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trademark. (pubífuSj; '"TI1lft1'--'--''f"il1 "'ree front Opiates, Xhuetlc and l'oison. SURE. y riJ ftS. PROMPT. LhL$JP'. r Dl u.i:R. TUK CHARLES .MHiELI.K CO-, 1ULTÏMQRE, HD. SErmXnremeÁ R n Cures Rheumatisin. Neuralgia. Afi ffjl?8fft Harkiilif,, l'njlhachf, 119 rÏMBÖQ Sortlia, llnrirn, el-te. I 1888 PKICETFIFTYCEIfTa TIIK '"' ' ' '"■''!■. Ml). Kver.y ( : i í !il in cvcry I.innl Is BUbjecVto f w ' roliaX 'onglis. Cronp nul ïïlincpiiig Cougli. Wtalcb if i "i ottcnded lo ín time wlll rcsnlt lu )NSl.Mt'Tl). 'l ke Tnylor' Cherojte KcmedTt ÜPSWEETGUM AND MULLEN. 'i ín' .ve' finí i f ; trt'4' of the ume name grow!nr in ; i oibtned with n tea tnftde froin the Mtilirln p anl -f Ilie i'lii rtelds. For aalv ly all drug gtsU al a c in ■ ni tl - LOO WAMKi! A. TA Y LOK, At'iiiitu. Ga, creüi Ram UAIMgH Keueves Fain at Kl Alla-3 Infiammation.p:J;KE[jl Heals SorlT" KenoresK'MI Taste and Smoll .8 f S ö wl POSITIVE CJRE. j 5S , parllc-lo Is miiiüi'tl i-.WWo' tisA.l at drUBglsts nr ly : ■ 'J A V_ CClf PD ELY BKOTHKHS, I'i-.i .-_-■:-:. .Dv.i-.-o. . V B. H. DOUCLASS & SONS' l'apiciiiis EougLi Drops or Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats, au Alleviator of Consuinption. aad ofgreat beneüt in most cases of Dyspepsi. (BEWA3E0FIMITATI0HS.) hay aro the roault of over forty vpai-a' oxperienco ia compoundiiigr COITGII IiUráEDIJáa. Kfiuil pi-lep 16 itenti p1- qmrter pound FOH SALE BV ALL DEA1EB8. raffifüSfi] i EyE HAILS jEáatoa2jB i í "ure SfBje %IL!OUSiIESS,' HmVf I-ITm i ! with n lUMBÜml leihirlip, inslift(lon, I.osf -r [í.r,! i.i weak a tiino-jh; bul álnce com i Knsl fee] botter tïian I hve Cor ■■■■'"■■ ' have recommeaded li to manj M.-nits wiih ilirmosi excoUeal resutts. . ' Rkwin. Pino' Bemedy for Calurrh i llio I I Best, Ea-siest to Uo, and Choopost. I AUo jood tir Coid In the Heail Sfl I HöKlaclie, TIa' Fv.t. A-t-. 8Oc CONSÜillION 1 bvo a ptinHlvo Un1 tu" hijo ve liis-1 .-: by Ití uso thomund of caïes of ttio wonl fc.tnl onl of lime stAndine ) bvo becn Cttñd, 1 ttad. :!r" lír n !■ efllckcy tbatlTvUl scnJ TWO BOTTLES PBfEJE, tol: her wilh VALÜABLK TIÏKATISF o tliH -lisenaÉ.to ny iiifTprcr. U ivo Krprest uJ r. ü. ftdOrut. M. T. A. M.oCtii, 181 PoatÍ St., N.Y. v BtiVUt Ö i':. n íj i bladder mm pri i üftlytytbe i i Coledles glven i.t onr M wecia'úai pliysuinn's treatlse ; nutlled frec bytheAsinel M-dk-Mi Huroau, mU Hialw;i, Nw Vork. TZ u; . I VI negar Bitters, r.pnrI H3SÉL lMM feooi. strcngtlicni the y&LQUj?y and ludncys, aiul will i' ffifcTySSC5s hcaltli, liowcvcr lost. yKTCKÜ' Vinesrnr Bitter is lbo êyj&_JjV)$&. best rciuedy discovered for L&X?l7A&&v?!! promoting digestión, cariog wgSseir.":: tP headache and iitcreasiDg tho f ' Vlncsar Bitters assimilater. the food. regúlate tae stomacli oud bowels. RivlDg healtby and natui'al sleep. Vlncpar Bitter ia the great disoaso preventer, and stands at the head of all family remedies. No