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EXCÍTEME ST TTNABATED.t, Proof that that Phyaiian's Terrible ionfesslon is Trae. Cleveland, O. IleralJ. Yetterday and the day liefore we eopied into our columna iro:n tho Kocheswr, Ji. Y. Utiuoerat an.l Chioniele a remarkable statement made iiyJ. B. lle:iii n, M. D., a gentleman ■ ut,] i., well known in tuis city. In tbat article i Dr. Henion recouutcd a wonderful experience I which bcfell liim. an 1 ihe next ciay we e 1 f rom the same puper a seeond artlcle, In au account of the excitement in Rocbester nnl elsewhere, cjuscd by Dr. Henion's statemeiit. It is coubiful ' if any two articles ere ever pubhshcd which causcd gteater commotion butli among professionals and ! laymen. SlDce tbc DQblicatlon of these two artleles, ; hav.ns been beslejted wlch letters of inquiry, we sent a coramunieaí on to Dr. Henion and : also io II. II. Yrner -V: Co., asUIng if any Í ditional prooi couid be Rlven. aud here it is: Uesti.emkn; [owe my Ufe and present i bealtli wLolly lotUe power of Warner' Safe' Cure, wbicb snatched me fiom tbc very brink of the grave, it is not Burjoislng that people should questioD ibe statement I made (.whieh is true in eveiy respect) lor my recovery w9 as great a marvel to myself as to my physicians and f riends. _ J. B. Hexios, M. D. i; .CHESTBB, N. Y., Jan. 21. SiRs ; Tbc best proof we eau give you that the statements made by Dr. Henion are entirelv trae and wonld not have been published inile'ss Btrictly so. U Uje following testimoniáis frj;n tbc b'st c.tizcns of Kocbesttr, and a card published bv Kev. Dr. Footc. H. H. Wakker & Co. To Wiio.M ir Mu COHCBtH : We are personally or by reputation aaqualntedwithDr. Heuion, and we believc he woulu publish no statement not literally true. We are also personaüv or by reputallon well acquainted witU II. II. Warner & Co., proprietors ot Waroer'a íafc Cure, (by which Dr. Henion says he was cured) wbose commercial and personal standing in this community are ol tbc birhest order, and we believe that tbey would not publish any statements which were not literally and Btrictly true in every particular C R. Parsoxs, (Uyor of Rochester.) Wm. Plrcell, (Editor ÜH1OS aXD ADVERV. D. Sulaht, (ex-Surroat Monroe ConnKdward A, Fbost, (ex-C'lerk Monroe CounE. B. Fexner, (ex-District Attorney Moproe County. J. M. Davï, (ex-Member Congress, Roches♦ o]" Jobs S. Mükgax, (County Jude, Monroe Hiram Siblet, (Capitalist and Seedsman. Joun Vak Vooruis. (cx-Member Congress.) To the Editor of the Livixo Cburch, Chicago. ILL. There was published in tbe Rocbcster, (N. Y.) Dbhocbjlt and Chuonicle ol the Bist of December, a statement made by J. B. Henion, M. narrating bow he had been cured of Bright's Disease of the kldneys, almost In tbe last staies, by the use ol Warner's Safe Cure. 1 was rcferred to in that statement as baving r. commendüU and urged Dr. Henion to trv tlie remedy, wbich he did and was cured. The statement of Dr. Henion is true, so far en it concerns myself, and I helieve it to be truc in all other respects. He was a parishioner of mine, and I visitd him in hls sícíuss. 1 urge.l liim to take the mediiiuc, and would do the same tbing again to any one who was troubled with a d.seaseof the kidneys and Hver. Iszïael FOote, (D. D.,) (Late; Rector of St. Paui's Episcopal church. Uochester, N. Y. It seems impossibleto doubt furtber in the ace of iU:h coucluaive prooi. The late Governor Wasuburn of Wiseonsin left taeh oí bis children a round mili oa. S. B. Durfey, mat; of bt-wmei' Arizona, had his fout badly Jaüimed. IVomas' Eckctric Oil cured it. Notfi ng equal tj :t f.r ft quick pain reliever. Care will kill a cat; yet tbere ia no living without it. Xhb Cuotor, tbbb Medical Faclltï a.nd TUE People ali endorse Burdock Blood Bitttrs as tiie best system renovating, blood purifying tonic in the ívorld. Send for testimoniáis. Walk as If you were conseiuus thatyour body has a soul in it. ForBüENj. SCALDS, BftOlSSd and all pa'.n an i tortuess oí the ñcsb, the arand buuscholil rem Oy is Dr. Thomas1 Eclectrlc Oil. Be sure you get the gtnuine. There are neiily six tbousand Americans iciidiug in Pa. is. TheRev. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Ont., states: Alter being ineactua ly tr.ated bv seventeen diilerent doctors lor fccro.ula and blooJ d sase, I was cured by Bordock lilood Bitters. Writehim forpro!'. The special collecïion of 1,SÜO copper, wood and steel engfaviiiga of Sbakespeariana belon"-lni ta the late liichard. Wnite has beca loujjat Uy u eliesiey coiu-ge, aiass., tor its _■_..- -.espearé library. DÓn't ncglcet a cotiícn and Jet it remaiu to irrítate your lungs wben a safe and speedy remedy can bc bad for 5 j cents in Dr. Bigolov"s Vositive Cure. A couple were marrled by Judge Cheney Ín Los Aúneles. (Jal., Cbristraas, anu m gra.itude the br de pre cute 1 the judfre witha uiammoth strawberry 3 nches Ioníí, 'ZJ4 a cireumference. A vigorous and bealthy growth of halr 13 tnaintained by usin ; Hail' Ilair Ranewer. Tbe valué of Ayer Chetr ectoral, la colda and coughs, oannot b_ overesti'Jiatcd. Tbe suspen 'ion of Devll'í Lake ank wlll de prive giat niany of tbe onlv bank account they ever hud. Seven bott'is of Athlopbo.o; have relieved me entirely ot rheumat i id o: w years' standIng, which was so acute a . -linea as to cocapel rae to srive up work and icoep mv room. W11llam Homincrs, foreman for 1$. F. McMillan & Bro., McMlilan, WlsconelD. The Triucc of Walej Ís said to be lneurlably dea.'. If afflleted with sore eyer, use Dr. Isaac Thomrison's Eye Water. Drugists seU It. 25c


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