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vTlTÜ. 'l-._ il 1. u.-1-L -j 77Z-'. ... i.i iniummm cao sotsss. W H. BTTP8OK, CfcHgle, IfiBfc i i ■ M mWHi .■.L..JVrt NICUOLS BROö WW. $ A. C. NISMQLS. D. aS.,DW lUnk, Aan Aibar. MicU. miH, , ■ j.,éWii ■ '■■...ii.'j riLhUM CASPARY . al ña (Su nörij S flfftwtMa5yi 5 ijj, 1 . 1L,ii ; -i----n:'.nTmi - -ff e. j mmj& 1 - - - '■' ■■ ., i 1 . 1 o. a JiQíaajfs. " ftxrrnvr 1 ""i'"Jai wiliíasí sSas1""1'. ___ A WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. ORQANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruo. tlon Booka, Violins, Guitara, Flutss, &c, c"eap at Wllsey's Mustc Rooms, Nu. 15 Fourth Street, one bloeit south of tue Cook House. : Ano Arbor, Michigan. The larjrest and ' baai Stock of Musical Ooods ever bruught luto Washtenaw Countv. Violln aud Guitar Strlng a ipecllty. N. IS.- It rill be to your iötarail ta cali befor purchaslng anyihing iu the liuaio line. Abstracts of T!tia$ on üsaf Esíaía. O. W, VOGEL, Pbokusk, Late of rtJiia, ii [BOMAS M ATT HBVS1 OLP 8TANB Oo Ana SíMot. KK8SH UD RiXl MLAifl CSTÏ ON HAND The Asn Arteor Savings Bank SucaBlud Mtt, uaiftr lile QotytrV Ui4Jring Ijnr ff tliis au.t ka mv, i&oiuoiHjc "ijitaj rjjuajf, BC, o., orjEB muit. ntlnM ata. Guarlluii, VnutMa, Ladlas uil lÏMr pwEeu wUlliá thÜBak BAFE AND CONVENIENT Hta wiiltb toaiate Dolt3 uní do baatuM Uittrtttlt Allswed n All Savlngi Diwcitc Öf }1.W 10 d uBar4, bMwrdiag W tie ruMe c Á bonk. and luurejt oaoíiiouiiáod uoti-wuBI Uonoy te Loan In 8umi f IS3 t tstoee, c4 anritiM. DIfiBOTOK-Chr1ilaa Hc. W. TT. Tni V. P. Hartman, Wim Uvail. CtU tUnwr. CbrtMu Wufe Prjuldeot; VT, { Wlus. Vlc-raiatiC. B. jSesixlc CkaUar SÏ1 Walters' Patent Metalie Shingles wem awnnl ed the flrst premium and gold medal at thi WorM's Exposltion at Kew Orlcans. They nr manufacturtd from the best grades oE tiú and aDd steel. THE STEEL SHINGLES, Painted on both sides. can Oo laid on tho roof forabout the same prlce aspine shlngles. For particulars and prico cali on or address CEO. SCOTT Ann Arbor. Mich. Get Your Property Inssreá By C. H. MILLE, ITSTSXJRA.IVC7E AGENT, tío. i 8outh Main trt, Afin Aftür. Th oMart )rency in the city. EsublSïlea a qüartfT of eeotury te. Rtpreienttot' Wi foünvltw ttrs class oompairis, witïi oVar fW.i&D.OOO ixH. Home Ing. O, oí N. Y.; 0atftlwmtal Ine. Co., cf N. X.; Kïa&ia IüS. O., oj N. Y.: Girard In& Co., of ï'inta.; Oruat ïn. Co., of Hwtford; Ooiïfi?.iïoral ÜBiog f Londoj; Livtrpoo) oXTd Louctonnd Globii, iar Raten low. Lnscg BfBfrilly djústoa mi Touiftiy pJd. c. il' UlLLSK. Til fitalfCDTBCC ■"' mcetwiüi sucecssre E U HUlCn E EdC quira : knowlrdge of iiic valuc of newspapers, and a corrcctly displayed acïvt To secure such inforn;alion %lftflCl V dswillcnable yen lna!vritis'UulwlUUvL t consult LOBD sss THOMAS KEWSPAPER ADVElfriSlNG, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Sunset Cox recommends that thu falary of (ie 'lurkigh ïainletcv b incrc-asctl from tcu to twelvu thousanJ dol .ars. It is possible Jijt the sultan is a skillíul poker-playa-? Tor frnviity yesrs Mrs. John . Hiffin countv. Feaoa., ro'iM uot walk, on ae count of au u.i.vy to tbo npino, Une boUi' ol Bt. leob's 0:1 gve relief; the socor.d cnablei her to walk tod cured her. Matüiy Arbold v11 noi 'ec.'urp outbo occai!on of bi next visitto thla country. ïi Bsldisïs Boveraje of Quiniiic and Wniaïsoy. Ma'irl becarne so prevalent tn the armi that the Surgeou General issucd an order tha'l qu nhie n-.uit. te added to all the rat ons ol ■i h skey that rerc dealt out to the sohiiers. 'J'his is a tact that Is not KOnerally known, and In inanj sections of Ihe country tö-day fa::ii litp keep th misture of quiniuc and whiskey to kiep off Malar. lt is a terrible dosü to take, to ay notbiiiR about the unpkasant eüecti oí the coropound. .vil p.r-ouswho are suffering irom Malaria ebould take Dr. J. B. lienlou'i Surc Cure for Maiaria. lt Í3 the onlj remcd? knowu that wIU positively and permanently" euro all ciscases that. ai e caused bj Malaria ; it :s kept by all diuuglst?, and is siso a positivo curo íoail k Inda of pain. Trj it. You can consult Br.' líenion by mail on sny ffleasa vou mué desire, iL yon are using lil! Bure Curo íor Malaria, and ho will send pieBcriptiona Lrec oí charle. Write him at ltochtíter, N. Y._ It ís aid the speckled veila mako tho ladiea look a thouh tliny wero traveling around itü the cas sa, BttdJtt TFhy is kiís'.as; your aweetheart lfko eatin oup wita a forkl It Ukes a lonc; time to get fnouu. But it takes very littlo oí Taylor's Uberokoo Remedy oí Sweot. Gum and llullein to curo the croup, cough. or calda. Forwhatwa Eva crwitod! Por Adam'j Express Company, and to teil her daughtcrs ! that Taylor's Chrokeo Hemedy of Sweot Gura nd Mtüleln would cure tho litüe ones oí eougha, croup and cooaumption. A Conamdrnm. TThat wlne Ís mock agony? Champagne (sbara pain.) Ií It was a real pain la the luns or cutst, -Taylor's Cherokee Keaaedj oí Swset tíurn and ilullcln would cura It Whj te a poor doctor L'ko a mob? Tou can fcck him by hls bolea in the ground. Ií íroin tbe efleCt Of COUiíha, cold or erami rolle, huw much bitter to have takea Taylor'a Cb.erokeL Bemedy oí Sweet Qum and Mullein. The best time to start on a railruod journey, is when the irain goea. ís toc AKa Dysfeptic, bilious, rhoumatlc, ttouty, debilitated, consumptive, consíipated, or la anywise out of sorts, próvido yourself with a halí dozen bott!e oL Db. Wílkeu's Vinboab Bitteks; take it twice or thrice a flsy, and keep nghtlog dlseaae uutil yoa have j not an sche or a physical trouble oí auy kind reiniicins:. Tbo reault Ís suro. II evll be aid of ihoe, and lt is true, correct ; it; lf it be a lie, laugh at. it, The color produced by BuckJngbam's Dye íor the Whiskers always givea ?atisínction. The dangera oí Whoopiug Cough areaverted by the use oí Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A laugh la rortbj a bundred groans in any marliot. la Thers a Cura for Constimptlon. Wt answer unreservedly, yes 1 If the patiënt commeuce in timn the usa of Dr. l'ierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," and exerelses proper carp. ]i allowed to run its rourse too long all medicine ia ]:oweries3 to Ptay it. Dr. Pierce netr decelvc a patiënt by holdiu; out a talse hope for the sake o:: pecuninary gain. The '(ciiclcQ Medical Discoven'' cureJ thonsauds of patients whsn nothin eiae ! temed to avail. Your ciruagist has it. Sena on coDíumption with numerous testimonalg. Adilress World's Uiepensary AssociaUod, buüalo. N. Y., Don't tUrow dirt m your ,tacher's eyes - it muy iojure bis pupil. Dr. rierce'a 'Tellets"- the original "Llttle Llver PlUs" fsugar coatíd)- cure s:ck anJ bil ons headache, sour stcmach, and bilioui attatks. By druggits. Opiaioni itrj greatly as to wbat consttute a toiiiu'i beauty. Thousands of wcmen bless the ay on whlcb Dr. Plerce' "Favonte Prescriptlon" was made known to thrm. lu all those derangementa causiag backacbes, rapegin; down seus;it:ouí, nfrvous and debility, it i9 a eovereign remedy. lts toottiin? andhealing propurtiea rendKr it of the utnu èt Talue to ladies ' lnc: from '"lntercal lever," consgestion, in-! fltinmaUon, or uiceration. By drtiggista. If you aro rot satistied wlth -our nelghbor's U, you cn returu lt The mefliom you sen' me lor rbeumaism, callad Athlopboros. bas been tried witA verv uood n sulw. I wlsh to know what your price is for tav s!x bottles. Please write at vour earliest convenieuce, Kov. E. Dyer, Bou'thllpld, Micb. If a coueh disturba jour sleep,;take Piso'a Cure íor ConsiimptJon and rest well. our reaiei- wm uuuee m QiR ween s issue, on ttoU page a chango from the sm Halver tlsumentoi 1-a ls;e'i Liqaid ü'ua, ebiuiDg t:ie aniull cun or botüe. Iustead oí t ' siu la annouQcetneut of its merits. those wbo u; it, auount of Gales, kow .-impica can be obtnined, tc, tbo Ku.sslan Cement Conipa ny períorm a pntiseworthy act in reveaiicg a traud which is the more coutetnptiblo, because lt affecu only tba tmaüest slze íor family uss (of bottle coads), and therefore affects those wbo are obl.sed to buy in small quantities ratber thou those who are able to stand the lmpcsition. In additlon to tbe statements of the advertisement, which we have )rom good autborlty ere exact in, we have lt irjm iources unqucstionod (bat various statements promulgated tbrough lbo press, by stow cardg, tc, ol other gluei as receiyinif endorsemeuta irom high governmrut otlicialt. are entire iabrlcatlons wllh not even the color of truth. In polnt oí fact, the Smitbsonlau Institution (a vfeil as other Governinent Depart'.neatsj have useti, and stfll use, l.z Paqe'3 LiQtio Gi.ue eiclusively, reason lor which is fouiid n It coutalniiijf no acid, while we are Informal all otbers hive an acid base; and in it superior ttrength. At New OrieaDï, on a Kietile Testing Machine, a block of Georgia pine, one inch square, butted, registored 1613 po-.inas tetore ptrting. Le. Paok's Glus doe not née 1 cur cspe,-ial praisí; tho tact tUiit (ucb mauufacturers as tue ruliman I alace Car Co. have adopted is ehows its wort'i to tvery wood worker, and for evíry fa'.nily in tbc land. JAY BYE SER' üriver, Edwin D. BlHier, au Col" Vtrlsry Crl?elUalve, and a íhorotigh trial nabl kim to endorse it as th Vest rmdr that fee rer isw for general atabla Ite. Sold by Draf guts at SOe and $ 1.00. Tott est morO comfort for yfi ets. in LyonV Hco] atWeners tha;i tn any othrr aitiole, IÍ afaicted with sore ej-er, use Dr. Isasc Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 3jc A QUESTION ABOUT Browris Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Tho tjiiMii ion has probably been ssked thousands of Utnea'How can Brown'ii Iron Bittrt oaro eyerythine?" Weli, it doeen't. Bat it does car any dismuro for which a rcpuiahio yhiticiiu would preaoribe lïiOS Phrslci&nti recoRiiire Iron u the bost restoratWa agest knosrn to tUa profeeïion, and inquiry ai any ïendirjE chemteil ftrm will aabsUntiate uoaseertion thet tbpre tis% more prepxnitioiis ut iron tüan of aay othr sabstenco uaed in m&dicls9 TUia shors conolosirel; that iron is AcknovrleJgad tt bo tho most important factor tn sucecsaf ui medical practico It i, hawover. a remarfcible fet. thiit prior to the draooT17 af BROW.VSIKOIUTTERH do perfect. Ij satimf actory irun combinauun luid over beun f uund. BROWR'S IfiON BITTERS&TSËS beod&ohe, or prodace conetip.Ttion - itll other Iron medicines do. ttUOW'N'.S IKON IIITTEKS cnres lndiseitinat Bllioniineaii, WeHkacss, Dispepsia, Malaria, ChilU and t'ever, Tlrcd Feelior,Oeneral l)ibilily,Paiu is tl 81de, Bark orI,linba,IIcailchcandNenrnU g ia- for all these ailmcnU) Iroa is preacribod daily BROWN'S IRON BITTERS.r? I?in?t' JSko " nthw t horonKh medicino, it mM owly. Whon taken by m-n the firrt nymptom of M8t m renevrod enonfr. The mnncl then boonms rmor, ths digestión mprivi. the boirelj ro icüvo üiicomm the effect 13 nsnally mor rapid and raarked. rne ejes begin at once to brishten ; the skin cinara np ; üoalthy color come to the cheok : nerroasnefls aiaappoirw; functinnnl dorAngement becorte roffulr. ana if a nareing mother. nband&nt. suetnnnco 11 rapphed for tlm ohild. Komember Brown'n Iron BitUsrn ia tho ONLY iron medicine tht is not inJttnoua. rhytUiaru and DrugyitU reammenrt it. 'Lb Gaouia in j Trado Mxti ad cromad nd lia ouwapaer. T.1H.E NO OTITEE.


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