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Just As Bad As Painted

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'i he stuir publlshed in these eoluninsrecently from thé ftochéster, N. V., DejíochVT and, L'iiioMi í.u. created u deal of comnicut' It lias .clsewhere. Appareutly lt cause I evén more commotion tu Kochester, ; us the foü.jwiiiir írauo t::c eainc paper shows : l)r. .). 15. llenion, who is well known not only iu Koeholer. but in uearly every part of America s n en extendea srtlcle to tnís patera fM dáys ftgo Whioh was duly publlahed, oetailing bis reinarkable experlence ai.d rescuc fróji v, iiut seemed to De certaln ueatb. Jt wou!d L)t iiupossiblc U enumérate thc - have been made at our oilUv ua to the yalidity oí the article buttbcj have been so nuinerou j thatfurtberin i e-t atlon of tae subject was deemed neces Witli tbis eud in view a representative of tliis paper called on Dr. llenion at liis resldenee on Indrews street, when the followiug interview oeeurreü: "That artiele oí yours, Doctor, created quite a whirlwind. Are atciriènts about the terrible condltloij yon ero in. and thc wav you ere rescued, Bucb yon c H Bustatn!1' "Every oue oí them aud mauy additional ones. ) was hrotight so low by nagleéting the lirsl ni 1 mdsl fcim pJe sjmptonis. I did fot lliink 1 v,.. Bick. It is" truc 1 liad frequent hearfaches; feit tired most of the time; couid ca; notliini; one day and ivas raveuous thc oext; felt duil palns ana mj stomacb was out ol order, .ui 1 diil uot tliirik it nuant uiyIhlng serums. The med cal profession has enting symptoms tnsteaa ut dudases íor years, and lt la liih time it ceaecd, The Bymptoma i baveiust mentlbned or any nnu.-nal aet'nn or irritution of the water t liannris indícate the approaeh of kidney disease more taan a cough uuiouuccs the cocoint; of eousumptioa. -. e do not ureal the eooh, but try tu help thc langs. We shoukl not waste ourtline tryine to relieve the headaches, pains about thc bódy or other gymptonfs, lut odirectly t .the kidneys, the source of most of these ailments.11 ■■ i 'hi.-. Uien, is hat you meant when yoj ilian one-half the dcatlu wliieh oeeur nrise from Briglit s discasc,-ls if Doctor I" "l'reciaely. Thonsands í dlseases aré torturing people to-day, whlch in reality are bright's diseasc in somë of its many forms. It is u hydra-headed monster, and the slightest shdulii Btrlkc terro. to every on wlui'ha them. 1 eau looii back and recal] hun ; ds Of deaths whieh pbysicians dcelared at 1,1111: weiu caused bï [iiialysis, apoplexy heart dlsease, pneumonía, cualarlal iever and otnei miiiplaints, Wttlcü 1 sce nuw wcr caused by lirilit's discase." ' And did all these, cases have simple symptoms at first i " ■■ livery one of them, and might have bceu cured as i by tho timely use oí the saine reraedy. 1 aiu jretting my eyes thoroughly operied ín thls matter and tbiuk I ain hcljiin .niiers t ;ee the facts and their possible danger also.' air. Warner, who was visited athls establishment on North íít. Paul street, spoke very earnestiy : ult is true that Iiright's disease had increased wonderiu ly. an.l welind by ■relinble statistics, tuat iroai 70 to 8U, itsgrowth 'vas; over 61) percent l.'