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OP thí; c o aun m o as" cotxzktcixj. OF THE CITY OF ASN AKI1OK. To llie Voters and Tux puytrs of the City, showing the Reccipt and BjepenéUtmres of the Corporation for the year endiiuj February Ut, 1SSG. . FIRST WARU KÜND. February td, 18$. Jacob Hanser, labor ...f 3 00 Jonn ilenderson.Jr., 1 30 J.S Ilendersou, " . 3 00- $ 7 50 Afarch 2d, 1885. Frank Henderson, labor.,.... 150 J. llausiT, " 1 60 J. S. Henderson, " 00- $ 5 00 April 6lh, 18S5. Fred Benka, labor $ 150 Chas. Henka, ï 25 Cbas. Henz, " i 25 J. S. Henderson, " 4 00- S 10 00 May Uh, 188S. GeorgeCollins, lime $ 50 John Stoll, labor... 100 r. s. Henderson, " 1100 eo Slimmer, " I 50 John Mlller, " S 75 Patrlck O'Brlen, " 5 25- i 00 ■luite Ut, 1SSS. Wheeler 4 Thompson, Tar Crossing 10 00 Wlllleseyfrled, labor... 7 50 Chas Henz, " ... 24 89 Jacob Hauser, ... -15 60 John Rosser, " ... 1 27 Wm. Weiumann, " ... 1 7 Wm. Scott, " ... 8 22 John Miller, Jr., " ... 3 52 Andrew Slegler, " ... 3 2 Mike Kusterer. " ... 4 74 J. s. Henderson, " ... 4100 Chas. Juntow. " ... 4 27 Nolsoo Rogcrs, " ... 1 75 Geo. Slimmer " ... 32 72 cbaucey I hompson, " ... 3 50 Jasoo W. Rogers, '■ ... 8 75 l.itrlk O'Brleu, ' ... 15 75 Geo. Btoll, " ... 40 ÍM John Stoll. " ... 18 25 Wm. Wlnes. " ... 17 2ö 'has. Benku, " ... 15 00 Cbas, Ixjrkie, " ... 18 00 Chas. Seger. " ... 24 89 John Mlller, " ... 24 52 Geo. Lamby, " ... 18 00- $39i00 July Glh, 1S85. Wheeler & Thompson, tar crossing $ 10 00 John Mlller, Jr., labor 3 75 W. W.vman. " . . 10 50 i;. K. Hendereon, " ... 3 00 Jobn Mlller, '■ 18 75 Cbas Juntow, " 3 15 Chas. Lorkte, " 9 75 A. Rosser, " 14 25 Chas. Seeger, " 6 01 Chas. Henz, " 21 75 John Mill.-r. " 187 has. Ñlnm 18 00 Jacob Kapp, " 3 00 J. 8. Henderson, " 46 OU A.Selgler, " 2175 Pafck O'Brlen, 16 50 J. W. Rogers, " 18 12 Wm. Scott, " 3150 Geo. Slimmer, " 19 25 MlkeKusterer, " 2100 John Stoll, ' 19 25 ■ Vilin llrauumiller, " 3 38 Oustav Wulter, " 15 75 George Henne, " 3 00 Josepli Klsclier, " 20 25 JacouStadel, " 1 50 John Weltbrecht, " 54 25- 25 08 August Sd, 1885. JacobStadel, labor $ 25 14 J Brauninlller, " 15 38 J. F. WeRbrecht, " 150 George Henne, " 25 u Joseph Fiseher, ' '7 38 G'asper i.oliu, " 25 14 J. Kelclienecker. " .... 85 00 J. M. Weltbrecht, paving 50 00 .1 M. Weitbreclif, leam labor 63 87 John Weiiiu-r, team labor ... 43 75 A.F. Martin & Co., tam Der.. 5 3t-t :!17 G2 September Ith, 188S. E. 4 R Oraf, building culvert$ 173 00 -Cari Yarut. labor 8 75 Casper Bohii, ' 3 75 ■C. Schumaclier, " 150 ObrUUan Walz, " il 05 Lotus Schnelder, " 75 Luis Luiz, " 1 50 W. A.. Wheeler, tarcroBsings 22 00 Jolin Weitbreolit, paving 3100 John Wf ltlirecht, tam labur Ü7 33 Joneph Fisher, labor 30 75 Jac. Helclienecker, " 27 H Jucobstadel, " 14 25 Andrew Gruner. " 3 75 A. V. Martin S Co., lamber .. 7 25 ' ... 3 28 8. Wood & Co , 8cwer pipe 18 44 Sara. McLaren, supplies 6 00-$ 429 54 Nuvember Sd, 188ó. A.F. Mnrtln &Co.,lnmber...i 84 G A. Judsoii, tr Crossing 3 50 John Walz. labor 2 25 %Vm. Wheeler, tar crossIng... 6 00- 12 59 December 71 k, 1885. John Waltï labor $ 2 3i A. K.Martin Co., lumber... 164 Louis Ronde, cement 3 00 J. Pflsterer, nails 1 45- ( 8 41 January Lth, 1886. Seybold & Allmeudlnger, labor $ 100 Cari Hennlg, labor 150 A. F. Martin A Co., liimbcr... 3 60 " " " " ... 1 64-1 7 74 Transfer to contingent mud 300 00 ToUl f 1388 53 Chrlst. Honiue. " 38 12 George Collins, lime 1 25 Jacob Stnebler, fitone 2 75 S. Wood&Co.. sewerplpe 27 00- $376 26 August Sd, 1885. Jas. Tolbert, sewer pipe $ 21 90 Geo. Collins, water lime 100 Wheeler 4 Thompson, tor crossing 13 00 George Sfi m m er, labor 3 15 Geo. iloil, " 1 40 Palrick O'Biien, " 5 2 Wm. Suott, " 6 m Jusen Rogers, " 175 .1. S. Henderson, " 2:5 50 MlkeBrown, " 150-$ 79 10 Septembtr 7th, 188S. S. W-ood & Co , sewer pipe 3 o 75 George Slimmer, labor 6 65 Chas, flenz, " 5 a5 .T. T. Hullock, lumber 9 44 Chas. Iorkie, labor 8 00 Falrlck OBrlen, " 6 00 Cliauncy Thompson, tar crossIng 6 00 Wm. A. Wheeler, tar crosslog 10 00 J. S. Henderson. labor 14 )- $ 61 09 Oktober Slh, ÍSSó. Patrlck O'Brien, labor 8 13 50 GottliebSeger, " 7 50 Jacob NI ms, " 6 75 George Slimmer, " 3 50 John atoll, gravel .'40-$ 6165 jVovember 14, 1385. Patrick OBiïen, labor 10 50 Geo. Slimmer, " 3 50 .1. s. Henderson, " 2100 A. F. Martin & Co.,lumber. . 21 48 John Stoll, labor (i 6- $ 6918] Dtcembtr TÍA, 185. Chas. Tjiimiske, labor. $ 9 00 J. 8. Henderson, " 13 00 Parlck O'Urlen, " 10 50 John Rosser, " 1 50 Geo. Slimmer, " 175 C. Eberbach. nail . . 40 8. Wood &Co.,lumber 4 (i: J. T. Hallock, " 4 32 Chanucey Thompson, crossins 5 C0-Í 50 10 January 1,'h, 188G. George Stoll, labor $ 1100 George Slimmer, " 50 Wm. .-sehneiüer. " 6 60 J.S. Henderson, " 6 00 Seybo:d & AHmendinger, labo- 2 55-S 24 55 Total S 116fi 88 SECOND WARD FUXD. March 2.1, 188Ú. Josepli Fisher, labor $ 150 J.M Weitbrecht, '■ .'(50-$ 5 00 Miy VU, JS. Andrew Gruner, labor 45 45 Juni Ut, 188Ú. John Weltbreeht, labor $ 15 40 Guslave Waller, " 5 85 Tlieo. Solineider, " 6 80 John Weimer, " 8 40 Jacob Stodel, " 5 83-$ 42 10 Jaly WA, 1885. s. McLaren supplies ...% i 80 Casper Bohn, labor IS 37 John Wei ner, " 3.5 88 Krank Hogan, " MM J. Rechenecker, " 39 SS Tlw.iv ..hlwmli.i' " lü lal TIIIRD WAUD FUND. February td, 1885. K. Kittredge, gravel $ 6 00 Spencer Sweet, labor 10 25-1 15 25 Marck td, 1880. A. J. Sweet, labor S 2 25 Spencer Sweet, " 9 25- $ 1150 April Btt, 1885. Spencer Sweet, labor $ 3 75 John Flynn " i '25 Michael Klnney, " 160 Spencer . Sweet. 3 50-1 1100 May Uh, ISSi. Patrlck McNally. labor f 0M Michael Klnney, 5 3 George Healey, " 5 26 Zen ik Sweet, " 12 0- J ï'J 12 June Ut, 1886. Jas. Tolbert, tile $ 4 86 Alfred Boot, labor .... S 00 Adam Schroeder, " 2 25 Patrlck Byan, " 2 25 PaulGabler, " 3 00 Chas. 8 tonus, 3 00 John Manning, ' 6 00 I Audrcw Qruuer, " 4 50 PatBumg, " 3 00 ! Ueo. Walker, tar crossiugs. .. 25 00 F. McNally, labor 8 45 M. Douohue, ' 00 Klchurd Burns, '"' 17 50 J.B. Dow, " 9 üü John O'Orady, " 00 George Darrow, " 3 60 H. Klttredge, " 7 00 Spencer Sweet, " 10 5U A. N. Fulford, " 1400 Frank Blutn, " 10 50 Chas. Long. ' 6 00-1155 11 JvXy eth, 1886. John W.Hunt, nalls $ 3 48 II. S. Dean, gravel 15 80 Oeorge UoIUuh. cement 50 H. Klttredge, labor 27 15 George Walker, tar crosslngK 26 00 David Hahr, labor 3 50 Chas.Dose, " 7 00 M. Donohne. " 18 00 Pat'ck MeNalley, " 18 75 Andrew Gruner " ia 38 John Manning. " 7 88 Chas. Francisco, " 8 25 John O'Urady, " 6 75 Richard Burns, " 22 40 Spencer Sweet, " 9 63 Krank IMuinli, " 22 75 A. N. Fulford, " 14 00 Palrlck Burns, " 7 50 Mlcti. WillWina, ' 675 J. B. Dow, ' 17 50 Paul Galliër, " 4 13 Chas. Storras, " 4 87-1264 97 Avgutt Sd, UU. Jas. Tolbert, Ule ♦ 46 41 George Walker, tar crosslnga 10 00 W. E. Walker, gravel 28 00 J. B. Dow. labor 100 Andrew Grunor, " 3 00 Spencer Sweet, " 75 Patrlck Byan, " 2 25 Chas, storms, ' 1 PO Patr'k McNally, " 88 68 September 7th, 1885. David Rahr, labor 1 00 J. T. Hallock, lumber 11 36-$ 12 36 October M, 1885. John Flynn, labor 8 3 00- t 3 00 December Ith, 1885. J. B. Dow, labor $ 2 00 John Flynn, " 1 50 Barney Morrlson, " 4 00 S. SVoöd & Co., lumber 4 19-$ 1169 Januari kh, 1886. Spencer Sweet, labor f 3 50- Í 3 50 Transfer to contingent fund 900 00 Total $ 1500 16 FOUKTH WARD FUND. Jane Ut, 1885. Thomas Kehoe, labor $ 3 00 MorganWilllams, " 1 50 John Burns, ' 4 50 A McDonald, " 29 35 Jacob Ilauser, " 17 38 John Flynn, " B 75 Michael OToole, " 75-$ 9 23 July 6th. 1385. Willlam üubbs, labor f 7 5J J. Skinieihorn, " 8 75 K Fltzgerald, " 8 00 Wm. Curroll, " 6 75 John Wassow, " 9 00 Jacob Ilauser, " 37 63 P. Core, " 9 75 G. Bucholz, ' 3 00 A. Fride, " 11 25 John Carioll, " 7 50 J. Maybee, ' 17 50 M. OToole, " 1 50 John Klyun, " 19 60 A. McDonald, " 40 75 K. Burns, '■ 11 62 James Coleman, " 3 00 Jumes (ululan, ': 3 75 S Wood A Co.. Kewer pipe 36 97 fl. Klttredge, gravel 2 00-$ 210 72 August trd, 1SSS. lames Quintan, labor $ 13 50 Thomas Kehoe, " 9 7 H. Kiureilge, gravel 8 00 fuliii l'lynn, labor . 