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Eastern Echos

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A frelght train on the Ontario ct Western ratlroad wout tnro'ugh u bridge Flsl Kdilv, Delawaro county, New York, on the '■■ j inst, and carrled down witb it 'I'. F. Smlth am W. 11. Reynolds, conductora, and two brake, men, who were riding in the caboose. Thel bodles were burned to einders. The resldence of Mr. Squires, near Frank linville, N. V.. was burned on the 4th inst. and Mr. Etauires, over 70 yoars of age, perish i 3d in tlie llames. I F. W. ffickeraon tfc Co., ot Boston, Iarg-e m porters West ludin traders anti coounissioi merebante, who have been in business over "( announced tlieir failure du tlie 4th insl l'lie liabillties are about ÏIOJ.OÜÜ. Clnclnnat! Qermans have oreanlzed for tht parpose of Bghting the Uu and order league In ttieir warfare on Sunday amQBements. 5.Mrs. [saac Rury of New Haven, Oswego county, N. Y., arrested on a charge of bigamv' contended that her flrst busband provea to Lie a woni.ui, ainl she only lived witli him (her) six inonihs. si; elain'is that the cause of the prosecutlon agalnst her now Issplteonthi part of her husband, whom shc had had arrested for brulal treatmonL A bilí has boen Introduce. 1 in the New York Benate approprlaclng 25,ü 1 1 tor the rarrer ot the Erle canal, with a vleit of learnlngthe cost of despening it to tlie depth of eight feet uver the meier bill of the locks. The8enate if New Jersey passed a bilí on cue 4tü inst, granuug tioo nuuaii t.. v„,vsoldier, or lus iinmarried widow, wlio served in the war of 1S12. Washington Sim?, a veteran of tho late wax, as frozen to death near VVllkeebarre, Pa., ilarch 4. Archbishop Corrigan oí York was on the 4tü inst invested wlth the palliam, nrbicfa makei liim head ot t:ic See of New JTork. Strikiug street car employés In New York resorted to yioience on the ö'tli iust., to reslsl tne ruuuinir oí car?, and it, became necèssarj to cali out extra pólice. The pollcemen beateu by the strikers, and wcre compeilcd to ílrorge upon thestrikérs vigorouslj be oro thc !ars could e run. Au appeaJ was made to the railroad coinmissioner, who issned nu order íhat etrs be run. Ltquor dealers in Cleveland have organizad tor the parpose oí defying the Suuday lavr. Gen. Howard is disappolnted beeause he was not appointcd to succeed Ué"ii. Hancock. The fire loases of Fébruary, as estímate. I by the New Torx Commercial üullct.ii. 5ö,5üJ,0OJIn the United States and .Canada, l'his is nbout the average February'loss for ihe past eleven or twolve ycars. The New York strect car employees who victorious. Everv car Une in the ("v'nasYn'-u up on the atli Inst, the men rcíusin to worü uuless their demands w ere grauted. The Niágara FaU i Whirlpool raihvay company was organlzed In Buffalo on the 6th inst, wltn i capita] i bock oj $100,0 D. Work oi tl railway to ïtie rapids will be connnenced at once. The house of Win. Ililloran, near Krio, Pen.. was burneil the other night. Twochlldren, KranU and Wiliir. aged ." and ■. had been sluit in the house by their mother and were burned to death. Plttsburgh Is nuich Tüisturued over the failiire of the natural gas supply ol several welis (urnishlng fuel to two milis on the soutb siilu. The oiü grateshave bueu replaced jjin the.-e milis. The extensivo oat [ineal milis of Fordinand Schumacker at Akron, O., were destroyed by lire on the üth inst I-oss Í1,UIK),OUU. " The8e milis were the larjiest In the country, eonsistin of several mínense building . Fivethousaud correspondenta oí the Amer ican Rural Home. Kochester. N. Y., report tho winter wheat erop in a generalij favorable eondition. The docks of the Monarch line steaiiship company in Jersey City, N. J.t were burned on the bth inst. The loss ís heavy. Boycotting, soeialism and the knights of labor, formea the subject oí the senñons in every thurch in Pittsburg, on the ïth inst. A frlghtful exp os.on occurred in a eoal mine at Co;itie sv ile. Pa., on the Bth Inst. Two men re Ai ed and IJ Berloaaly injured. The explosión nascansed by Bre damp. 1..1 i. i i.. . .e jl au v lire on iüe 8tn .nst. Alexander Stewart, a farmer hallingfrotn Vennon!, sues 1 1 r a ÍOl),UJj elice ol' Lüe late A. T. Btcwart's estáte at New Yurk. Marv Bleecker, relict of ex-(ov. líoratio Sevnioiir, dLd at the residence of Mrs. lioseoe Uonkliníí in t tica, N. Y., on the bth inst. l'hc lateOovernor removed Mrs. Seymour from ais eouutry home to Mrs. Conkiing's ou ae count of her and hile attending her was attaeked with bis fatal illness.


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