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Tlie sultan oí Turkey has Igiven L400,to the Pasteur institute fuud. A dispatch from Panama says that by the explosión of a iinail river steamer ncar the island oiTumoca on the 20th of Maren lifteen f ersons ivere killed and twenty-twö Injured, Earl Cowper says the passage ot the Gladstone Irish blll will raark thé decline of the British empire. IJ Amember of the Canadian Parliament estimates tbc eost of assiste.l cmigration to the Dominion at $500,000 yearly, and says the only effect is to drive Cauadians ts the United States. The Montreal authorities have entered on a rusade ajïainst the nude in art. Action is to be taken agaiast one of the wealthiest gentlemen in the city for having iu his house copies of Venus de Milo, Venus de Medici, Canova's Venas, Power's Cireek Slave, Laocoon, and other classic works. A Fesolutlon lias been presenten lu Uu; loca' legislature of Quebec indorsing üladstone's home rule policy tor Ireland. 'The Irishmen of the city are iubilant over the part taken by the local legislature, and cannot iind words to expresa themselvea. It is likely themotion will be uiiauiniously adopted by both sides of the House. At WoodstocK, Onr., a whisky Införmer was eaught, mobbed and run out of town, bartly eseápiug wlth his life. Woodstock is ander the operatiou of the'Scott law, butdosen'i take kindly to it. Montreal custom ofiicers are 'said to be preparing to make a descent on fourUen leading business houses of the city for ilk-gal importatiou. üther lirms are said to be in great trepidation. There is much excitement in conseouencc, and lawyershave sldpped hastil.v to Ottawa to try and square matters. Meetings cif supporters and opponenls or Gladstone are bclnjl lield all over the united kingdom. The eecond readlng of Mr. Gladstone's home rule bilí in h House of Commons has been postponed until May 10. Dr. Reichard, the African explorer, claims to have acqulred a porliou of terrltory around Lake Tangauyika eqaal in size to hall' of Gcrmany. Doubts are expressed whctherBismarck will coufirm iht annexatlon. The son of a prominent I'ussiau general has been arrested for conspiracy in the recent plot to kill the czar. On the mornlng of April 19 tbe water stood 10 feet deep In the principal streets of Montreal. Fivi' hundied business houses were gutted siud ihc; city was in total darltness. The village of Strv in Galicia, Austria, w; almos: (.-omplctelv 'wipcd out bvfiieon the lSth inst. Over 600 houses were burned, nnu jyer khi persons were burned or killed b'y the falliug wall8. The Bishop of Madrid was shot by a priest at the entrañe ■ "f the cathcdral on l'alm Sunday. The Hishop cannot livo. The priest lad been (iismissed from the priest, ünd had fruitlessly ajipealed to the Bishop to be reinttated. Alter his arrest the priest tned to conimit suicide. Mre. Bartlett, the London murderess, bas jeen acquittcd. Cltizens of Toronto, Ont., were stupidlv loftxed by the publlcatlon ili thu uews of :eori;e ashingion's farewell tiddrcss. tllL'hty altered, and purportin!; to be the farewell address of Slr John MacDonald, dated Ottawa, April l(i, It ttkea up live alumns of the aper. It createid a sensation there which quickly subsided when the true nature ot the document bccame known. a batch of ?L0,000; In coupons, recbvered 'rom the wreek of the Oreifon, hav just been examined at Toronto and found uil rigbt. Mr. Reeves'and bis so:i oí Varennes, Ont., vhen croMlne the river In a sleigh near home, )rokc throuh the ice and were drowued. j SirWffllam Whiteway bas institutcd proceedings for $20,000 against the Newfoundland ;orernmcnt for services iu securing the üsherv awardfrom th ■ l nlted State. Davi.l Thompson, member of the Ontario iirliamcnt, Is dead. -♦ The prospect ol l.aving a street railwav has made the pcople of Burlington, Vt., quite ubilant. Minnle Jlauk, says a correspondent, Oles I lio American dag dslly, rain or sunshine, over her astle in Switzerland. "Muslc hath charms to sootho a favage." l'hisiswhy we occasionally see a cross and nappish cur with a I rass band around its : neck. - Goodall's Sun. A man ncver realizes how little his word s'worth till he receives a black eye ood av tempts to explain how he camo by ft,


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