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.'Maucii 10- Sënate- The Clialr lalt] before the Senatc Mr. Logan'g resolutlon uüereü ycsterday, to refcr to tb committec üd rules lor InveitlgstiOD the leltcr of Mr. Eads deuylng tbat he (Kads) bai'l any repiesentatlvcs on the floor of the Senate...ln Mr. Logau's absence Mr. Plumb of Kansas supposed the matter would go over, and lic iuoved on the Iown land frrant forfeiture. . .At 2 o'cloek the matter trent over without aetiou, the Chalr Uien leavjng before the Scnate the resolutions Irom the judiciary coinmittec concerniDg the relations of the Senate and the president. . .Mr. Pugh of Alabama addressed the Senate ín reply to the speech of Senator Kdmunds dellvered on tbe preceding day...At the conclusión oí Mr. rugh'a speech Mr. Wilson of Iowa was recognized by thn Chalr, but upon the suggestion of Senator Allison consented to pcrinlt the pending business to be temporaiïly laid aside till to-morrow in order that the Senatc might procced to consider the urgent deflelency blll, whlch was Uien taken up and an anii'iii imi'iii recommended by the committee on appropriations was agreed to appropriating $30,000 to defray the expenses of Gen. üranf's funeral The item of tlS5,000 deik-iency in Jhe departinent of justlce gave rife to gome debate Mr. lídmunds, Mr. Ingalls of Kansas, and Mr. Plmnb commented on the fact that Ihe deflelenej was greater than under llepub.lican administration, ond Mr. Voorheea, Mr. jieek, Mr. C'ockrcll and Mr. Cali defended the present admlnistratlou und inslstud that extraordinary expenditures ere necessary in i-ODncction witli the cxecutioo of the laws of 'Utah Mr. Teller oí Colorado, sald the reason why detlclency bilis carne before Congress Mt ull as becaose Congress dld not do its duty in maklng the appropriations in the llrst place. Mr. Iv li ; i u in ii said he had heard that many of the new dibtrict attoineys liad, in thcir zeal ïor "reform," brought suits, without suffleient foundations and that had probably increased the expense Mr. Beek wanted the bill held pver till to-morrow so that lie might look into it, but a majoritv oí tile Senators wanted it passed at once, and it was accordinglv passed. The State tlieu adjOurneri, leaving the Kdmunds resolutions the unGnished business for ü o'cloek, Mr. Wilson of Jowa, having the tour. Housb.- Mr. Herbert of Aiabama, froin the committee ou naval alfairs, reported the bill to increase the naval establishment. Comim'ttee of the wbolc.Mr. l'ulltzer of New ïürk, from the committee on civil service reform, reported adversely the Beney bill to reipeal the civil service law. ..Mr. Stone of Missouri asked that the bill be placed upou the cjulendar aud that he have leave to lile a minority report. It was so ordered. . . Mr. Hogers of Arkansus, from the committee on Paclflc railroaiis, reported a bill requiring the Northern i'aeiüe railioad company to pay the cost of BUrveying its Jands. llouse calf" kne inV"aM pensio'nt Malled uplhe bill repealinit the llmitation on the time within which the jension claims of mllitla men who were disabled when actlug under orders of a United States oflicer must be tiled...Mr. Hogers of Arkansas, Mr. Reagan of Texas and Mr. McMlllan of Tenuessee oouosed the Din. lhe morning hour havmg cxpired, pending action, the House went luto coinniittee oí tbe whole; (Mr. Townsheud oí Illiuois In the ehair) on the lidian approprlation bilí. ..Mr. llolmuu of Indiana opposed tl:e systcin of establishing day schools íor Indian children. - Mr. l'erkins ut Kansas uaid tbe indian Industria) school had accomplished marvcls In the education of Judian children Mr. Cutcheon oí Michigan eaid the Indiana should be taught the gospel oí selí-support Mr. Cannon of lllinois said that Congress voled more money íor thu subsistenee of tbe lndlans than tbe common luborcr could carn in New York or Chicago. lie wished 'that tbe Indiana were becoining Clvlllzed, but the fact was they were Lccoming paupcrized fcnding further discussion the committee rose and the House adjourned. Makcu 11- Senatk- The Chair lald belore tic Ütnate a letter from the secretar? of the treasury transinittiug In response to a recent Seuate rcsolutlon iniormation as to the expense incurred by the United otates in behalf the act of Juné 3, 1874. . . Al'so froïu the'sarne ofllecr in like response, transmlttlng inforrnaLion of claims by govermncnt workinen under the eight-hour law. ..The papers were appropriateiy reierred. ...The sllver ouestion muida. oi tbe civil service aud was adverEely reported. Senator Logan submitted a minoritv report oü the Fitz John l'orter bill. ..The report Is the game as was presentad by the iniuority iu the last congress. The bilí íor the forieiture of part of the lauds granted to the state of Iowa to aid in the coustruction oí raflroads was debated, but uot actcd upon. The resolution reported lrum the judieiary committee as to the right oí tbe üenate to papers on lile in tbc departincnts, was taken up and supportcil by Mr. Wilton oí Iowa. Af ter adopting suitable resolutious 00 tbe death of Senator Aliller, the ïenate adjourned. House. - In the lluusc a reolut:ou was adopted calliug on lh secretar; oi ihe navy fora statement if expenses incurrod ly that dcpartinent lor the ordinance shop o." the Washington uavy yard 'lhe rtsolution directiiig au inqulry iuto Ihe right of the United titates to caucel patenis for invcntion.s aBd discoveries, was adversely reported. ...The bill repeallng the limitation of time within whieh the pension applicatíon oí militia men yho were dlsabied while actiog under the direction ol a lintel States olllccr must be lïled, was disciisKeii, nut without being acteü U[aii was laid asidc and the Indian appropriaiion bill oecupied the attention oí the House duriug the rest ol tbe aessiou. Makou 12.- Senatb.- Tbe bill to forteil part oí the lands granted to lhe state of Iowa, in aid of railroads, was passed. .The chair then placed before the ícnat the resoiutions reported Irom the ludlciary coniinittce on the relations between tbo President and the .Sciiatc, as to the rlght of tbc Öeiuitc to have papen and inl'onuatiourclaUng to suspensions lrom ollice, and Mr. Kenna oi West Virginia, look the tluor u o[iosition to lhe report oi tbc majority of tbc couiinittec. ..At tbe conclusión oí Mr. Kenua'u speech Senator Cullom obtained the Hoor and ifter an exeentive session the Seuate adjourtred. liousf,. - (ai inotiou oL Mr. Morrow oí California a resoluUon was a tiopted accepting tbe mvitatiou of the Senate that lhe llouse attend in a body the funeral services oí loe lata Sen ator Miller lo be held in the Señale cuainber at noon to-iiiorrow. . .Mr. Swope di IVuusylvania. írom tbe committee on invalul ensions, reported a bilí granrlnK a iciítion of ?a,OÓO a jci' Oo the wklow oí GenW.S, Hancock, frivate calendar... The House went into commltte oí the whole on lhe prívate calendar. A long discussion, which at times took a pohtlcal turn, aróse upnu tlie nrst billón tlie calendar, being une íor lie relief oí the heiró-at-law oí Cora A. Slocum oí Lout siana. It was tinally ordered re orted with a favorable .recomuiendation. '1 lie eomaiittee then rose and a lew private liiiis veré passed, The speaker annouuced the appoininieut ,ot the íollowiug cominittee to aeeompany the remains oí fcenator Miller to California: Mcssrs, McKenua, Spriggs, Morgan, Hepburn, Laffoon and MUlikeu The llouse took a recess until 7;i;0, the cvcuing's sessiou to be lor the couslderation oi pension bis, 45 of which were passed. Makch 1C - Sexate - A rcsolutlon was adopted agrecing to appoiut Kev. J. (i. Butler, i), 1). oí vVasbmgton, cbaplain of the Seuatc . . . .Petitions were receiyed írom Knitjhts oí Labor f avoriu1 lhe building of the ilénnepic canal, and protestiug ogaiust tbc deuial of tbe extra pav [. rovided by law for govcrniucut employes who w ork more thun eigh t hours a day ....A joint ïesolutiou was introdueed and rclcrred proposing a constitutional ainendrueiit maklox April ;m i he date íor the U'giuuiug ot the successive aduiinistration-i of the governn, ent inslead of March 4.... The House bill increasingthe pensions of widows and dependen t chiklren was taken up and aincnded so as lo iLcrease the pensions of minor childreu lrom S; to f4 per m nth, and that toe pensiona of childreu who aru Idiotie or insane snould continue duriug such iusanity or idiocy. No iurther actiqn was taken on the Ijill, and the fceuate adjournej oui of respect to the memory of Keprebeutative Uahn ol Louisiana, wbosc dcath had been announced. llousu. - Tbe House adjourned Immedlately after readiug the journal out oí respect to the memory oï Keprescntative llahu of Louisiana, whose ucatii oceurrd to-day.


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Ann Arbor Democrat