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Tlcre are 1.000 Ivaeant houses Ir idelalde, Austra a &u iwchacjje tuv: Tliere are more puns on Dr. Kull's LO .,h Syrup free of charle, tlian are pald íor by too ranero. Agood ihiug deserves the notiee of th j presa. ín onc year Trov. N. Y., mami(Yciïis thlrty-stx millón lineo collars I esldes U;tbr?e aud one-balf million ahlrte. There are only twcnty-flve Republicana, arn. Independente In the Slitsissipjii Legislature. There are ]c0 Dernocrats. Wheat shiument; from California, Oregon nd Washington territory give emplóyment annually to more thaa 4C0 saiiin? ve Over 700 different works have thus far been publisi:cd in (i rrtuniy on vegetarlftni8mf in addition to u montbly majoznc n the snbject. A one-hundrcd-yoar-old carriüge in which President .Momo.: once rode, went for (7.35 at a Verenneá, Vennont, auction tlie other day. There is great cxcltenient at and abont Lisbon, Hans 'in countv, Da'KO a. over reported Kold diseovcrles ín th" valle; of the Cheyenue river. I have found out n gift for niv fiiir. It is not a ring of go'.a, nor Eowere for her lmir nor pearls for her white neck, but Salvatlon Uil for her sore tbroat. Sbe'8 a Blnglng liird. Has anybody called a tempcrancc-lectarer a water-spöut ( A mudden elevation lu lifc, like moontlng iuto a rarer atmosphere, sweil us out, anii oft n pcrnicioushr. Vínegab Bitters Is the grent Blood Pnrlfler and Lifc-giving Principie; a Gentle Purgativo aml Tonic ; a perfect Rcnovator and Invigorstor of the syatcm. In ViiifRar Uittcrs there is vitaüty but no alcoholic or mineral poison. Uixeases of the Skin, of v,natover nam or nature, are literally dug up and cari ied out of thesystem in ashort time by tne use of the Bitters. Vlncgar llittcr aUays feverishcess. It relieves, and in time cures Kneuinatisra, Neuralgia, (Jout, and similar painful dlSM Vinegur Bitters cures Constlpation and prevents XJiarrhcjeu. Never before has a medicine been compounded poeses&ing the power of Vineoar Bitters to heal the Blek. Send tor either of our valuable reference books for ladics, for farmers, for merchante, our Medical Trpaüse ■ or our Cateclüsm ou Intemperance f.nd Tobacco, which last fchould be reud by every child and youth in the land. Any tiro of theabove books malled f ree on receipt of four cents for registratiou fees. B.H. McDonald Dnig Co., 632 WashingtonSt., ïi.T. WEBSTEIL Vith r without I'aUmt Index. IT IS THE STANDARD Authorily with the ü. S. Supremo Court and In the Gov't Printinq Office, and fa re:-ommended by thn state Sup'lsof Schools in 36 Slates. To lis rosny otlicr valuablo features we hava %{- JUST ADDED W () A New Pronouncing Sh GAZETTEER S -1 OF THE 'WORLD, r O Containins over 25,000 Titles, briefly F 2 descriWng the Countries, Cities, W rf Towns, and Natural Foatiire9 ö OF EVERY PART OF THE GLOBE. It is an Invaluable companion in every School, 9 andatcvery i'ireside, G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'ra, Sprlngfield, Mass. iefages sSIuöoid guíe flmHMENDS EVERYTHINQ JBjHaavti sVtuti 'p as Iron, Solid as a oct BbÍV2ÍTI total qimntity sold (luring th MIííjrEB I-t flv1 ycars umounted toovor RiSaPi 32 MILLION PTOJÜ5w1 ''""- EVERVBODY WANTS IT. ■SSB" Seiid dcaior'9 c.ird mtt 10c. postnga fdnf.lip HO Ariil forpmplocnn FREE bymail. FREE FARMS ra san "i" The most Wonderut Aqrlcvllural Park In Amerie. Surroundod by prosturous niinii r an-l iiiiinufaccnrind lens. FAllMKK'S PARADISE1 Mngnift. cent crors risel in 1M6. TIIOIHIM)S OP ACKEIOFeO V E It M E T I.AX1), subject 10 pr-emption aml howostawl. Lnda for s;ilö to actual settlors t IJ.00 ere. I,1 TIME. l'ark iirigated hy iminc-nse can.xls. Cbeap riilr.}&a rat.s Kvery attenUon h"wn settlcr. for :lLt pamphlols, ele. niiílri'ss, COLORADO I.ANU LOAN I Ca, Oj-r llouso H!oi')t. DiMivcr. Col.), 1MT IVIt IROlTwANTTOKNOW 1,001 ImportAntthinfTS youTifirerknowottlionght ot abottt t-ho linmnn body mul itfl r.urions urtrann, ' Ifotolifeispcrpetuatcd, healthsaveil,disease inducett Jíow to avoid pitfalls o ignora nee and indiscrctioii JIow to applif Jlome-Cure to aU forma of (Hseas. ■ How tocure Croup.Old Eyft Rupture, Ph tmosls, r'e.Y Jfow t-o mate,be ïiappy in marrtageè.harc rizc ha h ies ffimSfflptamm Hurray UUl Pub. Co.. 12 ï, 2m St„ Sev Irk. GURE FITS! When 1 eay tuco i do nut mean nierely to tttop tnem lot BtlmaaniltnenhRTOlhomrctorn agaln, I nioan r11cal core. I havo mad ll: dlBUM of FITS. El'lLEPSY or FALLINO SICKNES3 llfo-lnng stndy. I wsrront mr remedy to euro tbo wontt enso Becauao olhon üavo fallid Í3 no resBOn rorimtnow rcroivlns ix enro. Sendas once for ft treati&o ml a Kroú líottld of ny l:ifaJUbl romedy. Olio Expros an.l 1-ost Offlco. i i ot Yon ure allowod a fret trial of thirlu dats of to use of Dr. Dye'3 Celebrated VnltalcBoltwith Electrlo Suspensory Appiianci's.forthe speedy relief andper manont cure of KcrvousDebility, lossof VUality, anV, Slanhood, and all klmlred troublo?. ALso for mr uthercllseascs. Complete retoratlouto Health, t tmted pamj'ïitct ïn seaiert rni-clope niftileí freo, addrcsslng Voltaic Belt Co.. Mjrahall, Itlcü. jfKRVoí-SJMALRorVlHEASSESS AND A Lifa Exporience. Romarkablo and qulck cures. Trial Packagoa. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Addross Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Wo, JDSEPHGiLLOTTS STEEL PENS Sold Br ALL DEALERSTHRouoHouT"nE; WO RLD GOLD MEPAL PARIS EXP0SITI0N-IB7B. 1 A STH M A C U R ED il H SkA iirrinuïi Antlini ecver uil to üieB B m immediute relie n the worst CtMt, f mure .:cm-M Hfortublo ilep; cfTeeis euro wlieio a'i o:bm Wl. Am Hfri'aí cottvinres th'. most tktptical. Prlcc &0 vía. MuljB ■ 91.00. of nrü2!iu or bv mail. Simple f'iíKK t:rto [stamp, PK. IC SOHIFFMAX, Wt. 1'nnl,. ll.m. g 9 BartOouRhSyrup. Tostesgood. XJsc P tn time. Solt! hy ilruggists. Kfcl ■ PREE TO F.A.M. F!n Co!ord Etiprarlnp af (b - ' A Ütl Sua Ta veni i Piiti..öcljim in nïlch tba fi.-it "tt- ;uiiio in K, AnMriea w rpralud ni hM, Alio L jïf large lÜQSlrnVit CntJtli-gtie of Musonlc hooi uj Z%l& Bood v.ith bottom price. Alio offer of fnlOiH T Nbusioeuto F. A. M. DING A CO, tiüvi.ic l'uüilai'tra KQd ixiar:'.iir.n,T31 llruwy,Ne Vcii ARBlrillO lïablt, Qalckly nnd Falalois I lila B I Bfl lycureilathome. Currespondenco II 11 Ilvl Bolicitottant) r rr,t of cure sent fi honestlDveitïgatora. TnsIIrKAxa r ■ ■ w ■ ■ ■ lUiiüüT Coüpaxv. Lafaj citf, lud. UfiMC ÊTUDY. Book-koeptng; Business fonn Htrcntnanshlp, Artthwettc, hoittiaml, etc., thoroushly taught by niuil. ciruulam trec ■■■KaHHHKS&EUSBSnSurcrriicr I0TT1HII DDER'3PA8TiLLL8.oyScdlS ■ ■■■■■BBSi8B''''lu'utuwn,Miui. I JR. WISEMAN'S EMHBNIA PU.I.S. BEST Al Fcmale Reeulailng PUI known. By nuil, Mcurclv sealed, $2 :i nox. Pregnant wotnfn must ' not lake Ihem. Lock B(i nu, Detroit, Mich. l'"or illuslralcd pamplilct % A Ijf %T" A :ind an official map oflfIVX 1 m addresa Secrei'v Board of Trde, VANKTÜN. ■pi n WAKTED. 50AWKKK and HM ppt-nses paitl. Valuablc outfit and partlc 1 1 " u!arsfree. J.F.Hu.L&Co.,Augiisla,Mainei fccNiïw Sei'AP Picture n'Tl Fancy f'ardsfnew), lOtmiilleilforlOo. É8SEX CABD WORKS Ivoryton. (' Cfl Ctaromo Gold Scran. loop Frlnge, ftc Cards sent post pnltl fur, feteaiu cnrd Worka, ■ f oíd, Conn. inri' ' ICjUr.r.Snnd l" New Chromo I l!nd GoldScrap Ca d -nt Pngtpnld for lOct. , JLLÜ CENTEBBROOK CARD CO., Centcrbroofc c ion, nniMM Morpiiluc Iliilill Cnrrd In 1O IS'II QtoLOüuy. Nopay HllCured. UT IV lal DB. J. STBrilKNS, Lclwaon, Oliio. W. W. ü. J.-..4- 17 MS OP ÖISEASES ALWAYS CURABLE I!V USIN MEXICAN" MUSTANG LIFIMENT. OF HüMAX FLKSH. OF AMHilS. Rhenmatinm, Scratchei, Burna and Scaltla, Sores and Onlls, Sihiss nml Iürrn, Spavin, Cracks Catsand Bfuiscs, Scrc%r Worm, Grub Sprains Stitches, Foot Rot, Hoof All, Contrnctcd ilúteles, Lamoucao, .Sliil Joiuts, Swiiiuy, l-'oitnileri, Backachc, Sprnlas, S:raln, Krupiiou-i, Soro Fcct. F rost Bltca, ?[illiics, and all cxternaldlseases, and e ver; hurt or accident. For general uso lu f amlly, stablc an J stockyard, It Is THE DEKT OF A 1,1, LÏNIMENTS .


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