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COOK HOUSE, t? H. HUTIBOX, Proprietor, X J Xewljr Furni&hed. 1 lie Isadlng homo Ia Ana Arbor. UNION HOTEL. TTTTÍST-CT..ASS in all respecte. Ererrthlnj Jl new; flne rooms, well furnihed. Term, % por dav afi'l iinwarda. Special ratea to welc hr bomde!-. 35 eral. Jolin 8cbne'der Jr.. l'i ■■ 'prii-tor. Corner of Wuhiugton aud SeO' oud j-irreta. Anti Arbor, Mich. NICÜOLS BROS., T W. & A. C NI0HO1A D. D S.,Drnta " O fice M -sonic Ttmp o Ulock, over S.vídjC Bank. A 1 A b -r. Mch. WILLIAM CASPARY, OAKEUY AKD COM?LCTI0NEHY, Cor. FonrtU and Aon Ktreet. ' EDWARD 1JATE, MACHINIST and rrpairer of 8urjlcaJl Inrtr mwnUL LockB, Umbrella aud Pirai Fine vSne and Bicycle Wo.k a Social. W li Kortb Mto-t . Ai.n Albor. Mich. JOSEPH CLINTON, C liarte. JOIIN'F. LAWRENCE, TTOKNEY AT LAW. iVOiace, Nos. 3 HUI 's Opera House, Aun Arbor, Mich. E. 13. NORRIS, ATTORN'EY AT LAW. Doe a eenerol law, ctiecUon and convevaice biisiiiesa. A 93Orrule patroaago is respectivelp uolicittrd. DfHcttJ'i tlieC' urt house, Atiu Arbor. O C. JENKINS, SUROFON PENTI8T. Rofi"18 19 8ouül Maiu tttreot ifipo.iit the Flrut National Bank Lnu Aibur, Mich. ANTON EISELÊ, DEAT.ER IN' MONUMHTB and QraTistone maiiiit'iioturcd from 'innemee and ltulinn ïarblf and Scuicb and American (ïraaite Bliop Dor. Lriiuit ard CaUieriue ta„ Aun Arbur.. Uiub. V.'ILLIAM HERZ, TTOUSK. S1GN, Ornaniintal and Fresco Pata1 I ter. Gilding, Calciuiiiünc, Ulazing and Paper Baming AU wurk vioue tn the best styln and rurrwntrd to ari e satigf action. Shou. Nu. 4 Weit WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruc. tion Books, Violins, Guiturs, Ktutes, &c. , C eai at WiUey'a Music Uooms, No. 15 Pourth street, one blck soiitli of the Cook House, Aun Arbor. Michigan. The lart'est and bet Strick of Musical (oods ever brouht into Washtenaw Countv. Violin andUuiiar Sirlngsa spt'cii Ity. N. li. - lt w'll bo to your interest to cali Lefore purcbas:n anythinR in the Musio iun. Absuacts of Titles on Real Estáte[II AVE a complete compilation of the Official kucords of Wuhtunaw County to date. Incluliiig uil TaxTiil' Kxecutions, any incumUranca m Keal K.siatu, thal 12 of Kecord in the Regiir ifflce. in showu by my books. OfBie, in the ofBva öf thE secretary of th' Washtenaw muiuoliosurtuco coinpauy, in the basement of the cour' louse. C li. MANLY. Aun Arbor. Mich. IM.3a?:fc;et;. C. W. VOGEL, Propriktor-, Late of Chelaea, at THOMAS MATTHEWS' OLÍ) SXAKD On Aon Stieet. TBESH A5)D SAiT JÍEATS KEPT ON HAND Tho Ann Arbor Savings Bonk Oreanied 1Í&9, uuder tbo Generjil lïanking I.av li thsiuLe baa now, iucluuiuf ca(ital SicK. ttc!t eic, orsn $500,000 assjsts. BusInPRji mpn, Guardiansi, Trustees, Lacles and tther piTsüiis will flnd thU liaiik a SAFE AND C0NVENICN7 Place at which to make Deposita and do busii:ee, intest s Allowed on All Savings Depositt Of $l.JCand upward, aecordinR to the mv ol ihf biuik, aud interest compouudcd kenii-auuu Uly. Monoy to Loan In Sums of $20 t Í5.OOO, iecared by Dnlncumbered Real Estala snd ottw tooü sucuritie. DIREUTOH- nrJtian Mack, W. W. Wln VV. I) llnrrluian, VTIII'iim üeubie, Djvid Kiuscy, Daniel Unicuck imd W. b. guita. OFr ICGKS-Chrlstlan Maok. rruldent; VT. W Wuiea. Vlce Pi-ettidmt: C. E. Hiecock. ( Uicr SHINGLES ! ■U'nltcrs' Tatont Uetalln Shiiifcles wor airan] '1 the first premium nml golil medal at thr WorliPn i'Xfosiijnn at New (Jrieena. Theyam iiKiimfnctund froin the best grades of tiu umi nd steel. THE STEEL SHINCLES, I'alntcd on both sides. can do lald on tho roof forabmit the same price aspine sblngos. For Variiculars and pricocall o or addresa CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Mich. Gat Your Properíy Insure'JBy C. H. MILLEN, INSUHANCE A.GF2NT, Ko. 4 Souih Main itreet, Ann Arbor. Thr oldixt Mirmi'y In the city. hhtabHtilsed aquartrof entiiry go. Kr.rc.-eutii; tlie follnwlni; firsfr olus uompanies, witli ovar $30,000, OOu a'xuu. Home Idr. Co., of N. Y.; Continrtsl InB. Co., of N. Y.; Niágara Ins. OÓ, fl N. Y.; Oirard Ins. Co., of Phlla.; Onü na. Co., of Hsrtford; OomwereiU Unioa of LoudC' 1; Liverpool cud Lotidou rikI Globe. t" Rto low. Laosea adjustcJ ui rooipUy pald. ir U mtl.H. g" ■ ■ Til Ri'imOVlSS ■" meel wiih uccem i ■ U RUYtKilöCtniuesnl:.:mikilpi ol the valuc of newspapers, and 3 correctly (ltsplaycd advt. ïo secure lucll inforn uliun IJIflIPinilCI V Mwill enahle yoil loadvertisejJyU UlUUdL I con sujj LORD 5H5 THOMAS NEWSPAFER ADVERTIS1NG, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Sunfet l'ot reeommoncls that tbc nalorr of ■ilie . u.-.i i min. ster Le increaseil iroin ten to twelv ■ thnutau 1 dul It is possi'jle tliat X.Q ultau ia a tk.ilím poker-plajerí


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