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Couxt kas adjourned until Fnday next. J. E. Wyman is expected in the city to-morrow. Don't forget that March 31 is registration day. The Randolph Rogers models are valued at $200,000. W. E. Walker will build a Uandsome house this season . „ H. VV. Hayes' palatial residence is nearing completion. Mrs. Wm. A. tlatcb, jr., has had a stroke of paralysis. The vetaran conductor, Jno. Carla ad was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. D. W. Trowbridge oL Big Rapids, is the guest of Mrs. P. Hantteld. Geo. B. 8 ad wort h, lit '85, is a professor in the agricultural cullege at Lansing. A new freuht locoraotive has been added to the rolling stock of the Toledo road. Miss E. F. Steele has eone to California to visit her brother, Dr. C. H. Bteele. Mre. Diin'l Ross ha been taken to the l'ontiac insane asylum as a private patiënt. John Geddes will celébrate his 85th birthday to-day, at his residence in Goddesbutg. J. D. Clark and family of Jackson, made Gib. BIíbh and family a short virrit, Tuesday. The latest candidato inentioned for alderman in the tuird ward is Michaal Donahue. James Donnegan announces himself, over his own signature, a daudidate for alderman. It don't don't do the court house lawn any good, this soft weather, to walk on the grass. Republican city convention March 30, evening, at Firemen's hall. Oaucuses, March 29. Wm. M. White has purctmse;l the Jewett store, next to the opera house, for $6,000. Mrs. Bettie Blitz, mother of Samuel , Blitz of this city. died Tueaday at her home in Detroit. On the bridge quostion, Wednesday, 670 votes were polled. For the bridge, 544; ugainst it, 133. The citizens are determined that there shail be a new deal all around, and will go in to win, Vpril 5. Students would like a $1,000 house tomorrow evening, on the occasion of Wendling'a appearauoe. Now it is in order for the prohibitionïsts and groeubackers to nomínate tiokets for the spring election. Those newspapers opposed to improvements can draw consolation from the regult of thts bridge eleotion. In Cheisca, WedDesday, Ryan and the " Unknown " ran a foot race for $200. The former came out ahead. Ben Brown and A. A. Terry are the appraisers in the Pnebe Bradner estáte, and E. Treadwell administrator Gardner is immense and brings down the bouse eyery time. His " Karl " is grand and his company are all artists. Smith Couklin of Sj lvan Centre, this county, suicided, Tueaday, by cutting 1 nis throat with a razor. He was insane. A school of instruction for the Masons of this couuty wil! be held March 29, by Grand Lecturer Clark, in Masonic Temible. Wm. Neithammer of North Main-st, will be urgid by his demooratic friends to accept the nomination for alderman of the third ward. He is well qualifled for the position. Good - Lord-and good-devil business never pays, and a niau cau't be chief of pólice ly working the saloon and citizen league racket. Never. An error of $100, last week, in the amount returned by city treasurorYVatts as reported to county treasurer Belser. It should have been $182.65. Mrs. and Mrs. John Masón who h ive been spending the winter in the Houth, returned to their home, at No. 19 Elizabeth street, on Friday laat. The last entertainment under the auspices of the school of music and clioru! umon, will come off April 30. liaphae! JosefFy will be the drawiog card. öentence has flnally beeD suspeiidec on young Knapp, the conditions being that he shuold go to work at some trade and behave himself in the future. For some two years Mra, M. M. Tuttlo ocoupied the store jointly with C. Bliss & Son, jewelerB, who will, now that she has removed, occupy tho whole building The new leture of Geo. R. Wendlini says an exchange, fairly bristles with flights of nnexampled oratory, and ib at once profouud, magnetic, and irresistably charming. H. C. Waldron of Lausing was so in terested in the improvements to be made by the Michigan central railroad, that he carne down to vote for the I tion of $5,000. 1 Jimmie Hobson is home from Ohio on a short visit. Teachers' exainination in this city, Maren 20. O. A. Nims of Ypsilanti, will bore for gas at Dundee. B. F. Bower of Detroit, took a run home, Sunday. The Register offlee, this year, printed the regiRtration lists. Miss Elvira Lewellyn has gone to Lob Angeles, Cal., to reside. Blitz & Langsdorf will furnish the class caps for the senior Hts. Levi Root, firemnn on the Toledo road had his leg broken last week. Mrs. E. H. Hudson bas leased the Cook house for tive more yeare. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Belser visitad friends in Detroit over SuDday. Frank O'Hearn is being named for recorder on the democratie ticket. Sam Bhtz spent Sunday in Detroit visiting friends mul drinking mineral water. James Murphy talked temperance at Milán the last of the week. So did Dr. Wrijfht. C , D. Coleman of Plymouth, was in ;he city Monday and Tuesday, on law business. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson shipped, Monday, two car loada of rlour to Richmond, Va. Marshal Oemer of Ypsilanti, was in lic city Monday on business in the proate oflice. Peter Long has sold the Polhemus arm he traded for in Soio, for $7,000, to fno. Fuegel. Prosecuting attorney Norria was in )exter, Monday, on business in Juttice Jrane's court. Jno. Allen has discovered bog lime in nexhaitstable quantities, on bis farm near this city. Jno. Qardner, of Jaokson, some years ago a resident of Chelsea, died Monday, aged 73 yeara. Dr. Ziegenfuss does not intend to leave )exter He is indignant at the circulaïon of such a rumor. Geo. Shetterley, who has been in acksonville, Fla, for three years, came home last week to remain. Bailará, the school teacher in Augusta, was arrested and fined $20 and costs for ssulting one of his scholars. Geo. W. Gill of Ypsilanti had three ngers of his right hand removed by s ouble surface planer, Friday. In anothér column will be found the orrected timecard of the Detroit, lackinac & Marquette roailroad. Horton, the ex-court house jamtor, ia applied for the job of putting up )lack boards in Hib wnrrl aK.oi-. There is to be a social thw even ing at he residence of A. Grane, in Dexter, or the benefit of the M. E. church. un. ru. .Marilu dled 3at.uia.iy, agod 2 years. She leaves two little ohildren, ie youngest lcss than two weeks old. Peter Dignen, who went south some montbs ago, for his health, is clerkiug iu hardware store in Jacksonville, Fla. Wagner Bros., the well-known oariage makers, have something to say iu cliunge of advertisement this week. For justice of the peace, Hendeson; brchiefof pólice, Henderson; forpatolïi-ii, Henderson, Henderson, Henderon. Delegates will be present from every ity and township in the county at the .emperance mass moeting next Tues ay. Some one went through S.W. Saxton' lace Saturday night,and st ole about $80 yorth of cigars, and seveial bottles of quor. The Ann Arbor dramatic club will oon make a tour of the county, taking n the cilies and villages; also Dunde n Monioe county. The democratie city convention will )e held fc'riday evening, Apiil 2, at Tiremen's hall. The ward uuuuuses the ight before, April 1. Jno. B. Fiuch, next Tuesday evening, kt tho opera house. Reserved eeats can )e sesured at Boughton & Payue's General adniission 15c. Mary Steil, who was arrested on the harge of adultery with Jas. Joyner of )exter, was tlischarged .Monday, there eing no evidence to convict. The members of the G. A. H. of Chelea, are anxuniH to meet the members of Velch Post in a debate, lf such a thing bould oocur Dexter villa y e will be the lace selected. There was some lively work done at ie election, Wednesday. Both sides bught the question hard, but luck fací red the bridge. Tally another imrovement for the city. Andrew Pererson will be the republian candidato for Alderman in the third ward. It will take a mighty popular man to beat him, and to do it the demorats muat uomiiiatü their best man. The fools are not all dead, for they Leep biting at the Bohemi&n oat scheme. t serves every farmer right, who buys a lollar's worth, to get caught, after all ;he warning given by the newspapers. Dr. W. D. Clark of Richmond, a gradúate of the university, class '67, ao companied by his wife and daughter, visited Ann Arbor last week They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cobb. J. M, Swift will take the nomination for alderman in the fourth ward. Marve has had two years experience and his constituents were well satisfied with the way he managed the affairs of the ward. Mrs. .Mary A. Woodbridge of Revena, O., who managed the prohibition oampaign in that stat" and secured to the party 35,000 votes, talks temperance in university hall, this evening. Go and tiear her. Luke Coyle, once a business mau on Ann street, but who now resides with his son, the Rev. Fr. Coyle, at Mt. Morris, left for his home Saturday, after a week'j visit with his daughter, Mrs. M. H. Brennan. Arrangements have been corapleted for a good templar's mass meeting to be heli in this city next Tuesday, March 28. Hon. Jno. B. Finch of Nebraska, Albert Dodge, and others, will be present and deliver addreeses. Uexter Leader: If the T. & A. A. R. R. run their track through Webster on tbe aurvey reoently made, Mr. Latson can turn his kitchen into a restaurant, and Stearns Wheeler eau ship blooded swine from his own stockyard. Jno. Keek & Co., are receiving a large assoi tment of carpets, the most complete to be found in the county, which they are offeriug at comparatively low prices. They bought cheap and can therefore give their customers great bargnins. Miss Houghton is president of the ladies' athletic .issoniation; Miss Potter, vice-preiiident; Miss Marx, treasurer; Miss Orr, secretary ; meiubers of the executive committee, Mrs. H. W. RogerB, Miss Byron, Miss Miller and Miss M. S Ashley. The animal meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the residence of Mina Brown, No . 18 South State street, Tuesdap, Maroh 23, at 3 p. m. All members of ihe society and others interes'ed in the temperauce work are earnestly requested to be present. It is poppy-cock to cali a convention for Saturday nifjht. It ruakes a Sunday campaicfn. Tickets and slips muit be printed, and other work done which ought to be attended to on a week day. To nomínate a ticket at the very last moment in the afternoon, dou't give the people a chance. Votes are undoubtedly lost by Buen a procedure. The following are the officers of th university chess club: President, Clias P. Beckwith, ht '87; vice-president, Chas W. Kuhne, law '87; E. 8., Bobt. E. Park lit '87; C. S., Jno. Childe, law '86; treas uier, Wm. W. McNair, law '87; game reader, O. B. Taylor, ht '86; editor for i Chronicle, Chas. W. Kuhne, law '87; edi tor for Argonaut, L. L. Bower, medio '87. Geo. Dignen is home on a visit. Meeting of the board of regente March 30. Len C. Hatch has retumed f rom Boston. Jnp. Bennett aspires to be justice of the peace. " Karl," at the opera house, Thursday evening tn-xt . F. A. Wineger is building a house on Miller avenue. A drop-eurtain is being painted for Beethoven hall. O. M. Martin has a telephone, No. 21, at his residence. Chas. A. Gardner in " Cari,'' Thursday evening, March 25. Mr. Dunston, the auctioneer, is very low wiili erysipelas. "Chang" Millen was drumming up customers, Tuesday. Jno. Benediot would like to succeed Herb Hudson as alderman . Temperanoe meeting Sunday afternoon at the old Baptist churoh. Eev. Fr. Consadine officiated at St. Thomas' churoh, St. Patriok's day. Eugene Oesterlin says he is not a candidate for justioe. That settles it. Miss. May P. Costello, left Tuesday o enter St. Mary's aoademy at Monroe. Talk about "booming" the town and hen vote directly against improvements. There will be a reunión of the 26th rhchigmi volunteers at Lansing, April iB Mrs Henry Krause left, Monday eveïing, to visjt her son, G. A. Krause, in Grand Bapids. Jas. Nelson of Hiscock street, returned ;he last of the week from a month's vieit n Pennsylvania. Bonine, the sprinter, went to Ohelsea, Wedneuday, to witness the match beween the unknowns. J as. Clements and C. Maok were in Jetroit, Tuesday, on business connected with the bridge qusstion. The University Oracle mide its apearance Tuesday. It oontains much ïatter of interest to students. Mrs. C. Powell returned from Dakota, londay, where she has been visiting her daughter for the past six months. Mary E. Ohamberlain of Ypsilanti, ïas been appointed administratriz of he estáte of Jno. V. Ohamberlain. The cali for the democratie city conention and ward cáucuses will be found t the head of our editorial column. David Binsevi aocompauied by hii ion red, irent to Monroe yeaterday, to visit hin daughter at St. Mary's academy. Next Sunday evening, at the Unitarian churoh, Bev. Jas.Bixby wjll give a bTkedVákes'"0' Snbjeot. "flalfBishop Tuttle of Utah will preach at the Episcopal church, Sunday morninjj, and in the evening he will lecturo before Hobart guild. Judge Harriman was engaged Tuesday in taking testimony in the oase