Real Estate Transfers
Jno. C. Somid to ChristiRn F. Scmid, land in Scio, $5.900. Caroline E. Doty to Jno. J. Schaffer 8r, Ann Arbor, $1,200. Jno. J. Schaffer to Mack ft Sohmid. Ann Arbor city, $1,200. Samuel D. Fredenck to Adolph Geister, Salem, $500. Penelope H. Saxton to Hiram Saltou, Bridgewater, $800. Hiram Saxton to Anna E. Martin, Bridgewater, $800. Eaniel R. Gibson to Samuel Agelmero, Brige water, $3,600. Henry Schwab to Wm. H. Schreirring, Bridgewater, $4,736. U. H. Brennan anil Geo. A. Hendrick to Jno. S. Carroll, Ann Arbor, $900. Jno. 8. Carroll to Hendrick & Beman, Ann Arbor, $!)00. Wm. Humphrey (by administrator) to Jno. Kerberg, Ann Arbor, $600. Jno. Kerberg to Elizabeth Sohletter, Ann Arbor, $650. Chipman Smith to Henry Schwab $5,850. Jane Harria to Wm. M. Bob erts, Ypsilauti, $500. Jno. M. Gould to J. J. Ellis. Ann Arbor, $500. Adelbert C. Carter to Geo. W. MoCormick, Salem, $8,400. Geo. W. McCormick to Adelbert C. Carter, Salem, $8,400. Christian Martin to Louis Brehm et al, Ann Arbor city $850. Louise Brehm to Martin & Fisher, the Western brewery propery, aecond ward, Ann Arbor, $5,850. Maria Geddes et al to David N. Geddes, Lodi, $1,400. Job. Kitchen to Flizabeth Beaubien, Ypsilanti city, $600. Ezra D. Lay to Susan M. Patterson, Ypsilanti city, $1,000. Sarah E. Billinsrton to Geo. W . Billington, Ypsilanti town, $10,000. Goo'drich Conklii to Michael Wade, Manchester, $2,500. Theo. Morschheuser to Jno. G. Haarer, Mauchester, $800. Chas. A. Barry to W. H. Freemau, Aan Arbor, 84,000. Sarah L. Hoy to Willis G. Hoy, Manchester villaje, 8950. Franklin Spafford te Albert Case, Manchester village, 8500. Jon. J. Perkins to Kezia Perkine, Pitts field, $441. Michal Dufiy to Patrick and Owen Gallager, Webster, 84,000. John Schimdt to Anna Schmidt, Sharon, 800. John S . S. Lang to Ypoilanti Creamery Co., Ypsilanti oity 8400. Uislocating au opinm joint is not a painful operation. It is not the ownerehip of an accoidin that constituios a crime, ït's the act of playintr on it. A boy oan pull four times more weieht in boys on a Bied thu" - - lu c01 t-rnm t,h1--i--'"lU Boarding-house landladies are as much afraid of strangers who do not pay in advance as the average woman is of a finin. They are so Hable to go off without a moment's warning. The boarder who was agreeably surprised to flnd his steak inñnitely more tender than usual, met with another surprise not so agreeable when he found that his new kangaroo shoes were goue.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
John C. Schmid
Christian F. Schmid
Caroline E. Doty
John J. Schaffer
Samuel D. Frederick
Adolph Giegler
Penelope H. Saxton
Hiram Salton
Anna E. Martin
Daniel R. Gibson
Samuel Agelmere
Henry Schwab
William H. Schirring
M. H. Brennan
Dr. George A. Hendricks
John S. Carroll
William Humphrey
John Kerberg
Elizabeth Schletter
Chipman Smith
Jane Harris
William M. Roberts
John M. Gould
J. J. Ellis
Adelbert C. Carter
George W. McCormick
Christian Martin
Louis Brehm
Louise Brehm
Maria Geddes
David N. Geddes
Joseph Kitchen
Elizabeth Beaubien
Ezra D. Lay
Susan M. Patterson
Sarah E. Billington
George W. Billington
Goodrich Conklin
Michael Wade
Theodore Morschauser
John G. Haarer
Charles A. Barry
W. H. Freeman
Sarah L. Hoy
Willis G. Hoy
Franklin Spafard
Albert Case
Jon J. Perkins
Kezia Perkins
Michael Duffy
Patrick Gallagher
John Schmidt
Anna Schmidt
John S. S. Lang