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He was Givea üp to Die, bnt Changed His Hind and Oot We!l. Robcrt Murray, who resides in lbo town of Qreece, New ïprlc State, had been eoraplainini; tor scvoral months with palo n different parts of his body, aud a general lassitudí' or weakuess, atteuded by a siight eough and Hectic Fever. He doctored constantly, hut gradually grew worse, and his puysiciuns told biin bc had Consumption and would have to die. He gave up in dispair and made up bis mind that bis time was short, when a [rlend of his returned from tlie West, and to!d liim that he did not have Cousumptlon, but that Malaria caused all his BUÍterüig, aml advised biin to try Dr. J. B. Ilenion's Sure Cure for Malaria. He purchased a bottle and beforo it was half used up bis pain ceased, lic was freo írom llivtic Fever and night svcats, and when he had taken threc bottles he was eutirely well. He says he pald over three hundred dollars to doctors to keep him siek and he ouly paid his druggist three dollars for cnough oí Hr. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria to cue him. Dr, Henioii is .one of the ables: physicians In the world and consulta free of chaise with ;:!! ilini' whn are nfi.Uur his Snra tor Mnlaria. rite film at Kocne.-ter. .N. V . The candle wiek Is up to snuft. We recointnend Carter's Iioü Pilis to every (roman huis sveafc, ni'rvonsand discourage 1; partieuhirlv thosii who bave thin, pale lips, told bands and feet, and who are without strengtli or ambition. These are the cases for whieh Carter's lron Pilis are specially prepared, and this class cannot use tbein without beneilt. ValuaWe for men also. In metal boxes, at 50 cents. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. See advertisement elsewhereThe debt of Texas is $5,014,020. The Dei.icatk I.imsh of the nasal passages are very susceptible to injury. henee lüe prevalence of Catarrhal affectlons, llay Fever, Cold in the Hcad, &c The sovereteu remedy is Kly's Creani balm. Pleasant an 1 easy to use, it opens the jassages, eieanses them of virus and heals the inllamcd niembrauc. It tures the most obstinate cases, l'rie ■ 50 cents at drugcists. 00 cents by mail. Ely Bros. Owego, N. Y. It was not the man who laughed in his sleeve that bust his jocular vein. Rev. II. H. Fairall D. D., editor of the lowa Methodist, says editorially, in the November (lïS'f) number of his paper: "We bate tested the merits of Ely's Criam Balm, and believe that. by a thorough coutse of treatiin-iit, it wilt cure almust every case of Catarrb. Ministers, as a class, are altlicted witb head aud throat thoubles, and Catarrh seems more prevalent th.ui ever. 'e cannot recommend Kly's Creara Balín too higbly." Not a liquid nor a snulT. Apply to nostrils with the finger. Much as bc loves roast beef, John Buil Is continuallv gettin into an Irish stew. Walking down Broadway is very pleasant hen you fe.'l well, and ï K - -never feit betterthan when bis inend asked him bow he got over tint severa cougu of his so s,codi)v. Ah, my Ikiv," aid T ,"U. M. D. did it:" And bis (tiend wonderedwnat (í. M. 1). meánt lic kuew it did not. mean (iood Man Doctors, forT K had trled dozens In vaiu. "1 bave It," said lic, lust hitting the nail on the head, "yon mean Dr. Pierctí's Siolden Medical UiscovoTV,1 or (iokl Mcdal Deserved as my rriend Í S alwayg dubs ft." iold by ilniirgists. , . : In the