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COOK IIOUSK, EH. HUDSON, Proprietor. Kewly Furnlahed. Tbe leadtng liouie Iq Ajjs Arbor. UNÍ ON HOTEL. TJMKST-CLAS9 In 11 JCvtirvthlnj X1 new; flne rocms, well fural ',oJ. fenn, fl per dar and npn-ards. 8;ccia; rat to wselcly boardora. Mcls 25 cent. John Bchneider Jr., Proprietor. Corner of Washington and Beoond tirsets. Ann Arbor, lilch. NICHOLS I5RÜS., T W. & A. C MOÜOl.S, D. D. S. Denti Olliro Miwinic 'temp e Ulock, over SLvinff liank, A11 , Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM CASPARY, OA.KEBY AND OOKFECTIONERY, Cor. Fourth end Aan BtreeU. EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and repairer of Surglcal Iostn ments. Locks, Uuibrrllas and Pirnsofci Fine Machine and Blcycle Work a SpeelftltJ. N 86 North Maiust., Aun Albor. Mich. ' RUBÉN KEMPF JL Muulc. No. 6, East, over Ríe sev & Seabolt's. Lt-nvo ordera for l'iauo timing JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchantTailor. sl:opovcr Tm. Allahy's bool and Bhü'jwro. All wort guaranlscd or Ufl nart. JOHN F. LAWftËNCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Nos. 8 HiU's Opera House, Ann Arbor, lllch. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNIY AT LA.W. Does a general law, il col'ection and coDvevance business. A uoierute patronage is rsspcctively soliolted. Dfflce in the oourt house, Aiui Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SUROEON PKNTIST. Eoonm Ho. 19 South Main Street, oppo;lt tbe fits'. N'xtional Bank tnu Arbor, ïüch. ANTÓN BISELE DBALEK IN MONUMtNTSand Grarestoaf manufacturad f rom 'i nnessee and itiUian tfarble and Scotch and American Óranlte Sbop Üor. Detroit ard Oatfierln sts„ Ann Arbor., WILLIAM HERZ HOUSE, SIGN, Ornaiu-nta! and Fresco Painter. QildiUK, Calciiniiii::s, (Jlazing and Paper 3anglBg. AU work done in the best style and arranted to arivesatiuiactlon. Shop, Ne. 4 West Washington streot, Ann Arbor, Ulcbigan. WILSEY'S MUSIÓ STORE. PIANOS. ORGANS, 8HEET MUSIU, InnlruoUon Bookt, Vlolins, Guita r. Flutes, &o., theap at TVilssy's Mutic Roomv. ta#t sitio 1'ubJio Iquar, Aun Albor, Michigan. The Inroest and )gt Stock of Munical Goods eTpr hrouht luto nTaahteaaTr Countv. Violin and Oui'.ar Strlnxa ipeclalty. N. B.- It w'll be to your interect to laH becor purchasing anythiug iu Ihe Miulg toe. Abstracts of Tilles on Real Estáte[HAVE a complete cooipílatioQ of the Official Record of Waslitenaw Couuty to date. Inclullag all Tax Titira, Kxfcutioiitt, an y inciunbranca iu Real Estáte, that is of Record in the Kegiators ifflc. Is shown by my books. OTfi. e. in the oflñca f the tecretary of the Washtenav mutual insurmce company, in the basamem of the court lous. C. H. MANLY. Ann Arbo; . Mlch. TSTe-w ZM.aa?:i5:etjC. W, VOGEL, Proïriktor, Late of OUeUea. at CHOMA.S MATTHEWS' OLD STAND On Ann Street. rBSSH AND SAJÜT MEATS KEPT ON HAKD The Ann Arbor Savings Bank prraniztl 1669, uader the Generil nanking La ir it tLls stkte bas now, iocluuiug capital t; (ock, itc, etc., OTER $500,000 A88BX3. Business men, Quardians, Trustees, Ladlea and Ür persons wlllflntl this Iïank a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT Place at whieh to mak Deposita and do buslneEU, Interest isAllowed on All Savings Deposltt Of $1.06 and upward, necording to the rule oi lh bank, and interest compounded bfmi annu Uy. Monoy to Loan In Sums of S29 to $5,OOO, jecured bj Uninoumbered Real Estato and otcor lood aeoarltles. DIHBUTOK3- Chrlstian Mack, W. W. Wlnai VV. D. Sairlman, Tllllam ücuble, Darid Rinscy, Daniel Hiaoock and VV. B. Suilth. OffFICBKa- Christlan Maolc. Preeldont; T. W Winaa. Vlce-Prealdent: C. E. Blacook, Cashler D. KIERSTEAD'S TTTINDOW SUADE FACTORY, 35 North FiM& W street, The Faorite of every HouselcM-pr. The attention of the public is most respvctiuUy called to my manufacture of Superior Woodeu Slnid'-s, knüwn as the Rustic Window Simda. For Durabilily, Cüeapness, Coavenlence and Beauty, they can not be excelled. 5!y alm is to Bupply s line of goode of genuino merit, put up in elegant style. and at fair rates. I am now manufacturing a Superior Shadc, the btst of the kind ever offered lu thia inarktit. Wcathoï Êtrtpa of every variety, for doors and windowt at my establishment. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. M8LLEN, INSURANCE AGKTÍT, No. 4 South Main street, Ano Arbor. The oldest afiency in the city. Established a quartor of a caatury ago. Representlug the follciwing flrstclass companiea, with ovar $30,000,000 xtta. Home lus. Co., of N. Y. ; Cuutintiital Ins. Co., cf N. ï.; Niafrara Ins. Oo.. o N. Y; Girard Ins. Co., of Pbüa.; Orísní Ins. Co., oí Hartford; Commercial Union of Londci; Liverpool and London on Globe. tVKl low. Loases Ubcrally adjustcJ uu ttm.pUTf.aiil. U. 'I M1LLRN. The organ grinder who passes arouadbishal for penines, aíter lie has grouiul out a tune il not Mgging. So decides a Washington luiige. About three dozen cattle to the square mile manage to exist- despite depletion of theü ranks by butchers- in the noble state of Iowa. The oíd Brandeth house property on Broad' way, Mew York, sold recently at $11,000 peí toot front. It was not wanteil e a póstofncí elle. Cremation is very "catching' iq Ita!y. TUí crematories already establisbed bave ali the business they can attond to and fumac tu hullding.


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Ann Arbor Democrat