4 11 James Carey, " : 00 James (ulnlan, ': 6 75 John Carroll, " 2 25 A.. McDonald, " 39 50 Jacob Hauser, " 28 07 Wlieeler & Johnson tar crossing 13 00 Jus. Tolbert, tile 7 ii- $ 167 15 September 7th, JfcW. George Walker, tar crosslngS 9 00 G. Bucholz, labor 13 50 Leo Camp, " 6 00 John Carroll, ' 18 38 J.Mabee, " 40 6 MichaelWllliaras, " 14 25 M. O'i'oole, " 18 75 K.Jacobus, " 9 75 Thomas Kelioe, " 16 18 A. McDonald, " m V John Kgau, 6 00 8. Wood 00., lumber 11 04 II. B. Dodsley, hbor, ote 8 85 John Kogarty, rep'lng bridge 15 30-$ -m 19 October Clh, 188S. ('. M. Thompson, tar crosslngS 8 50 W. Howley, labor 150 J. Flynii, ' 6 00 John Oarroll, " 17 Si Juhn Kgun, " 150 James Qululan, " 1185 J. Maybee, ' 3i) 90 J. Sweet, " 12 25 Leo Camp, " 1 88 A. McDonald, " 65 21) G. liucuolz, " 9 1 G. Kullivan, " 4 50 Michael O'Toole, " 12 60 Jas. Carey, " 180 A. Prlde, " 1 50 H. Klttredge, gravel 15 70 Jas. Tolbert, Lumber 5 I- 211 97 November id, ÍSSí. Jacobus & Son, labor í 25 00 A. McDonald, " 24 00 J. Mabee, " 7 00 W. Howley, " 5 25 Leo Camp, 8 75 John Klynn " 1 50 H. Dean, " ........ 4 00- 68 50 December 7íh, 1885. 8. Wood & Co., lumber t 4 4Ï H. S. Dean, gravol 11 2 A. V. Martín & C ., lumb?r.. 5 71- 21 31 January í.ih, 18S6. Seybold J Allmendlnger, labor. $ 1 75 A. McDonald, labor 2 6S Jame Quinlaii, " 1 14- S 5 5 Transitarlo contingent fund 500 00 Total t 1557 01 FIFTH WAIU) FUND. February id, 1885. Stephen Muore, labor í 4 03-$ 4 00 March id, 1885. N. P. HUÍ, snow plow S 5 00 Alber $ Son.Rupplies 76 3. Moore, labor 4 00-$ 8 75 Aprll 6h, 188H. Frak Wealherby ,lubor S 60 Clia. Rooey, " 50 David Taylor, " 3 00 A. Crurap, " 8 00 Chas Roney, " 2 Í5 John Koblnson, " 3 60 J. A. Roblnson, " 150 Jucoli Kulenbach, " t 00- f 16 75 June lst, ÍSSi.] Earl Ware, lime $ 5 40 J. W. Marouey, labor 15 75 A. Caraon, " 11 25 Albert McCollum, " S 75 John RoblDson, " 12 25 Isaac (ireeiiinuD, " 9 01) Joseph Alger, " 0 75 J. A. Koblnsou, " 12 a j D. L. Oates, ' 40 25 Anthony Khallord, labur 7 50 JiuiieK Miirmy, labor 9 00 (leo. Coulson, " 9 00 K. Les ure, " 1 SO Frank Itoney " 75-111740 July Cíh, 188SChas. Neidhamer, labor S 15 75 Wm.Schall, labor 6 75 Oeo. Weeks. " 81 50 J. W. Maroney, 20 13 Daniel Croford, " 15 00 Joseph Alger, " 5 35- í 94 38 Augutt Srd. 1S8S. Ann Arbor Agriculturul Co.. toóla $ 15 Geo. Colllns, cemenl 1 50 Jas. Tol bert, lile 30 60 Jiio. a . Marouey,labor 175 Mlchael Secory, 7 50 Oeo. Neitüainer, ' 150 Nelson Hogers, 1 50 Edward Kellogg, " . 1 50-$ 49 00 Septrmber 7CA, 18S. E. Stick Ing, labor f 150 Dan. Crawford, labor tt 38 Wllllain Símil 75 Chas, iiurnbam, k 2 25 A. Crump, " 4 50- í 15 88 Ocíober Bilí, 18Sí, Chas. Burnhaiu, labor $ 3 (o Jus. H blnson, ' 3 00 Joseph Secory, " 3 75 Valentino Alger, " 12 00 D.L.Gates, " 3 00 Dan. Crawford, 7 50 Isaac Greennoan, " 112 Nelson Rogers. ' 22 50 Jno.W Maroney, " 18 85 ■ Toh ii liobinsí ii, 12 30 Hen ry Farmer, ' 1125 Fred. Meyers, 7 50 J&H. liaillgiiQS. " 12 30 .I:U1II-K (ilMlilfll, ' 5 25 Ueorge Weeks, " 18 50 F. Alter, " 60 Wra. F. Lodholz. nalls. 24 I Jas. Tolberl, sewer pipe 26 80- 16 88 Transfer in geueral street fuod 150 00 January Uh, 1886. J. W. Maroney, labor ï 1 20 Abner Cruinp, ' 1 50 Stephen Moore, " 2 00- $ 4 70 Transfer to contingent fund 300 00 Total $ 957 72 SIXTH WARD FUND. February tt, 1885. J. P. Judson, labor $ 9 00- % 2 00 April eth, 1S83. J. P. Judson, labor f 10 50-$ 10 50 Mag Ut, 1885. T. L. Hewltt, labor f 6 00 Qeorge Carson, " 1 50 James Shlrley, " 6 00-Í 13 50 June Ut, 1885. Henry Marsh, labor $ 19 Í5 T. L. Hewltt, " 12 75 Chas. Tagger, " ........ 2 25 Chas. Carrol 1, ," 14 25 Charles Folskii, " 1 50 Qeo. V. Carsou, " 12 75 John Miller, " :j 00 John Lane, '■ 8 25 Chas. Stel n bort, " a 63 Mark Itodgers, ' 9 00 W. H. WeTl8, " 1M Jas. Shlrley, " 2100 John Judsou, " 8 75 H. Kltrklge, " 3 50 George liycraft, " 8 75 l.uit-k Bros. lumber 4 25 II.T.MortOD. " 24 82- $ lfiO 20 July Sth, 1885. G. Vinkle, labor $ 3 00 Mark RDgiers. " 13 50 Henry Marsh, " 40 25 C. M. Thompson, " ........ öl 50 Patrick Qulnn, " 13 75 T. L. Hewltt, " 11 25 Geo. Curson, 14 25 Alfred Hoolh, " 1 50 George Jewett, " 9 00 Frank Judson, " 29 75 James Shlrley, " ]2 88 Sed .liiines, copine 31 50 Walker Uros., bridge 332 5j Wheeler& Thompson, erosstugs 30 00 ByoraftA Sweet. stone 150 50 O. Selimid, bnck lti 00-8 745 63 Traufer toconllngent fund 1000 00 Total 1931 88 Overdrafi 7 49 Balance f 1999 37 GENERAL STREET FUND. Februarj 1SS5. Andrew Gruner, labor t 1 05 Herman Hennlng, labor 52 Johu üoetz, labor 120-$ 2 77 Mareh id, JSS3. ('liarles Seeger, labor $ 3 T5 Mlcliael Kennedy, labor 3 00 John Gnllagher, labor 1 50 Chas. Pagel, Jubor : 75 Aug. Kawalske, labor 3 75 John Flynn, labor 8 75 Abrara Prkle, labor 2 55 Jeff LevlK, labor 2 55 Chas. Beuku. labor 4 65 Chus. Henz, labor 5 10 Fred Lipku, labor I 5 Jas. Satuler' 3 75 John Goetz, labor 1 CE .1. s. Ilenderaon, 1 't r 1J 00- 3 51 3) April 0!h, 188ó. J. W. Hunt, Supplles .10 Michael Kennedy, labor 75 Kred Llbka, labor 1 50 Chas Seeger, labor 3 00 , Herman Henniug, labor 75 J. S. Heuderson, labor 7 00-í ÍS 80 May hth, 1SSÓ. Chas. Kawalskl, labor $ ] 59 J. 8. Henderson, labor 5 00 Chauneey Thompson, labor 1 00 Pat. Qaliagher, labor 75 Richard liurns 14 00 I George Healey, labor 5 63-S 27 85 June Ut, 1885. Patrlck Con-, labor f 3 75 Chas. Long, labor 15 50 ('lias. Storins, labor 5 25 John O'ürady 3 75 Pal. Ryau. labor 7 13 Abnim Pride, labor 7 13 Pat. McNally. labor 8 25 John Fiynn, labor 7 88 : Frank Plumb, labor 38 50 A. N. Kulford. labor 40 2r Oeo. ByoraTt, labor 3' 00 1. Morrison, labor 13 00 R. Burus, labor 5162 H KiUrfdae, labor 72 63 Mlchael Williams, labor S2 13 Chas. Francisco, labor 20 64 Adam Schroder, labor 7 13 John Manulug, labor.. 