.oU at-tiie p.omftient men it haa carrled H. and ís takiiiL;' olí every year, lor while men are dying apparonily ot aralyr his umi ij üplexy, they are rcally vietuns of ' kiimey ui: -urdei, whK-h causes heart diseasa paralysis, apoulexy, etc. Nearlj every wee the paper rtcord me dvath of so'me prumiiient man trom thls pcuurïc. Keeeully, however, il.e iiu rease. Kus len clieckeu auü I Rtbiljute this li 1 use 01 mj' remeily. ' "Do you ihink many people 1 reairiietcd wlth it bo-ctuy wiio uo nol realize it;' "A prominent professor m a New Urleaus med.eal m; 1 iMilg before his elass uu the subject oí lirighi's disease. lic had vaiii'ii (luida umler nucroscopic analysla aun as ShOWlng the studeuts what U.e iiui.iaüons of tWs terrible iiialady we. e. Aníluow, ííentleuicn, h. saai, 'as w:: have .een the uuueaiihy iiidicatious I wil} show m how it apears in a state oí perleci health,' ami ba MinmitU'd liia mvii Huid 10 the usual test. As watchèd the resolta his counteaoD suddeoly changed - his color and comniariit boto lelt híin anu in a treuioling voicü hu sai.i: üentiemen, I havemadeapatnr ïui d.suovoryj 1 bave brlght'a disease 01 tiie kidneys.1 And In le ; iban a vearlu.'was The .-lii;hïest indications oí any Kidney dinieulty Bhould be enongh to strike terror 10 any 01 ro.ij;!uiu of Dr. llcnlon's case I" "Ves, i nave bota read and heardof it." "J Is very wonderínl, is it notl" "No moK s . tha . agreat mauyothera that have come to my noticc as having beeu cured by the saine means. "Y011 belleve then that Uright's dlsease can be cured)" "i Itnow it cau. I know it from my own and Ule exurieme nf thousaiuls ol pioinineut persona vi.ñ were civou up to'ile by bolh their physlcians and lrieuds." "íbu peaKof your own exper4cnce; wliat was it i " " A Fearful une. I liad íelt lansuld and.tinfitted íor busine89 !or ceara ttól 1 did not know uii.u a.i.ii me. When, however, 1 louud it was kidney dlfticulty 1 thought tuere was little hope and so oíd the doctor. I have sinee learueíl that ouc of thu physiciuns of thi city pointed me out to 11 gentleman on trie streel one da , . sayin: ' 1 hure ro.'S a man who will he d'ead within a year.' 1 believe his wofds would have proved it 1 had not providentia.i v used thi; íemedy Dow kuown ;.s iiner'á afe Cure.1' "üidyoumake a chemical analysis of the Case of Mr. 11.11. Warner sonie three years ago, Doctor í" was ag&ed Dr. S. A. i.attiinore, one ui the analysts of the state board of health. ■■ 1 es, sir." "What did thls analysis s'.iow you?" ". geriotls dUeasc of the ktdueys." "Diayou ihink Mr. Wam r couldjecöver " 'o. sir. I di 1 not ihink it possible." "Do ) ou kiiuw üuythiuí about the remedy which cured hitn?" 1 have chemlcaUx analyzed it and liud it pure and h.uinle.v . Dr. Ueniuu was tured fivk VEA&a icg and is wei. 1. aud attendmg to his professional du ties lo-day, in thla city, The stand n ol D-. iieniou, Mr. Waruerand Dr. Lattlmore In the L'ommuiiitv is bevond quest.on, aud the st:tements inê makc cannót lor a moni' doubted. ))■. Uenlon's expericnec iuws that Briflit's diecase o: tue kiuneys is oue o most dceeptlve and danserous ol all dli that lt Is exceedingly common, but that it eau be cured ü takeu 111 time. oreeze, iui a inornelit 01 sorrmvr'e!iis an ae üfpaiu. Ti. e tiew combination ol Smart Weed and Balltfdon a - Buckacne Piasters has proved to the Itesi that tould ba maue. Try one of these popular plast ters ín án f case of e. ik or lame track, back' ache, rhéumatism, neuralgia, of tiie eheat or iunos, te.. and you wijl bv sirpriseil and 1 leased iy the prompt relief. In haneaSfs of cbronie O uast rover th ■: the gt'.miaeli :.n al. 1 n ■ ■. or Cartcr's tínaarl VVeed und lie:hulonna boek aehe Piasters. Price S5 cents:


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