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This is holy week. C. H. Richmond is on the sick list. Mr. Eli Moore visitad in Ypsilanti last week. Mrs Charles Millen returns from Chicago to-day. Tennis-courts are now to be leen all over the city. Capt. Allen of Ypsilanti, was in the city Saturday. Walter Pack of Ypsilanti, gpent Sunday in the city . Mrs. President Angelí gave a lawn party last Saturday. A nuraber of wheelmen took au overland trip to Ypsilanti, Sunday. Remember Joseffy next Thuraday evening, at university liall, April 29. President Angelí lectured in Jackson last Friday, on "A Trip to Pekin." will be about the same as last year. Don't fail to see the Stuart theatre company at the Grand all next week. Miss Anna Beakes, who has been visïting in Cbicago, has returned home. ïhe agricultural works of thi city ■ pay niouthly to their employés $1,200. Mrs. Irish of Kalamazoo, ig viiiting her mother, .Mrs. Sperry, of Huron at. ■ The body of Dr. Eggemann of Detroit, was cremated at Buffalo, on Sunday last. Levi Broas lias one of the finest oolj leotions of stuffed native birds in Michigan. The infant son of J. V. Hangsterfer of Detroit was buried last Sunday afternoon. After the flrst of May thera will ba no saloon in tae basemant of the Cook house. Bishop Harris will deliver the laat lecture before the Hobart guild, somatime in May. M. O. Graves, lit '86, oocupied the M. E. church pulpit at Whitmore Laka, last Sunday. Divine service at St. Andrew's, Easter Sunday, at 10 a. m., and the children's service at 4 p. m. The annual state encampment of the O. A. R., was held in Jackson, WedneBday aud Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sprague pent Sunj day with tlieir daughter, Mrs. G. R. Williams of Milau. Mrs. E. L. Cobb of Eaist Catharine street, who has been very sick with diph■ tlieria, is recovering. The street scrapers have begun work and cousequently the streeta are beiug much improved in appearance. Already picnics are being talked of, and Whitmore Lake the place selected. A little too early, we should say. The homeopathie physcians of Detroit drafted appropnate resolutiong on the death of Dr. F. M. Woodruff of that city. Mrs. Buchoz, who has been boarding o Thompson street through the winter, has moved into her house on Lawreuce street. Ann Arbor has been chosen aa the place of holding the next annual meeting of the grand council of th royal arcanum. The trains on the northern división r of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., will hereafter be dispatched from Toledo instead of from St. Louis. Mrs. CoL Grant of Marquette, who spent the winter in the south with her father, Gov. Felch, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Libbie Cole, on State etreet. Bertrand Baur of Bay Port, and Miss Mary Suss of Detroit, were united in marriage at the home of the bride, on luesday, April 6. Mr. Baur is a son of Prof. Baur of this city . Freghman supper May 14. Butter is acaree at 25c per pouud. Eggs only 12 cents a dozen and Easter next Suuday. Walker Bros. have sold 29 top buggies siuce last Friday. Cbess tournament next week. ïhree prizes are oflered. E. B. Hall and E. W. Coddington ar traveling in the Bouth. Frank Hangsterfer f urnishes icecream daily for J ackson parties. Quite a dele gat ion of Ypsilantians were in the city Tuesday. During vacation the law library will have a thorough repairing. Albert Sorg has been chosen chief ongineer of tte fire department. Jno Dow lias been appointed street commissioner for another year. Fred. Brown won the buggy raffled by Dr. O. C. Jenkins, Monday night. Geo. C. McCaughna, of Monroe made The Demookat a pleasant cali y esterday. Dr. O. C Jenkins drives one of the prettiest turnouts to be seen on our streets. C. B. Gray and wife of Detroit were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Kamsey over Suuday. The borniDg of a barn in th 4th ward, Wednesday night, called out the fire department. Rev. Dr. Alabaster was giveu a reoeption at the Methodist church last Monday evening. Will McNair of Tecumseh, ha been appointed to the vacant cadetahip at West Point. Rev. A. F. Bourns has reuted Prof. A. Pattengill's house, corner of North and Ingalls streets. Mrs. J. C. Knowlton is entertaining lier frieud, .Miss Sherrardof Millwauke, Eor a few days. The Kniguts Templar will give a 'sweli'1 party at the Masonic Temple next Monday eveuing. Gaspar Rinsey's store was burglarized ast week, and some ton or twelve dolara' worlü of goods taken. Saturday the lawn tennis association lected S. K. Pittmuu president, and R. ?. Baker secretary and treasurer. Dr. W. W. Nichols has set out 2,000 more peach tree this spring, and says he prospecta are good for a fine crop. Chas. H. Richmond, jr.( who has a poition on the survey of the A., T. k S. F. R. R, left tor Keokuk, Ia., last Tuesday. To-morrow, April 24, at 7 p. m. standird time, Judge Joslyn will examine all tudenta who desire admittance to the ar. Mrs. M. L. Gay has taken possession of her residenoe recently purelmsed of )r. Maclean, córner of Harón and División streets. The new machinery in the engineerng laboratory is now in running order ind the studente havft hnirim work in hat department. Read what The Two Saras have to say about the immense bargaius they are offering. Their advertisement will be ound on the third page. Mr. Boughton, of the lat firm of ioughton & Payne will not leave the ity at present. Mr. Payne will go on he road for a Detroit house. Mr. Hegeler of LaSalle, 111., is to mild a $15,000 gymnasium on the cam)us next year. Prof. Rheinhard of Vlanlius, N. Y., is to be instructor. The series of concerts given by the iniyersity musical society will cloie April 29, with a concert by Rafael Josefy, assisted by th Amphion club. Lansing claims to be the champion )oarding house town of the state. We hought that honor had long been coneded to belong to the "Athens" of )f .Michigan. C. H. Richmond hns purchased the office portion of Dr. Maclean'g house on )ivison street, and will move it to Home other part of the city and convert it into a dwelling house. Joe T. Jacobs spends much of his time on his new farm, making improvementsIe has received a number of Uolstein attle and intends to go into the raising of biooded stock. The animal state convention of the lichigan división of the travalers' proectire aseociation will be held in Jackon, May 28 and 2i). . Thre will be a tate banquet on the evening of the 28th. We would cali the attention of the ouncil to the trimniing up of the ehade reen which line pur streets. The raui:hes are so low in some places as to nterfere with the carryiug of umbrellas when raised. At a meeting of the directora of the 3tar mountain mining company, April 5, the reaignation of Hon. W. D. Harriman as president of the board was aecepted and Geo. A. Douglasa was elected o fill liis place. The commandery of Knights Templar vill hold services at their aaylum in the IasonÍ3 Temple on Eaiter Sunday, the !5th, nt :30 p. m. A cordial invitation s extended to the friends of the order. The Rev. T. W. McLean of Ypsilanti, The university base ball club has lecteá the following officers: President: Jrof. DePont; vice-president, Lou Dunïam; secretary and treasurer, E. F. üaunders. Games will be played with rackson, Rochester, N. Y., Detroit Ama eurs and Casa clubs - two in Ann Arbor tnd two in Detroit. Taking a drive over to Ypsilanti, Sunlay, we called upon our friend Charley Jewis, and found him right on hia tip;oes fn his eagerness to get to business, lis horïes, " Little Joe" and " Guelpb," are in prime condition, and Cnarley is quite sanguine that both of them will jrove to be race horses the coming sea son. The new board of health, recently apointed by the council met Saturday ïight and porfected following organiza tion: President, Dr, W.F. Braakey ; secretary, Dr. T. J. Sullivan; health officer, Dr. John Kapp; sauitary inspector, Dr. C. G Darling. The board propoRes to see that the sanitary condition of the city is thoroughly cared for, we underatand. The appointmenta for th high school commenceinent exeroises ar a followa: James R. Angelí, Ann Arbor; Helen A. Atkins, Ann Arbor; Libbie Baitlett, Dryden; Catharine Campbell, Ypsilanti; Edwin U. Coolidge, Winnebago, III; Harry Jenkina, Ann Arbor; Win. L. Page, Ann Arbor; Louise F. Randolph, Ann Arbor; Georgia A. Rathbooe, Aun Arbor; Wallace H. Hteele, Aun Arbor; Kat Speechly, Ann Arbor; Martha D. Taylor, Ann Arbor; Huaie Whedon, Ann Arbor. At a regular meeting of the fire department of the city of Ann Arbor, held Fridav evening April 16th, the foll wing officers were elected for the ensiung year: Chief engineer, Albert Sorg; ltt ass't, R. F. Sanford; 2d asa't, J. E. Harkina; treasurer, Moaes Seabolt; secretary, N. D. Gatea; ateward, Uhristian Matthewa; Fire wardens; lat ward, Casper Riuney, Emanuel Luick; 2nd ward, Wm. Herz, John Lmea; 3d ward, Jno. Dow, W. E. Walker; 4th ward, D. J. Loomi, John Fogarty. 5th ward, G.H. Rhodea, Geo. Smith; 6th ward, A. F. Martin, H. T. Morton. Rafael Joseffy ia to viBit thia city next Thuraday evening, April 29, and hia recital will be tlie last of the aeries of chamber concerts. Of the perfection of technique, ttie smoothuess and avenness of touch, and the power of xpreesion of JoaefTy, not hing more need be said than that the public ia unauimouB in acknowledging him aa the greateat modern pianist. He in stil) young, and has before him a career which will undoubtedly place him in the game line with Bnlow, Reubenaiein and L;Í8zt; iudeed, he haa been ackuowledged, in bis rendering of Liazt's great concerto, aa "one maater interpreting auother." Ann Arbor ia the only place in the weat Joseffy will visit this spring, and all peraons intereated in musical art, ought to avail themaelves of this opportuuity. Boards open on Tueaday at 7a. m., standard time. Mrs. W. G. Doty is cpending a few days in Manchester. Gibson photographed the freshmen and junior dents, Tuesday. The man of noble mien ïh aometimes the meunest man in town. Joe Watts of East Saginaw, han been visiting his family this week. Fred. Meyeris to be janitor of the 5th ward engine house another year. E. M. Southard has sold his barber shop on Huron street to Abner Aloore . The seniors of the high school will hold their elass-day exercises at Whitmore Lake. For the use of water at the court house the city will be called upon to pay $100 per mum. The high school catalogue will be issud in two weeks, and the Courier ollice does the printing. Every lady should visit J. T. Jacobs & Company's clothing store and net one of those Easter carda . The editora of the various college publications are to occupy the soutli buildiag of the Courier block. Mrs. Lucy Parker and Mies M. Brown were delagates from this city, to the W. C. T. U . meeting at Tecumseh . Another freshman social this evening, and it is hoped no trouble will result from the meeting of the two classes. Comrade Jno. W. Wise informa us that the seeond volume of " Grant's Personal Memoirs" will be ready for digtribdtion af ter .May 10. Geo. L. Foote of Ypsilanti, will addrees the temperance meeetintf at the old Baptist church, Sunday afternoon, ai the usual hour. Dr. Frinze is to lecture at the ladies' library, next Weduesday evening, April 28, on "Art Galleriee, Old and New," and will give a descnption of the Lewin gallery. A. W. Doty intends to take possesgion of his new house, corner of East Ann and Thayer streets, in May, and will begin immediately to make extensive improvements in his property. It haa been intimated that the regants are about to inform Prof. Beman that it is not quite the proper caper for him to 'do" the detective act - m fact that he is not hired for that purpose. Ann Arbortes will have an opportunity of visiting Detroit and viewing the 'amous picture, " The Battls of Gettysjurg," on May 1, when an excursión ;ram on the Michigan Central road will )e run to that city. An EaBter egg supper and social rill be held at the old Baptist church, on Catharine streef, to-morrow evening. Admission, 15 cents, suppur included. A good time is anticipated. The Huron jnud will furniali muaie. Died, at Saline. April 16, Eunice I., wifeof W. Ii. Dell, aged 73 years. Mrs. Dell was the mother of Dr. J. W. Dell of this city, and was one of the pioneers f this county, having resided in the own of Saline over 40 years. Services in St. Andrew's church as folows: Good Friday, to-day, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Easter, next Sunday, at 0 a. m. and 4 p. m. The morning service on Easter is half an hour earlier than isual. There will be no evening service. It is to be hoped that onr new chif of jolice will see that the saloons are olosed it 10 o'clock, standard time, and that ïone are allowed to be open after that ïour, or to remain open all night, as ome of them have been in the habit of doing. The officers of the Hobart guild, for he ensuing year, are as follows: President, S. K. Pitman, '87; vice-president, iiss V. O. Javne, '88; cor. eecretary, O. N. Howard, law '87; ree. Hecretary, Cha. F. Miller, '88; treasurer, A. H. Coe, ined088. We would cali the attentiou of the oard of aldermen to see that the streets are put in as good condition as they vere prior to the laying of the water maina. In many places the ground has sunk in several inohes over the pipes, - Wh makna il ninfuuiinsrlv nnnlfiftBant, o drive over. Now that the roads are settled, Mr. 3albert informs us he will be on hand Fuesday of each week to cali at the ïouses and furnïsh all those who may desira with the celebrated Owen mineral water of Ypgilanti. The water will be fresh from the well, and can be bought cheaper of him than elgewhere. Frank Enos, with Geo. Gilbert's stale of horsen, "Spotted Beauty," "Lightning Rod," and a four-year-old filly, will ake up his quarters at the Ypsilanti race track next Tuesday. The horsei are looking very fine and attest to Mr. ïnos' skill as a conditioner, and before he season is over we prediot " Billy " will have convinced the croakers hereabouts that he is a driver as well. Monthly pomological meeting the lst of May in the basement of the court house. Topics: report of committeea on fruit packages and insecticides. Mr. Garfleld says in a letter, " There is promise of a great peaeh erop in west Michigan." All kinds of fruit proinise well in this county. Fruit growers should prepare for an early order of frait packages. Wc will imve au ai iu. or fi uil eueimes, henee the necessity of an organized warfare and wholesale prices of insecticides. Rules for pieker and s hippers can be had at the next meeting . It is with deep sadness we chronielo the death of Robert Verner, which occurred yesterday afternoon. Mr. Verner was married last September to Miss Minnie Gregg, and they began housekeepingon Ingalls street. Mre. Verner was taken sudJenly ïll with erysipelas, March 27, and died April 1, just three weeks before hèr husband's demise. Mr. Verner returned from Bay City last week suffering with rheumatism in an aggravated form. On VVednesday he was consideied out of danger, and his sudden death shocked the entire community. Mr. Verner was' a popular clerk at Andreivs & Witherby's and leaves many friends to mourn his loss. The Stuart theatre company opened last evening a week's engagement at the opera house, with an audience that any oompany would have been proud to have seon as the curtain rose. The drama was Boucioault's effective and beautiful "Inshavogue," whioh when well played, as it was last evening, is sure to be a winning card. Th f-jtuart company is an excellent one. Mr. Edwin Stuart is an experienced actor and one worthy to be a utas, as he is. He displayed with marked ability the character of "Brian McGuire" or "Inshavogue." "ülick Burke" was pereonated by Mr. Ed Meivin in excellent style. The part of "Kate O'Dwver" was very finely portrayed by Miss Jo'sie Martin. The audience showed their appre3iation and delight by frequent and hearty applanse. We prediot for the company a successful week.- Kalmazoo Telegraph.


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