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Michael .Stabler was in Jaekaon Wednesday. Raphael Jossefley, April 29, at uuivfrsity hall. There were 75 new registrations in the third ward. The uuiversity government was organized 49 yeare ago. Hon. J. D. Corj of Manchester, was in the city, Tuesday. The Gootl Tem;)lars ought to have held a convontiou. Annual meet. mr of the ladies' hbrary ■4tesociation, April 12. Deputy Register Secry has been laid I up some days with sickuess. ■L Q. A. íáessions has moved into rrwnu over the Americau expresa office. No dude can ever expect to be elected recorder on the democratie ticket. Company A, M. S. T., mustered in seven new members, Monday evening. An infant child of Dr. and Mrs. C.George, died Tuesday, of convulsiona. Mr. E. B. Pond's friends would like to see him nominated for justice of the peace. James Owen O'Couor, played to S'nall - JiH&iuesa Tuesday and Wednesday eveniuga. Arthur Rehan will appear at the opera house in the Irisli drama, "A Night Off" April 9. R. A. Hall state grand ooiutnander of the Knights Templar, was in the city Monday. Th democratie oity oonvention, to night, can nomínate the winning ticket Will it do it? There will bo a maple augar and icecream festival this evenin;,' ut the old Baptist church. "Sunday eveninif, April 11, Bishop Brownof Wiscousiu íh to lecture before the Hobart guild . There ia on exhibition, at B. F. Watts' jewelry at.. re, the gold badges won b: the Ann Arbor polo team. Spencer D. Lennon has refused to be 'a candidate for alderman iu the üfth ward, on the citizei'a ticket. The Eliza North matter has been adjourned until April 13, on aocount of the ickness of Mrs. H. H. Howe. í he city band, and not the Ohequamegons, have their headquarters over Martin's place on Washington street The town and gown dramatic olub will produce the play of " Nevada, the Gold King," at the rand opera house, April 12. Louis ÍSchleidier has taken the contract tobuild (i. JdHonhana' house, for $1,200. He wan l lie lowest of six bidsm. Martin Clai k sayg ho is uot, has not been and will n.t be a candidate for juotioe of the poace on any ticket this spring. D. A. DePorest, an old Ann Arbor boy, bit now a resident of Menominee tas been appointed deputy oollector of customs. City attorney Kinne was in Chicago over Sunday. They have got the soarlet fever in the village of Saline. Jacob Fisher kas been taken to the county house to live. Walter and Joseph Seabolt are visiting friends at Eaton Rapids. And Beule is working for the J. T. Jacobs & Uo. clothinjf house. Hutzel & Co., keep 82 men busy diggiiig trenches for water pipe. Emruet Winegai' is gtiting ready to builil a house on Second street. Mre. H. W. Hayes und children are visiting relatives iu Constantino. .Mr. nnd Mrf. Geo. Ilaviland returnee Saturday f rom New Haveu, Conn. The Toledo and Aun Arbor railroac bridge at Milán is undergoing repairs. I uy Boath has oíd liis place on Pon tiao streel to Burg, the grocer, for $600. Jas. Deegan of Foster Station, diec Sunday aged 51 years, of kidney trouble Miss Kattie J. Rogere lias been appointed exeontriz of th.e estáte of Amanda Rice. " Now we are ready for you," is the subject of J. Keck & Co.'s new adverMsement. April meeting of tho pomological ooiety to-morrow. Place, basement of th court house. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle returned from the east Tueda) , where she went to purchase spring goods. Antón Eisele broke ground last week for a bri.k store on Detroit-st., adjoining Gerstuer's bakery. Jno. Stephenson of Detroit, has purcliased the farm Joe T. Jacobs recently sold to Enhene lleynolds. County treasurer Belser was in Lansing, Monday and Puesday, settling with the state treasurer and auditor general. Robt Campbell and Geo. A. Douglass saw the hand writiug on the wall, and niay witkdraw.frora the citizeni ticket. Mrs. Kittie Featherly, who left this oity some eleven years ago, for California, is on a visit with her two children to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.P.Kennedy. Dr. Ed. Flynn of West Branch, this state, made a flying viBii, i - m„ ivr„r,. Bewas on his way to Detroit to see s patiënt who had been operaled on for tumor, ui ifle cáUa staua corner Maiu ana Washington streets for the past four years, has pone to Adrián, where he has engaged in business. County clerk Robison will recommend the board of supervisors to dónate the legislativo joint documenta to the librariee of the .Michigan club and Brother Gardner's lime kilu club. One of the members of the pólice forcé received a coinniunication a short time sioce with the warning: "Beware! The eys of the Mystic League is upon you!" This was followed by a second waruing a day or two af ter, but in addition to the above a skuil and emss-bones adorned the latter. N. H. Drake has been in the saloon business for 24 years. He first started in the old Franklin house, and afterwards settled down in nis present quarters. He thinks a rest aud out-door ex' i .1.1.:... i i u poses to take it provided he can find a customer to buy him out. The new brick carri;ige manufactory of the Walker Bros, will be 40x?0 feet, and tbiee-stories in height. An elevator will connect the Uasement with the different öoors and water plugs will be distributed thioaghont tbe buildiuv, to trldoh hose may bo attaohed, in oase of fire, at a niomeut's wurning. Total oost, $6,0U0. The name of Sol Smith Russel has become a by-word in the homes of the American people, and no eucomium is needüd to ndd oue jot or title fo this artist's fame. He stands emmently in the front riiuk of his profession. An eutire new repertoire of song nd iuuuy characters hua been introduced. Air. Ruesell lias hosts of friends in the city, and always plays a large engagement here. The deuiocrats of Ann Arbor town AAAb OotuiJa allil jjlttuotf in ULillllUatlOn the f ollowing ticket : Supervisor, Andrew Smith; clerk, B. F. Finnell; treasurer, Jacob Hagen; justice of the peace, Augustus Savage; school inspector, C has. Braun; drain commiasioner, Jno. H. Braun; highway commissioner, Thomas Burlingame; constables, Leonard Nixon, Chuuncey üroutt, Benj. Bradley, John O'Hara. The following town committee was also appointed: Andrew Smith, Jas. J. Parshall, Thos. Burlingame. A postal card, on which was written the following, was pioked up in froat of the opera house, last Saturday evening. It bore the date of March 26, and wa addressed to the Akron Iron Co., Akron, Ohio: " Gentlemen- Your circular in regard to thaftmg and pnlleys, at hand, and in reply would say, if you have any pulleys thut will pull oust mers iuto my store, and hoist hats on their heads, I would hke a set. I am in tíie hat and fur business and need some kind of a patent arrangement to draw tr ide. Thanking you for your favor, I remain, etc., A. A. Terry." The high school junior exhibition took place last Fnday evening. As usual ou such occasions a very large audience was present to witness the exeroises. The younjí ladies and gentlemen who took part acquitted themselves idmirably. They were Thos. B. Cooley, Sarah G. Come, Almira Curtís, Benj. E. Page, Lawrence Colé, Nellie G. Phillips, Gertrude S. Wade, all of Ann Arbor; Arthur H. Covert and Sarah J. Keedle, Superior; M. Belle Sperry and Viola M. Williams. Anu Arbor township; Harry E. Palmer, Imlay City. Excellent music was furnished by the Hay dn band. The Kepurter pays tho following compliment to those who took part in the entertainment given in Dundee on Th ursday evening of last week: "Patrono of the opera house, who witneesed the production of the 'The Lost Mine, or Nevada the Gold Ring,' by the town and gown dramatic company of Ann Arbor, were treated to one of the best eutertaiuments which has been giveu in Duudee for sometime past. The company was accompanied by the famous Chequamegou orchestra, one the leading musical organizations of the state, and without doubt their music was the best ever given in Dundee. Those who failed to attend missed a groat treat. May they come again. The Two Sama are giving away music by the thousand pieces. A. F. Hangstefer has something to eay abont ice in an advertisement on this page. J. T. Jacobs & Co. will open with a large stock of clothing on or abont Apnl 5. Dan Millen received the uomination for constable in the ward, on the republican ticket. The panorama of the Bnttle of Gettysburg, is now on exhibition at the Princess tbeatre in Detroit. As was to be expected, Jas. Iinus waa re-nominated for constable on the repnb litan ticket by acclaniatiou. Since the item about soalet fever was in type, there lui been tour ncw cases reported to the board of lieulth. Kev. ,7 as. Bixby will preaoh at the Unitariau church, Sunday evening.on "The Greater Miracles of Modern Times." H. O. Sutton is agent for The Practical Home 1 üysiciaD, a book of valuable iiiformorraiition that showld be in every family, Walker Bros. had a good day Monday. They rilled Beren orders for buggies and wagonB for parties in GJinton and West ISranoh. A senior !nw student was struck in the face, Monduy, by a beligerent citizeu, and the former's eye is now draped in mouruing. Of the i5 votes cast for nominees for aldermeu at the third ward republican caucuB, Ztnus Sweet received 18 on the rat ballot . G. M. Gayley, assistant professor of Latín, has been grauted, by the regent, a leave of absence for one year. He will pursue studies in Germany. Herman HardiugbauB, proprietor of the Northern brewery, speaks througli the columns of The Democrat,. fhis week, on the subject of beer. A. O. Crozier a member of the law class '86, and a radical temperanee man, will be a prominent candidaie for congress on tbe prohibition ticket from this county. Sol Smirh Bussell in his new cornedy 'Félix McKusick," has scored a geuuin iipmaa Th niece is one glorious and manous roar oí IaugLter mmi wgiuii.i6 ' eud. The following aldermen will retir r1in tllA (HJUIUJ I ;iftpr tha firaf rt 4- . Í4. aShixéreGü, Jno. Hemzmaiin, C. E liscock, J. P. Lawrence, Earl Ware anc Wm. Biggs. First ward committee (rep.) J. E. fieal, W. B. Smith, Col. Dean; third, C. E. HiBcock, F. B. Pattee, Paris Banfield; fourth, J. F. Lawrence, T. J. Keech, V. M. Steavens. The residence of Geo. W . Sandei son, in the toTvneuip of Augusta, was detroyed by flre last Friday. .Most of the contenta were saved. Losh, $500. Insured for this amonnt in the Washtenaw mutual. Sam B.mmgartner wishes it fco be understood that he is not a director of the Ypsilauti cereal eorupany, as was publuhed in a city paper a short time since, and also that his name was used withoul his knowledge or consent. The republican ward caucuses were held Monday eveuing and the following ward, George Allmendinger and A. V. Robison; second, Win. Herz; third, Milo l'ulcipher; fourth, Wirt Cornwell; fifth, Enrl ware; sixth, Prof. Steere. All lovers of refined and wholesome oomedy are assared of a i-ich treat iu the forthcoming engagement of the famous comedian, Hol Smith Knssell. TIiíh artist in tu favorabJy known to our citizen that the simple aunouncement of his coming will prove sufficient to crowd the theatre. Fred. Brown, who has been in the employ of Jacob Hofistetter for several months, will herealter be found at Geo. Clarkon's old place on Main street. He will miinage the business until the first of May, when he will assume f uil control. He will be assisted by Geo. Schottle. The two will make a team hard to beat. The members of the Washtenaw county agricultural and horticultural society are requested to meet at the court honaa. Thursday, April 8, at 1 o'clock p. m. As this is the last regular meeting of the society for the ear, it is desirable that the board of managors, superintondents and all members of committees be present, as business of great importance to the success of the Bociety at its coming fair, will be transacted. In the past 44 years Washtenaw county has had one representive in Congress, B. F. Granger, who was an Ann Arbor man. Monroe, during this time has had three represeutatives, McClelland six years, Noble two and Wilhts six years, In Hillsdale county Henry C. Waldron served ten years. In Lenawee F. C. Beaman held tho office for ten years, and N. B. Eldndge is now seiving his second term. To summarize, ílonroe county had the congressmun for fourteen years, Hillsdale ten years, Lenaweo fourteen yeurs and Washtenaw two years. During the past tbree .veeks only ten cHsee of 8carlet fever have been reported to the board of health, aud only four of those were severe ones. There has been but one death. To-day there are not over four cases under treatment. ín every hoiise where there was known to be a case of the fever, a sign of warning l'as been posted. In addition to this the inmates have been supplied with a circular containing f uil instruotioDS for preventing the spread of the disease and the necessity of keeping the premise-; clean. Dr. George says there is no reason for so muoh talk, and that there is no necessary cause for alarm. The republican city convention was held Tuesday evening at Firemen's hall. Col. Dean aote.i as president and Jno. Ross as secretary. C. E. Hisoock presented the name of Nelwon J. Kyer for mayor m a few well-chosen remarks. As there was no other candidato Mr. Kyer was nominated by acclimation. So was (ieo. H. Pond for recorder. J. P. Clark, a one armed soldier received the nomination for justice of the peace for the long term, and John Bennett for the short term. Albert Garduer, P. O'Hearn and Chas. A. Matthewson were nominated for supervisors íd the first, second and third districts respectively. The following city comittee was appointed: First ward, L. D. Taylor; second, Frank Hangsterfer; third.C. E. Hiscook; fourth, T. J. Keech; fiftb, N. D. Gates; sixth, A. F. Martin. The university re-opens next ïaesday. Democratie city convention to-night at tbe city hall. Next Monday will be a cold day tor somd of the oflice-seekers. April 8 is the date of Maggie Mitchell's appearance in this city. Jackaon, the station agent at South Lyon, is wanted oo the charge of basardy. The flenderson family -will hold a city convention at Firemen's hall to-morrow even ing. Next Monday evening, April 5, Sol Srnith Kussell is booked for an entertainment at the Grand. ,.. X'i"!