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Worccster, Mass., had a $75.000 fire on the 3d i ii,-i . The eteatcer Idlcwild stranded on the rock near Stamford, Conti., on the 'M inst., and nine of the crew were Crowned. A dlstlnguisbed Biahraln lady, 1 undita Hamabal, lro:n Poona, India, arrlved in 1 hiladelphia on t!:c Sd nst. She comea io wllnesa the graJuatiun a doctor of medicine "f bcr klnswoman, Mrs. Joshec, at the Women's Medicine College of Pennsylvanla. r.oMi cvents inark the progreis of women's educa1 .Li ín India. A. wieck ocenrred on the New York, Ontario & W tem raflrood on the ;dinst. Four railroad employés were killed. Tbree men were found i rozen to death iu the Btreeti of New Tork oj the morning of ,I;.re'j 3 !. WE8T. iCharlie C;ur ol Alton, 111., agoi. IV, liot and nstantlv kille;! lii; .-tcpiullier on Ihe 3d inst., Br in utally beatinè his mother. A shortae öf 810,000 ha; teen diíeovered in Ihe Sao Kraueiseo sub-treasury. SOL"! M. far est is on the iucrease. At least 3,000 cnlored people are making arrangement to eaye the coming season. A nombei left ( barlestown on the 'M nst. Two persons rere shot and four wonnded by a dranken rowdy at au entertainment In a school house in Marrowbone Creek, W. Va., Maren 'M. Marvh 'M was women's day at the New Orleans exposition. Maren f, the IKtieth unlvérsary of the JDeclaration ol Texas' independence, was generally obstrved as a hollday throughont the state. At sunrlse the Galyestonartlllery Brcdasalute of thirteen guns in honor of the day. NAÏKlNAI. CAPITAL. Senator Mahone ehairman of the SeDate eommittee on pub'.ic bulldinca, has reported favorably the Detroit pnbllc bulkling blll, with an ;uiii udmeiit approprlatlng ifl,;.OO,0üO instead ot $1,600,000 thenof, as asked by Señalo1 rnlmci. Tae treasury lias endorsad the petitiou to have the j orts of ManUtee and Linliuton eloscd ihiriiii tüe winter. m the öd inst., i-oiuerning the Chines.' question. 11e says the eouditi.m i f ti e in the we-teru States aud territorifi i i f:-.r Hom bclng Eatisfactory. All the p n-v of the govemxeat should be exert.J to maintain the auiplestgood faith toward China in the treatment of these men, and the infiexible stern i:css of the law in br.'nglng w.'ol g-dcers to jusUce shoold ba Inslsted upon. Eicy effot Las been made by the governro ui to prevent violent outbreaki, and the ijr.s.deut says he is prepared to givc iarue.-t conslderatlon to auy lurther reii-elal measures, v.itliiu treaty limits, which the wisdom of W ngress may deslíe. rOBSION. Qreat preparatlons are belD; made fora soiree wblcb is to be glven at the Kuyal Cast)e, Berlín, ou Mach Í2, iu bouor of ihe Süth nuulvnv.iiT cl Emperor Wiiliam's blitb. It. is exp ete.l tbat mo t ol the reigniug [ rinces wilj Ij ■ presen . Pope Lio Allí, celebrated the ?6ttt amuversary oí li.s blrtbOD Ui ■ 3d and tbu .-ghtli anuiversary uf bis coronation on the :'tl by ;:u i dress in tbc mimi era ol tbe Sacre i college. Qpntributlone to thu lrisb nat.oual Uague ave betng treol nu de. Por tb;.' tortnigbi e ding March 3, .ver Í3J,UO üad been reccivvd. Intense); co!d weatber witb heavy suow prevails Ih.ougliout Europe. In Berlín a cab. man was found frozen to death on bis veulcli mi tbc !M inst., wliile anotber was ttttidalmost dead . ïbe ülaüstoue minlsüy autlcijiatc au early Oefeat on tbe Irish questlon, and an appeal to tb country. A pace trea'.y belwecu Serva uid liul tarla was slgned at Buebarest ou tteSJiust. The report was emreut in Ottawa on the ld [ inst., that owing to uegotlations iu progresa j between ubica and England in reiation (o Burmah, tbe Dominion governtn.ut bas ica requeste 1 to ( nac' i i nti-Chinese leg'slation at preseut,


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