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The new Grant monument associatlon was duly organized in New York on the 9th nst. Af ter the act _QX_im"M'r tv" tx ]■■■ 1 1 - ■ ■■ "'ur was electcd permanent cbairman and Secretar; Grcencr got his old place. A committee of threc was appointed to arrange lor a proper celebration oí (Sea. Grant's birthday. The old Grant monument as tton was requested to turn oyer all fonds, ■bU Muuuüb tU 9J LiJ,GCO,OAO Ex-Senator Jerome B. Chaffoe died on the 9th iust. of ccute meningitis at the reside n; e of his soa-in-iaw, U. S. Grant, jr., Purily'a Station, Westehester cuunty, X. Y. Thu ! inains wero taken to A'lrian, M:cl:., for iuterment beside his wiie, who died in that city sjme years airo. Mrs. L'enjumin Ilarris Brewster, wifc of eiAttorncy-General Tïrewster, died at tbc ve-i(!ence of her hnsband in PhlladelDbia on the lOth inst., a'ter a brief illness. Mrs. Brewster was the daughter ;f the late Kobert J. Walker, who was at otie time B6cretary of the Unit d States treasury. Shewaaa lady f li.t!U culture and rcfincuient and very popular in society tíreles. 8imo:i Canieron of Pennsylvania entered u]xn hls t8th year on the Slth inst. ïhe : vi au ataúcomnti is uujuj ing coo 1 Lalth nn] j his mind is as active and clear as it w.:s a quarter of a eeatary ago. Many frlendscilled ; upon bira and telegrams of co:!;r.itulation i wore ïeceivcd from all over the country. The hundsome Oraut memorial wiiulow nresented to the library association of Asburj was unveiled with. appropriat:; ceremonie! on the lOth inst. west. John, Martin and Thomas Archer, the no. torious In.l.ana murd.-rerí, who h-ivc been in jail in Indianapolis some time, were takrn oul by a mob on the lOth in-st. and honged in the j;il yard. The mob then qulctly disapoeared. Willie Sells, ngcd lü, of Osage MLscion, Kan., bis been held or trial for the niurdcr ol bis father, mother, brother and sister. Th boy dcnie3 the crime, but aupearanees ar stronijly agaiust him. souTn. The wife of ex-asslstant postmaster general W.B. Thom; son of Tlud.sou, Midi., died at the i home of her fatUer, cï postmaster ijeneral Cey, in Chattanoojta, Tenn., on the lütli inst. FOREIQN. The 4Ist birthday of the Czar of Kussia wal cdtebrated on the lOttl insl. The greateat demonstratiou was inadc in St. Petersburg. Th2 celebration was begun witb a high inasi in the cathcdral of St. Petersburg, whichwas attendcd bv all tbc imperial famiiy and tbo i various staff and households. In the I noonthere iv&5 a grand review by the czar ol ' the garrison of St. Peteráburg, the imperia! , iruar.l au 1 the hou.-obold troops. Immodiatey alter the review his majesty gave on audience to all the foreign ambassadors and npresentatives in the hall of St. George in ths ■ winter p:ilace. The ofllcial icstivitie; coacluded with a raagnilicent hall In the Salie Hlanche of the ] a ace. Greece is again making active war preparations, which gives the powers considerable uneasineüs.


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