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Canght by an Octoptn. A diver who was trying to flnil pearls off tin Alaska coast found none, but found liimself, all of a BUdden, lu tbc grasp of an uglv octopat with arrus twenty-seveu feet lonjc. Surn an experlence is rare; but there ar.: tbousands of peo:!■ who are caught by dispepsia, whicn is quite as bad. Au octopus bates to let go. S o ■ does dyspepela. Brown's Iion Bitters settle.i ' lvspspsla and makes it lcose lts cruel grip. Mrs. Schmidtand her daughter, of 136 Conway strcet, Baltimors, were both cured of dyspepSla by the use of Brown's Irou Bitters. □ Tho Canadian Pacific' Scheme. Helena M. T. Is tbe center of wbat promlses to be a stubboru railroad fielit, nd the prospect makes cvery shipper happy. During last January the Montana Ceneral Kailroadwas mrarporated to build local Unes to open up local eold, silver and coal mines. The Northern Pacific bas shown somc oppositlon to thls enterprise, and comtemplates riral Unes, but has not commenced active work upon tbem. Tbe Montana Central commenced iet ive operatfons as soon as it was incorporated Tbey surveyed thelr line during the coldest weather and dcapest snow of the winter, and are now buiding the road. Local feeline Is strongly in favor of this new enterprise and wlll any opposltion, as It wlll bring cheap coal to Helena and Kutte, the great miuiug centeres of the Territory, and largely reduce the expense of gold and silver minlng. A short time ago the citizeus of Helena invited Chief Knginecr Barclay, of tbe C'onadlau Pacific, to vlslt them, and it Is now proposed to conuecj the Canada ian Paeinc witb this coal road, and (his wlil tap the very center of the profltable railroading in Montana. The cltizens of tbc Territory ir.' vcry anxioua to Bee this connection, ar it will insure cheap transportaron rates, and relieve them frora the monopoly that now exista. Tbe Canadian Pacific will be a dangerous competitor of the Union and Northern Paclöc Kailroads, as it war built by goverment aid, and havlng no interest to poy, and their own connection with ocean steamers can afford to transport cattlc, ores and bulliou at rates much lower tban the other roads can doHe Was Full of Pain and His Body Wat all Shrunk üp. E. II. Benson, of Sweden, N. Y.t suffered for Jears f rom Neuralgia In bis back, head, sides and limbs; he was one living mass of pain; hls strength failcd him, he became sallow, and Krew'thin in flesh. Notwlthttanding he doe tored all the time, he grnduallv grew wor9e, and hc had no power to asisthiinself, so great was lila prostration. Sonie said bc had Neuralgia, others said he had Jaundlcc and Dysfiepsia, while soine contentad th:t ho had Maaria. Hc sawa noticewhere : om;: one had been cured of Neuralgia and Jauudice bv taking Dr. J. U. Henlon's Sure Gure for Malaria; he procured a bottle of hls drugelst and in inODced its use, and In time days hls pain ceased, and af ter taking live bottlcs be was entirely well. Hc stated thatwhen he commenced the use of Dr. Henion's Sure Cure for Malaria, he was full of pain and kis body was all shrunk up; hc feit satlslleii that all hls sufferIng came from Malaria, and he believed that Dr. Henlon's Sure Cure would reatorc any one after they were glven up to die. Thoie who are suffcrin from chronlc disease of anv kind. and are usinr Dr. Henion'a Sure Cure for Malaria, rnav consult Dr. Henion at Rochcster, N. Y., by mail, ree of charge. Healed by Faith. Mrs. Zetta Smlth, a fine appearlng young woinau, who resides with her husband and child at Fern Bank, near Cincinnatl, has been healed In answer to piayer. She had been an invalid for two years and lier case was pronounced Incurable by physiclans. Since last October shjj,bji.)%91tuycñ1peiied to lie on her face in bed, excepting al. out one hour each day that she could sit up, but not without gréat suffering. Rev. David Street, pastlr of the Prysbertian ehurch at Cleves, loaned BOme books on praj er healing to one of hls ehurch members in " Fern Bank. This lady loaned them to her invalid neigbbor, Mrs. Sniith, who became frreatly interested in the subject, and on Tuesday, the 23d uit., airrecd to unite her prayers with Mrs. T. and her pastor for her salvation and for her physlcal recovery. At 10 o'clock on Saturday mornlng last she believed her prayers answereil, arose, dressed herself and was "well," accordingto herown statement and her conduct provea it. She went to the Episcopal ehurch to worship on Sunday, also to the Bible readlng last Tuesday. The ïady has requested to imite at once with the Presbyterlan church at Cleves. She was a very worldy-minded young woman, as Rev. Street eays, of fine appearance, is only 23 years old and her chief dellght was In cards, balls and theaters, but she says she does not want them any more. Has M. Pasteur discovered a cure for hydrophobiai Why should he not? Greatei discoveiles have been made. For lnstance, Red Star cough Cure contains no narcotics, is purely vegetable, and yet nuicklv cure3 the worst throat'and lung troubie. önly 25 cents. When Mr. R. B. Hayes goes out of the poultry business he will probably, in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes, "Tear the battered hen-sign down. Among the Santhal people, wldows are sold at 75 nonio onr-Vl wKIlo tlivoicU lujiutu t.rlj about 1.50. Oscar Wilde is coming to America again to show us that he does not look so tdiotic as he used to. The credit that is got by a lie lasts only till the truth. comes out. We cannot renew youth, but we can prevent gray hair by using Hali's Halr Renewcr. Aycr's Pilis are a nevcr-failing remedy for headaches, caused by a dlsordered stomacb. College professors in the United States get an average salary of $1,530. EllenTerry gets $3T5 a week fifty-two weeKB of the year, with a vacation wheneTer she chooses. ____ If you neei a perfect tonlc or a blood purifler, take Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. It speedüy cures all troubles of the stomach, kldueys and liver. Can be taken by the most delicate. Price 50 cents. Ben Butler's favorito book is the Bible. He often commits whole cbapters to meraory. Adelina Patti will never see forty again, bul she is younger lookiog than most women ol her age. The Princesa of Wales is said to be respo n sible for the enormous buttons whlch are worn on jackets. She wore them last fall on a roundabout, and now the effect bas rcacned around the world. , Senator Hawley Is one of the most versatili of Congressman. He can mak? a good Bpeech write a good editorial, sing a good soDg palut a good picture or glvc good niusic ou the pianoforte. It is eaid that Clara Loulse Kellogg is a first classcook. That ] robability accounts for the fact that s'.ic has no diñiculty in raislng hor udo," suvs the musical man of the Boston Transcript General Rufus Ingalls, Quartcr-Master General U. S. Army, says: "St. Jacob's OU is the best pain-cure we ever used." Sara Bernhardt will come to this country with the flowers that bloom in the spring. The Mississlppi river is rightly called the " father," and uot the " mother " of waters. With lal its inuuths it never taja a word. "lLoveHer Botter than Life.' Vell, then, why don't you do sometblng to brlng back tb a roses to hr cheeks and the llght to her eycsf Don't ou scu the is suffcriug from uervous debiütv, the result of fem;ile weakness! A bottle of l)r. Pierce'a "Favurite Prescription" will brihten tboso pale cheecks and send new lifc throujjli that wastiug (orm. If you love her, take heed. By ths very constitution oí our naturea, moral cvil Is its ówn curse. How Palé Yon Are! Is frequently tho exclamatiüD of ono lady to another. Tbeïfact is not a plcasaot one to have mention, Dut still the act may be a kiudly one,;for,lt set3 the one addressed to thinkins;, apprises, her of the f act that she is not in cood health, and leads her to seek a reacoa therefor. l'allor is almost alw.ivs attendunt upon tbe first stages of consumpdon. The svsteni is enfeebled, and tbe blood is impoveri hed. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discove;) " ill act as a tonle upon the system, will enrich the imnoverished blood, and restore roses to the cheek. Keep aloof from sadacss, ior sadaess is tho sickuess of the soul. 3Ufyou have catarrh, use tbe surest remedeDr. Sajje's. The Foon'Datios of Disease are often laid bv the irregularities ol eatin, s'.ecping and movement of the bowels expericnced during traveling. To prevent an irregular action, and a torpid condition of the digestive appaiatu, ufe Dr. Walker'3 Califobnia Visegar Bitter?. No traveler by sea or land sbould fail to take it with hitn. It may save bis llie. 8enator,Haley cln play the piano, but he heroically resists the temptation to tackle th accordion M. L.-Blair, Alderman, 5th ward, Scranton, Pa., stated Nov. 9, 'tü: He had used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil fur spraiiw, burns, cuts, bruises and rbcumatism Cured every time. When a man bas only a dollar in bis possession isn't it presumahly -roi loue?" Bad drainage causes much sickness, ani bad blood and impropar a;tion of ihe llver and kidneys is ba I drainage t tte human system, whicb Burdock Blco i Bitt-is remady. Some very nica ta:riac;es aie manufacturea at Hellcjrt, Indiana, Beware of Frauds.- Be sure you eet th genuine Dr. Tfcpmas' Eclectiio Oil. It cures Colde, Croup, Asthma, Deifness and Rheumatiem. _______________ Qeoree CiuptièÜ. Uup'viniviile, Ky., jil Burdock Blood Bittrí t tii bst prejuratioa tor thiPlood nd ?tiii(ach ?yar mauufaeturea.


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