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H. H. Howe is back f rom Ionia. Washington's birthday next Monday. The funeral of Mra. Gottleib Zeeb was held Friday. The jury in the Foster-Post libel s.iit failed to agret. A very small audience greeted Bill Nye at university hall. Prof. Granger oatered at the junior hop Tuesday evening. The Ann Arbor schutzenbuud will have a target shoot next Monday. Eight hou re a day is long enougb for any lubormg man to work. W. E. Walker and Chas. J. Gardner spent Saturday in Detroit. C. B. Davison's new residence on Huron street, will cost $2.000 Neit Monday eveuiug tho big masqueradeoomeN off af the rink. Old Folks concert at the Unitarian church WiishiuKton's birthday. Hiram Storras is Imilding an additiou tion to hiH feed mili, riifth ward. Mre. W. F. Stimson and her two children are visiting relativos in Hastings. There ia to be another joint diBcussion at Grand Army hendquartere, March 12. The W C. T. U. held a Valeutine social at the Baptist ohurch Saturday evening. The land league will celébrate St. Patrick's day in a regular old-fashioned xnanner. J. Austin Scott has been confied to the house for the past four weeks f roin sickaess. Wm. Wsnzeck threw thé number that drew the cutter at Geo. Clarken's, Saturduy night. The Fred. Blake bastardy case has been continued uatil Feb. 2- before Justioe Freuauff. The remains of Margaret Stimson wer brought here list week, and buried in Forest Hill cemetery. J. Ed. Andress of Birmii.gham, died Tuesday at the residence of his uncle, Dr. Arnt, of consumption. John Ityan compromised the suit with school district No. 5, of Northfleld, and paid the demand and coste. J. B. McMáhon, treasurer tor Holland & McMahon's world'a circus, paid this office a pleasant culi Saturday. The Ann Arbor agricultural company shipped a c-ir lond of rauwing machines to Omaha, the last of the week . Frank, son of Walter and Ida May Harding, died Feb. 14. The remains were taken to Indiana for burial. Died, Friday, Feb. 12, in the townahip of Scio, Jane Ualgliesii, aged 67 years, of congestión of the lungs. Next Friday evening, Keb. 26, the Ohoral union is to give the flrst of a series of two concerts in university hall. Mat. Blosser of the Manchester pnse, carne over n naay to atteua tne funeral of the late J . Eramet Kobison. The Kighta of Labor continué to in crease in membership. Saturday evening some 80 new members joined the order. Hon. E. P. Allen of Ypsilunti, delivered an address last evemnn before the Ohvet Q. A. R. post, on " Lincoln and the Proclamation." Friday night some ore broke into Edward Pate's shop, on Main street, and atole several tools and two umbrellas that had been left for repairs. Miss Emma Qarduer, who has been in the employ of D. M. Ferry & Co. as book keeper for several months, came home Satnrday for n short visit. Ryan, the Chelsea runner, and Chas. Vogel of Manchester, will run a foot race to-morrow, in the latter village, for $25 a side. The distance is 300 feet. Frank Hangsterfer is in Detroit and will assist his brother at the grand banquet to be given the republican club and their guests in Detroit, next Monday . Oalusha Pennell, who has recently been appointed U. 8. deputy marshal for the eastern district of Michigan, was a resident of this oounty in 1802. He graduated from the literary department ol the university, olass of '68. Judge Cooley ia in Now York. Regent Whitman whb in town Tueeday. Chas. Richmond, jr., had a toe amputated, Tuesdny. Homer Henderson would like to be chief of pólice. Probate register Doty was in Manchester TuesdayDeputy county clerk Robison was in Detroit WednesJay. Treasurer Lighthall of Chelsea, only returned $70.20 unoollected taz. John Kierberg has purchased the old Pomeroy house on Miller ave., for $600. Prosecuting attorney Norris was in Yplilanti, Tuesday, on criminal business. The Two Sams advertise, this w.-ek, a f uil line of the ver y latest shapes in hots. iwo fmnpiciouH cnaraciers were ai me old jnil, Monday, looking for burglars' tools. Home $5,000 uncollected tax is the amount city treasurer Watts reporta up to Wednesdey. A. A. Norton, wbo has been pending the winter in this place, will return to Bay City next week Temperance address next Sunday af - ternoon at theold Baptist ohuroh, at the usual hour - ü o'clock. There is considerable kicking agamst Freer, the gentleman (rom Lima who ia af ter the Chelsea postoffice. Wm. J. Miller and Caspar Rinsey, two popular young Gfermao demoorats, are being talked of for city recorder. . Wm. Binder will be examined next Tuesday on the oharge of highway robbery. Justice Brennan will hear the case. John Eister, aged one year and six months, died Tueeday. He was the son of John and Mary Eister, of the flfth ward. Bishop Kniokerbocker will be given a reception to-morrow eveniug, at the residenoe of Mre. Pitte, South University avenue. Wm. Castigan took a dose of arsnic in mistake fi r salts, Sunday, and carne very near "crossing the river." Dr. Ijler attended him. Christian Helber is getting out the timber for a house for Winans & Stafford to be used for storing onions, with a capacity of 3,000 bushels. A . F. Hangsterfer has rented Wyman & Gwinner's ice house, in the flfth ward, and " Dutch " Henry is overseeing the flllinfir of ït. It holds .100 tons. The subject of Rev. James T. Bixby's discourse, Bunday evening, at the Unitanan churoh will be " Washington as an ezample to Americans of To-day." Several members ot the Q. A. R. went up to Dexter, Tuesday night, and had a good time. The members of the Chelsea post came down to enjoy the fun. There are two justices ot the peace to be elected this spriDg - one in place of Justice Brennan, and to fill the vacancy caused by the de-ith of Jas. McMahon. This city may have a free delivery soon. Postmaster Duffy has been instructed to forward to Washington certain facts recardinar the office, citv. etc. Bob. Frazer and Col. John Atkinson attempted to do eacb other up in Detroit, Tuesday, but ofticers of tlie court interfered nd quieted the demonstration. The temperance ieople of Washtenaw county will hold a masa conference in tkis city Maroh 1. Leading prohibitionisis from different partg of the state will be in attendance. The fiüh lecture for yonng people un der the anspicea of the Hoburt guild will be given Sundav evening in St. Andrews church, by the Rt Rev. I). B. Knickerbocker, Bishop of the diocese of Indiana. Isabella M. Haner has oommenced proceedings for dirorce against Jos. P. Haner, on the grounds of cruelty and desertion. The porties were marned in 1835, and have four children, the oldest being 27 years old. The following are the ofScers eleoted bv the Cathohc mutual benefit tiou: Pesident, M. O'Brien; vice-president, J. V. Sheehan: senretarv. Dr. T. J Snllivan; treaaurer, A. Eiesle; trustees, Wm, H. Molntyre, David Rmsey and Jos. Baumgarmer. Mr. Albert Winans, a popular young democrat of Gratiot county, and mail a.'eut on tlie northern división of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., made a pleasant cali at this office Saturday. "Al." sayB that by the flrst of May his route will be f rom St. Louis to Toledo. J. B. McMahon. trensurerof the greaX World's Circus, was in the city the last of the week, visiting old acquaintances. He promlses that this oireus will visit Ann Arbor about July 1. John 8. Mo.Mahou, the cuampion hurdle rider of the world, and America's boundiag jookey, is one of. the proprietors. He is a former Ann Arbor boy, having lived here some 18 years ago. U . S. senator Z. B. Vanoe of North Carolina, has been secured by the law department for an address on the afiernoon of Waohington's birthday, Monday next. No admission will be ohared as . the two law classes stand the whole pense, so everybody ís mvited to turn out and see and hear this distinguished gentleman, and give him a grand reoeption. The cbair will be taken by Judge Cooley and the meeting will begin at 3:00 o'clock standard time. If you kuow tbe fact of a looal item always give it to the reporter; don't wait until tho paper Í3 published and then expresa surprise that the item did't appear; reporters cannot bo every place at the Hamo tim , and must gather a great deal of news f rom others. Let each one teel it a pleasure to furnish an item for tbe paper whenever he can, and not wait for some one else to report what he knows. The news gat lerer can thus be ussisted and the enterprise of the paper greatly mcreased.