houso should ever be without it. VI ncjr'i ' Bitter cures Jialaria!, Bilious and other favers, diseases of the lleart, Ijver and Kidneys, and a hundred othcr paiiif ui disorders. Send for either of our valuable referenco books for ladies, for farmers, for merchant, our Medical Treatise on Diseaseu, or oi.r Catecblsm on Intemperance and Tobacco, which last ehould be in the hands of every child and youth In the country. Any two of theabovo IkkiIïs raailed freo oa recelpt of four cents for registration fees. R.H. McDonald Drng Co., 632 Washington St., N. V. i HIBBARD'S RHEUMATIO SYRUP. ft GREAT BLOOD PURJFIER. 3HEUMATISM Is causeó ly a "iïetcnt!on of ■CtMouisn) HT7MORS imhe ys!cm," and there DANGEE thiit it mv ui any moment, Sattack the tíLAJiTná cause (Icath Instantly. The celebrated ir C ■ Kngland, declares that alne-tonths of all deatl HE ART DISEASE I rom rheumatigm. Tt should strike r? ror I UIBBARISfi BEBÜtfATIC SYRUP blood, whlch is the seat of the dise purcly i & Ubi e compoand. i d uut all rhenniB, and expels uil dan lor RheumatlBUQ, Kuiu -y and ■ Nnir.ilcrla. Snir Khenm, Scrofula. Kryslpelaa, l otter. Ringworm, taxa the inumei 1 invaluable. Prlce, 5."' per hottle. Bold by uil dniKlata. Alwtyá uae WlBBAHIfü BttEl VA TIQ PLASTEE kit L-uimectlon wiiii the syrup. M only by toe Rheumatic Syrup Co., JACKSOX MICH. DROPSY TEEATËD FREE. DR. H. H. GREEN, X Specialist Tor lileven Vears Fast HastreatPd Dropiy aad Iti compUcattons wltli tUs most wonlrfii! sucoess; ases vegetnbl!1 re entlrely;s. lïoaioveall sympi '.ns of dropsj (n eiglit to iiveiiv :ay. Cures pj;!enU pr.mounced h'-peless by the bst ol phyalclans. rrotn ilie tTst doae the symptom rapl-llv i poar. nnd in ten dnyi at I'.'ast two lh!rds of a!; syjuptoms ar re novad. Sume nsay cry humbu without knowln:: anvthlDg hboiit It. lici:iri.iiir-r. ii do.'s not cO9i you e j of in treattricn' yon'self. I ain constan: ly curlna tases oí long 3 andln& ■ hac litvc been tappéa a tiombe -iith jiatfenr dei-hti-cd unftble to live a week. '1 ' istruA1 of cae. Knie sex, liow tong aif.tcted. how bailjy ïv;llcn an:l whcre. ia boweleO' he. hai ; mu-e 1 an'l d'ijtppd water. Seml for fre.' t-ain blftt, contalnlttg tfat-inonlalü, question, etc. 10 il:iys t ir.;! ment furnlshod frea hy mail Eplltip-y lUs 1 -o-tiively cured. li orüer trial, send 7 cenrs in stamp-; lopay roa:ag& II. If. OREEN. M JDjonei Avenue, A : lauta. Ga. i THE L3 Gold & Jewelled í V - -J; ) ■! b ÉW "a ia ■MCSljjJKprJS W'ciH íiwnrdecl by Iho jarjjjjífflp Natioiial Medical -áS3'?' '"v Asaocintion mlfSmW TO THE AUTHOR OF TIÏK SCIENCE OF UFE wbo i tho ehlef Conraltinir Physfclau oí tíi l'eubody Medical IuritMH-, Itbchig the best Medical Treatlse on Manhooü. I'.xVital ty. tfervoui ad P rtllty. Premature Dec no In Man, tbe Etio - - tlic ontold ín serlcfl rt s ur ■i c tiy i fe, whlchthe aal ■ be niievlatfft end postívely curod. ii l Medical rk un tur above, and lea vi!ii' ;ii.! midd '■■■-. red man, v. a . v r.i' moQcy r''fuii(lf(i Id ovey 11 i pages; cuibosscd musito, rali kü; : 125 v v - p ■ o ;tii dtseases. Price only WOüby man, te pata, ! 1 Qfl P8t id -iiinnU's, fret' t" : 1 . 9 n rk la ui trerafl clergy, i aren 1 8 and teachora, unn V' rmore ttan a mlllton leaders. Ererymr., y u g ot oíd, shoui.l read thif booíc, nnl ei ■ consult the fluthor, lfThero liabal . i ero 1h a phTBiclan there." Ad ti DR.W.lI.lVVKKEn, 1 ! -. LEPAGES CLUES m{!rï] Usedl'V the lot manufacturera Jf' ntffA FtÊ& and mechanica la tho world. jÉeSvri'tmÊkA Pullman Palai'eCarCo.,Maioa MF NO - ; ' A llmnlin OrgOO te Púim Co., jr7 kd.tor tilt kinds of fino xcorlc. ffrrV-l '- ' j.t tho New Ot-l--arn Kxpost-B CTVfy Uní), juints niAdtí witti lt in Bw Jl JlJJrdiilIj inr.'f n testtn sírni of over ftSuifl! 1600 Pounds MBraí TO A SQUAKE ICI!. ÍBKk T W O' G O L ü'm E D AÏsJ' M IfTonrdealer it -üüiaffi-. : sena M-i -iiril and 1;K-. nntagñ fur i BV88U CLUEXT CO., GXoBcester, FARMS FOlí SALE In Michigan. New Prlce LIsl jut lasned for i ■ f ihe lines' fui ma I ti i lie Stlttu ■ . Lia . :i mapof Mlclilgiu cltles, ote, Rea] . . y r IOS OKswold st., Dctroil, Mlch. lllWUHj li. jgm yEEDEI) !pi;BiM.fiy5C ín Every Hondmiil. ffl ti, í: SatIZM'S INFAI.U11LE Pire Kindler m nis V:uitel iu erery i A p u Ojo npi-r.t Bold I9lnonc ight. Illl t n 1 mr chvtilar and (: i W M4wn Hpmplo Klndler ■ ent ou i H IUI i M AU!;rs IV. i ■ A Ms N]' p O Illinois (i Dr. Isaao Thomoson's j iiiiiseviai) i;vb; va'5'ï;ÏÏ Thls artlcle la n carefólly prepnr ■ : ■ scription. aml h&t benn In constan iv, nuil aotwl the tanding the raany 01 lici -■ Inat ix-i-n intmriueccL Into tne of thls üit'i is constan tly Increa tions are f. Howcrl ít wili nercr fall. We luvitf the atirntlon of nnyslcians t i lts m JOHN IIHDMDNUNSV :(?,. Ti:iJV, X. Y. (JOSEPHGIflJTT STEEL PENS Sold Br ALL DEALERSTmroughoutThe WO R LD fcOLDMEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-IB7B. A FREE 8AMPLE. To Introduce the irreat liouscli M retnedy. '"rOFft DON'S SING OF i'Aix Intoeveryfainlly. i wtiuend sampU1 J'rec t" any one seadlnu ,:ion Uüs paper and sddreas EG. KlCHAltDS, Tole Ja, (X %&S ft MTEDoíúmy V;.n ;l HBI HlB P" BiBthiid hxpc; BV ■■" vancc. CuuvuooiriSouUit H::: l1... ff freo, standard Sil ver-wave Co. }:."v-o;i. ?Jjus. A Casket of Silver Ware Froo ToanypTïn whowül sbowittothelr mi Addnos tOXX. JIA.NFU. CO..1IAKTFOI:!, OOXN. Muucn o rao i iLtco.bYmii. s,.cKj, nnillU Morphlno ;l( Cured In 10 IflIJnl Nopav II Cureii. VI IVin om. J. srii-Ht.s '.ui. linupSTUDV. Sccuro a Busli, ; 1.7'ii: BRYAKT' O l-c I ■ , lr]s ESSEX CARO 200N"''"; ■s''a- Plc'nros and A.-oni-s Hlbuiiio'M ""Crd Samples for loc. Steam Caiil ' Krtfnrl. Coiin. 1W! V Jíl(lt'malnlIK ílranpln oí STew U il, pW'"cM8forol. 7 Bi B! EKTERBKl W. N. U. D.-4- 3 ff lili ROut: ' w""l! v"' "nd P'rtlcHlirs fri't. 1' II U II Ho. vlcivKliy, Auguata, M1qc


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