22 13 Thomas ('lurken, labor 4 50 Bd. F.Ugecald, labor 5 10 Andrew GTUOer, labor 2:f 5 Andrew Gruner, I ibor 2 45 Mlchael W'ldley, labor 20 25 Mlchael Klnuey, labor 3 00 J. 1!. Dow, labor 40 50 II. Klttredge. gravel 23 50 H.S. Dean, gravel 970-f511 70 July 6th, 1S8S. H.H. Dean, gravel $ 21 00 S. Wotxl & Co., pipe 30 88 Chas. Htorms labor 4 50 Chas. Francisco, labor 16 50 Mlchael Williams, labor ÍS 00 John I! Dow, lab r 14 00 John Mannlng, labor 10 13 Qeo. W. Palmer, labor 1 SO Ueo. Colllns, cement 150 J. S. Eart, labor 1 00 Cbu. Lang. labor 3 39 John Oürady, labor 9 75 A. N. Ful ford, labor 23 80 Spencer Sweel, labor 83 i3 vilch-tel Donohue, labor 1 50 H. Kltrldue, labor 20 05 Mlcliael Herrie, labor 8 75 A. I'rlde, labor. 1 50 Paul Gabler, labor ! 00 Krank Plum, labor ÍS " Richard Burns, labor 18 55 Patrlck McNelly, labor 10 SO Andrew Gruner, labor 18 88-$ 290 25 A ugust Srd, 188S. Walker Bros., labor 93 88 Jas. Tol bert, lile 2 01 Lulck Bros., lumber 4 30 C. Schmld.brlck 10 50 Oeo. Walker, lar crossings. .. 35 00 .crias Swi-et, 15 00 Geo. W. Palmer, labor 9 75 Jacob Wlse, labor 100 ipencur Sweet. labor 8 75 Andrew Gruner, labor 3 75 J. B. Dow, labor 17 00 Patrlck Ryan 150 A. F. Martín & Co.. lumber... S 05 R. AT Kearns, repairs. . .. 2 30- J -J06 78 Septemttr 7th. J8SÚ. Patrlek McNullv, labor ï 2 63 K. T. Camp, labor 1 00 Patrick Kyan, labor. . 4 50 KkliarcI Biirns, labor 10.50 Job u KI y un, hi [;!■ S 68 C. iiaxier, labor l oo J. T. Hallock, liimber 15 48 John 11 Dow, labor 12 00 S. Wood.Jfc Co.,sewer pipe 7 50 K. & K. Graf, building bridge 2d ward 227 00 K'K-ti Koth & Swet-l, slontbridge, 5tli ward 450 00-$ 737 24 Trausfer to 5th ward fuud . . 150 00 October th, lüJiü. Michael Herrie, uravel and labor .;. % JO 50 Andrew Qruner, labor 5 25 Patrlek Ryao, labor 38 Richard Uuins, labor 2 63 Johu Mcliugh, labor 3 50 L. Rohde, cement 18 20 Antou Elsele, flag stone 6 00-$ 55 4t) Jfovembtr ïd, 1885. Mlchael Herrie, labor S 10 ."1 Patrlek Hyan, labor 7 8'J J. A. l'olhciiiiis, Hand 6 30 C. M. Thotnpson, tar crossing 4 50 A. F. Marllu Co., lamber. . 42 A. F. Martin L Co., lumber. .. 3 74- f 33 36 December ?th, S8ó. Newton Felch, labor $ 1 25 C. Eberbach, nal Is 71 Geo. Schliiumur, labor 7 00 Patrick Ryan, labor 21 75 J.B Dow, labor 14 00 John Klynn, labor 5 25 Jas. Tolbcrt, labor. .„ 4 50 Mlchael Herrie, labor 18 38 Andrew Gruner, labor 5 25 S. Wood & Co., lutnber 39- 78 8 January Uh, 1886. Patrick Ryan, labor $ 3 00 Chas. Siorms. labor 75 John B. Dow, labor 2 00 John Klynn, labor 188 Patrick O'Brien, labor 3 00 öeybold 4 Allmeudlnger, labor 4 25- 14 88 Transfer to contingent fuud 20Ü0 00 Total f 4176 37 Overdraft of 1885 168 62 Balance f 4844 99 GENERAL FUND. februory Id, 18S5. ('bas. .1. DurhiMin.Kalary. ... 25 00 J. tí. Henderson, labor 3 00 A .A. Van Depoele P. & L. Co., Mri'iM lalnps 70 00 Península (Jas J.ígiit Co.t streel lamps 170 30 A. A. Gas Llght Co., clock tower 6 18 A. A. Gas Light Co., Fireman'N Hall 7 20 E. D. Kinne, salary 28 50-) 305 63 Mareh td, 1885. A. A. Gas Llght Co., Firemaii's Hall and Council R.,$ 7 70 A. A. Van Depoele Lt. S P. Co., st renta ligbts 60 00 Península Gas Lt. Co., Street lllíhw 170 30 A. A. Edtson Ec. Lt. Co., clock tower 10 00 A. Gruner, labor 75 0. J. Durhelm, salary 25 00-$273 75 April 6ti. 1885. B. F. Watts, salary, city treasurer 100 00 C. G. Darling, salary, city pliy alelan 70 00 Peninsular Gas Co., Street iigiiUs 170 30 A. A. Kdlson Elec. L. Co., clock towcr fi 00 Estáte H. A. Beal, printlng... 70 00 A. A. Vaudepocl Kl. Lt. & P. Co., street lithts 70 00 Chas. J. Durhelm, annual report 50 00 ('has. J. Durhelm, salary 55 00 II K. 11. Bower, printing 50 OO J. D. labor 2 2f Lewis Manntng, labor 75 Luick Bros., supplies 1 00- Ï 615 80 AprÜ VStk, 1885. J. S. Henderson, rcgistralion and election board J 7 50 U. Lulek, registration and election board 2 50 D. C Fall, inspector of election 5 00 J. L. Kose, inspector of election 5 00 John H. Miner, elerk of election 5 00 George V. Cropsey, clerk of election 5 0J Jolin Heinzinau, registration and election board 7 50 John Walz, registration and election board 7 50 Albert Marín, clerk of election 5 00 George Schwab, clerk of electien 6 00 U. Josenhaus, clerk of election 5 00 Chas. tí. Hiscock, reglstratiou and eleclioii 7 50 Thomas Kearns, reglstration and election 5 00 .I0I111 H. Dow, inspector of election 5 00 Erainet E. Wiuegar, clerk of eleoUon 5 00 VVm. Ca-spary, clerk of election 0 00 Warren E. Walker, clerk of election 5 00 Antón Kisele, regist'tion and election 7 50 John F. Lawrence, reglstration and elecllon 7 50 H. H. Dodsley, clerk of electiou 5 00 J. 11. Uennett, clerk of election 5 00 Jos. Donnelly, clerk of elec tlon 5 00 George II. Rhodes, vegistraUon and election 7 50 Cnas. Burnham, reglslratlon and elecllon 7 50 Earl Ware, Inspector of election 5 00 N. D Gates, clerk of election 5 00 W alter Wright, clerk of election... 5 00 Win, Blggs, registration and eltclion 7 50 S.D. Alien, regl8tralion and election 2 50 J. H, Stark, inspector of election 5 00 Robert Glazler, clerk of election 5 00 Channing Sinlth, clerk of election . 5 00 Albi'rt Sorg, use of room, registrallon, etc 5 00 John Heluzman, room, registration, etc 2 50 A. F. Hangsterfer, room, etc. 2 50- ♦ 187 50 Mi'j Uh, 1885. Roblson & Howe, hack t 100 J. F. Lawreuce, expenses to Lausing 10 00 Fred Morely, Riirveylng 20 85 H. C. Wilmot, bilí poBtíiiK.... 50 Washtenaw Journal, prlnllng 6 00 E. D. Kiune, services 41 50 Geo. L Moore,supplles 8 15 Telephone A Tel. C., rent of telephone . 25 00 Jacob Kocli, 1 ibor 1 00 Peninsular Gas Lt. Co., ítreet lights 170 80 Geo. H. Pond, draynge, etc.. 1 5 Fred H. Belser, stamp 6 00 .1 A. Folhemus, hnow 50 A. A. Edison Elec. Lt., Co., clock tower 6 00 . A. Gas Co., street light and burners 84 2o A. A. Gas Co., Kireman's Hall 9 S5 A. A. Gas Co., Council room.. i 10 C. I'.. Hiscock, to ti mi' and expenses of Commlttee to Detroit 48 30 E. B. Pond, time and expenses at Linslng 82 25--$ 514 80 May üth, I&tt. J. 8. Henderson, special services $ 8 00 E. H. Hudson, special services 8 00 John Helnzman, special services 3 00 John Waltz, special services 3 00 (,'.E Hiscock, special services 8 00 J. F. Lawrence, special services S 00 T. E. KcatlnK, special services 3 00 Earl Ware, special services... 3 00 Chas. A. Poland, special services 3 0Í Win. Biggs, special services.. 3 00 A. F. Martin, special services 3 00- 33 00 iluu ÍWA, . John Kiipp, special seTVlceel 3 00 bl. Fond, special serirtoes s 00- t W June 1U, Jas. A. ltolv sou, copying contract i 5 01) l A. A. Vandepoél u. & 1'. Co., streel UkIUs i'J mos.) 1.50 Of) M.J. 1 iiiz.iitiililinK accounts 25 00 Wm. Cleaver, register election 2 50 Geo. II. Pond, salary 25 OU A. A. (las Ugut Co., street HghU ! 03 9i Fred Sclimld, board of review IS 00 D. Hiscock, board of review 18 00 E. P. Mason, board of review 18 00 H D. Benueit, board oi revlew ■ 18 CO P. O'Hearn, board of review. 18 00 N. KuttH, Doard of review.... 18 Ü0 E. D. Klnne, board of review 18 00 Bultou Flro Engine Co., euglne 0C0 00 - !(.-7 A'l July Uh, 1885. John F. I.,awrence, service on water contract ♦ 10 00 A. A. Kdison Elec. Lt. Co., clock lower (2 mos.) 12 00 E. I. Klnue, salary and services 50 00 W. A. Chamberlaln, labor ... 