Mrs. Robt. Vernor Died This Morning
of ery si pelas. John Adam Kooh of Dixboro, a wellknown Germán oitizen, died Wednesday morning at the age of 73 years, of heart diseage. Undertaker Muehlig had charge of the funeral. The Webster society of the law department, elected otlicer as follows Fnday evening last: President, L. Avery, '88; vice-president, O. C. Lungsrhausen, '87; secretary, A. O. White, '87. There will be a reunión of the Michigan university alumni living in New York, April 20. The aflfair will take place in the city of New York and President Angelí will probably attend. Gruner & Kuebler are shipping car loads of their furmture west and south. This manufactory is run tor all it is worth, and with all their pushing they can scareely keep up with their orders. Mr. Justus Nixon of Ann Arbor town, and Miss Alice Clements of Lima, were married, Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mrs. Nixon was the recipiënt of may useful presenta. W. S. Hicks is as happy as a clam - Judge Jennison refusing to dissolve the injunction against the Canadian partios, who are attempting to gain notoriety at the expense of the Hoptonic Co. of Grand Rápida. Fred. Huaon has one of the craok róadsters in this part of the country. He recently drove f rom this city to Saline; thence toYpsilanti; from there to Bellville; from Bellevillo to a farm residence some two miles out; then back to Bellville, where he hitched his horse in front of the hotel, got his supper, visited a while, and then strated for home, making the distance of 54 miles, without putting out his horse. This is his own statement. Such a roadster is worth owniug. Regent Whitman is a member of the committee on literary department, the executive committee, and on chemical and pharmceutical department. The Free Press says: " The appointment of Charles R. Whitman as a member of the executive committee, is an honor rarely conferred upon a new member of the .. ,■■■ uuu XfWU IWOITOU 1TIIU U hearty commendation by his friend. ThiB oommittee ia the most important on the board, to which all important measures are intrusted for execution between sessions, aud it will receive in Mr. Whitman a valuable assitant." The prohibitionists met in the old Baptist church for the parpose of considering the propnety of placing a tioket in the field to be voted for Monday next. The room was oomfortably tilled, and as eaoh delégate in turn warmed himself to the subject, it could be seen that they were deterrained not to be oaught napping. There was a diversity of sentiment as to what should be done, and it was finally decided to adjourn until Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock, when they will either endorse the citizens' ticket or go it alone with one of their choosing. The celebration of the semi-centeunial BniversHry ui tne orgtmiaai'iuii ui ma uuiversity will ocour Wednesday and Thursday of oommencement week. The program will consist of two public addresses, to be given Wednesday morning, and by a representativo of the board of regents ; the other, on the growih of the educational syntem of the state, by a representativo of the state teaohers' assooiation. The principal address is to be delivered by President Angelí, Thursday morning, in place of the usual commenoement oration, to be followed by congratulatory addresses by representativos of Harvard and Yale universities and the university of Virginia.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat