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First semester closes this evening. The gymnasium will be fitted up with bath rooms. A slim house atteuded Bill Nye's leo ture Saturday evening. R ï. Oray, Ht '82, is assietant to the city attorney of Detroit. The dramatic club turned out in a body to hear .Mimi ie Maddern. A sculptor from Detroit has been em ployed to repair the Rogera'a collection. The Peninsular sangerfest will be held in university hall three days during next August. Prof. Winchell gave his classes in geology a reception at bis house, Tuesday evening. the dental department, is practicing in Gerraany. The junior hop at the rink, this evening, will doubt ess be the society event of the season. Geo. R. Wandeling will speak bef ore the lecture association in place of Justin MoOarthy. J. E. Sullivan, law '80, left tor hls home in Detroit yesterday aocompanied by his best girl. The dramatic club will go to the Princesa I heat re, Detroit, March 8, with "A Scrap of Paper." "Union" and the "Indian Lovers" are the only pieces of the Rogers' oolleotion thuB far Bet up. L. A. Bedford, law '85, of Detroit, wm in town last week. Mr. Bi'dford report a satisfaotory practico. Senator Vanee at univereity hall, Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock . No admission will be oharged. Will Carleton will lecture in univereity hall to-morrow evening. Subject: " The Science of Home." ( The senior lita talk of án excursión to ' Detroit and a nde on the nver inatead of the regular class reception. Librarían Da vis will address the S. C. A., Snnday morning, in the chapel. Subjeot: " ReHponsibility to God" Prof. Otto Kirchner was the counsel for the defense in the libel case of Mrs. Mary Foster vs. the Detroit Pos'. Misa Ida Morrish, lit '85, read a paper before the Unity club Monday evening on "'Medical Student Life." R. B. Wiloox has resigned his position as editor of the Argonaut and C. N. Champion, lit '89, will fill the vacanoy. The mechan ical laboratory is finished. exoept the placing of the machinery which is beiag done as fast as posBÏble. The senior Hts held a meeting last Saturday a. m. and appointed committees on photographs and on class-day reception. Judge Cooley left rather unexpectedly for New York, Tuesday. It is eurmised that this trip has somethiug to do with his appointment as railroad commissioneer. The famous Till f amily, composing the Bock Band concert company will appear in university hall, Monday evening Feb. 22. The prooeeds are to go to the gymnasium fuud. Dr. Frank J. Paokard of Cheboygan, a gradúate of tbe medical department class of '83, has been visiting the past week at Wm. McCreery's. The library receivied three cases of books from London, last week. They were sent by the university's English agent and are additions to all the departments of literature. The alumni of Washington, D. C, held their annual dinner and re-union last evening. Senator Plalmer is president and D. E. Fox, lit '81, is secretary of the organization. After the spring recesa a series of papers on the development of the industries from the niiddle ages to the present time, will be presented by the seminary of political eoonomy. The Alpha Nu literary society closed its work tor the flrst semester last evening, by presenting a "ladies' program," The program was sometbing new and interesting throughout. The majonty of the members of the "Justice League" wanted to get their 50c back, but a number of the more generous ones were willing to turn their share over to gymnasium f unit . J. B. McMahon of Manchester, and formerly a lit class of '88, was in town last week visiting old friends. Mac is at present engaged as treasurer of Holland & McMahon's world's circus. The Register wants to wager a hat Begcnt Chas. R. Whitman will be the next democratie nominee for congress from this district. We will wager a new hat that if Charlie is norainated be will be eleoted. W. I. Hayos, law '63, is one of the ablest jurists in lowa. He reoently discoveied a defect in the prohibitory law of that state and rendered bis decisión accordingly . Thw displeased tho ligialature and they are now trying to impeach the judge. The first of the two concerte to be given in university hall, by the choral union, will take place Friday evening, Feb. 26. The program consiste of nuinbers by C. V. Slooum of Detroit, Misses Winchell and Clark, and the rendition of " Gounod's Messe Solsnnelle," by the choral union, with a chorus of 100 voicow. Rumor has it that a certain literary student contracted several debts in Ypsilanti and now refuses to pay up. His " Ypsi" creditors declare that, unless he balanoes his ac counts with them within ton dnys, they will report him to the fac ulty and give him a general airing through the papers. A -word to the wise, etc. Bons of Detroit, the library's oollection of economie literatura will be made one of the finest in America. He has placed 8100 in the hands of the university authorities for the pnrohase of economie works, and promises $300 more wheu ba needed. The Parsons' library which was presented to the university sometime ago, and whioh containa 2,200 volumes, forms no part of the new gift, which simply provides for the perfect equipment of the library with economie works. Thus Mr. Parsons places in the hands of the students a colleotion of rare and costly volumes which will prove to be of the greatest value to progressive eduoation.


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