- Ex. Col. John Sobriski of Warsaw, Poland, wlio speaks under the unspices of the university temperance society, Friday evening, Mach 5, is quite a distinguished personage, being a descendant of King John Sobriski and heir to tbe throne. He is the son of Col. John 80briski, the leader of the great Polish rebellion in 1817, wbo was executed by the the Russian government when that country was subdued. Mr. Sobriski was bunished, oame to thin country, served in 71 battles of our late war, attaining the rank of colonel. The Two Sams will furnish the gymnasium suite. Zenus Sweet would take the nomination for alderman of the third ward on the republican ticket. Miss Mattie Harriman and Miss Lillie Niohols loft Monday to attond the academy of designs in New York city. Miss Lizzie Dean was considerably injured, Monday, by falling into the cellar- wa in front of Oibson's gallery . A freight car loaded with furniture and oil, ran olT the track near the crossing on Liberty street. Wednesday, and was tipped over. One man had nis hand injured. The arrest of Henry Crouoh, who is held on the oharge of highway robbery, was effeeted by policeman Sipley, who had been on the lookout for the fellow for some time. Geo. Scott has oontracted to build Wm. F. Stimsons' new house, whioh is to be looated on a lot reoently purohased of 8. P. Jewett, east of lus residenoe on Huron street. rbe ladies ure making great preparations for the Beethoven gesang-verein bazaar, to be given the first week in March, at the hall of the society in the Stabler blook. 8t. Qeorge's sooiety have fitted up the third-story of Dr. Smith's blook, next to the post-office, for a lodge room, The Qood Templara will also hold their meetings there. Prof. Steere leotured, Monday evening, before the Cooker league, on " Formosa." Sunday evening Dr. Bidgeway, president of the Garritt Biblical Instituto, will deliver an addresg. Those who wish to celébrate Washingtou 's birthday in a becoming manner, should attend the Kook Band concert. Only opportunity to see and hear this wonderful rock piano. Adrián Press: Is it out order to ask if any one has learned whether Bob Fazer has politieel life enough left to enable him to "flop" before the spring campaign opens? Parties ought to have a chance to be on their guard in such mattere. Adrían Record: Almost everybody in Ann Arbor runs on standard time, and still the old cloek in the court-houae tower ticks on local time in uttei disregard of the law of the state. The Washtenaw supervisors pretend to more wisdom than the state legisl atore. James Donnegan seems to be the only man who is willing to sacrifine time and money with a view of serving the people of the 3d ward in the board of aldermen. Jimmie is a demoorat from the orown of head to the soles of bis feet, although it oan not be said that he is a parlizan. Dexter Leader: We have in our possession an egg laid by a hen whose live weight is four pounds, owned by Foster Litohfield, of Webster. This egg measures %% inches lengthwise, and &% around the muidle. This may sound "fishy" to some of our readers, but having the egg in our possessioü, we are pre. pared to prove it. Gouood's Messe Solenuelle will be giveu uext week Priday by the choral union. It is perhaps the only opportunity afforded to our musical friends to study the beauties of the Catholic music in an entire mass, sunir from kyrie to benedictus, by a f uil, well-trained chorus. Remember, on Friday, Feb. 26; (uil ohorus of 100 voices, with organ accompaniment. Admission, 50 cents.


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