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Electricity In The House

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"What is the cost of electric eall-boll annunciatór systoms for house umi ai licc?" asked a reporter of a dealer íd sleotrical instrumenta the other day. i ii. i pupea w#i'b iih!R'WH' a mnei m ióü ; rooms; $69 40 for office, store orfactory; I 870 20 for a dwelling of ten rooms, and ; 85 for au automatic house burglar alarm with eight indicators. For tho liotel the estímate was: Annuneiators and halls $200, 100 push buttons. $30, tour cells, battery and box, S9: wire 840, labor, etc., $75; for office, store mul faetón-, eíght bolls, $28; eightpush buttons, $2 40; battery $9, and wire and I labor $30, íor the ten-room dwelling, i innuneiators and bells $94, nine posh buttons $2 70, one door-pull 2 .00, battery $9, wire $i, and labor $18; for the house bnrglar alarm, annuneialor with bella and nine switches $32, battei'j light door connections $12, sixteenwindow conncction.s &'.'-. "Gas-lighting by electricity has be;ome another great convenience," added ïlie reporter's informant. "As applied j to private residenoes it is of two sysI tenis, the pendant and the automatic. : rho latter system erabrac is severa] kinds of burners. the one most generally in use béing the rachet. lt olitams ils name because it has arachet-wheelgoverning a stop-cock so arranged with a i pawl and spring that one pull of the L'liain turna tho wheel ono notch forward, bringing one of the gas-ways oi the gas-ooek in direct line with the bomer gas-way, thus turning on the gas, and at the same time, througheli otrical connections, lighting it. Tho next pull of the chain tnrns the rachetwheel another notch and the pas is turned ofl'. Tlie plain pendant, aiffers from the other in that it does not opérate a stop-coek, but simply lighta the gas after it is turned on by the ordinary Eoy. li is especially useful in stores, 6r in the kitchen, wheretheratchet-burner is not necessary, and al the samo time materially reduces the cost and tho possibility of the gas being left escaping ! ivhorc the burners are subject l the use nf careless and ignorant persons. Argands lils both as ratchet and pendants, and tliey dillor from the conimon burners only in having argands instead Df the common burners above the stop 3oclc. In regard t gasoliie pendants, 1 any burner can be ütted to lignt byelecI trieity." "What is the automatie systemP" "It is that by which thu gas islighted nd extinguished from some distant point by buttons placed in the wall for , that. purpose, ana consista of the auto uatio burners and the push buttons, or keys for lighting them. In the autoinatie the electrieity not only lighta the ras, but also turna it on and on. Thia is done bj two pairs of olectro-niagnots, one on either side of the gas-way, governing au armaturc, which by tholevier, Dperates thé gas-cock. Thus, when an Biectrie current is obtainnd through cm.' of the nragnets, thearmature is attmet■il in that magnet and the lever moves the stopcock and turns on the gas, and when the current of electricity is indueed in the other inagnet, the armatnre is ilrawn in that direetion, thus turning iffthe gas. This system is not adapted for general use in a house, for in moi t places, ás n chandeliers, the pendanta are much more convenient and cosl very much less; bul in a few places tho aulomatie is alinost indispensable. One in the front hall, to bc lighted by buttons, placed at Ihe front door, and also by the chamber door, or one in t In ment, with press-buttons or keys al the head of the basement Stairs, and at soini' convenient point be lighted from the bedsidi' and room door, are all luxunes whieli, after aceustomed use, beoome aecessitiea to hotisehold comfort. The electric burners cost from $1 to each." - New York Mail and Ex 'Jwilve hnndred people went out fromLoi ángeles, Cul., on an excursión trajo to attenc a huid sale at Sierre Madre. The liuul broughl la gross 1(5,000.


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