3 00 Wm. Blggs, locks for Councll toot 7 76 John W. Hunt, labor and supplles 12 50 Geo. (Mius & Co., stationery. 5 75 Oeo. H. Pond, salary ; 25 00 A. !'. Martin, expenses to Detroit ! 8 00 H. E. H. Bower, printing 4 50 A A. Gun Lt. Co., Councll Room 2 16 A. A. Gas Lt. Co., Flreman's Hall 5 18 A. A. Gas Lt. Co., street llghts 48 80 , Vandepoele El. L. & P. Co., street llgliU 60 00 Vandepoele El. L. & P. Co., street llgh ts, Snnday s 15 00-1 264 60 August 3d, 18S5. H. E. H. Bower, publlsning ordlnunce $ 9 45 O. O. Sorg, glass.... 24 88 J. B. üavis. surveylng 6 00 Telephone 4 Tel. Con. Co., telephone 5 00 A. A. Edison Elec. Lt. Co., clock tower 6 00 Geo. H. Poud, salary 25 00 II. Wilmot. posting bilis 50 Kst. K. A. Beal, supplies 18 60 Kred. Morley, surveylng 19 05 Dr. W. F. Breakey, board 01 health 25 00 Dr. T. J. Sullivan, bonrd o' health 25 00 l)r. Con rad Georg, board of healtb 26 00 N. V. Clieever, board of health 85 00 Homer Henderson board of health 25 00 A. A. Vandepoel El. Lt. & P. Co., street llghts 70 00 Hiukins & Dignan, street ligbts 135 41- 461 S September Ith, 1885. Geo. H. Pond, salary $ 25 00 Harklns Dignan, street llghts 116 16 K. Klttredge, suppllea 4 25 M. C. Wllnaot, distrlbutlng dodgertt 76 Edison Klec. Lt. Co., tower clock 6 00 Vandepole El. Lt. & P. Co., ■treet lighU 75 00-Í 27 1 October Ith 1885. A. A. Vnndepoele El. Lt. & P. Co., street ftghts $ "0 00 Hark i ns & Dignan, street llghts 116 16 C. H. Manly.Btdewalk nollces 43 65 A. A. Edison Elcc. Lt. Co., clock tower 6 00 Fred Morley, BurveylnR 75 30 A. A. Gas Lt. Co., Flreman's Halt 5 75 A. A. Gag Lt. Co., Councll room 2 70 A.A. Gas Lt. Co., street llghts 152 00- $ 471 56 November id, 1885. Geo. H.Pond, salary :.t 25 00 E. D. Klnne, salury 25 00 Unrklns & Dignan, street 1 guts 116 16 A. A. Vandecoele El. Lt. & P. Co., street llghts 70 00 A. A. Gas Llght Co., slreet üghts 7. 76 26-$ 812 44 Decembtr "ith, 1885. X. G. nutts.aaKcssrneut rolh.t 180 00 P. ü'Hearn, assessment roll... 200 00 Vandppoplfi KI. Lt. fc P. Co.. street lights 75 00 A. A. Edison Klec. Lt. Co., clock tower 1200 . A. Gas Lt. Co., Councll room (2 mos.) 150 A. A. Gas Lt. Co., Flreraan's Hall (mos.) 2S 38 A. A. Grts Llght Co„ street llghts 87 80 Hiirkins & Dignan, street lighU 116 16 Geo. 11. Pond, salary 25 00 C Ebcrhach, supplles 13 75 II. D. Bennen, assessment roll 300 00-íliKíi W [January 47i, 1886. Charles Rettich, repairs on lunips $ 10 60 A. F. Martin S Co., lumber.. 3 66 JnhD Morrison, labor 2 00 J. s. Hendersoo, labor 2 00 Geo. H. l'ond, salnry 25 00 E. D. Kinne, special services and salary 85 00 Hurk i iis & Dignan, street llghts. 116 16 Vaudepoulft F.l. Lt. & 1. Co., street lights 75 00 A. A. Gas It. Co., slreet llghts 86 18-8 W) Transfer to contingent fund 20ül W Total 810872 CONTINGENT FUND. February id, 1K".. E. 1). Kinne, salary $ 25 00 Jaecb Hauser, care of engine house 15 00 Deau & Co., lantcrn globe 5f Spencer Crawford, jauitor 2 00 J. E Haikias, supplles, engine house 4 90 G. Lodliolz, supplles, 5th ward 4 04 Tel. & Tel. Co., rent ol telephone 2500 Hutzel & Co., supplies for engine house 18 08 J. F. Schub, supplies for engine house 50 Charles S. Fall, salary 65 00 Fred Slpley, salary.. 60 00 H. Henderson, salary 60 00 Wm. Camplou, salary 6'J 00 H. Richards, marshal's erder 71 80 J. Goetz Son, marshal's order 6 50 Rinsey & Seabolt, marshal's order 17 00 Wm. H. Mclnlyre, marshal' order .... 1 90 G. Lodho'z. marshal's order 28 00 E. B. Hall. marshal's order 6 80 G. W. Cropsey, marsbal's order 7 30 Geo. Colllns, marshal's order 30 SU Casuar Ui nsey, marshal's order 2285 E. Duffy. marehal's order... 150 J. F. Siolttti marshal's order 80 75 C. E .Wasner, uiarshaj's order 24 00 H. J. Brown & Co., marshal's order 3ï S. Seyfried, marshal's order 19 5 H. & J Elsele, marshal s order 8 50 John Ross. marshal's order... 2 8 O.M. Martin, marshal' order 10 00 John Heurlch, marshal's order 75 H. Matthews, marshal's order ISO J. G. Gall, ma'shal's order.;. . 2 00 lt s. urr, marshal's order 3 08 1). F. Sohalrer, inarshal' order ■ 1 75 J. W. Maynard, marshal's order 4 00 Frank Burg, marshal's order 3 00 J. J. Gooilyear, marshal's order 50 Jacob Volland, marshal's order 2 18 Joha Flynti, marshal's order 8 00- 08 20 ilarch 2d, 1885. Luick Uros., labor, engine house 50 Albert Sorg, flreman's pay... 5 01 Oottlob Luick, fireman's pay 5 00 Jacob Hauser, nreman's pay 5 00 Lewis Moore, üreman's pay . 5 00 Jacob Hauser, Junltor 15 00 Schuh Muehlig, supplies... 14 85 John Goetz, labor 50 8. rawford.Janitor 8 00 Chas. B. Fall, marshal's salary 65 00 Fred. Sinley salary 60 0 Homer Heuderson, salary - tsti 09 Wm. CaioploQ, salary 60 W I.niiis Ronde, coal, englue house 13 i' Dean & Co., supplles 5 40 H. J Brown & Co., suppUes. 3 0 J. Roblson.drawlng hosecart 3 00 Harry Colé, labor, hose 2 00 Chas. Edwards, labor, hose... 2 00 Jobn O'Grady, labor, hose 2 00 Johu O' vlarrn, lubor, lioso 2 00 John Williams, labor, hose.. 2 00 John Morris. m, labor, hom-... 2 00 H. Kluliariis, marshal's order Wi 01 C Kiusey, marsbal's order.. . 24 10 S. Seyfrled, marshal's order.. 27 7: J. Vollaud, marshal' order.. . B "J Win. II. Mclntyre, marshal' 23 16 0. Lodholz,Riuarsliarsoider.. H 21) Hiusey Jt Seabolt, marshal's order 16 50 C K. Wanner, marsbal's order 2450 II. Maithews, marshal's order 2 S0 E. B. Hall, marshal's order... 6 80 s y Ier & Joseuhans, mar HillU'B order 1 50 J.Uortz&Sou, marslial's order 800 in ■!. UolUus. marshal1 order 46 00 S. J. Haumgarlner marshals order 2 00 J. F. tSmltb, marshal's order 3 25 Krank Burg, marshal's order 198 G. W. Cropsey, maistial'sor75 Johu Kosa, marshal's order.. . 1 75 Henry Waeseb, marshal's or. der 300 J. W. Muynard, marshal's order 3 OH II. Kisele. marshal's order 2 00 E. Duity, nunhfil'l order 1 78 K. s. urr. mantbal's order 4 50 Moses Seaboit, tlreman's pay 6 00 K, F. Santoral, flremaii's pay.. 5 00 Theo. Pack, flreman's pay 5 00 Chas. Worden, flreinan's pay 5 00 N. D. (mes, lirenian's pay... 6 00 F. Barker, flremrn's pay 5 00 H. L. Cole, hreinaii's pay 5 00 G.Teufel, lln-man's pay 5 00 A. Teufel, flreinan's pay . .. 5 00 Geo. Harrtll. nremans pay 5 00 J. WtVgner, .Ir., nremans pay 5 00 V. C. Jauubus, fireman'6 pay 5 00 W. Kajchenburger.flreinau's pay 5 00 wTH. Carroll.nrernan's pay.. 5(10 W. Flynn. flremnri's pay. 5 00 M. Wllllains, flreinans pay.. 5 00 J. C. Klscher, nreiuaii's pay... 5 00 J. O'Grady, liieman's pa'. ... ö 00 C. Kdwards, flremau's pay... 5 00. J. Shaw, firi-inan'H pay 5 00 H. Schliminer, flreman'h pay 5 00 A. Lenlz, tlreman's pay 6 00 J. Schnelder. nremau's pay... 5 00 Jas. Barker, fireinan's pay... . Ei 00 S'. II. i:umiioii.tiremu's pay 6 00 A. Morrison. ttreman' pay... 5 00 J ('olllns. nreman's pay 5 00 J. Williams, riremau's pny... 5 00 .1. Ryan, tl reman s pny 5 00 ii. 1,'uiz, Ji'.. nreman'R pay.... 5 Ou J. Buruett. nreman's y 5 00 W. Hl lier, Hremmi's pay 5 00 J. Thurer. tlrenmn's pay. ... 5 00 J. Kehoe, tireman'K pay 5 00 c. Miiiman. flreman's pay.... o oo Dave Mnrlin. flreinaiis pay.. 5 W T.Oondou, ffireraan'a pay 5 oo J. OMara. rlreman ' pny 5 OO J, Carrol, r.. flieinaii'.s pay.. 5 00 C. Mathews, tin-mans pay.., 5 00 T. MiNally. lireinan's pay 5 00 D. ColllDR, flreinan's pay 5 OO T. Breniiu, liiennin's pay 5 00 J. RobiDSmt. tiieinan's pay... 5 00 R Arksey, immaii's i o'. ■ 5 00 s. Grnnger, tin nmii's pny 5 (10 ■ ! sm-eüah, flretoaB' payw. 5 00 . ;. 1 1.i:-roli, rlrmnan'H pay... 5 00 .1. K. arkin.s. flremaiifl pay 5 00 11. Granger, ilreinati's pay 5 00 J. Monison. flreiuan's py ' 00 s. sweet, tlremaTi's pay 5 OO Burt Taylor. tlrenian'v pay ... 5 00 W. J. C'auiion, üreinturs pay 6 00 C. Kannenhurg, Uremun's iay 5 00 John M ili.-.r, Uri-inan'spay . . . . 5 0 (jeo. Isbi-11. flTenian'a pay 5 W A. T. Kearus, ïhcmun's pny.. 5 0(1 W.H. MeUn-en.Mremen'spay ■ in G. Allracndtnger, fireman's pav 5 00 L. Knrtz. preman's pay .1 00 Frauk lClsele, flremau'spay.. ft 00 ]:. Jacobqa, flremai's pay 5 00 Klni'-r Jnchns, tlreman's pay 5 00 A. . üchultz, tirerrlan'ilpay . . 5 00 Chas. Koohm, llreman's pay.. 5 00 H. Kanenborg, firem:m's pay 5 00 Geo. Mill'T, lireman's pay 5 00 W. Ross, tlreman's pay. .. 5 00 S. D. liyrrnfl. tlreman's pay.. 5 00 Fred. Davls, nreman's pay... 5 00 A. Christmar.. tireinans pay 5 (10 Edward Buil, nipman's pay.. 5 00 Newton Felnh, llreman's pay 5 00 E. S. Manly, fireman's pay.... 5 00 s. Moore, nremau's pay 5 00 Chas. Burnham.üro'nin's pay 5 00 David Kinc, fireman's pay.... 5 00 Henry Farmer, flremau'spay 5 00 A. McCollam, lirernan's pay 5 00 Theo. Sne'-chl y. ílreman's pay 5 00 A. Williams, nreman's pay.. 5 00 1. Greeman, flreman's py.. .. 5 00 (""hus Wijilow. flreman's pay 5 00 Fred Meyers, flroman's pay... 5 00 Geo. Weeks, üreirians pay... 5 00 Karl Ware, flrenoan's pay 5 00 Jas. Godkin flreman's pay... 5 00 Geo. Roney, flreman's pay.... 5 00 H. Hammond, nremau's pay 5 00 Wm. Kapp, flreman's pay. .. r 00 Ed. Btorms, Oreman'a pay 5 00 Jas. Miller, flremaü's pay 5 00 A. Brlleu, nrumau's pay 5 00 (Jhas. Buil, ttreman's pay 5 00 Jas. Murrav, lircuians pay. .. 5 00 John Aler, Sreman's pay 5 00 Wm. Lodhol., nreman's pay 5 00 Thos. Golkin. lin-man's pay 5 00 AUL. Herz., flreman's pay... " K- 1226 5 March 16iA, 1885. E. D. Kinne, expenses to 1111sing 50 00- 5000 .l.ici SOti, 1385. K. I). Klnne, expenses toLansillL.' 40 00-Í 40 00 'liausier to water works fund 4000 00 April (Uli. 1SS5. A. Francisco, úrawing eni:ine 2 00 A. Kearn. drftwlng hose cart 1 00 John O'Grady, labor 2 00 C. A. Kdwards, labor 2 00 Aug. KawaKki, labor 75 Jacob Hanser, labor. 17 oo S. öeyfried, wood 2 25 Pelel McNally, labor. 2 00 Jobn Williams, labor 2 00 .;. i-, .i.iilii, wuod 2 25 J. SV . lfniil, snpp les, lire depiirtmeut 4 30 1). Crawford. buryiug dog... 1 00 Luick Bios., labor, englne house 4 50 Chas. SohultZ, eoal, engine house 12 50 J. Muehllg, suppües, th ard engl ne house 7 50 Eagan Imperial Truss Co., supplies 6 00 Wm. Camplou. salary 60 00 H. B. Henderson. salary 60 00 Fred Slpley, salary 60 00 Chas. S Fall.salury tfi iw B.Orawtord,janitor 2 00 J.A. PolhemuK, back lo county house ... 1 60 S. Sweet, drawlng hook and ladder truck 1 00 H. E.Wilmot. posÜng notlces 2 50 John Fiscner, labor 2 2-ü H. Libke, labor 1 00 E. B. Prelon & Co., hose rings 4 00 K. S. Sauford, paid express on hose rings 85 Chas. 8. Kall, clerk, nuance committee 12 50 O. M. Martin, marshal' order 20 00 J. F. Smith, marshal'!) order 26 75 8. Seylrie.l. marshal's order W 7) Geo. Collins, marslial'i order 36 75 H. Richards, marshal'? order 71 38 C Rinsey, marshal's order .il 91 John lioss. marshals order Í 35 W. H. Mclutyre, marshal's order 2-3 85 H. & J. Kisele, marshal's order 4 00 Rinxey & Beabolt, marshal's erder 20 89 J. Volland, marshal's order 1 38 J. Laubenguyer, marsbal's order 1 00 Geo. W. L'ropsey, marshals orde 6 04 J. Goetz & Son, marshal's order 10 00 G. Lodholz, marshal's order 52 81 H. Mattbews, marshal's order 1 50 '. !■;. Wanner, marsbal's order 11 53 I-rauU liurg, marsbal's order 188 K. B. Hall, marshal's order. .. 3 40 E. Dulfy. marshal's order 3 01 J. W. Maynard, marshal's order 4 87 s. N. Hou -e, marslial's o der 4 00 F. G. Scbleic.ier, marshal's order 113 8. & J. lïaumgartner, marRbal's order 2 00 John Flynn, marshal' order 16 00 H.M. Orr, marshal s order.... 10 00- 751 83 K. Kltlredge, printing 25 00 . I'. Poud, expenses lo i.aii - alna 44 00 Jas ottley, dlstrtbatlng bllls -150 G.H Hhodes.dlstriiitln'g bilis 100 W. I. Harrimau, telegiailiing 75-$ 6180 May 4Wi, 18S5. Beo. H, Pond, salary 25 00 C. Oirey, flreman's pay i pay) a () Capar Rlnsey, olf, entine house f filj II. Uichurds, wood, engine 02 J. Roblnson.drawlog engine 2 00 J. F. Stnith. drawlng engïne. . 2 00 Jacob Hauser, janltor 15 00 J. F. Meyer, labor, engtne house. 2 00 E. Walker i Brother, labor. 1 (10 H. J. Brown & Co , supplles engi Qe house % 80 W. li. Mclntyre, matches... 80 Charles s. Fall, salary 65 00 Fred 81pley, salary 5ï 00 Homer Heuderson, salary.. . 55 00 Wm. Campton, salary 55 00 S. Crawford.Janllor 3 00 C. E. Wagner, marshal's order 16 00 H. Matthews, marshall order i DO Frank Burg, marshal1 order 2 51 J. Volland, morshal's order 6 75 Q, Lmlholz. niarslml's order 17 00 G. Colllns, marshal's order... 32 9S Rlnsey & Seabolt, marshal s 1" 87 C. Rtnsey, marshal's order.. .. 21 63 H. Richards, marshal's orilci ,.. 46 01 E. Duffy, marshal'H order -i T:i H.&J. Eiselp, marshal's or, der 4 00 QeOi VT. Cropscy, marshal' order 2 71 W. II. Mclntyre, marshai's order ' 19 12 S. Seyfrled, marshal's order 18 00 S. & J. Baumgartuer, marsimls order ! ...... 2 00 J. Goetz & Son., marshal's order 4 00 ! Henry Waeseh marshal's order"... ." 2 00 J. O. (Jal!, marshal's order.... 100 J. J. Goodyear, marshal' 1 order, S0 J. Ross, marshal' order 1 91-$ iW % June Ut, 1S83. J. Muehllg, chairs S 7 00 M. C. R. K.. ir.-ii.lit on englne 15 00 M.M am-tt, Hteels 17 00 K Difterie, luirytng dog B8 ; Üeo. L. Moore, supplies ( 13 A. A. Kegisler P. & F. Co., supplles 10 00 J. H. ilenderson, expenses to Lletroll.. 3 25 Jacob llauser Janltor aud team work 19 00 Am. Kxpre s Co.,express 75 Cbas.8. Fall. palary 65 00 Fred Slpley, salary J0 on lloiner Henderson, salary 50 OU Wm. ('unipiiui, salary .V) tlO Crawfovd junilor.... 2 00 I ■'. Mcyer, clt-auhig engin... '-' 00 s. Swt;e , driiwing hook and ladder to flre 2 00 John Motnu. supplles . 7 20 Lenawee ('ouuiy (Kittredge fomlly) 17 10 F. Morley, surtcys T T."i ö. Ixidhoi. tnarMoTs order.. 2S TT Rinst-y ft Beabolt msrahal'a order C 00 J. Vollaml. marhal's order.. 3 25 0. Hinsey, marshal's order... 17 52 W. JH. JHclutyic, maishíils order 11 5J J. (ioelz ifc Sou, marshal s order f 00 Geo. Colllns, maishaVs orilcr 1R75 11. Richards, mambaPa order 't tl H & J. Klsele, iiiarshal's order 4 I C. B.WagTter, niarslml's order U) 0i) H. Mattbewü, marstiiU1 ori der 1 50 S. Keyfried, imr-tul's ortéru 1 1 ñu H. Wuesh. ntjirshal's order. .. 