Republic 14,500 men are aow employed in railroad consüuctlon. We aCL-iilcutly overheard tbc foïlowing dialogue on the Btreet yesterdar. Jones. Snjlth, why don't you stop that disgustini; hawkini and iplttlnjf! Sinith. How can 1 ! You know I am a niartyr to catarrh. .!. Do as I did. I hul the disease iu its worst fonn bul I am wéü dow. . W'hai did you do for il '. J. I uoed Dr. "tfage's Catarrli KemeJy. It cured mv and it wlfl cure yon. S. I have heard of it, an 1 b. Joye I'll try tt. J. Do 80. You will liud il at all the drug stores in town. Mauch Cbunk is pronouni e 1 Mock Chunk, l'iu -on is Toos'n and Manitoba is Manuetobah. Dr. Pierce's "Fayorite Prescription" is the Jebiütatod wotnan's best restorative tonic. It is said tiiat Jay Gould's mortuary chapel will cast ?85,0W. Faithfullness is necessary in all kinds of nork. Fspeciallv is it necessary, in treating a cold, to procure the best remedy. which is Allen's Lang Balsam, and take it faithfully accordln; to dlrections, end it will cure a cold every t'me and prevent f..tal resnlts. Sold by all druggists at 25c, .'.0i, and H.00 a bottle. A Texas editor is one of the curiositics in Washington at present, by reason of his exIraordinarily long bair. He was a Wbig in 1844, and máde a VOW that bc would never sfiavc bis beard or cut his bair ntl Clay was Elected president. Sevcral eitizens of New Haven, with worthy forethought, have had their graves dug and tombstoncs crected. The graves are stoned , up and sealed over, to protect them f rom the j wcather, and the stoacs are all lettered except the date of death. Therc is a smart, litt'.c girl in Cedar RapidS, Neb. ïbc is li veare old. and the other day sbe wiote au account of a chttdren's party, set it up in type, and corrected th? proof, and thu work was wcll done, too. The story that Mr. Goldwin Smlth wlll leava Canada in the spring to reside Id Englana, aud tbat be bas dlsposed oi h:s Interest In the Wfuk o!' Toronto, s authoritatively denled Mal üesdemona Wadsworth Kulimer Smitli, I hQ died rcccntly in Salt Lakc City, aged 7ti ! was ono of the flrst of Prophet Joe . SmitU's wives. Religión Is the boniaRe whkb the intellect pays tO the l'eeüngs. Let not the stream pf yow.íiíe be a , ins ftream. ! THE VALUÉ OF EXPERT TESTIMONY. The exact of r.liaüce to be placed ' upon the testlmonv of sj-ealled medical ei erts in murder trials iinl ether cases wbere [U68ÜOD8 o great importune are Involved, lias been the touree of much discussion withln tbe last few yc ars i! t e cause ol a m teelIng between doctors and awyerj. To seetwo physicians of reputation take the stand and nrear dlreetlj cootrarv to eac'i uther regard ing sorne one. alleged sanitj or nsanity, [8 certalalynot ealculated to Impresa tbeor i bcholder with au . vey duu respect for the knowlcilire djsplaycd, and no wonder thal B qulck-wltted man of law linds man; an opportunity lo raakc soma cuttin; Hing at the profession wb-n so much yet remalos empirical. ín the eomp ieution of modern life, hOWCYI r. with its m.iiiv features duumdiiiii Bpecial studv and cxaminatlon, expert testtmony is :: ly, and .t truc value is not ali'et-t d l . dlffcrencé between doctors apon ques whiili art' :is yet 1 ut very iuip riectiy uuderstood. The expert englneer, cheml t," acconntaut umi specialist of cverv kind mnsl be looked to wbfin auy i ucsLion dëmamllnir more tban common knowledge or experieue ■ ari-es, and bis word nraally passes without call. The concurrent tes! imony of dnigcjis's, therefore, upon the vlrtuea of á remedy whose ei o 1 per fonnances they witness dtiily, must be held as dccislvc. It is iuterestlng to see wbat thce gentlemen say of Athlouhoros. A few of the testimoníala f oll'w: Kremers & bangs of Holland, Mieb., says: "Last Marco ono of our customers had a seyere attack of inllammatorv rbeuinatism wbicb be is subject to. At one time he badly otr that bc could scareely move without almo3t Ecreamlnx Crom p.iiu. fle trled several physicians, but tLey only ({ave blm temporarv relief. He next resorted to Atblophoros. After be bad taken the firstdu.-c hé f-ll rclicved and continuing to take it he was ablu to walk after he had used two bottles." J. B. and 8. E. Matthews of the City Drug Store, Gregory, Mlcb., say: "Mr. 11. l). urlcvo,wb.o is wellknown in this towu and vicinity, as troubkd with a lame knec for the last sevcn or eight years, but could fiml uothinj; i'iat would relieve bim until he used Athlophoros. He ued one bottle and has not been troubled cinct', aud that was slx montbs ago." "There is probably no reine ly before the public" says laa.ei A. Leasia of Williamslown, Micli.. that nieets with sneb general satisfactiou and good results, particularlv in rheumatism and neuralgia, as Athlophöros. To ik knowledge inauy cases that failed lo obtalii i lief from all othcr SOUrccs weie completelycured by the u;e of Athiophcros. I have for sometlme obserred its use and eftecta and must Baj there is bothlng likc it. I could glve i u 1 1 1 n DS certiticates oteases of cure, bat Ft secin.-. superfluous, aa a trial will bc t!.e proof and convietion." Il vou ciinnot got Aiiu.oPHOHOS uf ymir dniRKlst.wc win send il c.pivss pald, on rcrclpt oí n -one dollar per bottle Wa prefer tiiat jrou baylt frnin yniiv iini ■ ;:■ r, tmt ir hc hasn't tr. do D ■' ' e persuadi'd ' ilDgelsc, but order fttunoe from us as dlrected. ATin.oi'uortos Co,„ lïi AVa i Street, New Vork. There is do : ky without its elond- nogold without its alloy: ■WbatDotheDrug"ists Sayt They know wbat the pcople cali forT and they hear w.uit tbcir atrons say as to wbethcr the medicinen they buy work wdl or nut. Martelt iV Jobnson, Kush City, .Mii.u.. say. "BroWn's Iron liitters gives entlre satistactioti to our customers." Klinkbammer & '. Jordán, Minn., say, uWe scll morcBrowns Iron Bitters thau ali otber bitters eombiued." L K. Ihii'l.ti". a "■■ UU ". "■ "All onr cu stomer ó spea'i biïbir of Browii'a Irou Bitter-.' A. ( . Wliit nan, .!acison, Mlnn., sajs, "Brown's irm bitters is glring good eatléïaetlon to pnrehascre." These are only a few. We have hundrols more just as gooJ. __ A slck n:an, witb amustard piaster on blm, saldi "" ' should i at a loaf of bread l'd be a live sandwich." The most desirable hair dressing ever offered to the public is Hall's üair Rcnewer. Physiclans prescribe Ayer's Cl:e ry Pectoral, od account of its great eurative powers. A good houBekeeper - A wateh Cot. Best, casieitto use and ebeapeat. PIso's Remedy íor Catan h. Hy diogglsir. 50. There are in the present cougress four men v,h) are over seventv. A rustte isit ir to Burlington, Vt., spent ThanU.-giv n Uay od Uu: horse raflway, making th trip oí four miles twentytwo tim s. It is by copving nftcr nature tliat man gets best resülts. "Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic is nature's nn remedy, i purely vegetable, can be taken by tlie n o!t delicate. Cores all tomach, kldney aiul liver troubles. 50 cents. 1 loods on etrect wraps are popular In Paris just now. New Orlcans is getting impátient for the completion of its promis'ed theater, to hold 12,000 people. ITCHINC uil Irritations of tbe ekin anA Bcklp, burns, Bcalds. piles, ulcere, poipone, bilea of inaucts anti all skin diaenses, quickly cured by Cole's Jar!:olis;iIve. ai &W cents, al'üruggista. Hcavcn will be more than you ever dreamcd it to Le. PATEHTS obtained by Louis Basrger & Co., Attorneys, WashingtoD.D.C. Est'd 1864. Advice f ree. The barber thould be made to pay bis polltax. "Kough on Uat3" cieare out liata. Mlce. 15e. Mrs. Jodie (;ikcs banjo lesons. "Rou hard or soft corna. Dunlom. 15c Gray ha:r mor ■ 1 o:i-tou than ever. "Rough oa Toqthache." Instant relief. t5o. Austr.ilia is lu a bad way financially. "fiÖTTÖH ON ITCH." "Iloughoii Ii-li." coressktn humor-, t'rnptlons, ring worm, itMti'i, Bftll rlifum. frosted fret, chilu lalus ltch, ivy polBOg. haritor's Heb. Vh: jar. Seven suiivdRi a day is Kerlln'a quota. "ROUOHON PILES' Cures piles or lieniorrlioUls, ftchfíií?, protrudlng, bleedírlR, Intcriml or otlier. Inteinal and oxternal remcdy In eacll iKU-kage. Surc ciire.,We. Drugglsts, The P, nee of Wales has cnteied on hls forty-fifth year. Yu ir't more comfort for 25cts. In Lyou' H;el stlffenera tïmii lu ny otber trilde, ndllOIll paUtegig In bottlea. Ui si i iheapest. Many i :; i 8 :f r' l ;i i t'sm whlCQ i ■ tdth1 s ii e t)c ■ r i i' bIoh havo roniply yleldcd to I ui w r i i :■ lv, Salvatlon . T e Ca -tl -?.ob. pledonotge! caadles from water, as o rule, 1 bel ev . Uit n vtrthslcss there time v.Ijimi ..i n wc mucb oi I . -i' l :;' mini i tbe'.r hi pi b anl aadiea and "il o) your i' ■ ca hom hales. There is i, muver, a rerj remarcable ltghl üt, tlu'tv ij i,''inin; mora oor lea thana ii.-h. Tuis . Bb la mi very ollj tbal uil yon barí : du, ;'fir ■ i i u departed ■ in te haten it by tstall btween twop'cce.totwoo'l. toucb a matcb to lts bead, and aualellan will ariae trom the li-li's tnoutb thai lasts unti' llke a candle tbe ftah is Blowij c msnoiod. Tbeiucful 1' morcover, is a ver, lm ; ortani i" i op!o living cm th rthi erneoa.-l ol ■ rih America. At certali ia tin1 candle-1 : h s f vann i bc ' a in v:is! inimlirrs, :mil i-viry Da Ive tnaiï. Homan, and cblld la enaged n capturina t ho-ii. And Uüw do yo tbemi Tbe; actuallv cem'j t'.-.vm In. Thi bnats drive thi m In Buore, H i acb natlvi armed wlth u gfgantlc weapon wltb teel tigbt inc'hos loni;, sweeps (!" ■ :n ui by tbe hundr. d. ' When the bo:its are londc 1 full. ihu fltb ai carried ashore, vhere (romen nnd chüJren take cbarge oí tbem. Aftet being drled smoked, they ore ready tor candles, Tnej are nlso ued as foocl, and In thal case the of la tfled out ::n 1 puf away I iae. Krom "Jack-In-tbe-PnlpIt," In 8t N ch ilosio Murrli. Man? iink into an earlv erovfl b.y iramediat ■ attention to nallgbt cougb, ■, could bave been stoppel In ïj a "■" t-cnl bottle of Dr. Buli's (,'ouh Byrup. llow to s'.iine in society - Get pollsncd up. Mr. J. D. L. Harvey, proprictor of tht Palace Market, Chicago, irrites tbat be spenl $2,000 in tryinff to cure liis'e of rbeumatlsm, and tbat Et. Jacobs 011 acconipllsbed whi elsefalled to brlnt; about. Be saja II Li :i greater diseovery thau electrii Men owe tlieir rcsolution to the opfio-itiuu tbey meet When a man'a Dotes are readfly endorsed, ble credit Is Rood. When public men endorso Red Mar Cough Cure as being a, irec froüi polgons, yon may te certalnltla n great diseovery. l'ree 25 eeuts. "I biscopper don't rin? worth a cent." said ainun, s on jlng a spurloui penny. l Buffered wlth rhcumatlsm so thal it w.iw!ib greal pa's thal l could move around at all i.r Sonnywork. Two boules ol AthlO' phoroa cttred me. L. A. Hoger master oí Chicago, Mlhvaukco v f-t. Paul Kailroad, :.t Wadison, Wis. The tpeclal collcctlon or 1,800 copper, wooil and sttel enravlnzs o[ Sbakcspeai'lana bc1longing to the late Klcbard Gran UI. i: been tought by Wellesjey to'.lfge, Mass.. foi its 8halteiipeara lii;r:iiy. Don',j neglect d cooKh and lel II remain to Irrítate your lungs .,nen a aafe and speedy remedycanbc hadfor 80 cents in Dr. Bigolow's Fosltlve Cure A conple were married i.y .lude Cheney in Los Angeles, Cal., Christraas, and In gratitude tbe ir:de nrejonted the iudge witbii mammoth strawlcrrv ., ..., i..,. laan. T'.i ia'iifere;;c. StvCREABALM B8S5ÏfflS1OOO UYFEVErB 1 toanv man CATAR RH. H#T-"rtiVKfg Gtrayllng, Mlcï. A partlcle Is aptlid Into ench notrll .a i f t agréeá Wet use. Trice 50 ets. ly mail oi Bend for ilrcular. tLV Qweyo, N. Y. v''carcselllns M I HATS AISD (JAFS f To the (lomera ni s:ich low prteea tbat 11' WILL PAY A BUYER F. BUHL&CO., 146 and H8 'Jfjfer.ton Are., Detroit Wtdl BBAGE'S mum glue ISjiyflfcwENPS EVERYTHINC f fflfifff jfêWB '!l IV' :i ■ '"itu're. llric-a-Brac dtc.' BMtttlPV Strong as Iron, Solid as a Eock. Hffl3( tSwTIic total Quantity ?o!d (lurinif the WSMm 32 MILLION Mib Sj(lfl'rciiiounr,.il Stroíiííest i;'m: knovn n TT Scnd dealcr'.s cjird mul 10c. postag ICHtainS DO Achí. ,, lorMmplecnn PREE lirmolli 1 Bussu Cïvcm t'o. uloucester.Mass. M CURES WHEBE AU CISE ÏaiIS. 1 mm Bost (.'oiisjh sy-nip. Taste gniui. Use Yi SB mi hn ■ -. .1 I.-. .tr pg RedJStar TRAPE yL MARK. f] tfSufeiíu5k Tree from Ojnf'es, Emeties and l'oison. IurI: OKCts. PROMPT. áüi%J Ar DniHiOlUTS a:u Hhi.ii'.i. UiK CHARLES .. WMlFLEIt (()., ltAl.TH10RE,MD. tT JACOBS OJT GERManreMEOY H" ■% ■ Cures Rheumalism, Neuralgia, ■ AV llAin llatkachp, Ilciídacbe, Tootlwrlu, I" II 151 I' HprniiM. nruWv rul rail! n1'5' HIBBARD'S RHEUMATIC SYRUP. A GREAT BLOOD PÜR1FIER. 3HECMA.TISM' H ranpcil ■-; :' "IWcntli o: JTtMOKBlD," .-a I DÁNGER Ihat l! mar nt any D cnnsc.dcath II I Dr. C IX. O Enland, declarea Hm'. ■: Ucaths by HEART DISEASE -i-D :n rhoumntlsir.. Un slltlitesl approaci HIBBAItirs RHEUMAT10 8YRÜP gocstotlia blood, wini-ii ísiii' seat of the dia pumly vegetable compound. I' dissoh out all ' 'r'1' ForBUeiiinatlsiu. K;iu i ; ■:lnts, XcüiM - tu. s rofula retter. líinpwurm, anO the ÍBUini Islnvaluuljle. Prlc druEglst. Alwaya hh.' HIBBARïrs KHEUMA TIC PL&STER in c-uimciMlou wlth ilr: ■:■!■ ■■:■ Made only.bj1. t!ie . Rheumatic Syrup Co., ,j,r rrsox. i tan. DROPSY TBEATED FBEE. DR. H. H. CREEN, A Specialist for Iílcicn Vean í'ait, 1 ITas trt'ütcd L'ropjy tod lts oompll callona vilth th most wondftT ; uses vegotl[Ic pí : en r iy hftrmiesi Remove AU ayuiptonisof üropíj 1 u (ight totwenty (ayi. Ouret p:i(ienti pronounccï Impelesa by the lest ol áns. From ihs ttftt dwe tli symptoms rapirli dlsap peer, and atendaya at ir.a-t lv.u ihirds oí aii aym tuiiis are re a ; nbug wlthou knowlns an-thlna torealíze tbj me Its oí mv treatmen' for yoarsclr. I ainc.onsTanilyvuriníascíQf 5neiíftpl[ng. ca) lïiat hivfl been taprei a numlier of llmeslnd ttu ■iíib'e to tlvc a wcek. Gíve fuli i.lst i y oí cave. Ni:ne sex. hoU lont flllcted, fton baíiiy swollcn an 1 whero, tsbowelscoitive, liavi1 UlK ;:■('■ and . ped water. Band for f re.' papiphlw, con aüiíi íz testimoniáis, qucstlun LO ïivs tro.inneiit furnUhed freo by iiiaiL EfíiU'psy flts ro-ltivcly cure i lí orucr trial, scndTccnts ín atamos topay postagft H. ü U.. 56 Jouts Avenue, Atlanta. Oa. KSBlkGTOlSr STAMPING OüM Fg I llV. . 1 1 . 'Vt I ■" haT Irpriid s CoraSvvw W. ;ap1tOutfl'c"iiiiini2t0 .V! N ; Zyl'crioratcd Stompln Stampíñel'ewdir.ilix H hite siaiitjiliis l'owdor, 1 l'atL-ntrovorsíble Poum'1, Rii'l fullañdcáTrnt)!eUdlctluni for Ken-sioirwn SlAmftlDg imd KrubroHerT, Keiiíhítoh Paintinf, Loltfe. MaialUo FllfuÑT and I-: , ('olunuaed aní miiiojE of Colora, Ribbon : i laUM'mnd Amcoe won, CoTrretVJTs r.f rtl it? iiíft:ent llov.tri, l i-:not bt boc-!it at rolil or leu lli-.ú Í4.00. To Introdur FARM ANC . uof IhtCoo . Ucndoni ot Ihíw OuMtt , , oov li.W whi uln..!. 1 nst r.n:o Ihüa Üsflctor?. Farm ancl Household, Hartford, Oonaj All People Appreciate Honest Goods. MIDDLESEX INDIGO-BLUE FLANNEL [SÜITS .ik; Ai-i, ï't hf. noot,, Umi lxk v.T-U aiul k-ivv longl ;ofth ceniiin-:irtifl' iiav.'.m ,i silk lumger, "Only ear monta made fn Flannels bear this hanger. WK.MI10I.I IA V .V ► iKentS, SIIJILK iiKX CO." btii. NewTopIt, l'hlladelphla. SOLÜ BY AL!. LEADlKS CLQTH1ERS, ' "You reallowtnla frec trial of thirtydaysot th : bfated VoltalcBeltwith Electric iSiíspeujrjr AppHauces.í or thO spedy relief aiulpr tnancnl 'cureot Kt rvou$DebiUtyt08BOt -'italitytnixd tfanhoo '. and all kindrqd tronóles. Also for many otherdiaeas . Complete retornt ion to Health, Vigor .uid Ma nJaotxI (ruaran teert. No rikisincurrod. QItU t rat pil pumplikt iu sealed envelope mailed freo, by eddresslng Voltaic tivlt Vo„ Marshall, iüch, I qiih'e f FITS! Whciff inirü i 00 uut mean uiorely to atop iKm .we a time nd tuin Unvo fh.m retarii 'gvLP'StóSS „,,,„.. !.' tho UlseMO of HTS. M ILtrSUC SiVTlLINO SICKNE39 Ufe long ftudy. I wnrraot ra JOSEPH Cl LLOTTS STEEL PENS Solo ALL DEALERSThrsughoutThe WO RLD GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-IB7S. A FREE SAMPLE. To in i ledj. íOIfpov toto ever xflmlly. I will sna sample free : i M' ncioa ttU paper anil iddriM E. O. HlWIAKUá. TolOJo, O. VÈBVÓlSUÉBÖilTT i O, kiilney . bladder at ■ fSf c liedles [flvcn i i hychoiUwal Medical Burean, . Eïew Vork. a ■ -ja BS TC rt Au r.ctivo Man ur Vroman In ever Itta 8HI tl,.;.,,.,!,-!,,,,!!,.. .... ?s. bHb lin " ifcr ?Inutli:::d l:11. i;-i s liK'nses in ad■■ fl""vaiiiv. Camusiing outfit TRKK! 1'arnculM Ww Irre. atanriard Silvor-ware Co. Boston. Mass. A Casket of Silver Ware Free To any perenn whowfl] fliowlt l thsir Si ' I ?enl an.l na orlfrs. ' JlddrciS CO.VN. MAM'U. CO., IIAKÏI O!M. CN . AD1IIIUI Morphlno Hftbll Ornlln 1O IÏb'IÏ n toauilay. ifu:aïliil Curad. m nu rsTI'DV. secure a lïtisines Educatlön by nUflflLiiiaü.iruiii Ui:ïA!tr'b Cui,:.';(;:,]íuIíaK.N. V. VCn 1. carda. ESSEX CUiD WOBU& [vorvton, C.jnn. ■ ■ n)Ni)W Scrap Plctorca :u'l Agcnt's album of 49 ■' Vfrd Sauiplua for uk. Bteam i'm! Wurka, II .rtl'iinl. Cuim. . i Al t] n DAftl contalo cw 1 l Jl I tilt IlBnrM tm ;,.,. ::,sc# ■;, BS.' EXTEKBli' atcr't. , .'■.". ' -r - ■■■■■nnRBPuiiïtgwB, Uuu.


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Ann Arbor Democrat