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Western Whispers

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John Kelley, against whom extradition proceediugs are pending at St. Paul for the uiurder'of one Baird iu British Coluinbia, is sald to haye eomuiitted the murder lor 54,530. üeo. W. Lftke is under arrest in Richmond county, N. Y., for having inarried bis own daugütcr. The Knights oí Labor have won in their ligUt ior abolition of tlic contract labor systera u the White sèwtng machine works, Cleveland Abbot Lawreuee, assistant cashicr of the natiuiiiil exchange bank of Milwaukce, was shot and daugeronaly woundl Eeb. 25, by Qeonse A. Wátoner, book-Uceferin the mime bank. Mr. Wardoer is mentaily derauijed as the rcsult oi.overwork. üov. Muriay of Utah, bas vetoed again the bilí to provide inore Morinoa jurora. At ilrt the bllfapplied to uil cases, but the prescut bill excepted Uic rasen oí polygamy aud unlawful eohabitation. JudgeJamee Mitchell of Nebraska dropped dead while addressinc; the eonventiou of early law-makcrs oí lowa iu Des Moines a few days ago. Th ■■ National Welsh convention, in session in Pittsburgh, orgaaized the VVclsU laud associatioQ with the view of establlabiog Welah colonies in various parts of the country. Oue colony was formcd aud will bc loeatcd iu Webster Üo., W. Va., where 10,001) acres of laud be had. A large body of llungarians óiarched thu eutire lcngth ui the Mt l'ica-aut branch of the i. & O. raihvay u few days ago, compelling those at work iu the various udiies and coke ovens to stop their work and llce ior Baíety. a numbt-r oi pistol Bhota were Bred and oiher acts ol lawltssness cugaged iu, but no serious results are rejwrted. rt'illiam 8. Moore aud wife, ho llved ou tL-j Bi ntoo road about LU miles nerth of He!pta, Mout, wcre found dead In their home on the lsi lust. Appearánces Indícate tuut. Moore shot bis wife aud thea suicidcd. Their three little chlldren wcre abseut at school at llie time of the tragedy. Eigbt Iiulian Territory murderers were on the Let iiiit., senteueedto be huug April 'L3. A brother ol Conjresaman Laird of Nebraska, while Intoxícate i went to sleap on the railload traek near Albuquerque, N. M., aud was külid, on the ist mst. The XlcJoriulck harvester works in Chicago, nrblcb have been shut down ior severa] weeks o:i account of a strike, rcüumcd operatlon Maren Ist, At Wiudsor, 111., Williaiu i'rice, a neighbor of the Aldrldfte iamily. was arrestcd, cbared w.tu beiu4 the Bend who torturedMiss Georgië Aldr.dc and hung her to a trie until shc u as ucar.y ilead. BusplclOn lia beeu dlrectei against . r.ce Croin the ürst. Theodore Kih of Cobleskill, N. Y., foUowei his wile to 8t. l'aul, Miuu., and murdered her the other night. luvcstigatlou ehows that Mts. KieU had lelt her heme with a L)r. üale. A.l thice are pcople of note at their home. Uale and Slrs. Kieh had been in Dakota arranging for a divorce just prior to the tragedy. Mi-, liich was very wealthy aud an acknowledged belle. licv. Mr. Hewett, a northwest mlsslonary, savs that a Christian missiouary among the iii'd ans is worth more than 150 mouuted jolice. A cenvention of balf-breeds atSt. Lawrcnce, N. W. T., passcd resolutions thaukiu: tbe government for its generous ti ( atmeut siuce ustsprlnz. Iliel's uame was tot im-mioned. The McCormick reaper works in Chicago resumed o.eratiou ou.ihc Ist. A number of m. 1 content who attemptcd to interiore wer arrested.


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