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Father Hacker On Degcnciation. Almost everybody knows Father liaekir, and those who'do are aware of the fact that although he is over cigbty years ol as;e, he has neither lost the visión to discern, nor the actiTity of brain to njake use of, all that Í9 goini; , on about bim. In a eommunieation on ! ceneration" be wants to know what is , ing of the luDgs of our girls, of tbe teeth of the yuuth, andof the hair of our middle-aged men. Doubtless Kather Hacker knows. but he I asks the question to set people thinkin It Is hardly necessary fur Tbe ilealth Monthly to ansvver the quetion be propounds. Nearly or quite evcry habitual reader can answer just as well us we an. But as this ariicle may be read by somewho have never thought upon these subjecU, we will say tbat tbe niain causes of the troubles with our girls resnlt from tl:cir pernieious habita of dress; that the , trouble wltb tbe teetb results in a great measure from indigestión, and Indigestión proeeeds largely from crrors in dlet; tbat tbu reason that "Uncle Ned bad no wool on the top o. hu bead wtoere the wool ouubt to jrrcv." as tbe negro melodv put9 lt, and the reaí cause ol 30 mucb baldness among men eenerally, is tbat tbey wear t; g'.t hats continuaily ín their offices, eountinj; rooms, work sbop; aud lu ' the railroad coaches. Nearly every une who travtls will take with him a closc-iittiua travcling cap, so that if hls usual beadjfeai is ', corafortable be can neveithelcsi closel; cover bis whole scalp, the pcrspiration I iDL'endering undue beatand lujuriDg tbe roots of the hair. Whiskers whlch are never' covered, grow luxuiiantly uniess sbaved off. If men practice shavlna then the'.r beards are so prollllc and wlrv tbat tbey turn tbe eo'ge of a razor. What we buve pointed out eau be put down as tbe main causes of the evüs to whicl Father Hacker so forciblv calis our attcntion. Dr. Foote's Health Mouthly. iiailwav men complain of the wei'ihl of the gtr car3 now bult, aud shosv by liirures that an encine hauli betweeu live and six Xucd of dead weight for eyery oiie pound of paying passeneer weight, reckoned when all the siats are tilled. ItSavedMyLife. Miss Fanule L. Clair says she suffered trom Malaria for live years ; tbat she was a physical wreek, wneu she was advi ed to take Dr. J. B. Henion's Sure Cure fur Malaria: tbat two bottlea cf it saved her life, and she heartily recomraends it to all ladles who are raffering from any límale irregularities. The latest census glves 1,500 sjuirrels in N'ew York central park. Hot Dead. Harry Johnson says he is not dead, but tbat lx surcly vo lid havo Lee.i if he had not tiken Dr. J. 13. Henion's Sure Cuie for .Malaria, lic iay& that it is so pleas&ut to take tbat one sould uot help but get well. Itmay be doubied if any man who worked ',n tbe ngbt way ever died of work. There is Nothin? Iike It. 'ibis Is the universal verdict In favor of Dr. J. B. Henion's Surc Cure lor Malaria. No one tvill have to sicken tbe.r stoma hs, disgust ibeir palates, or burst their hcads witb oniBlno. Ur. Heniou's ÍSure Cure is so mucii niccr and L'heaper, and is 41 positive euro Ier uil iorais of Malar n and all kinds of pain. Tiy It. If joj do not get alonü to suit Jou, write to Dr. lienion at itocheáter, N. ï.j aud he will prescriue for j'ou free of charge, aud ;uaianceea a permuueut aud raclcal care. A Japanese inventor has discovere 1 a uieans pf makiug pap jr írom sea weed. lt is thiok in texture, and, írom its trausparenev, can be iubstituud for Klass in Windows, and, wben olored, multes an excel.eut lmltation of stained jjlass. The use oí Ely's Cream L'alm, a cure for Catarrb, Hay Kever and Cold iu iiead, is attended wltu uu pain, anuoyuuije ordread, nhích can be said of no otner reuiedi'. It is. oot a liquid o:' a snutf but is easily applied itb tbe linger. It atïords Instant relief and jures where doctors have lailed. All drugnists bave it. Frice 50 ets. Two of Longfellow's daugbter are studyinjj !n Ln;;land. My hearing, which has been vcry d.'fective for yeara, haa greatly improved smee I have jcl-u Klf's Cream Dalm, and 1 íeel quite jontiilent that a permanent cure will be effecteJ.- Kei-. K. E. Mayo, Table Ko-.-k, Paw aee Co., Nebraska. The value of a male Uon is í 2,000 and a female $1,00 Ely Bros., I have i:s?d two bottles of your Cream Halm for Catan h since December. A ore in my nO3trtl - tue came ol mucb sufferiuí; - hag eatirely healt-t'; bave ueJ no otuer medicine. 'Ibis spring i fee. better, can walk aud wor.: witb more ease than I bave in any spring since ltül. - Mary E. Ware, Hopeful, a. There areUn the present congress four men ivho are over Beverity. A rustic visitjr to Burliügton, Vt., spent l'hauksgivin Uay on the borie raihvay, making the trip of four miles twenty-two tiraea. It Is by copying after nature tbat man gets áest resúlts. " Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonie is aature's own remedy, is purely vegetable, can 3e taken b . the moit delicate. " Cures all stomich, kidiu'y and liver troubles. 50 cents. lloods on street wraps are popular In Paris ust nuw. New Orleans is getting impatieat for the ïompletion of its promiscd theater, to hold 1 2,000 people; Because a Good Coxstitutiojï oears abuse wonderfully do not assume tha t a reekining day will never come. Be sensible in j'oar habits, and use nc-itUer ruin nor tobáceo. At the flrst symptoma of dysLepsia. disorders of the skin, kidneys. liver or blúod, use promptly Db. Walkek's California Bitteus, the unrivaled purifier of the blood and renovator of the system, which is a certuiu euro. N uw dinner platea are square. WORTII KNOWINtJ. The worst Scald or Burn eiin be cared without u acar if Cole' Carbollalvc is promptly uaed. It Instantly stopa the pain. kild by DtuggiaU at L6 and 60 ceut. 'l'urquoj e is afavorite geui íor rinsjs. A :iu'j turquulse id a very expeuslvc stone, althou;h tiie smullones are ol litile account. monoy. Tüo Marriage Symbnl Why is marrlage u. gjmbol ofstrengtbl ■'Union is stren;tn." Uut" i, you liuve weak lunjjs, or ïi you are kept üp at nlRht.witb a .Toupy chía, neither can be strong. Take raylor's Cherokee Kemedv of Swet Gum and Mulleln. Why is a persun witb asthmu llke a inoney tbcítí lie isa cougber (coffir. ) TellbimtO 'laylor'3 Cberoüee Kem-júy u: líweet Uuui md Múllela and destroy the rot emülance and ;ure his coiuih. The Medical Era saya Uiaf'the vat.erdrunk by PMutdelphians, owlnK to the pre&ence of meterles near tbe rivcr, is a product of the rainfall into the ï-chuylkill, mixed witli a large propurtiou oï tbe distiüate of tle tOiics 01 their auceators." 1 f their ever was a specilic f or„r.ny one complalnt then Cartor's l.utle Liver Filis área soLCitic íor Seadache, and everv woman suuuki kuoiv thit. They are ootoni} a ]iusitlve cure, but a suiv pr. ventive, if ;u". eo ■■ b n tbe approach is feit. Cirtir's Litt.e Liver l'llls act dircctly on the l.vir an ! bi e and i i this way remove ihe cause ot dueasi ii,t':iou: lirst uiaking you siek by a wm .euia purge. 11 you try lueui you wlíl uoi Le düa;ipointed. Judea plte'i, whicb iè ioundlloatinsroa tLe Dead Sea, ia an excellent fuel. ' 'HÓUGH ON PAIN."-Li"aid "iiough on Paiu" Llqulci wot'. Qu fenra-1 gla, rlicumaiim. acfieSk p:uin. sprains, beAdacb jranipö, eolic. "oougll u:i i'aiu" I'i.islim-, LQc, Seoretary Lámar Uves iu a flat. 'BOUGH ON CATABEH" correcta oflensive odors at -oaeo. Complete cure uf worst chrooic casca; also uacitiuüf;! us Kargle for Jipiitherla, sor-i thront, foul ln-etn. .ic. The people of Borneo eat uioiikey. K0ÜOH ON.COUGHS.' Ask for "Iiuugh oa Couglia," for COUKbSi nulds, eure Cbroat, boarsencsa. Trocfics Ijc. Liquid. 'ie. The red, gilt and copper fcallouus very effective on blue or brown pltish .irts. ■Vuv go limpíng nround witli yov.ï bootsro&OTttr wLca Lyon' Haei Stlgenerg wlll Keep ibem straight? The lati Governor Wahburn oí Wisconsin left ( ah of hij children a round mUliOa. XlHllUlU öilU(MiiOiiii:ituai.'s. iciiüapesc 'Twnapretty pistare surely. At'o-mof Sttle {ris with litada bont over uatclinra mnny-halred chilJ c:i:e tn Xe vfounjiad's .ut Coot. Sai wus ;ism Sa. vat ou üi!. An Obsoleto Pension Act. A circular letter ; recentlv issned by claim agenta ui Washi .tuu, and widely distrioutei mvenimenL pensibnerg, solicitlDK employnient u the prosecntlon oi a claim wh en tbcv say is "not in tbc naiure oL a pejsk'n" au l wh'ieh they have reason to believe is due the pensiouers from the government under the actof Congressof Marcli 19, 1828, which prorlded baii-pay' lor live wars to widows of soldier killed or wbobad d:e i of wounds subsequent to April 20, 1S1S. The conimissioner of pensions ia a report upon the sub cit to the House committeeon invnlid pension mvs: ''The act of Marea 19, l;3t, s to ba bb3 lete, as all the benefleiuries a e provklud lor by the more comprehens vc act o i Jiily, and its beneüts ean'c c.t ndeil to FOiulers oi the late war o:' tueir h irs, as bv the icrms of seetloa 6 of said aet, it-i beaefltfl are limitod tn those who served in the Florida ludían war of ': 1 35. The comtnissloner aski for the icpeal of i the aet mentlmu'd and says 'its retention in the slalutes tei:ds to créate confusión, and o.iers induceraent to elaimaüU to initiate ■ claims ajjaiDst the government reulting in un' necessary labor and eost to the departments, even when it is shown, is in this casj, that all Lc beuiüts conferred by the act have been ully satlsfljd The positivo !ind unsolicited tíS.imonyoí peojile irom every sectiun who haw used Dr. Ruü's Cough syrap ccaflrma e erv claim raade i for ts wonderi'ul effleac.'. Price '25 cents. ___ -i Never say, when told to do anytli nz, "iu a minute." or "by and-by.". This leads to a bad hitbit. which, if not overeóme, will prevent all confidence in you as you grow up. ïm will then put olí dnties yón owe your nelghbor in the same way, and bc will lose confideuce in you also. Many men lose the res; ect oí theii uei.ïhbors, not so muih because ihey mean to i do wroAe, as throogh mere carelessneBB. "By and-by" and "to-morroW" liave ruined thous ands, rob'oed them of thclr ch iraeter, ani made them anytliing bilt blessin _'s in a neigh borhood. Little confldence can be placed ii their word, not Lecause tbey mean to iel falsehoods, but bccausc of their careles.sness Ko obligation is fultillo 1 when it shou'd bc And it is somethinir so in their affaire. Toe; lose days and weeks beeause business ia no jutended to promptiy. A U;ol is .lost becausc not proroptlv put wa'y wben done with. Fulfil every proiaise i romply. A pood Btory is told of a K 'uucckui win was rond lof fine whisky and alwaya kepi hi jus;. Me It WU6 :iiit sáid: "I never saw an' mean whisky. Bome is botter, but all Is good.' One night, when Ue had eompany::t bis house )ie was obierved to take ont one uest at a time and treat to u cholee swig. Returnlng he wouid take auother out. Vh;:u askedabou this, he said: "Wfly, by driukin with then Bingly I get half of ruy whisky myself. Seei' Col. U. J. Willlamson, Quarter-Master L'. S A., and cx-L'.S. Consul at Callao, l'eru, spen Sü,000 In ei;;lit yearj ia tryins to cure himsel: of rhcumatism, but pot no relief until he use( I St. Jacobs 011, wh.rh cured him. California has l,0JU,000 Inhabitant but onl 9f:0 chnrehes. The New York World chlidlithi plty mus polsoned by a igh ayrup containin inerphia or opiuin. " Thera ia "uo such aangc ia Red Star Coogh Cure. It is purely vegeti ble, prompt, safe and sure. 23 c ns. Freddie i.angtry," is the nama of a Boato Thomas mi. __ Cubap Comfort. - What a comfort It is t know that, in case auy of your children are at tackel? at night witii cronp, you have th remedy at hand iu A k-u's Luug üalsam! De pend uoa it. mothe "c. tt tur-a croupx perfecll (jure and har.nlesi. 2jo., Ö3c, and $1.00 büttle at all drug Bismarek drinks beer out of a stone mug.


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