2 22 John Ross. marsliul's ovdBfC. . '■ 18 Oeo. W. Cropsey, marshal's order 2 K2 Johu Flyun, murshal"s order 16 00-S 49ö 25 .u(.y 6tA, 188B; i J. S. Earl, ariwlruj hose cart 2 00 J. A. Robiuson, cTrawlngen! glne 4 00 I A. C Alliu.drawlnKeiiKlne.. t ) i Morgan O'Brlcu, drawlug enBiiR. 2 00 ! Adam Francisco, drawingenI glne 2 00 Jacob Hauser, janiior 17 00 li. 0. R. R., irelght 5 00 Hul zei & Co., hose 734 00 D. L. Sudd#r, repairs 5 25 Button Flre Kninu Com'ny strainer 12 00 F. M. Qarrotl, sraier steels.. 4 U0 Am. Kxpress ( 'o., express '-"i Hulzel & Co., supplies 7 15 Fred Morlej , suñfejíS 2 50 Míller Son, ifpaii'.s 1 ."xi WaBhtenaw do., suppiies 16 oo Chas. s. Fall, salary 65 00 FreU Blpley, salary 50 00 Homer Henderson, salary 50 00 Wm. Cumplí. n, salary 50 00 Crawford jimilor 2 00 Charles S. Fall, clerk tlnanc commlltee 12 50 G. Lodholz. marshal's order :V) 34 V . H. Mclntyre. marshal's orders 16 B2 I Geo. Collms. murHha.'s order IS SS C. Rlnsey, ïnarshal's order.. .. 11 tiö H. &.I. Elsele, inai-slial's orilt-r (i 0 H. Waescli, inarshall's order :i 17 Rlnsey & Beabolt, marshal, orders 14 50 H.Richards, marshals order 17 75 s. tt .1. BaamgartDsr, mar! shal's order 2 00 i . !■:. Wagner, marshalV ori der 14 00 H. .Mallliew, marshal's order S 00 J. (Joctz a son marshal's orI der 9 00 O, M. Marl in. murshal's order (i 00 ( et). W . tropsey, inarshal's order .) 42 ' J. Ross, marshal's order 1 H4 8. Beyfrled. marshal's order.. S 25 Richard Zeeb. work on HanI over square 12 00 I C. Mack, treas.Oltlzen's Coin! on cnt'i lainment of Am. i Ass'n Advc't of Science Ö00 00- 1745 T4 July lOtft, 1RS5. Transfer to 3rd ward funil $ 600 00 Transfer to Hh ward fund 200 OU Transfer to'ilh ward fund.... 300 00 Transfer to 61 h ward fund.... 10oo 00 Transfer to general fund 2000 00 Transfer to general street fund 2000 00-100 OU AvfuU Sd, 1885. J. K. Harklns, supplles, enKine house 3 70 Frank Hogan, drawlng enRine 2 00 John Roblnson, drawlng engine 2 (X) J. sj. Earl, drawlnz hom éaft ■-' m f Henry Wells. drawing eugiue 2 00 Jobo l.oiicv, ('rawiñg hose I cart 2 00 Jacob Hauser, janltor 15 00 j Lewis Moore, repalrp,steamer 6 00 I.ulck Uros .waste forsteanier 1 50 II. Neuholf. lahor on steamer 80 s. ('rawford.Junitor 2 00 Wm. ('ainpion, salary 50 00 Homer Hei derson, salary 50 00 Fred SipU-y, salary 50 00 Chas. s. Fall, salary 65 00 Charles b. Kdwards, extra pollce 75 Ed. Come, extra pólice 150 N. Sutheriand. extra pólice... 1 50 Jas Nelsou, burylng dog 51 W. II. Mclnlyre, raaiches.... 84 G. Lodholz, marshal's order.. 13 96 W. H. Mclntjre, marshal's j onlcr ■ 14 65 J. Goetz A Son, marshal's order 7 50 S. sieyfrled, marshal's order.. 2 00 .1. Kosi, marshal's order 1 44 Rlnsey & Seabolt, marshal' order 10 00 Geo. Colli n's marshal's order 2 25 II. Richards, marshal's order 15 25 C. Rlnsey. raarshal's oruer... fi 10 C. K. Wagner, marshal's order 3 18 J. J. (ioodyear, murshul's orI der 1 75 1 Frank Burg marshals order 1 Wl tíeo. W. Croptsey, marshal's 2 87 H. Matthews, marslial's order 1 50 0. M. Martin, marshals order 10 00 1. MuehllK, marsha 's order.. 10 00 Srvl.r A: .li)s-nlians, marsbal's i order 100 ! C. Ebërbaub, marehal's order 35 j Geo. Miller & Sou. J;uiu;r' i to horse and buggy by deifectlve culvert 5 00 John Flyuu, marslial's order 16 00- t 390 87 September Ith. Ik-.."). John Galllgan, supplles t 4 00 Jas. E. Harkins. repairs on steamer 1 20 Richard Zeeb, labor 8 75 B. F. WaUs.ex-mayor'scharm j ?r J. A. Pol hem us, labor 1 0 I Wm. Barry, labor 150 .Schuil .t MuehllK. ualls 4 08 i A. (,'. Ullss, labor 19 00 i J. T. Hallock, lumber 14 87 Dean et Co., suppiies, engine liouso I 85 ] A. F. Martin & Co., lumber... 77 14 C. Walker, drawlng hose cart 2 00 Boblnson A Brush, horse and buggy i 00 A. Francisco, drawlre enelno 2 00 I-'rank Blum, drawlng hose cirt 1 00 Jacob Hauser, JaDitor and I labor 3100 John tllller, labor 3 15 John Stoll, -labor n Audrew Hetgler, labur ï i" ■iilinniii:. labor.. 70 Charles Benka, labor 120 Charles Ixrk le, labor 3 15 Charles Henz, labor 3 80 A. Kosser. labor 8 15 lli-my smiih, drawing englue 1 00 Chan. Edwards, drawing hose cart 1 00 Henry Colé, drawlng hose cart 1 00 C. Matthews.drylng hose. ... 100 I'. McNa ly. drying hose 1 00 Henry Welf, drawing entine 100 (íeo. Bycraft.drawiug engine 2 00 Ca-spar Rlnsey, olí, englne house 50 M. O'Brten, drawing hoofc and ladder truck 100 G. Hertfelder, labor 2100 S. li. Hall, coal, entine house 9 00 J. 8. Heiiderson, labor 17 00 L Meyer, clean la; Hurón engiue. 2 00 S. Crawford, janltor 2 00 Win. Caapton. salary 60 00 Homer Heudcrson, salary 50 00 Kred Hlpley, salary 50 00 chas. s. Kall, salary Bó 00 II. s. Dean, Uraul Memorial Fund 49 94 H HIchardH, marshal's order 18 16 C. Rinsey. raarshal's order . 16 0 J. W. Maynard, marshal's onler 8 50 Kin-.-y & i-:il.oit, marshal' order 19 00 J. Goetz & Son, marshal's order 7 00 G. l.odholz, marshal's order.. 18 0 8. & J. Baumgartner, marshall' order 2 00 Geo. Collins. nutr-liHÍs order ti 75 S. Keyfried, inarRhal'8 order.. 10 50 J. Ros, nmrshal's order 3 38 II. A. I. Eisele, marshal' order 2 00 C. K. VVagner, marsbal'sorder 6 60 W. H. Mclntyre, raarsbal's order 8 S Theo Begalke, marahal's order 4 00 i Geo. W. Cropsey, marahal's ' order 1 tfT Krank Burg, raarshal's order 1 i" H. Mntthews,marsharsorder 2 50 (John Flyun, marshal' order 8 00 I Dr. C. George, extra compen, saliou bourd oí health Ï6 00 H. Henderson, exlrn compen1 sation board of healih 2i 00- 713 05 I Transfer to 2d ward fund 800 00 Transfer to lili ward fund.. .. Si 00-$ 000 00 October 5i, 1885. Geo. H. Pond, salary $ 25 00 Cook House, meáis 3 0 Geo. Bycralt, drnwlng truck.. 1 00 Jacob HausiT, lanltor, englue house 17 00 I Klt Mattliew-, labor on street llghls 10 Vi i S. Ciawford. jaultor 4 00 I Chas. .S. Fui], clerk finalice ! commltlee 14 .5 Wm. i'uiupion, salary 50 00 Honxer Hendorsoo, salary .50 ou Erad Slpley, salary 50 00 Chas. s. Kall. salary 0.5 00 H. H. Breiman, justlue íees... 2 75 M. II. l'.rcnnan. justlco 3 56 M. ll. Brennan, Justlce fees.. '2 7.5 U.iV.I. liiselc, nifirslinl's ordérs 7 00 i. Rlnsey. marshftl's order:. . ',i 88 Geo. uolllns, marshal's onler 25 56 Wm. II. Mclolyre, marsiial's order " 12 71 I'H. RlcharOft ninrshnl's order -23(17 " J. Goelz it íin, marshíit's orI der '9 50 [ried, tnarabckl's order.. 6 50 líinst'y A s-abolt, marshal's i order luw T. Beuallvw, marshal's order 6 tu John Iídss, inaishal's nnler. 3 14 Doty & Feliier, marshal' order 3 50 J. Muehllg. marshal's order.. 10 ( II. Matthews marshal's order 1 50 I Cíeo. W. Cropsey, marshal's order . '.'1 G. LodhDlz. m"lial's order 2 00 S. t J. IiauniaiLnej inarshal's ordor 100 John Flynn, marshal order.. . 8 00 T. 8. Earl, marshal's order. .. 1 00 Chas S. Fall, for subpceniDg rllnesües ln case of Gott vs. theclty 15 00-$ 4.56 32 November 2d, 1886. Cieo. 1.. Mo'irc. snpplles $ 3 40 Qeo. Oslan & Co.. suppües 1 (JO 'l'elephoiie & Tcl. Co., telephonesí 25 00 Wm. 11. Mclnlyre, matches.. 80 I)r. V. !'. Breakey, services.. 