of Kachel Tuttle of Ypsilaati town, an alleged insane person. Jas. Kitson returned f rom Florida, Tuesday, where he has been living for the past three montos. All branches of business will probably piok up with the advent of spring. At any rate business men anticípate a good trade the present season. An opportunity will be offered our citizens, to-morrow evening, to hear Geo. E. VVeudling, who lectures on " Saul of Tarsua,'" in university hall. The weather is warming up a little, and many predict an early spring. But then, we have about so much cold weather anyhow you can flx it. A. A. Terry is the only city treasurer that never asked for an extention of time for the collection of taxes, and he held the office for three years . W. E. Walker and othere were at Base lake the lirst of the week, making improvements to the camp. A new dock üis been built and the house fixed up a little. Jass ImuH seems to be a standing candidate for constable in the bloody third. He has n peculiar faculty of getting there every time. Without jesting be makes a numbor one officer. In the estáte of Jesse Ewers, Lambert A. Barnes has been appointed administtator, Frederick Graves and Jno. Campbell appraisers. Claims will beheard by the court. Bond, $5,500. liailroüd oiimmissioner McPherBon f Howoll was in the city Tuesday, aud held a conversation with a number of our citizens, and looked over the crossmgs of the Toledo road. Beport next week. The officials at Lansing refused to reoeive Herman Knapp, who as sentenoed to the reform school until he was 21 years of age, on the ground that he is over the age at which boys are received. A flre at the residence of Mrs. Waldron on Sta e street, Monday evening, caused a loss of $150. The lire caught from a lighted matoh, probably, thrown into a waste basket. House and contents insured in C. H. Millen's agency. The Washfenaw Journal has entered upon its fourth year, and evidently with iücreasing patronage. Itn advertising columns are well fllled. and the paper comes out every week bright and newsy and a credit to the publisher. May the Journal oontinue to prosper. The meeting of the oitizens called at Firemen's hall, Tuesday evening, to talk over the bridge matter, wa largely atteuded. Speeches were made by J . F. Lawrence, C. Mack, Jas. dementa, A. J. Sawyer, D. Cramer, Prof. Davis, Dr Haskell and A resolution was passed in favor of voting 5,00; for an iron bridge over the Central road and against closing State street . The streets of this city re in a terrible condit on eauaed by the oonBtruotion of he water mams. Of oourse, the water ;ompany expect to put the thoroughares as tbey found them and there oan e no harm in jogging their memory. Vork should oommence as eoon as the rost is out and the ground settled, and t should be done nnder the direction of some member of the counoil . During the next few weeks our citizens are to be favored with unusually ine attractions at the opera house: First on the list is Chas. A. Gardner, Iarcb25; Jas. O'CoDnor, March 30-31; Fannie Davenport, April 1; Sol Smith EfcuBsell, April 5; Maggie Mitchell, April i; Richard Rahan, April 9; Annie Pixey, April 14; Salsbury's Troubadors, April 17. Now that the "citizen's" will run a ;ickef, a number of demócrata and republicans seem to favor holding a "peoíles' " convention, the candidatos to be lelected from both parties. How would it do to give the demoorats the mayor, republioans the recorder, and each a justioe of the peaoe. As the question has been suggested we present it for the consideration of our readers. The remains of Mrs. Turner Allen.who died in Chicago, were brought to this city, yesterday, for interinent. Her hus band is h brother of John Allen, one o the early settlers of Aun Arbor, and un cle of Jas. C. Allen of this township Mauy years ago he was clerk of this county, and about 1866 he removed to Chioago, where he resided at the time o his wife's death. Mrs. A.will be remem bered by rnany of the oíd pioneers o Wauhtenaw. Shepard Review: The Toledo roac must reach Evart by August 1, next, in order to get the 3.j,000 aid guaranteed to it by that town. That they will accom plish this purpose there is no doubt, as large forcea of men are now at work on that line north of Mt. Pleasant. But it i a noticeable f net that the Toledo company are doini; nothing between St. "Louis anc Mt. Pleasant, and they are making n preparations to work on that line. It i i tterefore evident that arrangement have already been conaumatedbetween Wright and Ashley wliereby the lntter is to opérate the "Orphan" ai a part of his line. Geo. Kemp, aged three years, died yeserday, of fever. -Sed James bas built a cozy little office off from his marble works. " A Brave Woman" is worth seeing at be opera house, tbis evening. To night "A Brave Woraan," a play of hrilliug interest, will be given at the opera house. Misa Ida M. Cook, who is teaching ichool near Middleville, tbis state, is lome on a short vacutiou . Charles A. Gardner, the great Germán omedian always draws good housea in his city. At the Grand, March 25. The electric liirhts reoently ordered y the common couneil will be in running order about April 1. The poies for rhe extensión of the line have arrived nd will be at once put up. T!iA democratio oommittee showed its ooa serree iu uu- „ - „ .. ,, mm fho ity convention from Saturday evening, April 3, to Fnday the night before. The hange, like the culi, was made at the ast hour in the afternoon, and just as we go to press. D. Cramer sáys he would like to see a one-horse professor prevent him from peaking at a citizens meeting. He was ed to make the remark from what Prof. Ipaulding said at the meeting Wednesay evening. Cramer did talk and the professor was an attentive listener. Christian Mack is looming up as a irominent candidato for mayor. The emocrats can look a long while before nding a better man for the position. )r. George bas his friends who are booming" him. Then there is Dr. Oipp, wbo has served the city for three erms, Prof. Vaughan, the candidate of ;he Henderson family, J. F. Schub, the wpular captain of Compaay A, and one f the boys generally, for that matter, ). Cramer, wbo bas beentried and filled be bilí to a T, and Ambrose Kearney, jentleman of leisure, who could give lis whole time and attention to looking fter the interests of the city. Ia speaking of Geo. R. Wendling, who is to lecture is university hall, to-morrow -reujllg. I IuQaUv, (Noto Yoplr), Timoo ays: "A complete suceess. Tbis was be popular verdict of the large and ultured audience whicb asseinbled to ïear the first of the series of lectures given under the auspices of tle Woman's 3hri8tian Associatiou by Geo. R. Wending upon "Saul of Tarsus." The audince was as representativo in cbaracter h it was large in size. Itincluded many minent divines of tho city, judges, mem ers of the bar, and representatives of early all professious. Many passages were truly eloquent and tbe lecturer was ewarded with frequent burst.f of aplause." Tbe Michigan dental association commenced their 31st annual meeting in tbis ity Tuesday. The attendauce was not arge, but during the remainder of the ession a large number of members were resent. The mormngs of each day ïere devoied to witnessing operations in mechanical work by the students. the afternoona to operations iu chemioal work, and tbe evenings were set apart or reading aud diseussiug the operalions performed during the da.y. Tueslay evening an address oa " Compative Jental Anitomy" was delivered by Prof. O. Ii. Ford. Tuis -was foll-'-wed bv a general discussion. The state board of examiners were present yesterday for the mrpose of examining candidatos for the rctice of deuiistry in Michigan. Peterson's Slagazine for April opens with a vefy beautiful steel-engravmg, viz: "The Little Pilferer," after a picture by the celebrated Germán artist, Meyer Von Bremen. Then comes a double-size colored fasbion-plate, wbicb all the ladies will rave over; two colored patterns; and some fifty wood-outs of fashions, embroidenes, etc. The stories, all original, are even better than usual. "On The Roxbury Sands" is one of great power. "Sister Dorothy," by Edgar Fawcett, is a society novelet of very high merit. "The Burglar-Alarm." by Frank Lee Benedict, is inteusely funny. "The Millionaire's Dauguter," by Nrs. Ann S. Stephens, grows in interest and f orce nitb every number. Altogetber, we do not see how any lady eau do without "Peterson.' Th' terms are but Two Dollars a year; and now is a good time to subscribe. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Cbestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


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Ann Arbor Democrat