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Febbvaky. 24- Sun ate.- TneSi-natc passed the House bill pennlttlng natlonal banks to change thelr name, location and capital by a vote of two-thirds of the r stockholders, after beinji amended so as to limit tue cbange of location to a place 10 more than 80 miles distant írom the original location - A bill was passed appropriating $250,0(10 to bc expended in relmburslng persons who have been defrauded of lauds wiiiin they had purchased witblu the f:rui made to aid In the construction of the Nortbem Kansas rallroad. The persons entitlcd to the 1 emlits are to Le remibursed at the rate oí $3.ÍO per ccre...A bill was also passcd authorizinx U:e president to grant permlesloa to one or more oillcers of the army to accept temporary service and compensation iroui the gvcrnmeut of Corea. . .The eJucatiou liill was debated untll the hour for eiecntlve scsslon, alter wblch the tenate adjourned. House- The House passed the ïeiiatc bill to (uiet titks ui eettlers on ibe Des Moines rlver in Iowa; ibotit :70,OUO aeres uvolved. ..A rcsolutiou was adopted eallinKon tbe secretary of the navy for a complete list of ofHccrs now on the rctlred list of the navy together with t Statement of the reasous for thelr retlrement. ..Tbe bill to annex the uortheru part of tbe terrltory of Idabo to Washington territoiy was ) agsed.. ..The half-gallon tax bill was discus.■ed at considerable íeEgtb. aul passed. . . .The Héneprn canal l:li was dlscussed in commtttee of tbe wboie, whm the House adjourned. Fkh. 28.- SïNATE.- The Senate passed tbc bill to prorlde for the allotment of lauds in terveraÜy to Indians. Mr. George of Missiapippi, oonpletod bis argument in favor of the lilair Kducation bill. The debate was contiuued by Mr. Dolpb, Mr. Platt and Mr. Luirán. The latter thougb;, the bill should hebasednot on tbe illitenuy of all persous' of 10 ycars of ace and upward bat i" 'he illiteraev of the white and colorcd cbiltlren' In that way the colored ehikbeu would get a larger proportion of the money than thewould itet under tbe bill as it now stood. Thougb the bill dealt with a iiational fund, it seemed to him care had l'cru taken tbat the nation should have nothing to do witb the fund. Briif remarks were made by Mersrs. F.dmunds and Iloar. Mr. AUison o! Iowa wishrd the bill amended to show prccisely wbat was inteuded, so that there should be no room for doubt when lts provisions came to bc applicd In practice, as to the [jrc p titions of inom-y to hi aoplieu to white umi colored schools respectlvely. Adjourned. HOO8E- Mr. Hcwitt of New York prescnted to the House a memorial of 121 saving banks of New York Statu representing 1,105,000 depujitors, ii8kin)i for the repea i,t the Blan 1 silver act. Retened. M Keagau ol Texas fruin the tommitte on eommerce, reported a bilí to ineorporat the Atlantic & Pacific sblp raiiwav compan; Committce of tbe whole. Mr. Wheeltr Alabama, irom thu commitlee 00 militar affairs, reported the military ai-adciny approprlatlon bill aud it was reiorred to th com:nittee of the whole. The estímate fo ISSr are $412,035. The committce n uitud the appropriatiou of $298,803 or Í1U,2 iiss thau tle ist.mates. Mr. Blouut Ucorgia, froui the lorniuittee oq post-ofiici aud post roads reported the post-ollices appro pr.atiou bill, and it was referrïd to the com iiltee of the wbole. Mr. I'avfon of Illinois, j iioni tho ominlltcf i n public lands, reported a bilí to forfelt the Inud irrante-.l to the of M.'cWjaa to ud in the instructlon of a rallroad front Ontonagon to ie WIscodbId siatc line. Ilousc calendar. Ir. Hewltt ui New Vork. trom the committee 11 wavs au I meaos snbmltted a report in reurd to to the case of 1.. I... Lebmonn of New i ik. aml it was refcred to tbc House calendar. Messrs. Murpb; oí Iowa and Uowell of Illinois spol.c iu support of the Henepin canal bilí. Adjonrned. Feu. Si - ïhnate - In the Senate to day Mr. Mitchcll of Oregon Bpoke in favor of hls bill for the abrogatloo of all treatlce permittlng the Immlgrauon of Chinese to the l'nitcd States. Mr. AJ1Í8OD of lowa oiTcrcd au uncndnient to the Kdm ation bill, and addressed the Senat ■ in advocaej of it, 10 ihe effect that where wp arate white and colored schools exist, the: innncv slio:ihl 1p a;d ou. for tlie support of such white and colored seho'jls 'l in the proportli n t h:t the llitcmey of the white and lolored persons aforesald tear to cacli other, as shown by the census.".. Mr. Teller of Colorado, spoke in favor of the nmendment. Mr. Miller of New York ppoke In support of thé blll, and alter an cxccutive session tht; Senate adjourucd. Hoole. - In the ilouse the Pao-Electric alephone supjeet. was considerad at umie lenethi and a resolutlon aloptcd orderlns a riirid Investleatlon of the steps bcretofore taken. At tbe evenlng session 28 ptnsion bilis passed, and the House adjourned. Feb. 27 - House - The cntire session was devoted to the cosideration of tbe silver questlOD, ie iliseussiou throughout bcing vcry aciniated nd partisn. Makcii 1.Skn'atk.-A letter fiom the secreary of the treaaury transmltfing doeuiuents in elation to accounts of govcrnmentoilicers, the jaynicut of tthich has been refused because hey were not authorized by law was subroitted nd the papers were ordered prlnted...Mr. 'ugh of Alallama. submitted th(? vlewa'of the ilnorltyof tb; udlclarv commlttee on tbc ht of the Renato to cali tor infonnation in elatioú to remováis. Ordered prlnted...A message froni the president bearing on the ime eabiect, was a!so sabmitted and referred i the jndlelorj committe ■. . . .The balance of ii' ilav as tpeDt in cctutivc SegslOD. IIdise- Uu :er the cali of states the ollowlngj bilis, eet., were introduced ind referred: To repeal the patent aws now ín force, and cstablish auLher system of rewards for iuventions. A esolution directing tbc oommlttee on expeudures in the interior departnient to investíate the expendieres nud management f tbs pension bureau during the ivsent and previous adininlstratiims. ml also to aseertain what fnundff'"" i"""; for thp "" nrm annual report of LFinmlSeïoner Black, in referenee to the .uli-aii management; and extravagance of ïat bureau during the term of oflic'e of hls redecessor. To rawate. n dpnarfmpt ?Jnnsirj and a bureau of laboir lo admit free [ dutv lumber, salt, coke,jal and iron ore roduëed or mined in the Dominion of Canida. Mr. lirumm oí rennsylyania asked nauhnous consent to have printed in the ccord a memoria! signed by J. '. Brigham and others, asking for he impeaehment of Daniel Manning seeretary f tbe treaaury, for high crimes and misdeleanors in tlie executiou of tbe silver law . . Mr ïldredge of Michigan moved to suspend the ules and pass the Mexican pension bill, with proviso excepting (rom its provisions persous jolitically disabled. . . After debate, and pendng aetion on the motion, the House adjourned.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat