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Provisions Of The Bill

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The House of Commons, having voted pcrniisMon to Mr. üladstone to introduce hls bilt ior the botter irovtrument of Ireland,the olticial text ot tbe measure was made public on the lïth. It debars tbe proposed insü 1-arliaui ut Irom lepislating concerning the status, dijinity airs aneCting ] or war, tne nnny or navy, ihe militiaor voinnteers, or tbe detense oi the realm; and irom any action conccrning the foreign or colonial relations of the empire. Among tbe othcr subjeets p.acci beyond ibe power of the liish government io de-ii with are dinities, titlcs Hud honors; prizes and booties of war; offensea airainst the law of nations; treasons and atienage; naturalization, copyright,; patents, mails,' teleiapbs, co;uase and weiLts and mcasures. 'ihe bill iurther prohibts ireland irom auythini to establish ur endow any religión, or to tiisiurb or confer any privllecës on account ol' reüfirious belief; and also iorbids itto impose customs orexcise dutles. The (úeen ia idven the same prerogative to .'■ummon, prorosue and dissolve the Iriah egislaiure as she bas witli respect to tne imperial parliament. To lier Majesty also is reserved ihe power to crect forti, arAnals, magazines and (ock-yards. . The Irish legislature is perniltted to impose taxes to be paid into the Consolidated funi to floïray the expenses of the public service in Ireland, sub„ect to the provisions oftheJrish land purchase bill: but is not to either raise or appropri ite revenues without the queen's reeommendation made throuifh the lord-lieutenant. Tbe church propertv in Ireland la to belong to the Jrish peopfe subject to existfng charges. The executive eoyernment of Ireland In veste 3 by the queen iu a lordlieutenant, who will goyern with the aid of Kuch ullicers and couueils as the queen may apjxjlnt, and will ive or withhold the aueen's assent to such bilis as the Jrish legisluture uiaj pass


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat