ogo He wanted the board to flopt resolutions to bc pteschted at the next annual meeting of the stockhOldcrs of the Grand Trmik corapaDy in London next April, asklng-tüera t build a direct road f rara Detroit to BatÜe Crcck. He explained that bj sucli a ■ the dlstance would bc shortcued about 47 mil s, and all the produce that is nmv SlverteJ to the Toledo market would be brouzht tj Detroit. The idea w;is fnvoral)ly received by the board. Articles of ussociation of the Muskegon Grand Rápida i Indiana raüroad. capital 185),(O1, have been tiled n Graad Rápida. The compauy will build a road from Grand Kupids to Muskegon. W. O. HuL'bart, president of the Grand Rápida & Jndian roftd, hokls 1S6 sbarea, Mcörath and L. N. Keatlng of Muskegon tive cach, W. K. Slielby. J. H. 1'. Hughart, J. M. Mtatheny, and T. J. O'Brien. officla'sof the Indiana road, each onc shareof $100. The di tance is abouc forty mltes, and the building opcrations will be commenced as 5 60ÜH ns a route is decide 1. It is cxpeHed t'.iat towus alcng the road Will encouragc the enternrise. Washington papers announcc the engagement of Miss Berth.i Lincoln, daushter of the Hon. C. P. Lincoln, formerly of Coldwatcr, and Mr. Clarcucc Dresser, a metnber oi the Chicago Inter-Ocoan staff, the wedding betng set down for April 20. Ex-UnJted States Senator Ferry is lu Esypt }le n 11 return to Michigan in April and makc Gia id Haven lus home. The statisties prepared in tbe oflicc of the superintendent of public instmetion for the forblieomiusc report show ttaat the total minibar of school children in the state i? 595.6ST; the attendance in lBSö, 411,054; increase over last year, 13,024; increasc in enrollment, G,9SS; total numberof teachers, 16338; total waires pald teachers, $2,7t3,2S0.l6 ; number of schoolhouses, 7,14; iucrease of school liouscs, 111; total Catillg capa-.ity, 512,059; total Talue of school property, $ll,207,"ilü, au lucrease of $311, 0CO. Pays the Ann Arbor Democrat: "The body of Dr. White, the murdt-rer aiul suicide of Civek. tsin the plckllng vat in tha medical college basement, await'ng the dissec'.iui; Unife." Phi'slclans reporfan uimsua'. amount of ■leknoss in Wayne eouuty. scarlel tev r i ni dfpbtheria taklng the lead in niany lo Ht es. Severa] country schools have been eloaed teinporarily lu coneeqnence. Michigan railroails will issue tickets t'.iis year trOOl all stations to Detroit and return 'at une and one-third íare, to thuse who srlíD ! to wltnew the league champloniblp game of ball. tu be playeil in Detroit. The public school of Carlton have been i elosed because of the prcvalence of diphtheria.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat