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Ktilamaz o i to be lighted bv eleo tricity. Metinir of the board of edti'-ation, March 9. Lumbermen prelict au eaily opening of nuvig.-ition. There will le a speciitl oouocil meetng, Mocilay evening. Btuliop Harria adruinisted confimation Wednesday, at Monroe. A portion of the state prison at Jaok8on is hghted by electrioity. The coldest winter ever known in the the southern states was in 1836. John McCullough'i Chicago friends will erect a monumeut to big memory. The Livingston county fair grouuda have been boI.1 to the T. & N. R R Co. Bev. 1'. RobiiiBon of Saline, was made happy Friday uiffht, by a donation of $106. Millionaire Mackay has oontribated one thousand dollars to the Hanoook fnnd. The funeral of the late Carrie Abbie Hunt, wife of General Huilt, was held Monday. Geo. Pond, the present recorder, aocording to precedent, is entitled to a renomination. 1 he oity of A-in Arbor and the township of Scio, were the last to sttle with the oounty treasurer. The Miohigan dental association meet in this city March 16 to 19 inclusive. A large attendanoe ia expeoted. Mones Seabolt and J. J. Ellis would give 100 each toward a bonus for the Toledo road car hhops. March meeting of th pomological society to-morrow afternooD, in the basement of the court house. Mrs. H. T. Belaer, who has been qune sick duriug the past winter, is getting better and is up and around once more. There are now on the rolls at the pensoin office of Washington, tho uames of 17,212 women, widows of soldiers of the war. The business of Walker Bros., now demands a largor building, and in the spring they will erect a large briok carriage factory. Lieutenauts Hilan Oasey of the navy and Edward üasey of the army, attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Oen. Hunt, Monday. March 17, St. l'atriek's day, will be duly observed by the Irsih in this oity, and in the evening a banquet will held at the Cook house. B. Oreen has fltty-two tong of hay which he claims to be as tresh as before it was mowed down. He has kept i by the eusüage system. Skip out and secure your tickets for the great laughing festival at thv opea house, to-morrow night. It will be "funny, very, very funny." Geo. Schwab went to the insane asylum at Ionia, Monday, to set up a billiard table that Oeo. Clarken sold to the officials of that reformatory. The Bohemian bee soheme is thelatest. A gentleman at the Cook house is well posted and would be pleased to give bee raise informaron on the subjeot. Election four weeks f rom next Monda y. Milan eleots village officera next Mon day. Supervisor Butt is a candidate tor re-eleotion . Officer Henderson will do duty another raoiith at the pont-office. Andrew D. Patterson of Ypgilanti, has been taken to the Cold water school. W. A. Clark was in Findlay, O., over Sunday, inspecting the new gas wells. The court house tower is being lighted this month by gas- without expeiibe to the city. Bills to the amount of $1.212.59 were audited and ordered paid by the cotincil, Mooday eveniug. Mack & Schmid have purohased the SohBfïer property, near the Western brewery, for f 1,200. The five members of the team lire en gine company will draw 815 per year each. Liittle enough. The office of aldermnn, to which E. H. Hudson wh eleoted nearly year ago, has been deolsred vacant. The name of Eugene Osterlin is being brought forward for justin of the peace. He wotild make good one. At the pomological meeting, Saturday, the land-piaster question will also be diecussed. Famers are mvited. Henry Grosser of Minneapolis, who has been visiting his mece, Mrg. O. O. Öprg, returned home Wednesday. The Doty brick yard property some two miles west of the city, bas been sold to Jno. 8. Schaffen Price, $1,200. Aid. Biggg, whose time expires in April, would willingly serve the people of the sixth ward for the next two yeare, ïf they will let him . A gentleman intimated, Monday that Bro. Bailey would take the postmaster■hip at Chelsea, so as to be sure that a " kioker" wouldn't get it. A large number of oitizens of the third ward are anxious to have North treet, from Allen 's Creek to Spring st., opened up and graded. Walter Mack purchnsed, last week, all the clover seed in Scio. He secured from Michael Kercher 72 buBhels, the largest single lot purchaeed. Jndge Joslyn suspended sentence( Monday. on Th no. Kahoo, who paid costa and gave bond in the sum of $200 to keep the peace for two years. The renowned Fiske Jubilee Singers appear at the Presbytenan church Monday even ing, in one of their popular conoerts. Admission 50 cents. An attempt was made, Monday night, to rob the safe in the Savings bank at Chelsea. The cracksmen were f rightened away after wrenching off the outer doors. Propositions to Hght the olook in the oourt house tower are in the hands of the, who will investígate the subject of lighting the streete by the aie ligbt. At university hall. this evening. Col. John Sobriski, a priüce of the royal family of Poland, will nekken the univrsity temperance society. Go aud hear him. A mail house in Ypsilunti, owned by Mrs. J. S. Jennena aud occuped by Geo W. Hougb, was destroyed by ure Monday afternoon. Mrs. JennesR' loss is ooTorml b„ UHiirHIli'f. And still the urn increases. For the nionth of February $349.43, wan the ( miount expended for the indigent poor: ( First ward, $27.82; second, 83U.H1; third, , $ör.!)2; fourth, $110.07; flfth, $11(!.38; , sixth, S8.IÍ2. Farmers renuliiiK in the townships of Ann Arbor, Soio aud Lodi, bHve called the a tt ention of the council to the bad condition of the Toledo rail rond crossing , on Liberty treet, and ask that it be put in good condition. Aid. Hiscook, Hendereon, Ware, Biggg and Recorder Pond, are members of the oommittee to whom wan referred a coramunicaiion from Emory Wendell, who ha submitted a proposition for ligkting the oity with the Vandepole electrio ligfat Friday being the 27th birthday of oounty treasury Belaer l,e was given a surprise by the choir of Zion church and others, at hls residence on South Thayer street. They were eutertained in fine style and had a good time generally. The flre departm?nt now oonsists of 68 men, as follows: Protection hose, 13; Vigilance, 13; Huron, 12; Perseverance, 10; Union liook and ladder, 20. Hose and engine men are to reoeive 810 per year for their services, and they are expeoted to keep the apparutus in good ooadition. Saturday night a kitten that is about Adam D. Seyler's store was aocidentally locked in the safe. Monday morning, when Mr. Moore went to the store he looked to flnd the cat. Hearing a noise about the safe he opened it and out Bcampered the little kiten, noue the worse for its done confinement of nearly 40 houi g. The question for debate at the Grand Army headquarters, tbis evening, is "That the administration was more at fault in the failure of the península oampaign than was Gen. Ge. B. McClellan." Atfirmative, C. H. Manly; negative. Robt. üampbe 1. Uutsiders, w het her members of the grand army or nol, are in vited to be present . If the Grand opera house is not crowded to its fullest capacity to-morrow night we shall be much surpnsed, for surely no better known or more attractive entertainment has been oflered us this sea son than that whioli is announced for tomorrow night. The company is a very superior oue and skipped will be given in a manner that will cause supnne to thoee not ised to seeing what a really flret-olaHB troupe oen do. Of the price itself the Gincinnati Enquirer says: " l'he general desire of amusement pat rons throughout the country to be amused is shown by the extraordinary success of Skippe.t by the Light of the Moon. To-mght this play will be presented at Heuck's opua honse for the second time this season, and notwith. standing the fact that its previous engagement was one of the largest ever played in tbis city, the outlook for the present is juut as bright. People at the present time want to laugh, and Skipped is funny from the ground up. lts vitality, nction, humor and grotesqueness, the audienoe upon its last visit, will have lost none of their charm and will undoubtedly causo repetition of crowded houses during the present week." George Osius left for Germany Thurs day. W. A. C. Lymburner i cutting hi third eet of teeth. The creditore Geo. A. Neat have close liis store m Ypsilanti. Dr. White treate all patients at hi office over E. Dnffy's store. Now is the time to trot out oandidates for the municipal election. A free postal delivery in a oity of thi Bize wonld be a perfeot nuisanoe. The Fiske Jubilee Sinters at the Pres byterian church, Haturday evenino Mnrch 6. The late Amanda Rice left a will giv ing all of her prbperty to her sister, Mr Moneo Sogers. Next Tueaday evening the Haragán ooiety celébrate their anniverary with a ball in Beethoven hall. Prof. Estabrook of Olivet will bold a series of meetings w Ypsilanti, commencing Sunday, March 14. M. H. Breunan will soon take np hi residenoe at Devil's Lake, Dakota, where he will prnotice hir profession. The correspondent of the Evening News herj get in a "scoop" almost every night on the other evening paper. "The Iodebtednes of Religión to Science, " will be the subject of Jas. T. Bixby's disconrse, Sunday erening. The Beethoven bazaar ha been a success thus far. It cloees to-morrownight. Monday evening there is to be a dance in the hall. The funniest play of the season. " Skipped by the Light of the Moon," will be at the opera house to-morrow night. Don't miss it. A team belonging to Chas. Crane, stolen in Chelsea Monday night, were recovered in this city, Tuesday morning, near C J. Oardner's residence. A prohibitionint who will charge 30 per cent, for colleoting monoy for the cause, mast have it bad, and yet there is a "crank" in this city yrho did that very thing. Hon. Jno. B. Finch of Kansas, is billed to .-peuk at a temperance mass mee tin e to be hold at the Grand opera house, Ai are h 23, in the evening. Beserved Reate, 15 cents Kev. Dr. ncitui i ut dcii(, „m 1,,ture next Wednesday evening before the Unity club, at Unitarian churoh, on " Voltaire." He is one of the mout eloquent speakers in the state. Mrs. T. A. Hendricks has received from the California democratie club, a letter of condolence printed on parohment from an engravecí steel plate and incaeed in a massive euvelope of solid silver. The whole is enclosed in a satinlined morocco box with silver ornaments. Wm. Manon and wife, of Northfield, while driving home from this city, last Thursday evening, were struck by a Michigan Central train at the Whitmore Lake crossiug. Both were badly injured. They were taken to the univergity hospital. The hörses were unin jured bnt the wagon was oompletely demolished. Mason, it is said, was intoxicated at tlie time of the accident. In Dexter, Mouday, the charter election reulted in the following union I,,U-I. Vf...._ -V.„U, J._. orat; recorder, Herbert A. Williams, repiiblicHn; treasurer, H. C. Gregory, democrat; trtisteea, L. W. Briggs, Dan'l A)uirk, republicana, and Albert Guest, ieniocrat ; assesors, C. S. Gregory, democrut, Benj. W. Waite, sr., republioan. Itook, for president, had only four maority. George Newell Lovejny, whose name b familiar to the readers of the Transcript and of the the magazines as a writer of pleasant verse, has in prepar. ation a colleotiou of poema, which will be brought out the coming seaaon by a prominent New York publishing house. -Boston Transcript. Mr. Lovejoy is well-know in this city as a fine mosician and the above item will be of interest to his many friendo. Jack Shorey, who was uommitted to Jackson state prison aeveral years ago, on a sentence of twenty years, for killing a man named Sherman, in tha fifth ward, with a ohair, and who was afturwards pardoned, is now a follower of Moody and Sankey, the great revivalista. Last week Mr. Shorey was holding a series of temperante meetings in New Orleans, and with good resulta. After leaving Shorey became a bar tender in the above city. Jno. Lony celebrated his 38th auniversary, Monday, and the occasion was bne that will long be remembered. John uever does things by halve, and o! oourse he hooped it up lively to those who attended the seanoe at his residence on the river road. Ibere were plenty of good things to eat, wine and ohampagna üowed freely. A number of speeches were made and toasts and responsos in dulged in. JL'here was musió and dancing until a late hour. Mr. Lony has a great head. A stook company for the selling of ready-made olothing, gents' furnishings, and hats and caps, was organized in this city, Monday, with a capital stock of $15,000. The inoorporators are J. T. Jacobs, D. C. Fall, Fred. Gakle, W. W. Wadhams aud Louis D. laylor, who also compose the board of direotors. The offlcers elected are as follows: J. T. Jacobs, president ; D. C. Fall, vice-president; L. 1). Taytor, secretary and treasurer. The new firm will be called "J. T. Jacobs & Company." Mr. Fall will be manager. Succeas to the new institution. The Corporation is for !iO years. The Jno. B. Gough memorial servioe was held at the old Baptist church Sunday afternoon, by the temperance people of this city. Mr. E. B. Lewis pre sided. The singing was led by A. Wil sey, scripture reading by Kev. E. A. Spence, and a prayer was offered by the Rev. S. Clements. The refigious elemenl in Mr. Gough's life and work wan dis cussed by Rev. Dr. Ryder. A. O. Crozier dwelt on Mr. Gough in Europe, anc Rev. Dr. Haskell spoke of his persona recollections of the distinguished tem perance advocate. His last words " Young men, keep your records clean,' were dwelt upon at length by Prof Stoere. Lucy Bourns, in behalf o the Womau's Christian temperance unión, paid a grateful tribute to the memory of Mr. Gough. Judge Cheeve spoke of what had been accom plished by Gough and ethers in his time and Rev. O. K. L. Crozier, delivered th final address. Aid. Hendereon will accept the nomiuafion for justice of the peace. J . Kacharezyh died in the 6th ward, Monday. He was a patiënt in one of the pospitals. Jno Henry, infant son of Henry and Kate Scaden of Webster, died Monday, of bram fever. The Maocabees are booming. Fifteen new members have entered the society n the past month. Bev. Mr. Spring and wife, of New lamburg, Out., are the gueste of the atter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hutzel. Joe. T. Jacobs makes aome sensibl Qggestions in the Courier, this week, bout booming the towii. It would be well to heed them. For aldermen in the fouth tne cuuht will be between the friends of Anton Diesle and J. M. Swift, judging from resent appearance. M. J. Fanning leotured at Dundee, .iturday, and at Milan, Sunday, on emperance, aud in this city Monday, on Needs of State work." Col. Jno. Sobeski this evening, in uniersity hall. Every temperance peron in the city, and those who are not emperate, should liear him, Walker Bros. are to erect two briok locks on Liberty street, and have been ermitted to ocoupy a portion of the oad for storing building material. Mr. G. W. iMcCormick of this city, nd Miss Ida Pray of Whitmore Lake, ere united in marriaga Wednesday morning, the Rev Dr. Bamsey offiïating. Mrs.Thurman, an eloquent colored lady Jackson, will speak in the old Bapist churchj Sunday afternoon and eveuik. uuuui tut) auapicw 01 me uew ood templara lodge. Miss Auuali Soulo, who has been ap uinted instructor in algebra and history n the state normal m-liool at Mankota, Wíb., is a daughter of ïlarry Soule, treasrer of the university. R. Gundert left for New York Tuesay, to parchase carpeta and curtains. On hiB return look out for what J. Keek e Co. will have to say inrough the colmns of The Demookat. The time' for the animal enoampment f the state t roo pa has been fixed from uly 15 to 19. Gompany A will leave ïere the llth. No newly, mustered men will be allowed to attend. Jas. R. Bach is the one most talked of ust now for recorder on the democratie ieket. He would uudoubtedly raake a ig run, auá that's what is wantod. Jim would make-a capital recorder. Patrick Martin who bas been spending he past six months in California, went ihrough here Monday on his way to New York city, where he will remaní for a while when he will return here and again ake up his residence. Mrs. James Robison of this oity, reeived the flrst pnze, a silver cup, for he best disguised person at the masuerade at the Olifton house, Whitmore jake. The third prize, an elegant vase, was awardod to John Ooieman, also of his city. Mrs. Amanda Rioe, who was oonfined io her bed over a year with paralysis, died at the home of Mrs King, on Maynard street, last r'riday. Mrs. Rioe was a sister of Mrs. Moses Rogers and at her residence the funeral was held Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ja. Campion of Chatfield, Minn , and Miss Ella O'Hara, daughter of Jno. )'Hara, jr., of Ann Arbor township. were united in marriage Monday, at St. Patriok's ohuroh, Northfleld, the Rev. ir. l)uhig offioiating. The partios left n the noon train for Chatfield, their uture home. An exchange in mentioning the play of "Skipped by the Light of the Moon" says : "The piece made an instan;aneous and most pronounced 'hit,' and ;lie unanimous verdict of the audience was pronounced in the gag line of the ?lay, 'that's funny, very, very, very funny.' To give an inteligible descripción of the play is well nigh impossible. It defies analysis as it laughs at critica and criticism. It is one of those peculiar modern, very modern, theatrical concootions- and we may say in passing, one of the very best of them - which answer all adverse criticism by an exhibition of the box office receipts. Perhapa the best criticism upon the performance was that given in the following conversation, overheard as the audience was leaving the theatre: 'It's the most absurd thing I evar saw in my Iife.' 'Isn't it too ridiculous for anything? How I did laugh.' Didn't you?' 'Yes.' 'What's it all about, anv way?' 'I don'( know.' " There is a mighty sight of odds between knowing everybody and having every body knowing you; but there are lots of folks who never discover the differeuce. The little one made a boautiful answer without knowing it. "What! kiss such a homely man as papa?" said the mother in f uu. "O, but papa is real pretty in his heart," waa the reply.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat