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-Maücii 8 - Senate - The l'resident'si mesBage t the Sonate relating to the Chinese was eierved to the commlttec 011 foreign affairs ..V petiüoD numerously signed by dttzent of iew Jersey as presentid, praying lor the le;al protectioa of young wis... Mr. Evarts of mu ïork presented u petltion signed by ofli:eru and tru-ues of savings hanks in New iom, represéntlns 1,185,000 depositors md Y437,1100,0)0 deposits, praying or the suspension of the coiuage of the sllver .ollar... Mr'. Beek of Keutucky submitted a et olution asking for Information as to tne ! i fi.i,.l..Mr. liMUlcberge.1 oL Virginia oífered a rcsolution, which was idopted, requiringeach senator toreport to he Benate the name ol his private secretary. Lt is believed tnere are a number of bogus irivate secretarles.).. The edueation bill was tnen ald before tbe Senate and was discussed mtll the noQr lor executlve e sion, and when ne do r iv. re op neil the Sonate adjourned. beWeside on liie Chiuese queson, which was then referred to the conunitie on foreign re ations. ..'i 'h i i ill to establish irieultural experiment stations in conneclon wit.h colleges establisued in the several -lates, was reponed, and referred to th eomuitteeofthe whole. Aresolutlon was re,orted dlrecting an inquiry iuto tbe charees )referred of partisan management of the uuren;:... i nc present pension systera v:;s ussed :i considerable ength The army appropriatlon bill was reen ed to the eommittee of tbe whole, and the li iilse adjourned. Maucii l - Senate- Among the communicalons to the tenate was one tro il the secretary if the treasury stating that of the bonds cal ed 'or payment April l, Í6,Stio,550 ure held by the 'niuil States treasurer in trust for national jank.-. AL-o. concurrent resolutions of the .ure of Ohio urging the establishment of amarine hospital at Gallipolls, O., and the ilaelDg ol :i national traiuins ship on Lake ú'ie. ..A r i i í ',v;s passed acceptiner írom Mrs. :uid W. II. V'anderbilt the objects of 'alue and art presented to Hen. Grant daring lis toui' around the tt'0rld...The Ilouso bill tor berel John Porter was favorablv sionontbe educatlonal bill vas resuraed. .The Senate then adjourned, to :nable the S :j:.:.u:-.t tv attend the funeral of the wiic "Í Senat r Hasvlev. Ho k. - In the House Mr. Crlspot (ieorgia, :■ ■ui I ;; luim 'rilv r. pirt on th; bill to In:i :;;■'. mtlc i PaCltiC hip railMay !ompany...1 d appropriatlon bill was taken up and passed after a Ion; debate... A ommlttee was approved to investixale the . matter, and the House ad. Mari i 5. - Sksate- Among petitions presnted was one from the state board of agriculture of Nf.v Jersey, praying oongress to have the restrictions of the iiu n Into tierniaii'. of Americsu porkrenoved, un i on;' prayinK:liat the department f agriculture maj be repr sented by a cabinet . .Discu ion of the educatlonal bill was eeumed. A.I the close oï thu dlsctuslon the illlwasreada tiiinl time and pnssed, by a vote o : i ti 11. .A DUin'ier of 'resolutions were Introduccd and appioprlately referred, ih the Senate a Ijourne.1.. Hoi se.- Alter the opening routine the 0 the whole on i : :ü i ■ are was The House then went in o ofthe whole of the private etlendar .; i e erenlng session 50 pension bliis neru passed :;ii i i tïouae adjourned. Mahch B. diately upon assembling the House went into cominltteeof the f Georgia, In the chair, on to o:1 the i aion for general debate. .Mr. Millaid of New Vork, addressed the eommittee in the b! . ■::. Wbat the peop!e I .'. a.-sotne leislation which would and siiver equal in value mil maintain t Li . t some leglslation : ake the siiver dollar worth oí cents. ..T e tateinents made at the 'li that the siiver dol ar would bs oqual In value witiiRold, Dved t ii.' wronc, and the land dollar was ui il eighty cents. l. Funston i in opposition to ihj sion oi silvOi" coioaare. Iue suspension was the d unan i of Shyloeks who airead; had ■■-11 and ii'.iw wished for l o )d. Mr. ,M i ive the president and secretar) ■ I ■ eredit for houcst tioiis in their riiComuiendatlODS io regard ■ did not believe thal bI lid be suspended. Mr. upon all fi-iends of freo siiver i n order to ■ vote on the bill reponed írom the commlttee on coinagc. weighu and measures. Mr. Kowell of UUnois BUbmltted au arirument in opposition to the suSj ension of siiver coluage, and in favor of a doublé standard of time. ..Mr. Laffoon of Kentucky made a strong areunient n In oppojition to the raa pension of silver colnai '■ in opposition to the mii !■: Ivcr coin&ge were made bj Peel uf ■''■■ fevre of Oblo, (hisí óf Tenuessee and Toole of Montana. The committeo thenroseand the House jadom iu'1. M u: o 8.- Sen i ; r. A I tter t-on the Secveiar; of s!ntu was ïaid before the Senate, ilttlng ■■ Ri owing the names of the private eecretaries of tlie 8enators. A numbdi oi petitloni m the Huights of La i i 'M of the llennee ■ pres nted and appioprlately ■ i. ■.. ;; iwen ■■; ( o'orado addressed ' i: the bill "to próvido a uew or the clrculatii f national banks.".. Mr. Bowen . discussed the main feature of th bill and the silver questiongena id at tbe conclusión of his remarks ena a : o irneü as a marK ol respect to the memory ■: the lat ■ Senator Miller of Callfornia, who i ust been announced. In the rlouse luit litT'e work was done. A reso ution as oftered and reiorred lor the appointinen of a sub-commlttee to iuquire Into the all i of the Thurman act ■ I aion Pacific railroad company, and to 1 ii: any yiolation prov. slons "i :hit acl t r; eorjiorate rigbts, óowerá ;l; i franenises oí the company have i eei me ■ lutions in respect to tli. Senator Miiler were adopted, and th ■ Hou ■ ■ adjourjed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat