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TSriiisü lianaom cabs often run on American wheels. No cut rates ABOUT tuis. - 9nly tcfanswer the constant cali for a nood and low priced eough and croup remei y i o we now introduce our Allen's'Lung lialsam n H.r.-r slzes, ?5c. öUc., and ïl.CO a bottle at all druggists. London's Lord Mayor is a Methodist minister. Opium smokers in San Francisco spend $1,000 on that drug. Mme. Patti, it is currently reported contcmplates another tour of America. A 53 eeut bottle of Dr. Bieelow's'iosmve Cure will promptly and thoroughly cure the worst case of recent coujh, cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollar bottlefor chron'.c' cases. Pleasant to take. A colt eiRhtf en inches high is attracticg attention in Meridan, Conu.J The first report of an Alaska grand jury has just been made. Chicago consumes L00,000 pies per diem. Every Invalid has an oppoetuxity u# knowing tfcat Dr. Walkek's California Vinegak Biteers acts as an irresistible speclfic in dyspepsla, llver complaints, kidney diseases, theumatism, gout and all disorders pro. eeeding from a depraved condition of the animal fluida. To decline taking a sure remedy when siek, Is to cou-t suffering and invite death. clothes attention to bun:ess. "The 'jaw-breaker' - Athlophoros is iust the stuff and we are scllins; lots oí it," Ccók Iros, druggist of Fenton, Mich., write icgarding their success iu handling tlilsgreat aud suecessful rtmedy íor rhcuiuatism and neuralgia. "The colleges of tbis country contain 18,000 témale tudents. SocdoloRiea What throat is the best for a slnger to teach high notes with? A so ar throat. If it bccomes too painful use Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullcin, whieh rures a hoaiseness and a husky voice. It has been asked wKeh travels f aster heat or cold, and ans'wered heat. Hecause any one can catch a cold. lt thercfore follows that every one should keep Tay'.or's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mulleiu, which will cure coughs, colds, and croup. Mexico bas over 13,000 miles of telegraph Unes. Faots. Father lt is as essential lor you to provide a safeguard against that night-liend to vour ehiluirn, croup, as to their liungcr. Taylor's Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure croup, eoughs and colds. The buslccs man, practical in all thlngs, does not care to lose sleep at nieht, that would unlit him for Lusiness the following dav, so keeps Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Swi.Lt Gum and Mullein, which will prevent croup and cure coughs, eolds and consumptiou. Tl.ree thiugs to contení for - Honor, countrv, friends; and the.latter are of ten a fruitíul bone of contentiqn; BARI1KD WIRE. lt yon have barbed wire fences, keep Vaterlnary CarliolUalvo In your stablus. It curea without a ficar and renews the huir ite original color. 60 cents and $1.00, at Druggiet or hj inaii Ooi & Co., Black Ui ver Fallí, Wil. Tna hablt of ruim n;r ovei boots or sboes corrected wlth LyOD's i atent Uél Stiilcncr. Meditar TRADE Víí MARK. Vree frotn Opiaten f E-mcties and l'uisoru SURE. OKCtS. PROMPT. 3OHB 'J'HE CHAKÏ.KS A. VOtiKLKH tO., TT JACOBS Qjï GERManIeMEO ■■_ m n ■ Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lili" Umn lfkurh, Hr.iJarh, Tuoüjactr, ril fllll Spr.ilm, CrulMi. rlc. rCr. II! I PKICE. F1FTY CKNTR. ■ ■ ■■ AT DKUOGISTS ANO DKAI.KBS. THE ('lURI.t's OCELgR CO., BAI.TIMORK. Bl. ■ B j t', L JttaffJ A l0 Care íjü'IfD BILIOUSNESS,"' % WÏWyiBJÊ I.ITTLE FALLS, N.T. Bil l&vk?07 ' wns tronblcd with K tWWHiT1J ' lieilucljr, Constlpntion, Loss of Pnlrlts nnI Wonk S ■ ■mai'h: but since commenclnz the m of vour buumck Bl.oou Bitteks I feel botter ilmnl htv for ye I hvc rccomended lt to many frlends wllh t lic most excellent rults. MKf. .Iaï. A. Kiiwix.


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