15 00 : Kred Morley. surveys i O. O. Sorg, cistern cover 2 50 Geo.Colüiis. wood. Kiretnan's Hall S 38 F. Rouser, labor, Hanover Square (i 50 J. T. Haliock, lumber. Hanover Square 4 bO A. F. Marll", lumber. Hanover Square 2 20 i too. hiyeraií. drawing entine 1 00 l Adolph Kearn, drawiug hook and ladder 2 00 i II. Kh'híiids, drawing englne 2 00 Z. Sweet, drawing englne 2 00 Krank Kapp, drawiug englne 2 00 A. Francisco, drawiug hose cart 2 00 Richard Zeebs, labor 1 50 lias 8. Fall, salary 66 00 I'. Slpley, nalary..,.. .58 00 H. Hendereou, salary 60 00 Wm, i iamplon, salary .50 (JO s. 'lawionl. j milor 2 00 David Klng, special pólice 2 00 A. W. Porter, special poltee... 2 00 Jamos Murray. special pólice '2 00 Newton Kelen, special pólice 2 00 'asper Imus, special po ice.... 2 00 X. ssutherland, special pólice 2 00 M. J. O'BrteD, special pólice 2 00 , -í. Armbruster, special pólice '2 mí ' I..O 'Toóle, special pólice 2 00 .1. McDonald, special pólice... 4 00 John Ki-nny, special pedice.... 2 00 I). (.'. bowry,sppclal pólice 2 00 John o" '.jura, special pólice... 2 00 Peter McNal:y, spvrial pólice 2 00 David (Jo lins, c nights) special polta? 4 00 ) C. Mallhews, (4 ulghls) special pólice 4 0 Jobn Wllllfl s, special pólice 2 00 Wm. Carrol!, special pólice... 2 00 I John Flgher, special pólice.... i 00 Jas Rajan, special pólice 2 00 John Carroll. Sr., special polioe 2 00 Frank Camplon, special pólice 2 00 .Mallín Vogel, 8peolal pólice... 2 00 Jasper Imus, .Ir., special pólice 2 M John O'Brien, si eclal pólice 2 00 V. H. Clark, special pólice 2 00 Win. Barry. Jr., special pólice 3 00 Chas 8. Kall, lunch 1 0 G. Lodho z, Marsh: I's order :il 87 Illusey & Seabolt, marshal's order 15 50 Qeo. Colllns, marghal's order 20 00 J. Ross, marshal's order 1 82 C. Klnsey, marshal's order !l 42 II. Richards, njarslial's order S8 98 s. Seyfried, marshal's order 13 50 1I..V.I. Kisele, marshal's order 8 00 J. Goetz & Son, marshal's order 8 00 The-idore Begalke marshal' i order Ü 00 W. H. Mclutyre, marshal's order 9 85 Geo. W. Cropsey, raarshal's order 2 36 H. Matthews, narshal's order 1 50 H. J. Brown. marshal's order 25 A. Seyler, marshal's order 3 00 John Flyun, marshal's order 8 00 A. Sorg. pay of Flre Steamer Co 75 00- 637 53 December 7th, Í885. W. W. Watts. prlntlngtax reeelpts f 9 00 A. F. Martin ACo. lumber... 1 Oí A. Francisco, drawing hook and ladder 2 00 J. A. Polhemus, drawing enI gine 2 50 C. Eberbiich, supplítt. flre deparlinent 42 35 Christopher Heiber, labor 2 2-5 Antón F.lsele, cistern cover... 5 45 Jacob Hanser, Janitor, etc S4 00 John Carroll cleanlng hose.... 1 00 David Colllns, cleaning hose 1 00 George Bycraft, drawing engine 1 00 H. T. Morton, burylng dog 50 Johu Kapp, expenseR com mlllee to Itidianapolls SO 00 C. Eberbaon, supplles, ílre departmeut 1 00 F. Meyer, Janltor, Hurón englne house 25 00 Chas S. Fall. salary 65 00 Fred Sipley, salxry 50 00 i Homer llendersou, salary 60 00 Wm. Campiotí, salary 50 00 s. ('rawlord, janitor 2 00 Marlin Vogel, extra pólice i (X) .í. Klnney, extra pólice a 00 Wm. Sweiney. extra pólice... 2 00 David Colllns, extra oli.;e 2 00 John Williams, exlra pul lea i 00 U. N: MttheWM, exlra Jiollce 2 IX) John i-siiei, extra pólice -i m Pelel' McXaíly, extra polloe... 2 (i0 Wm. Barry, exlra pólice 2 io i. [iOdbolS, inarslivil's olíler 27 03 I!. Uielmnis, inarslials order SS KinRiy S Seabolt, marshal's order 16 00 C. Kinsey, marshal's order 16 06 Jobn Uoetz ét Son, morshuis order 6 00 Geo. Ciilllua, marshal's order 34 00 II. Maltin-w, marshal's order 150 Geo. W. Ur psey, marshal' order 4 43 Theo. Begalke, marshal' order 6 00 W. H. Mclntyre, marshal's order 16 62 S. & J. liauragartner, iiinrsh il's order.... 2 00 8. öeyfrled. marshal' order... 00 .1 ;. fiall, marshnl'g order 1 00 II. & J. I'.isele, marshal's order 6 00 J. Kosa. marshal's order 1 32 I E. B. Hall. marMiats order.... 6 55 J. J. Uoodyear, marslial's or■ der 60 John Flynn, marshal1 order 8 00 Prof. 0. E. Greene, serviceK In MipiTin! i-inl ■ iiü waterwurkH constructon 375 00 j Prof. J. H. Uavis, for resurvey of d ward _ 248 80- 1284 88 : Janunry Ath, 1880. Chas. S. I-'all, clerk flnance coinmlttee _..$ 12 50 i S. Crawford, janllor 2 00 Wm Champion. Ralary 50 00 Hotner Heudersonv salary 50 00 Fred sipley, snlary 50 00 Chas. 8. Fall, salary Si 00 1 W. H. Melntyre, matches 80 ! Brush Co., labor 2 50 C. Rinsey, supplies, engine I house. 75 ' S. Seylried, xupplies engine house 3 00 I Charlea Brush, drawlng engine ï 00 Henry Marsh, drawlog engine 2 00 John Koblson, drawlng hose eiirt 1 00 ' F. Meyer, cleanlng hose 2 00 ' Jacob Haiiscr, janitor and laI bor Í1 00 A. F. .Martin, supplies, flre I department 1 04 Seyoold A, rire depariment 1 50 M. H. Brennan, jusllce and Juryfees 1 45 Button Fire Engine Co., grate 8 00 Am. Express Co., charges on HSlciiariVs'.''imVrsiiaivs'ördër 98 91 C. Rinsey, marshal's order 17 82 Geo. Cofllbs, murshnt's order 50 25 W. H. Mclntyre, marshals order (9 88 J. (oei. & Son, marslial's or der 7 50 S Seyfried, marshal's order 21 00 Geo. W. Cfopsey, marslial's ' order 7 88 Rlnsey t Seabolt, marshal'b ! order H 0" II. Matthews. marslitil's order 3 00 Theo. lSegalkc, marshal's or! der S 00 S. A .1. liauingariner, marshal's orii r 2 00 Q. Lodholz, inarshal's order... 20 IS .1. Ross. marsiial'a order - 69 O. M. Martin, marshals order 20 00 H. & J. Kifcele, raarshal's order I 'i E. B. Hall, marshal 's order... '! -f) Jobn r'lynn, marshal's order r 00 Prof. J. B. Davis, services of bulldinecominlltee 10 0" W. E. Walker, services on building cointnittfe ÜO N. U. .u.-.s services on bouding comtii iiioc 9 w WafhleiiBW Co. Treasurer, ! for taxes chargecl back to city 12 U Dr. John Kapp, for profes. sional services 'J0 00-$ 617 t Total $20369 49 UECAPITULATION. i'IUST WAKD FVM). Balance on iiand Kebruary lat, 1885 1,284 8] Oct. 5, 1885. bv appropriation 1 tXH W-t 2281 81 Warrants dr"nvn for 1SS.5 UW W j Bal. on hand, Feb. 1, '86, $ 1H8 43 8SGDNS WAKD ifUND. Bal. on hand Kefcruary lst, 1885 910 79 Sept. 7, 'A=, transfer f om contingent fuixl 'Í00 00 Jan. 31, '80, by sale of dlrl 8 5') Oct. 5, '85, by appropriation 1,000 00-S 2219 29 To warrants draWn 1,088 63 Feb. lst, 'S(i, transfer to contiugent fuud 3iXI 13SS C3 Bal. od hand Feb. 1, '86, } 580 88 THIM WAKD rVRB. Bal. on hand Kebruary lst., 1885 $ IU M July Oih, '! by transfer from contingent fund 600 00 Oct. 5, '85, by warrant canceled 4 86 Oct. 5, '85, by transfer from contingent fund 300 00 oct. ■, "85, by appropriation I.iiOO 0O-$ 2U95 40 To warrauts drawu ti(ü lt! i To transfer to contingent fund 900 UU-. 1506 16 Bal. on hand Feb. lst, Sii. $ 5S9 ii rOUBTU WAKD FUND. Bal. on hand February lst, '85 S 550 ÜS Jane 80, 86, sale nf dirt, etc, .5 7ö . July lOili, '86, transfer iroui I coutlugeul fund 200 00 Oot.S.83, sale offdlrt etc, 6 80 Oct, ",, '8B, transfer from 1 contingent fund 300 00 I Oct. 5. '85, by appropriation 1,00 i 00-$ 2002 V! Warralils drawn I.1..77 til Feb. lst, '.S(i. transferito con■ tingeut fuml 300 00- 1557 61 Bal. on hand Feb. lst, '86. S 505 36 HFTH WARD FL'ND. Bal. on hand Ki-l'ruary lst, 86 t 374 23 July 10, V5. transfer from contlnge i rand 300 00 Sept. 7. 'Srj, transfer from general street ïso 00 Oei. 5, '8.5. iy appropriation 600 00- $ 1324 3ü Warrnnts drawn .(7 72 Oct. 5, '85, tiansfoi to geni eral street lund 160 00 Feb. 1, '86, transfer to contingent fund :?oo 00- W Tl Bal. ou hand Feb. lst, '86. $ 366 51 SIXl'H WAK1I FUXI). , Bal. overdraft, February lst. 'ai $ iñ V.) ', Warrants drftwn !I31 88 Feb. 1, '8ö. transfer to contingent rund l.oou U0- S 199!) 37 July ld, '8.'), transfer from contingent fund 1,000 00 Oct. 5, '85, upproprlatioii 1,OIX 00- 2000 00 Bal. ou hand Feb. lst, '86. 68 OENKJtAL FCTND. Bal. on hand Feb. lst. '85 ...S 803 90 July lOth, '8j, transfer from contingent fund _.. 2.U00 00 Oct. 5. 'er,, approprlation 6,000 00- $ 8808 90 Warrants drawn (,108 72 February lst, '86, transfer to contingent fund 2,000 00- 8108 72 Balance on hand J 695 1! GENERAL KTKKST FU.ND. Bal. overdralt, Feb. lst, '85. .J 168 62 Warrants drawn 2,026 37 Sept. 7, "S5, transfer toólb. ward fund 1Ó0 00 Feb. 1, 'm. transrer to coalingent fund 2,000 00- t 4344 99 June 30, '85, sale ol dlrt 33 09 July 10, '85. transfer from contingent rund J. 000 00 Oct. 5, '.S", transfer from "th ward fund. 150 00 1 Oct.), '86, appropriation 2,000 00- 4183 00 Bal. overdraft, Feb. lst, '86, ; 16199 CITY CKMKTEBY FCND. Bal. overdralt, Feb. lst, "85...$ 26 87 Bal. overdrart, Ft-b. lst, '86... 2 87 DOS TAX FUBD. Bal. on hand Feb. lst, '85 S 72 00 Tax colleated, Feb.iSth, '85, 175 68- 347 68 A arrants drawn 147 68 Bal. ou hand Feb. lst, '86, $ loo 00 DÍMNCrüEHT TAX FUND. Bal. overdrufl, Feb. lst, '8.".i 720 23 March 2 . '85, lazee relurned 28 71 - S 998 91 Feb. 38, '86, returned taxes received ol County treasurer 20 14 March 31, '85, relurned taxes rece'ed of county treasurer 75 40 July 81, '85, relurned taxes rec'd of county treasurer... 49 06 - 144 60 Bal. overdrart Feb. Ist, '86, i ñf,i "I ■ conti.n(;kxt fund. Bal. on fcnd Feb. lst. "88 !U,S17 3.5 ffeb. 28, "85, lntereytaad rent 281-41 Feb. 28, '85, Kuiler Bidewalk tax 51 6i March 81, '3, surplus of tax roll i :,i March 31, '85, bal. on liquor tax 495 00 March 31. '85, transfer from flremen'8 fund 14 99 April 30, 85, and bu.ll rent 9 00 April 30, '85, llcenses for '84, 148 78 May 3085, Interest on depoBlts 149 : May 80, '85, tax account 88 87 May 30, '85, license, etc 4 OU June 30, '.-.Iliense, etc 92 74 June 30, 'tó, liquor tax 10,523 70 July 30, '85, llquur tax 346 CO Oct. 5, '85, iiiii-i.s! on deposit 185 69 Nov. 30, '85, per treasurer's repoft 41 00 Dec. 31, '85, Inteiest, etc UB 72 Feb. Ut, '86, transfer from 2d ward fund 800 00 Feb. Isi, 'mí, transfer from 3d ward fund 600 00 Feb. lst. '86, transfer from 4th ward fund 500 00 Feb. Ut, '86. transfer from 5-h ward fond 800 00 Kei), lsl, 'tij, trautler Irom 6th ward fund 1,000 00 Feb. lt, 'H6, transfer from ! general fu ml 2,00100 I Feb. lst, 'hu. transtcr from general street fund 2,000 00-130082 H Warrant dr.iwn U March ;W, '85 I,tt39 79 I March 30, '86. trausfer to water works funrj 4,000 0 ' Warrant to July (Ui. '8.5 3,044 281 July 10, '85, transfer tu 3d ward fund 600 00 I July lOth, '85, transfer to 4th ward luud 200 00 July lOtb, '85. transfer to 5th I wart fund 300 00 I July 10, '85, transfer to 6th ward fund 1,000 00 July 10, '85, transfer to general funil 2,000 00 ; July 10, '85, transfer to general street fund 2,000 00 I Warrant to October ü, '85.... 1,560 Ï4 Sept. 2, '85, trausfer to 2d wurd fund 300 00 Oct. 5th, "85, transfer to 4th ward 300 00 I Warrant for November and December, '85 1.2H7 61 Warrants for Jauuary, '86.... 1,271 20W9 4 Bal. on hand Feb. lst, '86. f 9712 H Vatkk wurks fuxd. March 30, '85, to transfer from coutluaent fund 4,000 00 Bal. on humt Keb lst. W. 3 4000 00 CASH. Per City Trearurer's liouthly fleporli : Cash on hand, Keb. lst, '85...S l$ 70 ' Iteceived during the year.... J:i.iil8 08 Total. „ $i:.,!K., 7s Pald out during year 40,537 96 B:U. on hand Feb. lst, '8 - 5 148 W BONDEC 1MIF11TEDSEI'!. Ilonds are due as follows: Bondfl Issiied in aid of tinWiishtenaw Coñnty Oourt House onuianding at this date, drawing 7 :MU per i cent, interest per annnm; Doe Feb. Ut, 17 üue Feb, Ut, 888 2000 00 Tolal liondcil debt I u fü .SU.M.MAUY. F" i tp. i Balance Balance runu. jggj ceipts. iueu'.. 1884 Contingent. IÍUK17 35 Ï1926 1 f 971S 58 General - 18 Gen. Stret 168 62 1183 00 : i 99 Utwtrd 128181 100Ö .00 J 166 38 1118 43 2a w nl 910 79 138 50 138S 6Sl S-'W S6 i ; 3d ward 190 54 1904 tW 1506 1 589 24 4thward. ... S8'J ■-. 1512 55 1557 8) Sthward..... OT4 23 1950 0" 57 TZ', 3Sti "1 lith ward H7 11' 2uOO 00 (931 86 63 I Ueluj.'1'Bl.. 7J0 a IMW 2TS71 ■ Oem'rj 28 78 2U 7 UoijTas 72 00 173 68 147 ÜS 100 00 uerwerks 4000 00 4000 00 1 Court H. aid 2584 00 2SSJ 00 Total 116987 16 )6S31 - 44217S :!3 $18961 C7 Ovc'dr'wr, 983 12 1048 11 Balance. Í16004 04I HT&18 56 ■ ' Amount overdrawQ. DISBL'BSF.MF.NT OF POOR FUND. i Ff i f i ! I ! j f t i ! i I i i ii I ! ! ! : ■ M i Í ! ! i i i i ' n i ÍS S ti 3C ': H M - ' fe 8E - a ' t n a s s i b ggsïg SS fl) -tt O je y _L,- ' C I g ê S í - ü r = r. ? S g ir c M 3 i 4.P8 B S ff í ft' 3 S S5 a 2 _ r g. a a s! s = a = a - 2n i :...-:-:-■-. í; 2 c J5 gil i 1 = al gi si; i 2J g ÍHggSÍiEgÍ5 5 I i S3 ë ag g g g g g g I o PKKÖENT i;iTY ÜFKICKK. Mayor- Joliu Kapp. Recorder- (íeo. H Pond . City Aitorney - E. I). Kinne. City Treasurer- H. b Watts. Marshal- l'. 8. Fall. City Physlclan-C. G. Darling. City Engiueer- .1. B. Davis. ALDEIt.MKN. First Ward-J. S. Hendersou, K.lwi:i H. H udson . Second Ward- John Helnzrrmn, John Walz. Thlrd Wurd- Charles E. Hiscock, Thomas Kearns. Fourth Ward- John K. Lawrenee, Tlinotby Ii Keatlng. Flfth Ward - Earl B. Ware, Charles A. Poland. Slxth Ward- Willlum Biggs, Amarlah F. Martín. BOAKD Or HEALTH. Presldenl-Wm. F. Breakey, M. I). Seeretary- Thomas J. Sullivan, M. D. Health Offlcers- Conrad Oeorge, M. D , N. W. Cheever, Homer lleudersun. FIKE DEI'ARTMKtiT. Chief Eiiiíineer- Mose Seabolt. First Asslstant- R. K. Sanford. 8econd Asslstant - Peter Dignan. Secretary- N. D. Gates. Treasurer - Charles ii. Worden. Steward- J. Mclnlyre. JOIIX KAPP, Mayor. Gko. H. Pond, Recorder. By order of the Coinmou Couuoll, February lst, 1886. Gen. Black, comtnissioner of pension' has eatabltobed a law dlvi.-ion of tbe pension office, wliich wtnt into operaüon on the lst inst. witli Mr. James M. Ward as chief. AU matters relatinj; to attorney's fees, the standing of attorneys practicing before the pension bureau, appeals f'om the decisión of tlie coiiiuiissioner of pensions to the secretary of the interior, all rulings and orders of thc coinmiííii.nerrelating to the disposition of cases, or to the laws and practiee of the office, are to be referrccl to tliis división. Tlie chief of the üvision is charged witli the diity of preparing for pnhlloation by the eilief clerk -il 1 rulings :ind dfecfélohs hflectlng tüè p tice nnd business of tln offlee,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat