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Western Whispers

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W. S. Thorn, tor niauy years in charge o the union ticket office at the unioo dei Chicago is a defaulter to tóe amoant ol üuj. Thora was arrested on the 4th iust. The wife of Senator JosephJ U. Hawley ol Conued iiüt died in Washington uu ibe 4tli n-., aftera short illness. Mrs. Sawlev wa oviugly knov.u to inany Unlon soldiere in tlu and, as she accompanied the general to thu war and did uoble work iu the hospital. The charges made by Commissloner of Penliona Black in his annual report, to theeltecl that tue pensions omce btui boen condm tcd as a political machina under the liepublican admtnlstratlon Mu bo investigatedjbj a Senatorial committ ,-. Adviene recelved trom St. Paul, .Mimi., on the -Rh, state that work on the VVinnnlpeg a HudsoD liay rai.rond is to commei i :ii onee. rge S; oville, brother-in-law nf Guitcau, is under arrest in Chicago lor contempt ut court. Myr'.le Urant was fatall; stabbed by Ike Glover, her lrieml. in a house of Ul-fame in Omaha, Neb-, oo taeöth lost. Mis Urant was fonnerl. oITorontO and ca:, ir ol :i i;o)d lainily. Öhe was v.i-ll educa ted aud anrli reeently a school teacher. Chief Pouu Imaker and eleven í the Indians iniprisoneJ with nlm for compl rit, in the Northwest reuelliou, have been released, The womau'8 christian temijerauce union wants to have April 11 obserred as John B. Googh la y. About a dozen white men, wlm particípate I ia the recent anti-Chinese riota in iregon have been held ïor trial in bonds o: Sü.lKtO. BLnights of Labor in Chicaso claim that such actioü will be taken by that orsanizatloD that it wijl in1 Imp issible for the McCrmicks toshi]j a single macüinc Twelve white mim, who have been Identlfied as momberfl oí the mob which drove fheChinainen out ol Oiejjon city on the night of Feb 21, have bien arrested " by the United States marshal aDd taken to Portland, Oregon. All svaived exainiuation and were boundoverin $1,200 each to wait tlu: aution of the grand ,ury. Ten of the prlsoners gave bail and the n maln Ier were jaifed. Au enthusiastic meetlns of N Troon woniefl was ho tl in 8alt I.aki: City on th ! Tth iust. to uphold the divine rlght of. poly.amy. Apaches are a;ain on the war path. Two men who were actlvely engaged in Buppresslng the anti-Cbinese liots in Bea tle, W.TM some Urne ago, have been missing for several days. On .xh ini. their bodies were lound in Lake Washington. The evidenee shows that they were assa islnated. The trades and labor assembly oí Chicago threatena to boycott the city dlr etory by ref uslnjf to furnlsh Itwith aamesof assembly members, bccause "rat'1 printers are allowed to woni on the publica'. ion. Qeneral Manager Miller of the Chicago, Mllwaukee it St. Paul road savs the proposed eztenalons of that road m Kansas will bc comrncneed in two weekSi Two hundred miles will be constructed at a cost of -ï 1,000,000. One huudred wolves were driven oui of a cave ncar Lawrence, Kau.-as, on the Sth iust, auü killed by farmers.


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