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Lafagan's Logic

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Love is clieap, and I enjoy ft. It isanother name for godlinOBS. It ia the only modern swindlo easily forgiven. It is the ingrediënt that groases th 6aw of lifo. It ia a uicc cross bctween religión and happincss. Liko liie olive tree, it furtilUes the; surrounding soil. S:'lf-lovi.-is sellish. It won't wash nnd hold its color. It lifta lifteoa ounces off from erery pound of sorrow. It is tbc firat virtue weanod, and begins to root early in life. Like the smaü-pox in bad cases, the only way to cuve it is to die. Sorne nalures never suoceed in loving anything but uew eider. The lovc that comea from hoaven is that of a son for his niother. It is jutit ai natural for humauity to love as it is for a frog to jump. "Unspokeu love" is a good deal liko sea-sickness - pretty siek, bat can't vomit. It ia charity's best substituto, as lovo is charity, with apodigree from huaron, It is the socond law of nature, and plays second tiddlo only to tho law of self-preservatioc. Lovc dates from the ïerinning ai the world, and is therefore the graudmother of ci'eation. Nest to hot whisky, it has probably done more to nuike a fooi of man thau any other ono thing. When pure love is the traces to which husband and wife are hitched they make a bully team. To many lovo is like measles. It never catches either but once, and that seems to atisfy them. It has never been trutbfully deflnod. Like the sinell of limberger cheese it is hard to describe. "Ltvo thy neighbor as thyself" Is a divine injunctlon, but it isn't cvery fooi that eau follow it. I havo read sonaewhere that whisky is man's only enemy that he ever succeeds iu loving to any exteut, aud I beJieve it. Some people are not constitutod to love anything, and I pity them asmuch as I do a spoilt child. They were made in vain. If constitutional, lovo ■(yould not be any more of a virture thau the itch, but thats just it it vocjutroQ more ov losa self-denial and some charity to succeed. There is tho common seuse love; the kiml that, when its lavished affections are uot reciprocated, apparently, throws up tho claim and makes love to the younger sister. 'Love at tirst siht" is gonorally about as long-lived as a bcttlo of ginger-pop v.ith the cork out: It is all right enough for poets, but when we get down to comaion life I advis a second look. Xhere is a specios of love that never comes out of its hole, and U of no moio use in adversity than a pamp haucile ia thii Sahara Descrt. For relieving the pain of tlio mifortunate it Is about as much account as a weak poultice. Transient love, wiien the objost of ad. oration is awny, is liko a bottlo of cologne water - pull the cork and in a few days the bast part of it is goae. Sueh nsrures love ior the time being as pullet hens lay small eggs - because they can"t help it. Young love livos at least tweuty-four months each year; butxsitis natural for young poople, if the object is woruhy of love, loving it a good deal won't hart either of them, for inyouth love is generally as harmless as sprueo gum, and has no more care for the future than a last year's grasshopper. A:id I never yet knew young lovers to care for the substantials of life. Bonbons and oraugeó are generally good enough ior thym. The pork and beaus of evoi-yd;iy life knoeks all the romance out oi l)iu afluir. -


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