} fqí-chief of pólice waxes hot. Jbverything cfepenas oif uo uuiuyiojuuii of the board of aldernien. E. Allen Hall of Goldvcater KEG o. iv. j.. oi cuo wice,;ueiu a ViiViiüu ; Friday evening, at Masonio temple. Friday 150 teachers wore examined at tbe conrt house. It takes over 200 teachers to run the schools of the county. The remains of Johanna Pickett, who was a resident of the fourth ward some years ago, were brought here, Friday, for intorment. Zene Sweet is about to move his house to the front of the lot. He will also raise the building and put a cellar and stono wall under it. Milan Leader: Extensive repairs will be made on the T. A. A. & N. M. E. R. bridge at this place, as soon as the frost is out of the grouud. Large quantities of piles and heavy planks are now on the grouud. Kepubhc.iu towoship ticket; Supervisor, Fred Braun ; clerk. L. Davis; treusurer, Cari T. Edmunds; highway couiïoDer, Thos. Blake; justice,Burt Winans; school iospector. Jno. T. Fuller; constables, Fred Stablsr, Jno. Kapler, H. Camp. The prohibitionists of Ann Arbor town have nomiuated the following ticket: For supervisor. Kev. O. li. L. Crozier; clerk, Nelson Garlinglumse; highway oommiBBioner, -Tno. Sperry; school mspeotor, Wm. F. liinl: juHtic-, Nathan Woodmansee; constables, Chas. I. Conrath, Wm. Looke; treasurer, August Isabel. Six large boxes of joint documenta tor 1884 reeeived at tbe county clerk's offloe on ïuesday last. They oost the county for freight and cartatre $0.1 a, and they oost the state at least f800 What practical valué aro they? Not half a dozen sets are ever taken from the clerk's office and the balance lind their way back to the pulp mili. The legislatura would do itaelf credit by repealing the law requiring their publication. Ou Wednesday ovening, April 7, a novel entertainment will be given in the M. E. airaron, which f rom all iudications promisea to be a most enjoyable affair. It is ealled a "Mother Goose" concert. The program is varied, comprising solos, duet, etc, but the maiü attractiOD is ho chorus of seventy-five children, oarefully trained by Mrs. Flora B. Hall, vho has charge of the concert. We understaud that slie has been very successful in presenting a similar entertainment in Chicago, and we confidently redict for this a like success. A'lmisson 25 cents. Soutn Lyon Picket: M, M. Sweet, the big sporting editor of the Excelsior, vent forward for prayers at the salvaion army meeting last Sunday night. LutherBullard is instructingaband oniposed of juveniles, of this place, who re making rapid strides in thtir music. In the seaond trial at Pontiac, last Tuesday, of Mrs. John Donovan againat jer husband for assault and battery, the ury found no cause for aotiou. The bove parties were both former residents f this place. A very young old man s Mr. Kleder, who lives near Dexter. Ie is 10Í) years of age, but still retainï much of his youthful vigor. As an Euglish soldier he helped capture Napoleon Bonapart. Four years ago ho mouuted and rode a four-year old unbroken colt, and last week assisted his on in drawmg off wheat. Suoh men are few and f ar bet ween. Maggie Mitchell appeared before a house where even standing room could not be obtained, in her new play, " Maggie the Midget." Though written expressly for Miss Mitchell by Pred Willïanis, the drama is brond enough to provide more than a aozen eharacters with interestiug parts. Aside from numerous guesta, gaine-keepers and servants, no fewer than twenty-tive artista are required to complete the cast. There is miicli merit in tho play itaelf, all of wliich is brought out by Miss Mitchell and her well-balauced companv. liew and gparkling rausic by Dave Braham, and pretty daucea by Athur Novissimo, are among the attractive features of the performance. The sceuery waB all that could be desired in pioturesquenese, especially in the second aot. Miss Mitchell was twioe called before the curtain and preseuted with choice baskets of Brooklyn Daily Standard.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat